

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百二十期,将介绍Urban Studies Current Issue的5篇论文。主题涵盖粮食安全性,绅士化的种族构成和路径,城市等级制度下的城市化与生活满意度,居住隔离和街区边界感知,街区协会的代表性等,欢迎阅读。


Single mothers coping with food insecurity in a Nairobi slum                                


Sangeetha Madhavan(美国马里兰大学)Shelley Clark(加拿大麦吉尔大学)Sara Schmidt(美国独立研究员)首次出版时间:2020/12/01|研究论文

Urban studies scholars have approached the issue mainly from the perspective of food deserts. We adapt Sen’s ‘resource bundles’ and Watts and Bohles’s ‘space of vulnerability’ concepts to examine food insecurity as a function of both tangible and intangible resources. Moreover, we also interrogate the role of kin in strengthening safety nets for the urban poor. Drawing on a data set of 462 single mothers in a slum in Nairobi, Kenya, we find that (1) bundles comes in four types; (2) bundles with high levels of all resources buffer against food insecurity as do (3) bundles weighted with high levels of wealth and social standing; and (4) kin enhance the protective effect of bundles only for two types. These findings should direct urban poverty researchers to consider the compounding effect of resources in the reproduction of poverty and social inequality and encourage policy makers to focus on both vulnerability and resilience in designing interventions to ensure food security.

摘要伴随着高城市化率,撒哈拉以南非洲的城市正在与粮食不安全作斗争。一直以来,城市研究学者主要从食物沙漠的角度来探讨这个问题。我们采用森 (Sen) 的“资源包”和瓦茨及博勒斯 (Watts and Bohles) 的“脆弱性空间”概念来研究粮食不安全与有形和无形资源之间的函数关系。此外,我们还质疑亲属关系在加强城市贫民安全网方面的作用。基于肯尼亚内罗毕贫民窟的462名单身母亲的数据集,我们发现 (1) 资源包有四种类型;(2) 所有资源水平都高的资源包能缓冲粮食不安全;(3) 高水平财富和社会地位权重高的资源包也是如此;以及 (4) 亲属关系仅增强两种类型的资源包的保护效果。这些发现能指导城市贫困研究人员考虑资源在贫困和社会不平等的复制过程中的复合效应,并鼓励决策者在设计确保粮食安全的干预措施时注重脆弱性和复原力。
Keywords development, kinship, food security, inequality, poverty/exclusion
关键词发展, 亲属关系, 粮食安全, 不平等, 贫困/排斥


Racial composition and trajectories of gentrification in the United States            


Zawadi Rucks-Ahidiana(美国纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校)首次出版时间:2020/11/24|研究论文

Prior studies suggest that middle-income Americans are more likely to move to predominately white, low-income neighbourhoods than predominately black or Latino neighbourhoods. Given that black and Latino neighbourhoods are, on average, lower income and higher in poverty than low-income, white neighbourhoods, it may be that gentrification in these neighbourhoods is a different kind of change than that occurring in predominately white neighbourhoods. Using Census data from 1970 to 2010 for 275 Metropolitan Statistical Areas, I find that racial composition influences not only whether gentrification occurs, but how it occurs and whether it influences racial demographics. Majority white gentrifying tracts were more likely to experience an increase in higher-income residents and white residents, while majority non-white gentrifying tracts experienced an increase in higher-educated but not higher-income residents, and an increase in white residents and decrease in black and Latino residents. Racial composition thus contributed to the kind of gentrification that a tract experienced and the extent to which gentrification produced racial change. These findings suggest that race affects not only where gentrification occurs, as previously established, but also the kind of class and racial changes a neighbourhood experiences. Ultimately, this article suggests that gentrification neither unfolds in one way nor affects all neighbourhoods the same way.

摘要 以往的研究表明,与黑人或拉丁裔为主的街区相比,中等收入的美国人更有可能搬到以白人为主的低收入街区。鉴于黑人和拉丁裔街区的平均收入低于低收入白人街区,贫困程度则高于低收入白人街区,这些街区的绅士化可能与以白人为主的街区发生的变化不同。我使用1970年至2010年275个大都市统计区的人口普查数据,发现种族构成不仅影响到绅士化是否发生,还影响绅士化发生的具体过程以及其是否影响街区的种族构成。大多数经历绅士化的白人地区更有可能增加高收入居民和白人居民,而大多数经历绅士化的、非白人地区则会增加受教育程度较高但收入并不高的居民和白人居民,并减少黑人和拉丁裔居民。因此,种族构成会影响一个地区绅士化的具体过程,以及这种绅士化所导致的种族变化的程度。这些研究结果表明,种族不仅会像之前已确定的一样影响绅士化在何处发生,还会影响一个街区经历的阶级和种族变化。最后本文指出,绅士化不止一种形式,其对不同街区的影响也各不相同。
Keywords demographics, displacement/gentrification, race/ethnicity
关键词 人口统计, 驱逐/绅士化, 种族/族裔
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020963853


Not too close, not too far: Urbanisation and life satisfaction along the urban hierarchy


Camilla Lenzi(意大利米兰理工大学)Giovanni Perucca(意大利米兰理工大学)首次出版时间:2020/11/06|研究论文


Empirical evidence on the effect of urbanisation on individual self-reported well-being generally points to a negative effect of urbanisation and city size, at least in most developed economies. This article aims to re-assess this conclusion by claiming that this approach overlooks the fact that a city’s positive externalities may expand well beyond the urban boundaries, as postulated in urban economics theory. Based on survey data on self-reported life satisfaction derived from different waves of Eurobarometer surveys in the period 2005–2010 covering 21 European Union member countries, the article empirically verifies the existence of a positive association between urbanisation and individual well-being, depending on the proximity to settings of higher rank in the urban hierarchy. In particular, it shows that the higher the distance from a city larger than the one of residence of the respondent, the lower the probability of being satisfied with life.

摘要 关于城市化对个人自我报告的幸福感影响的经验证据普遍指出,至少在大多数发达经济体中,城市化和城市规模的影响是负面的。本文旨在重新评估这一结论,我们主张,这种方法忽视了一个事实,即一个城市的正外部性可能远远超出城市经济学理论所假定的城市边界。基于2005-2010年期间涵盖21个欧盟成员国的、不同波次的欧洲晴雨表 (Eurobarometer) 调查所得出的自我报告生活满意度调查数据,本文实证验证了城市化与个人幸福感之间存在正相关关系,但这取决于是否接近城市等级中较高等级的环境。特别是,研究结果表明,受访者所居住的城市离更大的城市越远,其对生活满意的概率越低。
Keywords agglomeration, borrowed size, cohesion, development, diversity, life satisfaction, segregation, urbanisation 
集聚, 规模借用, 凝聚力, 发展, 多样性, 生活满意度, 隔离, 城市化



Activity locations, residential segregation and the significance of residential neighbourhood boundary perceptions


Nicolo P Pinchak(美国俄亥俄州立大学)Christopher R Browning(美国俄亥俄州立大学)Catherine A Calder(美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校)Bethany Boettner(美国俄亥俄州立大学)首次出版时间:2020/11/18|研究论文


The inadequacies of residential census geography in capturing urban residents’ routine exposures have motivated efforts to more directly measure residents’ activity spaces. In turn, insights regarding urban activity patterns have been used to motivate alternative residential neighbourhood measurement strategies incorporating dimensions of activity space in the form of egocentric neighbourhoods – measurement approaches that place individuals at the centre of their own residential neighbourhood units. Unexamined, however, is the extent to which the boundaries of residents’ own self-defined residential neighbourhoods compare with census-based and egocentric neighbourhood measurement approaches in aligning with residents’ routine activity locations. We first assess this question, examining whether the boundaries of residents’ self-defined residential neighbourhoods are in closer proximity to the coordinates of a range of activity location types than are the boundaries of their census and egocentric residential neighbourhood measurement approaches. We find little evidence that egocentric or, crucially, self-defined residential neighbourhoods better align with activity locations, suggesting a division in residents’ activity locations and conceptions of their residential neighbourhoods. We then examine opposing hypotheses about how self-defined residential neighbourhoods and census tracts compare in socioeconomic and racial composition. Overall, our findings suggest that residents bound less segregated neighbourhoods than those produced by census geography, but self-defined residential neighbourhoods still reflect a preference towards homophily when considering areas beyond the immediate environment of their residence. These findings underscore the significance of individuals’ conceptions of residential neighbourhoods to understanding and measuring urban social processes such as residential segregation and social disorganisation.

Keywordsactivity space, ecometrics, neighbourhood perceptions, residential segregation

活动空间, 生态测量, 街区感知, 居住隔离



The representativeness of neighbourhood associations in Toronto and Vancouver


Aaron A Moore(加拿大温尼伯大学)R Michael McGregor(加拿大瑞尔森大学)首次出版时间:2020/11/24|研究论文

Neighbourhood associations are major players in urban politics throughout North American cities and increasingly are becoming a political force in other parts of the world. However, while there is a rich and well-developed literature on the role played by neighbourhood associations in urban politics, few studies examine whether their membership reflects the socio-demographic composition and interests of the broader public. This paper addresses this gap in the literature using survey data from voters conducted during the Vancouver and Toronto 2018 municipal elections. We compare the responses of participants who identify as members of neighbourhood associations (or their equivalents) with those of the broader voting public. We find that members of neighbourhood associations in both cities are not representative of the broader population. They are more likely to be white, older and have higher education than the average voter. In addition, while the ideology of neighbourhood association members differs little from that of the broader public, their policy priorities are different from those of the majority of voters in both cities. Our findings suggest that neighbourhood associations fail in providing descriptive representation and may not offer substantive representation. These findings raise important questions about the role of neighbourhood associations in local governance. Our study also demonstrates the merit of using individual-level surveys to learn more about the composition and policy preferences of neighbourhood associations.

Keywordsneighbourhood associations, neighbourhood organisations, policy priorities, representation, urban politics
关键词街区协会, 街区组织, 政策偏好, 代表性, 城市政治



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