

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百三十一期,将介绍Urban Studies Oline First 的1篇论文以及Urban Studies Current Issue的4篇论文。主题包括德班和圣保罗贫民窟的比较,城市环境与绿色出行,住房密度与可负担性,低收入者通勤模式,气候和地形对自行车出行的影响,欢迎阅读。


Disassembling connections: A comparative analysis of the politics of slum upgrading in eThekwini and São Paulo


Camila Saraiva(巴西ABC联邦大学)首次出版时间:2021/12/7|研究论文

This paper presents an innovative comparison that works creatively with the entangled spatialities of policy mobilities, drawing on a city-to-city cooperation between São Paulo (Brazil) and eThekwini (South Africa) municipalities for the exchange of slum upgrading expertise. The proposed comparative tactic entails tracing the establishment of this connection in order to disassemble the constituent flows and localities merged within it. Subsequently, by posing questions to one another, a relational comparison of the trajectory of slum upgrading policy in each locality is composed, unearthing the political and institutional conditions that preceded the existence of the connection per se. In that sense, both eThekwini and São Paulo are considered equivalent starting points from which local actors engaged in circulating ideas and mobilised slum upgrading policies. This paper not only brings a fresh approach to comparative methods – incorporating political contexts and their extensive overlapping networks of relations alongside a focus on particular policy trajectories – but also contributes to furthering global urban studies in two other ways. First, it provides insight into the processes by which policies are put on the move and localised (or not). Second, it demonstrates how repeated instances of urban practice may be unravelled by allowing each context of policy formation, with its distinctive trajectory of slum upgrading, to speak to one another. In this regard, the comparative analysis identified how, in both São Paulo and eThekwini, the consolidation of democracy was followed by the development of more technocratic approaches to the detriment of earlier slum upgrading initiatives focussed on community empowerment.

Keywords comparative urbanism, eThekwini, policy mobilities, São Paulo, slum upgrading
关键词比较城市研究, 德班, 政策流动性, 圣保罗, 贫民窟改造


When local access matters: A detailed analysis of place, neighbourhood amenities and travel choice


Erik Elldér(瑞士哥德堡大学)Katarina Haugen(瑞士哥德堡大学)Bertil Vilhelmson(瑞士哥德堡大学)首次出版时间:2020/9/15|研究论文

How cities can become more conducive to sustainable travel patterns is a pressing matter in urban research. In the built environment–travel literature, several features potentially promoting sustainable mobility remain under-researched. One concerns the precise role of local accessibility – in terms of the number, variety and specific types of amenities – in promoting the slow modes of walking and cycling and in reducing car use. Another is the possibility that the standard assumption of a linear relationship between density and (un)sustainable travel is flawed. To fill these gaps, we explore specific local amenity supply types that stimulate a large share of residents to walk or cycle, avoiding long drives, to accomplish their daily activities. In a case study of the Västra Götaland region in Sweden, we analyse a combination of high-quality micro data from registers and the national travel survey using a stepwise statistical approach. We find evidence of non-linear discontinuities and significant geographical variation in how local accessibility affects travel behaviour. While more neighbourhood amenities contribute to more walking/cycling, the effect of establishing additional amenities varies amongst neighbourhood types and travel variables. Local everyday services, for example, grocery stores and preschools, are critical in triggering change. The findings inform urban planning by showing how a basic supply of essential amenities could contribute to better prerequisites for walking or cycling and reduced car dependence by inducing residents to choose local options.


城市如何为绿色出行模式创造有利的环境,这是城市研究中的一个紧迫问题。在建筑环境—出行文献中,几个潜在能促进绿色出行的特征仍未得到充分研究。其中一个问题是,当地无障碍设施(数量、种类和特定类型的便利设施等方面)在推广步行和骑行模式以及减少汽车使用方面的确切作用。另一个问题时,密度和绿色/非绿色出行之间线性关系的标准假设可能是有缺陷的。为了填补这些空白,我们研究了一些具体的当地便利设施类型,这些类型可以刺激大量居民在日常活动中步行或骑行并避免长时间驾车。透过瑞典西约塔兰省 (Västra Götaland) 的一个案例研究,我们使用逐步统计方法分析了来自各种登记资料和全国旅游调查的高质量微观数据组合。在当地可达性对出行行为的影响方面,我们发现了非线性不连续性和显著的地理变化的证据。虽然更多的街区便利设施有助于实现更多的步行/骑行,但建设额外便利设施的效果因街区类型和出行变量而异。当地的日常服务(例如杂货店和幼儿园)在引发变化方面至关重要。我们的研究结果表明,基本生活设施的供应有助于改善步行或骑行的先决条件,并通过引导居民选择本地选项来减少对汽车的依赖。这些研究结果为城市规划提供了参考。

Keywords accessibility, mode choice, neighbourhood amenities, travel behaviour
关键词 可达性, 模式选择, 街区便利设施, 出行行为
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020951001


Zoning and affordability: A reply to Rodríguez-Pose and Storper

分区和可负担能力:对 Rodríguez-Pose 和 Storper 的回复

Michael Manville(美国加州大学洛杉矶分校)Michael Lens(美国加州大学洛杉矶分校)Paavo Monkkonen(美国加州大学洛杉矶分校)首次出版时间:2020/8/17|研究论文

Would increasing allowable housing densities in expensive cities generate more housing construction and make housing more affordable? In a provocative article, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Michael Storper survey the evidence and answer no. Restrictions on housing density, they contend, do not substantially influence housing production or price. They further argue that allowing more density in growing metropolitan areas would only improve housing outcomes for the affluent, and most likely harm the poor. We take issue with both of these contentions. While uncertainties remain in the study of housing prices and land use regulation, neither theory nor evidence warrant dispensing with zoning reform, or concluding that it could only be regressive. Viewed in full, the evidence suggests that increasing allowable housing densities is an important part of housing affordability in expensive regions.

摘要 在昂贵的城市里增加允许的住房密度会产生更多的住房建设,并提高住房的可负担性吗?在一篇引人深思的文章中,安德烈·罗德里格斯·阿西 (Andre s . Rodrguez-Pose) 和迈克尔·斯托尔珀 (Michael Storper) 对证据进行了研究,并给出了否定的答案。他们认为,对住房密度的限制不会对住房产量或价格产生实质性影响。他们进一步认为,在不断增长的大都市地区允许更高的密度只会改善富人的住房状况,而且很可能会伤害穷人。我们不同意这两个观点。尽管在房价和土地使用监管的研究中仍存在不确定性,但无论是理论还是证据都不支持取消分区改革,也不认为分区改革只能是倒退。从整体上看,证据表明提高允许的住房密度是提高昂贵地区住房可负担性的一个重要因素。
Keywords housing, land use, methods, planning
住房, 土地使用, 方法, 规划



How do low-income commuters get to work in US and Mexican cities? A comparative empirical assessment


Erick Guerra(美国宾夕法尼亚大学)Shengxiao Li(美国宾夕法尼亚大学)Ariadna Reyes(美国得克萨斯大学阿林顿分校)首次出版时间:2020/12/1|评论论文


This paper applies multinomial logit models to examine how metropolitan urban form, housing type and socioeconomic factors covary with individuals’ commute mode choice for 1.2 million low-income workers in the USA and Mexico. Comparing the commute patterns of low-income households across the USA–Mexico border sheds light on the consistency of estimated relationships across global contexts and the likely transferability of transportation and land use policies from the Global North to the Global South. We find many common relationships on each side of the border, despite substantial socioeconomic and urban differences. For example, wealthier and better-educated low-income workers in low-density metropolitan areas with substantial road supply are more likely to drive to work and less likely to use active modes. We also find some considerable differences between the magnitude and even direction of associations between predictor variables and commuter mode choice. In terms of public policy, efforts to reduce driving or promote compact development are more likely to reduce driving and more likely to be pro-poor in Mexico than in the USA. In Mexico, just 13% of low-income workers commute by car and dense urban form is relatively strongly associated with increases in transit, non-motorised modes and working at home. High rates of driving and auto-oriented urban form make policies to reduce driving particularly likely to be regressive in most US metropolitan areas.

Keywordsinfrastructure, land use, Mexico, poverty/exclusion, policy, transport, United States

基础设施, 土地使用, 墨西哥, 贫困/排斥, 政策, 交通, 美国



Cycling mode choice amongst US commuters: The role of climate and topography


Justin Tyndall(美国夏威夷大学马诺阿分校)首次出版时间:2020/8/28|评论论文

Cycling to work is uncommon in most areas of the USA but relatively common in a particular set of metros and neighbourhoods. Explanations for this spatial heterogeneity often focus on differences in local geography, with some areas being allegedly more suitable for cycling. I estimate the role of topography and climate in determining the share of a metro’s workers who cycle to work and the probability a particular worker chooses to cycle. I combine a USA-wide data set of commute flows with detailed elevation and climate data. I find that climate and topography play essentially no role in explaining cycling mode share across metros. Across workers, the hilliness of a commuter’s route is found to be statistically irrelevant to cycling mode choice.

Keywordscommuting, cycling, mode choice, transportation, urban planning
关键词通勤, 骑自行车, 模式选择, 交通, 城市规划



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