

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百三十二期,将介绍Urban Studies Oline First 的2篇论文以及Urban Studies Current Issue的3篇论文。主题包括城市与病毒,印度城市研究的转变,街区便利设施与本地交通,实时城市环境与瞬间幸福感,城市创业主义治理和再开发,欢迎阅读。


The city and the virus                                                                                                                        


Max Nathan(伦敦大学学院和英国经济绩效中心)首次出版时间:2021/12/17|研究论文

Cities around the world are the epicentres of the coronavirus pandemic: both in the first wave, as the disease spread from East Asia, and now, as many countries enter a third wave of infections. These spatial patterns are still far from properly understood, though there is no shortage of possible explanations. I set out the emerging theories about cities’ role in the spread of coronavirus, testing these against existing studies and new analysis for English conurbations, cities and towns. Both reveal an urbanised public health crisis, in which vulnerabilities and health impacts track (a) urban structural inequalities, and (b) wider weaknesses in institutions, their capabilities and leaders. I then turn to ‘post-pandemic’ visions of future cities. I argue that this framing is unhelpful: even with mass vaccination, COVID-19 is likely to remain one of many globalised endemic diseases. Instead, ‘pandemic-resilient’ urban places will require improved economic, social and physical infrastructure, alongside better public policy. Describing such future cities is still highly speculative: I identify five zones of change.

摘要世界各地的城市都是冠状病毒大流行的中心:无论是在第一波疫情从东亚开始传播时,还是现在许多国家进入第三波感染。尽管不乏可能的解释,但这些空间模式仍远未得到正确理解。我阐述了关于城市在冠状病毒传播中的作用的一些新理论,并根据现有研究和针对英国大都市和城镇的新分析对这些理论进行了检验。两者都揭示了城市化的公共卫生危机,其中脆弱性和健康影响与以下因素相伴随:(a) 城市结构性不平等;以及 (b) 机构、其能力和领导者的更广泛弱点。接着,我转向未来城市的后疫情时代愿景。我认为这种框架是无益的:即使进行了大规模疫苗接种,新冠肺炎仍然可能会是许多全球化的地方病之一。相反,具有“抗流行病能力”的城市场所将需要经过改良的经济、社会和物质基础设施,以及更好的公共政策。对这样的未来城市的描述仍然具有高度的推测性:我确定了五个变革区域。
Keywords cities, coronavirus, inequalities, labour markets, urban governance
关键词城市, 冠状病毒, 不平等, 劳动力市场, 城市治理


Urban studies in India across the millennial turn: Histories and futures                       


Karen Coelho(印度马德拉斯发展研究所)Ashima Sood(印度阿南特国立大学)首次出版时间:2021/12/17|研究论文

The millennial turn saw a distinct efflorescence in scholarship on urban India. This essay introduces a Virtual Special Issue on urban studies in India that showcases a selection of articles from the journal’s archives. It traces the disciplinary, thematic and methodological shifts that have marked this millennial turn. On the one hand, the social science of the urban has had a statist bent, reacting to the policy focus on cities as growth engines in the post-liberalisation era. On the other hand, critical urban studies has brought attention to the unregulated, deregulated, unplanned and unintended city produced by dynamic processes of informality acting overtly or covertly against the state’s neoliberal agendas. This introductory essay aims to examine the ways this interplay has unfolded both in the pages of this journal and elsewhere. It locates the Virtual Special Issue selection within a broader review of the state of scholarship in Indian urban studies and marks out areas for productive interventions in the future study of Indian cities.



Keywords exclusion, governance, India, infrastructure, urban fragmentation, urbanisation
关键词 排斥, 治理, 印度, 基础设施, 城市碎片化, 城市化
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211056773


When local access matters: A detailed analysis of place, neighbourhood amenities and travel choice


Erik Elldér(瑞典哥德堡大学)Katarina Haugen(瑞典哥德堡大学)Bertil Vilhelmson(瑞典哥德堡大学)首次出版时间:2020/9/15|研究论文

Would increasing allowable housing densities in expensive cities generate more housing construction and make housing more affordable? In a provocative article, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Michael Storper survey the evidence and answer no. Restrictions on housing density, they contend, do not substantially influence housing production or price. They further argue that allowing more density in growing metropolitan areas would only improve housing outcomes for the affluent, and most likely harm the poor. We take issue with both of these contentions. While uncertainties remain in the study of housing prices and land use regulation, neither theory nor evidence warrant dispensing with zoning reform, or concluding that it could only be regressive. Viewed in full, the evidence suggests that increasing allowable housing densities is an important part of housing affordability in expensive regions.

摘要 城市如何为绿色出行模式创造有利的环境,这是城市研究中的一个紧迫问题。在建筑环境—出行文献中,几个潜在能促进绿色出行的特征仍未得到充分研究。其中一个问题是,当地无障碍设施(数量、种类和特定类型的便利设施等方面)在推广步行和骑行模式以及减少汽车使用方面的确切作用。另一个问题时,密度和绿色/非绿色出行之间线性关系的标准假设可能是有缺陷的。为了填补这些空白,我们研究了一些具体的当地便利设施类型,这些类型可以刺激大量居民在日常活动中步行或骑行并避免长时间驾车。透过瑞典西约塔兰省 (Västra Götaland) 的一个案例研究,我们使用逐步统计方法分析了来自各种登记资料和全国旅游调查的高质量微观数据组合。在当地可达性对出行行为的影响方面,我们发现了非线性不连续性和显著的地理变化的证据。虽然更多的街区便利设施有助于实现更多的步行/骑行,但建设额外便利设施的效果因街区类型和出行变量而异。当地的日常服务(例如杂货店和幼儿园)在引发变化方面至关重要。我们的研究结果表明,基本生活设施的供应有助于改善步行或骑行的先决条件,并通过引导居民选择本地选项来减少对汽车的依赖。这些研究结果为城市规划提供了参考。
Keywords accessibility, mode choice, neighbourhood amenities, travel behaviour
可达性, 模式选择, 街区便利设施, 出行行为



The impact of immediate urban environments on people’s momentary happiness


Lingling Su(中山大学)Suhong Zhou(中山大学)Mei-Po Kwan(香港中文大学)等五位作者首次出版时间:2021/2/10|研究论文


The research interest of urban researchers and geographers in the relationship between urban environments and happiness has been increasing. Previous studies have mostly focused on people’s long-term overall wellbeing. However, there is limited evidence that momentary happiness is associated with immediate urban environments. This study provides new evidence on this issue. 144 participants living in Guangzhou, China, were asked to repeatedly self-report their momentary happiness through ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and the day reconstruction method (DRM). The microenvironment variables were captured by portable sensors, while the built environment variables were captured by associating the GPS response locations with objective spatial data. The results indicate that momentary happiness is influenced by immediate microenvironment variables and built environment characteristics including temperature, noise, PM2.5, population, POI density, POI types and street intersections. On the other hand, the use of different sizes of contextual units affects the results. The built environment in 100 m buffers and the microenvironment has higher explanatory power for momentary happiness recorded by EMA than the built environment in 500 m buffers. Similarly, the temporality of the contextual influences also affects the results. Urban environment features have higher explanatory power for real-time momentary happiness recorded by EMA than recalled momentary happiness recorded by DRM. These results also strongly corroborate the results of recent studies on the uncertain geographic context problem (UGCoP) and partly explain the inconsistency in the results of past research.

摘要城市研究人员和地理学家对城市环境和幸福感之间关系的研究兴趣一直在增加。以前的研究大多集中在人们的长期整体幸福感上。然而,有限的证据表明短暂的幸福感与直接的城市环境有关。这项研究提供了这方面的新证据。144名生活在中国广州的参与者被要求通过生态瞬间评估 (EMA) 和日间重建法 (DRM) 反复自我报告他们的瞬间幸福感。微环境变量由便携式传感器捕捉,而建筑环境变量则通过将全球定位系统响应位置与客观空间数据相关联来捕获。结果表明,瞬间幸福感受即时微环境变量和建筑环境特征的影响,包括温度、噪声、PM2.5、人口、兴趣点密度、兴趣点类型和街道交叉口。另一方面,使用不同的环境单位尺度会影响结果。100米缓冲区的建筑环境和微环境对EMA记录的瞬间幸福感的解释力高于500米缓冲区的建筑环境。同样,环境影响的暂时性也会影响结果。城市环境特征对EMA记录的实时瞬间幸福感的解释力高于DRM记录的回忆瞬间幸福感。这些结果也有力地证实了最近关于不确定地理环境问题 (UGCoP) 的研究结果,并部分解释了过去研究结果的不一致性。
KeywordsChina, day reconstruction method, ecological momentary assessment, momentary happiness, urban environments

中国, 日内重建法, 生态瞬间评估, 瞬间幸福感, 城市环境



Developing urban growth and urban quality: Entrepreneurial governance and urban redevelopment projects in Copenhagen and Hamburg


Jürgen Bruns-Berentelg(德国汉堡港口新城)Luise Noring(丹麦哥本哈根商学院)Adam Grydehøj(浙江大学城乡创新设计研究中心,海岛与海岸带研究所)首次出版时间:2020/9/15|研究论文

This paper considers the cases of urban redevelopment at waterfront and brownfield sites in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Hamburg (Germany) to explore how two municipal governments have pursued divergent kinds of entrepreneurial governance, even as they have aimed to create similar kinds of new-build neighbourhoods. Copenhagen and Hamburg have both engaged in large-scale speculative development projects, simultaneously raising urban land values and adding urban public good. The cities follow a long tradition of using land value capture to raise funds for municipal activities, yet their scopes of action and tools for achieving progress have been shaped by local economic and political conditions. Although both cities began redevelopment at similar kinds of sites in the 1990s, Copenhagen’s municipal government was relatively impoverished, while Hamburg’s municipal government was relatively wealthy. As a result, even though both cities deployed state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and revolving funds models to reinvest revenues in future development, they possessed different potential strategies for increasing intercity competitiveness: Copenhagen’s immediate aim in redeveloping its Ørestad and harbour districts was to fund a citywide mass transit system and thereby enhance competitiveness through infrastructure development, while Hamburg sought to use its HafenCity waterfront redevelopment to boost competitiveness through port modernisation, increased in urban quality and commercial expansion in the city centre. By comparing these two cases, we can better understand the contingent nature of entrepreneurial governance and urban redevelopment processes.

本文以丹麦哥本哈根和德国汉堡的滨水区和旧城区的城市再开发为例,探讨两个市政府如何实行不同类型的创业主义治理,尽管他们的目标是创建类似的新建社区。哥本哈根和汉堡都开展了大型投机性开发项目,这些项目同时提高了城市土地价值并增加了城市公共产品。这些城市遵循利用土地价值获取为市政建设筹集资金的悠久传统,但它们的行动范围和取得进展的工具则是由当地的经济和政治条件决定的。尽管这两个城市在20世纪90年代开始在类似的地点进行再开发,但哥本哈根市政府相对贫困,而汉堡市政府相对富裕。因此,尽管两个城市都实施了国有企业和循环基金模式,将收入再投资于未来的发展,但它们在提高城市竞争力方面则实施了不同的潜在战略:哥本哈根重建其奥雷斯塔德 (Ørestad) 和港口区的近期目标是为全市公共交通系统提供资金,从而通过基础设施发展提高竞争力,而汉堡则试图利用其哈芬西提滨水区 (HafenCity) 的再开发,通过港口现代化、提高城市品味和市中心的商业扩张来提高竞争力。通过比较这两个案例,我们可以更好地理解创业主义治理和城市再开发过程中的偶然性。
Keywordsgovernance, housing, local government, planning, redevelopment/regeneration, state-owned enterprises, urban growth
关键词治理, 住房, 地方政府, 规划, 再开发/更新, 国有企业, 城市发展



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