

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百三十期,将介绍Urban Studies Current Issue的5篇论文。主题包括伴侣动物与中国城市职业女性,苏格兰住房市场的市场活跃度、信息透明度和定价策略,超大规模城市建模的新框架,最优城市和城市系统研究,城市大数据的激进与常规,欢迎阅读。


Becoming ‘pet slaves’ in urban China: Transspecies urban theory, single professional women and their companion animals


Chris KK Tan(南京大学)Tingting Liu(暨南大学)Xiaojun Gao(华东师范大学)首次出版时间:2021/03/14|研究论文

Urban spaces in China have traditionally been marked by hetero-patriarchy, making them key sites for exploring gendered power relations. Reflecting on the growing importance of companion animals, this study investigates the roles that these animals now play in the lives of unmarried women in urban China. Using transspecies urban theory to examine interview data gathered primarily from Guangzhou, we draw three conclusions. Firstly, as material conditions increasingly define pet keeping, companion animals have become both a class symbol and a safe refuge from the stressful demands of working life. Secondly, as professional Chinese women construct positive intimate relationships with their companions to preserve their autonomy as persons at work, they increasingly turn their backs on traditional marriage and family in an instantiation of ‘emergent femininity’. Thirdly, pets offer a new venue of online sociality for their owners. By centring women in Chinese urban studies, we argue that companion animals co-construct the living conditions of their urban, female, middle-class owners.

Keywords China, companion animals, middle class, professional women, transspecies urban theory
关键词中国, 伴侣动物, 中产阶级, 职业女性, 跨物种城市理论


Market buoyancy, information transparency and pricing strategy in the Scottish housing market


Nan Liu(阿伯丁大学商学院)首次出版时间:2021/2/18|研究论文

In housing markets there is a trade-off between selling time and selling price, with pricing strategy being the balancing act between the two. Motivated by the Home Report scheme in Scotland, this paper investigates the role of information symmetry played in such a trade-off. Empirically, this study tests if sellers’ pricing strategy changes when more information becomes available and whether this, in turn, affects the trade-off between the selling price and selling time. Using housing transaction data of North-East Scotland between 1998Q2 and 2018Q2, the findings show that asking price has converged to the predicted price of the property since the introduction of the Home Report. While information transparency reduces the effect of ‘overpricing’ on selling time, there is little evidence to show that it reduces the impact of pricing strategy on the final selling price in the sealed-bid context.


在房地产市场中,销售时间和销售价格之间存在权衡,定价策略是两者之间的平衡行为。受苏格兰家庭报告计划的启发,本文研究了信息对称在这种权衡中的作用。根据经验,这项研究测试了当更多信息可用时卖家的定价策略是否会发生变化,以及这是否会反过来影响售价和销售时间之间的权衡。使用 1998 年第二季度至 2018 年第二季度苏格兰东北部的住房交易数据,调查结果表明,自《房屋报告》推出以来,要价已趋向于该物业的预测价格。虽然信息透明度减少了“定价过高”对销售时间的影响,但几乎没有证据表明它减少了密封投标环境中定价策略对最终销售价格的影响。

Keywords built environment, economic processes, housing, information transparency, local government, pricing strategy, real estate
关键词 建筑环境, 经济过程, 住房, 信息透明度, 地方政府, 定价策略, 房地产
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098021991784


A new framework for very large-scale urban modelling                                                      


Michael Batty(英国伦敦大学学院)Richard Milton(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2021/2/18|研究论文

The generation of ever-bigger data sets pertaining to the distribution of activities in cities is paralleled by massive increases in computer power and memory that are enabling very large-scale urban models to be constructed. Here we present an effort to extend traditional land use–transport interaction (LUTI) models to extensive spatial systems so that they are able to track increasingly wide repercussions on the location of population, employment and related distributions of spatial interactions. The prototype model framework we propose and implement called QUANT is available anywhere, at any time, at any place, and is open to any user. It is characterised as a set of web-based services within which simulation, visualisation and scenario generation are configured. We begin by presenting the core spatial interaction model built around the journey to work, and extend this to deal with many sectors. We detail the computational environment, with a focus on the size of the problem which is an application to a 8436 zone system comprising England, Scotland and Wales generating matrices of around 71 million cells. We detail the data and spatial system, showing how we extend the model to visualise spatial interactions as vector fields and accessibility indicators. We briefly demonstrate the implementation of the model and outline how we can generate the impact of changes in employment and changes in travel costs that enable transport modes to compete for travellers. We conclude by indicating that the power of the new framework consists of running hundreds of ‘what if?’ scenarios which let the user immediately evaluate their impacts and then evolve new and better ones.

摘要 与城市活动分布相关的越来越大的数据集的产生,再加上计算机能力和存储器的巨大提升,使得我们能构建非常大规模的城市模型。在本文中,我们试图将传统的土地利用-交通交互 (LUTI) 模型扩展到广泛的空间系统,使之能追踪对人口、就业和空间相互作用的相关分布的日益广泛的影响。我们提出并实施的原型模型框架名为“QUANT”,它可以在任何地方、任何时间、任何地点使用,并且对任何用户开放。它的特征是一组基于网络的服务,其中配置了模拟、可视化和场景生成。我们从展示围绕工作通勤构建的核心空间交互模型开始,并将其扩展以处理众多部门。我们详细介绍了计算环境,重点是问题的规模,这是一个由英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士组成的8,436区域系统的应用,生成大约7,100万个单元的矩阵。我们详细介绍了数据和空间系统,展示了我们如何扩展模型,将空间交互可视化为矢量场和可访问性指标。我们简要展示了模型的实施,并概述了我们如何生成就业变化和出行成本变化的影响(这些使得各种交通模式对出行者而言具有竞争力)。我们的结论是,新框架的优势包括运行数百个“如果……则……”情形,让用户立即评估其影响,然后发展出新的、更好的方案。
Keywords infrastructure, networks, planning, simulation, technology/smart cities, transport, web-based media
基础设施, 网络, 规划, 模拟, 技术/智慧城市, 交通, 网络媒体



The taming of chaos: Optimal cities and the state of the art in urban systems research


Linnet Taylor(荷兰蒂尔堡大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/10|评论论文


What can urban big data research tell us about cities? While studying cities as complex systems offers a new perspective on urban dynamics, we should dig deeper into the epistemological claims made by these studies and ask what it means to distance the urban researcher from the city. Big data research has the tendency to flatten our perspective: it shows us technology users and their interactions with digital systems but does so often at the expense of the informal and irregular aspects of city life. It also presents us with the city as optimisable system, offering up the chance to engineer it for particular forms of efficiency or productivity. Both optimisation itself, and the process of ordering of the city for optimisation, confer political and economic power and produce a hierarchy of interests. This commentary advocates that researchers connect systems research to questions of structure and power. To do this requires a critical approach to what is missing, what is implied by the choices about which data to collect and how to make them available, and an understanding of the ontologies that shape both the data sets and the urban spaces they describe.

Keywordsbig data, urban systems research, mobile phones, transport, optimisation

大数据, 城市系统研究, 手机, 交通, 优化



Out of the loop? On the radical and the routine in urban big data                                    


Sarah Barns(澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/14|评论论文

This commentary interrogates what it means for routine urban behaviours to now be replicating themselves computationally. The emergence of autonomous or artificial intelligence points to the powerful role of big data in the city, as increasingly powerful computational models are now capable of replicating and reproducing existing spatial patterns and activities. I discuss these emergent urban systems of learned or trained intelligence as being at once radical and routine. Just as the material and behavioural conditions that give rise to urban big data demand attention, so do the generative design principles of data-driven models of urban behaviour, as they are increasingly put to use in the production of replicable, autonomous urban futures.

Keywordsartificial intelligence, big data, cybernetics, machine learning, urban futures
关键词人工智能, 大数据, 控制论, 机器学习, 城市未来



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