

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百三十三期,将介绍Urban Studies Oline First 的1篇论文以及Urban Studies Current Issue的4篇论文。主题包括跨国市政网络,动态集合住宅模型,爱彼迎与伦敦住房市场,非正规住房与环境设施,国际学校在中国的(去)领土化吸引力,欢迎阅读。


Institutionalising city networking: Discursive and rational choice institutional perspectives on membership of transnational municipal networks


Solveig Grønnestad(挪威斯塔万格大学)Anne Bach Nielsen(丹麦哥本哈根大学)首次出版时间:2021/12/28|研究论文

This article analyses participants’ reasoning for their city’s membership in transnational municipal networks and the extent to which this changes over time. Theoretically, we build on new-institutional theory and conclude that although parts of the members’ reasoning have rational components, a discursive institutional perspective improves the understanding of cities’ membership of transnational municipal networks. This perspective uncovers how important aspects of transnational municipal network participation are motivated by a different logic than that of measurable output. Cities use transnational municipal networks as sources of internal and external legitimacy, to legitimatise their position in domestic politics and their international position among other ‘global’ cities.

Keywords institutional theory, local government, networks, place branding, theory, transnational municipal networks
关键词制度理论, 地方政府, 网络, 地方品牌, 理论, 跨国市政网络


On the long-run solution to aggregate housing systems


Geoffrey Meen(英国雷丁大学)Alexander Mihailov(英国雷丁大学)Yehui Wang(山东财经大学)首次出版时间:2021/1/24|研究论文

This paper explores the properties of dynamic aggregate housing models. In conventional models, in response to demand shocks the primary adjustment mechanism is through prices and changes in housing supply. However, the size of the supply response depends on the price elasticity of supply and in countries such as the UK where the elasticity is low, house prices can rise sharply, worsening affordability. But this ignores the roles of housing risk and credit markets which affect the user cost of capital and the paper demonstrates that models that explicitly introduce a housing risk premium have an additional price stabiliser. The importance is shown through stochastic simulations; these simulations also demonstrate that conventional models used for forecasting and policy analysis may overstate future house price growth.



Keywords economic processes, finance, housing, affordability, housing risk
关键词 经济过程, 金融, 住房, 可负担性, 住房风险
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020976019


Airbnb and its potential impact on the London housing market


Zahratu Shabrina(英国伦敦大学学院)Elsa Arcaute(英国伦敦大学学院)Michael Batty(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2021/1/16|研究论文

This article identifies proxies which account for the impacts that the Airbnb platform is having on housing in Greater London. We identify these by analysing the relationships between possible Airbnb misuse and the attributes of housing in the same locations. We assume misuse when listings of entire properties within the Airbnb platform do not conform with local regulations and where hosts who offer such housing have multiple listings. In particular, we examine (1) the dwelling type based on building typology; (2) the type of housing tenure, whether it is owned or rented; and (3) the spatial distribution of changes in rent payable. Three important findings emerge from our analysis. First, based on 2018 data, we estimate that more than 2% of all properties in London, and up to 7% in some local areas are being misused through Airbnb as short-term holiday rentals. Second, the location of these particular Airbnb rentals is negatively correlated with the diversity of dwelling types and positively correlated with dwelling type such as an apartment (or flat) in areas of high private rental stock. Last, we show that a 100% increase in the density of possible Airbnb misuse can be associated with up to an 8% increase in unit rental price per-bedroom per-week, an equivalent to up to an average of £90 price increase per year. Finally, we discuss how this type of analysis can help build instruments to inform policies associated with the platform economy in relation to increasing polarisation in the London housing market.

摘要 本文识别了一些指标,这些指标说明了爱彼迎 (Airbnb) 平台对大伦敦住房市场的影响。我们通过分析同一地段可能的爱彼迎误用与住房市场特征之间的关系来识别这些指标。当爱彼迎平台内的整体房产放租信息不符合当地法规,并且放租者有多个放租信息时,我们推定存在误用。具体而言,我们研究(1)住宅的建筑类型学分类;(2)住房使用权的类型,是自有的还是租赁的;(3)应付租金变化的空间分布。我们的分析得出了三个重要发现。首先,根据2018年的数据,我们估计伦敦超过2%的房产和一些分区高达7%的房产作为短期度假出租物业而发生了爱彼迎误用。第二,这些特定爱彼迎出租物业的位置与住宅类型的多样性负相关,与住宅类型(例如私人出租房屋存量高的地区的公寓)正相关。最后,我们表明可能的爱彼迎误用的密度增加100%可能会导致每间卧室每周的单位租赁价格增加8%,相当于每年平均增加90英镑。最后,我们讨论这种类型的分析如何有助于建立一些工具,面对伦敦住房市场日益严重的两极分化,这些工具能为与平台经济相关的政策的制定提供参考。
Keywords Airbnb misuse, dwelling types, entropy statistics, London housing market, rental values
爱彼迎误用, 住宅类型, 熵统计, 伦敦住房市场, 租赁价值



The effects of land price in the peri-urban fringe of Mexico City: Environmental amenities for informal land parcel purchasers


Estebania Teyeliz Martínez-Jiménez(墨西哥国立自治大学)Julie Le Gallo(法国第戎农学研究所)Enrique Pérez-Campuzano(墨西哥国立自治大学)等四位作者首次出版时间:2020/11/6|评论论文


In many developing countries, urban growth is characterised by the emergence of informal housing at the periphery. Nevertheless, there is little evidence based on data from informal land markets and, in general, studies focusing on such markets often neglect environmental factors. Therefore, to contribute to these research gaps, this article aims to enhance our understanding of land markets in informal land parcels and their relationship to environmental amenities, by providing empirical evidence from Mexico City. The article estimates a hedonic pricing model using robust ordinary least squares with a SHAC (Spatial Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent) inference, including structural, environmental, neighbourhood and accessibility features. Results provide empirical insights regarding the way this land market behaves in the peri-urban area. Our findings reveal that informal land parcel purchasers are willing to pay for basic services such as access to piped water, proximity to schools and accessibility features such as being close to city centre, motorways and underground stations. Although a positive relationship between land price and distance to the nearest forest or Protected Natural Area is highlighted, it is low, meaning that individuals are largely ambivalent about environmental amenities. Therefore, the problem of irregular settlements could be approached from two different angles. Firstly, informal land buyers will not desist from invading and modifying natural areas without a comprehensive urban and environmental policy, oriented towards changing the perception of green areas as potential urbanisation opportunities. Secondly, public policy needs to solve the housing supply crisis, considering the characteristics presented here.

Keywordsagglomeration/urbanisation, environment, environment/sustainability, hedonic model, housing, informality, land use

集聚/城市化, 环境, 环境/可持续性, 享乐模型, 住房, 非正规性, 土地使用



The (de)territorialised appeal of international schools in China: Forging brands, boundaries and inter-belonging in segregated urban space


Lily Kong(新加坡管理大学)Orlando Woods(新加坡管理大学)Hong Zhu(广州大学)首次出版时间:2020/9/19|评论论文

This paper considers how the (de)territorialised appeal of international schools in China can reflect, enforce and expand pre-existing patterns of urban segregation. Whilst exploration of the effects of educational marketplaces on urban environments has become a focus of scholarly research, the recent expansion in the supply of, and demand for, international education has caused these effects to become more nuanced. As (de)territorialised entities, international schools can cause multiple forms of spatial and psycho-social distinction and (dis)association to become intertwined, the effects of which start from the school and radiate out from there. International schools can therefore cause segregation to become a structurally entrenched phenomenon. These ideas are illustrated through an empirical examination of three international schools located in the eastern Chinese city of Suzhou. We explore the ways in which these schools are branded spaces that reproduce socio-spatial boundaries and thus foster a (de)territorialised sense of inter-belonging amongst their students.

Keywords(de)territorialisation, China, inter-belonging, international schools, segregated urban space
关键词领土化, 中国, 相互归属, 国际学校, 隔离的城市空间



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