

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百二十九期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的1篇论文和Urban Studies Current Issue的4篇论文。主题包括住房权的去殖民化,澳大利亚悉尼智慧城市2030,城市发展战略的长期实施,社会资本在中国城镇化村庄的集体主导的发展中的作用,老年人的教育、居住环境与抑郁,欢迎阅读。


De-colonising the right to housing, one new city at a time: Seeing housing development from Palestine/Israel                                       


Oded Haas(加拿大约克大学)首次出版时间:2021/11/28|研究论文

The right to housing is generally understood as a local struggle against the global commodification of housing. While useful for recognising overarching urbanisation processes, such understanding risks washing over the distinctive politics that produce the housing crisis and its ostensible solutions in different contexts around the globe. Situated in a settler-colonial context, this paper bridges recent comparative urban studies with Indigenous narratives of urbanisation, to re-think housing crisis solutions from the point of view of the colonised. Based on in-depth interviews with Palestinian citizens of Israel, the paper compares two cases of state-initiated, privatised housing developments, one in Israel and one in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: the new cities Tantour and Rawabi. Each case is examined as a singularity, distinctive formations of the spatialities of Zionist settlement in Palestine, which are now being transformed through privatised housing development. The paper presents these developments as mutually constituted through a colonial-settler project and Palestinian sumud resistance, the praxis of remaining on the land. The paper utilises comparison as a strategy, exploring each new city in turn, to reveal the range of directions in sumud. Thus, by seeing housing development as site for negotiating de-colonisation on the ground, the paper contributes to recent debates over the power of comparative urbanism to re-think global phenomena through treating urban terrains as singularities.

摘要住房权通常被理解为当地反对全球住房商品化的斗争。虽然有助于识别总体城市化进程,但这种理解的风险在于,其可能会冲淡导致住房危机的独特政治,及其在全球不同背景下的表面解决方案。在定居者-殖民背景下,本文将最近的比较城市研究与城市化的原住民叙事联系起来,从被殖民者的角度重新思考住房危机的解决方案。基于对巴勒斯坦裔以色列公民的深入访谈,本文比较了两个由国家发起的私有化住房开发案例,一个位于以色列,位于巴勒斯坦被占领土:新城市坦图尔 (Tantour) 和拉瓦比 (Rawabi)。每个案例都被视为一个奇点,即独特的巴勒斯坦犹太复国主义定居点空间结构,现在正在通过私有化住房开发进行改造。本文将这些开发项目描述为由殖民定居者项目和巴勒斯坦苏穆德 (Sumud) 抵抗运动(留在故土上的生活方式)相互构成。本文采用比较策略,依次研究每个新城市,揭示苏穆德运动的方向范围。藉此,通过将住房开发项目视为去殖民化实地谈判的场所,本文为最近关于比较城市研究(通过将城市区域视为奇点)在再思全球现象方面的优势的辩论做出贡献。
Keywords comparison, Palestine-Israel, right to housing, settler-colonialism, singularity, sumud
关键词比较, 巴勒斯坦-以色列, 住房权, 定居者-殖民主义, 奇点, 苏穆德 (Sumud)



How smart cities are made: A priori, ad hoc and post hoc drivers of smart city implementation in Sydney, Australia


Robyn Dowling(澳大利亚悉尼大学)Pauline McGuirk(澳大利亚卧龙岗大学)Sophia Maalsen(澳大利亚悉尼大学)Jathan Sadowski(澳大利亚莫纳什大学)首次出版时间:2021/2/7|研究论文

Recent geographical attention to smart places has underlined the key point that smart places are made: crafted incrementally over time and woven through existing sites and contexts. Work on analysing the crafting of ‘actually existing’ smart cities has turned to describing and characterising the processes through which smart cities are made and, within this, the interplay and relative significance of accidental versus purposeful smart cities has come to the fore. Drawing on the concept of dispositif to capture the simultaneity of piecemeal and opportunistic change with deliberate strategy, this paper furthers these debates using examples of two places within the Sydney Metropolitan Region, Australia: Newcastle and Parramatta. Through their analysis we identify the evolving interplay of a priori drivers, ad hoc initiatives and post hoc strategies evident in the crafting of smart cities. Understanding the emergence of actually existing smart cities, we conclude, is sharpened and strengthened by the concept of dispositif, through its attention to processes characterised by non-linear, overlapping and recursively combined drivers that are not without purposeful, strategic intent.



Keywords governance, local government, planning, policy, technology/smart cities 
关键词 治理, 地方政府, 规划, 政策, 技术/智能城市
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020986292


Exploring the long-term effect of strategy work: The case of Sustainable Sydney 2030   

探索战略工作的长期影响:可持续悉尼 2030 的案例

Martin Kornberger(英国爱丁堡大学)Renate E Meyer(奥地利维也纳经济大学)Markus A Höllerer(奥地利维也纳经济大学)首次出版时间:2021/1/19|研究论文

Strategy has become an important concern and practical tool in urban management and governance, with the literature highlighting implementation as a hallmark of effective strategy. Whilst such a strategy–action link (which we label here as ‘implementation nexus’) has been well established, other long-term effects have been documented in less detail. Our study of Sustainable Sydney 2030 finds that strategy was effective to the extent to which it changed the institutional a priori of what a collective of actors engaged in city-making knows, what it can articulate and how its members relate to each other. We capture this effect as ‘institution nexus’ and theorise our findings with Ludwik Fleck’s concept of ‘thought style’ of a focal ‘thought collective’– notions that also centrally influenced Mary Douglas’ work on ‘how institutions think’. We contribute to extant research by adding the institution nexus as a long-term effect of urban strategy as well as by advancing strategy theory in urban studies to foreground its ability to shape institutions.

摘要 策略已成为城市管理和治理中的一个重要关注点和实用工具,文献强调实施是有效策略的标志。虽然这种策略-行动联系(我们在这里将其称为“实施联系”)已经得到了很好的确认,但我们对其他长期效果的记录却语焉不详。我们对悉尼2030可持续发展计划 (Sustainable Sydney 2030) 的研究表明,该策略的有效性想等于,它在多大程度上改变了关于以下方面的制度前提:参与城市营造的行为者集体知道些什么,这个集体可以表达什么,以及它的成员如何相互联系。我们将这种效果描述为“制度联系”并将其理论化,我们的理论化基于路德维希·弗莱克 (Ludwik Fleck) 的“思想集体”的“思想风格”的概念,这些概念也是影响了玛丽·道格拉斯 (Mary Douglas) 关于“制度如何思考”的研究的核心概念。我们增加制度联系作为城市策略的长期效果之一,并推进城市研究中的策略理论以突出其塑造制度的能力,从而为现有的研究做出贡献。
Keywords effect, institution, Sustainable Sydney 2030, thought collective, thought style, urban strategy
效果, 制度, 悉尼2030可持续发展计划 (Sustainable Sydney 2030), 思想集体, 思想风格, 城市策略



The role of social capital in the collective-led development of urbanising villages in China: The case of Shenzhen


De Tong(北京大学深圳研究生院)Yaying Wu(北京大学深圳研究生院)Ian MacLachlan(北京大学深圳研究生院)Jieming Zhu(中国同济大学)首次出版时间:2021/2/26|研究论文


The ‘urbanising village’ is a uniquely Chinese urban form that emerged during the period of rapid urbanisation in the reform era. The absence of state governance in rural areas relegates considerable decision-making power to village collectives, and the social capital inherited from traditional rural villages may remain in place after villages are urbanised. To explore the role of social capital and its mobilisation in solving the land use challenges posed by the urbanisation of rural settlements, we analysed the growth processes of Huanggang village as a typical example of a ‘collective-led’ self-organised urbanising village in Shenzhen. Qualitative analysis using semi-structured interviews and abundant secondary data provides credible evidence that defining property rights through land titling is not the only way to achieve orderly development, safe and sanitary living conditions and efficient land use in informal settlements. Social capital, measured by networks, norms and trust passed down among long-term acquaintances in rural villages, plays an important role in the development of communities. Village collectives can unite villagers and mobilise their social, cultural and material capital to compensate for the absence of formal governance institutions and government-provided community services. The implications of these findings suggest a new strategic pathway for managing urbanising villages in China and informal settlements in other developing countries.

Keywordsbuilt environment, collective-led development, governance, planning, social capital

建筑环境, 集体主导的发展, 治理, 规划, 社会资本



Education, neighbourhood context and depression of elderly Chinese            


Yuanfei Li(美国纽约州立大学奥本尼分校)Dandan Zhao(美国纽约州立大学奥本尼分校)首次出版时间:2021/2/14|研究论文

Research on depression among older adults has begun to take a contextual approach. This study advances scholarship by examining the relevance of education and neighbourhood context for individual depression in China. Using data from the 2011 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS 2011), a nationally representative survey of Chinese aged 45 years or older, results of multilevel linear models show that the negative association between education and depression goes beyond individuals and extends to the neighbourhood level, although great variations exist across neighbourhoods. The individual education–depression relationship is more pronounced in disadvantaged neighbourhoods characterised by low incomes. Older adults living in rural neighbourhoods fare much worse with more depressive symptoms than their urban counterparts. While larger proportions of adults with a high-school education or higher are related to better mental health among the elderly in rural villages, it is not the case in urban communities. Promoting education in the general population, especially in rural and disadvantaged areas, may prove mentally beneficial to the aging residents.

对老年人抑郁症的研究已经开始采取一种联系实际环境的方法。本研究通过考察教育和社区环境对中国个体抑郁症的相关性来推进这方面的研究。利用2011年中国健康与养老追踪调查 (CHARLS 2011)(一项针对45岁以上中国人的全国性代表调查)的数据,多水平线性模型的结果显示,教育与抑郁症之间的负相关超越了个体,延伸到社区水平,尽管社区之间存在很大差异。在以低收入为特征的贫困社区,个人教育与抑郁症之间的关系更为明显。生活在农村地区的老年人比城市中的老年人的抑郁症状要严重得多。在农村老年人群体中,受过高中以上教育的成年人的比例越高,群体的心理健康状况就越好,但城市社区的情况并非如此。在普通人群中,特别是在农村和贫困地区促进教育,可能会对老年居民的精神健康有利。
Keywordsdepression, individual education, neighbourhood education, older adults, rural–urban differences
关键词抑郁症, 个人教育, 社区教育, 老年人, 城乡差异



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