

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百三十四期,将介绍Urban Studies Special Issue: Smart cities between worlding and provincializing的5篇论文。主题包括世界化、地方化和巴塞罗那模式,智慧城市和对城市非正规性的遏制,数据驱动的治理转型及其不平等,日常城市化与场所的重要性,全球南方城市基础设施的世界化,欢迎阅读。


From smart to rebel city? Worlding, provincialising and the Barcelona Model    


Greig Charnock(英国曼彻斯特大学)Hug March(西班牙加泰罗尼亚奥伯塔大学)Ramon Ribera-Fumaz(西班牙加泰罗尼亚奥伯塔大学)首次出版时间:2019/10/9|研究论文

This article examines the evolution of the ‘Barcelona Model’ of urban transformation through the lenses of worlding and provincialising urbanism. We trace this evolution from an especially dogmatic worlding vision of the smart city, under a centre-right city council, to its radical repurposing under the auspices of a municipal government-led, after May 2015, by the citizens’ platform Barcelona en Comú. We pay particular attention to the new council’s objectives to harness digital platform technologies to enhance participative democracy, and its agenda to secure technological sovereignty and digital rights for its citizens. While stressing the progressive intent of these aims, we also acknowledge the challenge of going beyond the repurposing of smart technologies so as to engender new and radical forms of subjectivity among citizens themselves; a necessary basis for any urban revolution.

摘要本文从世界主义和地方主义城市化的角度审视了巴塞罗那模式的演变。从中右翼市议会特别教条化的世界主义智慧城市愿景,到2015年5月后由市民组织“共同的巴塞罗那”(Barcelona en Comu) 领导的市政府对智慧城市的彻底重新定向,我们追溯了这一演变过程。我们特别关注新政府利用数字平台技术加强参与性民主的目标,及其确保公民技术主权和数字权利的议程。在强调这些目标的进步意图的同时,我们也认识到了这样的挑战:即超越智能技术的重新定向,以在公民自身中产生新的和激进的主观性形式;这是任何城市革命的必要基础。
Keywords citizenship, place branding, policy, politics, provincialising, technology/smart cities
关键词公民身份, 地方品牌化, 政策, 政治, 地方化, 科技/智慧城市


The smart city and the containment of informality: The case of Dubai                  


Harris Breslow(沙迦美国大学,阿拉伯联合酋长国)首次出版时间:2020/3/3|研究论文

I argue that Dubai’s smart city project, ‘Smart Dubai’, is a response to the following priorities: (i) the furtherance of the city’s scale-making project and worlding strategies, through the propagation of the smart city imaginary and the buildout of a smart city infrastructure modelled after those in the global north and west and used to compete for members of the creative class and other high-value residents; (ii) a project to enlarge the scope of Dubai’s economy of flow. Dubai in particular, and the UAE in general, have long articulated a political economic project based on the creation of a political economy that positions the country as a regional hub within the global political economy of flow; and (iii) the containment of urban informality, which in Dubai is understood as both a disciplinary problem and an existential challenge to what is still, at heart, a rentier economy.


我认为迪拜的智慧城市项目“智慧迪拜 (Smart Dubai)”是对以下优先事项的回应:(i)通过复制全球北方和西方的智慧城市构想和智慧城市基础设施配置,争夺创意阶层成员和其他高价值居民,以推进城市的规模扩大计划和世界化战略;(ii)扩大迪拜流量经济范围的项目。迪拜乃至整个阿联酋长期以来一直在清晰地阐着述一个政治经济计划,其基础是创建一种政治经济,将该国定位为全球流量政治经济中的一个区域枢纽;以及(iii)遏制城市的非正规性,这在迪拜被看作一个风纪问题,也是对本质上仍然是一个食利经济的经济体的生存挑战。

Keywords flow, Smart Dubai, urban informality, worlding practices
关键词 流量, 智慧迪拜(Smart Dubai), 城市非正规性, 世界化实践
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020903233


Data-driven governance, smart urbanism and risk-class inequalities: Security and social credit in China


Dean Curran(加拿大卡尔加里大学;英国伦敦经济学院)Alan Smart(加拿大卡尔加里大学)首次出版时间:2020/6/24|研究论文

This article contributes to the politicisation of smart urbanism and data-driven governance by making visible some of the potential inequalities emerging from these transitions through a provisional risk-class analysis. To pursue this analysis, it focuses on the case of smart urbanism and its associated process of data-driven governance in China. It looks specifically at the manner in which Chinese smart urbanism, in terms of its security measures, including widespread use of facial recognition and the roll-out of social credit scoring, is affecting inequalities. This article proposes risk-class analysis as a toolbox that can pose new questions in the search for what types of potential risks and inequalities emerge from the smart urbanism and data-driven governance being rolled out in the Chinese context.

摘要 本文通过一项临时风险等级分析,揭示了智慧城市化和数据驱动型治理转型过程中出现的一些潜在不平等,从而有助于这些转型的政治化。为了进行这一分析,本文重点关注中国智慧城市化及其相关的数据驱动治理过程。具体而言,本文关注中国智慧城市化过程中的安全措施(包括人脸识别的广泛使用和社会信用评分的引进)如何影响不平等。本文提出将风险等级分析作为一个工具箱,其可以用来提出新的问题,以研究在中国背景下推出智慧城市化和数据驱动型治理会带来哪些类型的潜在风险和不平等。
Keywords actually persisting smart cities, Chinese smart cities, data-driven governance, risk-class, social credit
实际坚持智慧城市, 中国智慧城市, 数据驱动型治理, 风险等级, 社会信用



Everyday urbanisms and the importance of place: Exploring the elements of the emancipatory smart city


Nancy Odendaal(南非开普顿大学)首次出版时间:2020/12/1|研究论文


Two of the most striking features of smart city discourses are the centrality of technology as a driver of transformational change and the strange ‘placelessness’ of its visual narrative. Whether envisaged in Kenya or Singapore, the commercial smart city is represented as a ‘city in a box’, seemingly capable of solving complex social issues through algorithms and technical innovation. Recently a robust literature has emerged that is critical of the techno-determinism inherent in smart city discussions. This paper expands on this critique by arguing that by solely focusing on the material dimensions of technologically informed urban change, devoid of context, we miss an opportunity to uncover an important moment in contemporary urbanity. By foregrounding the human dimensions of technology appropriation and the interface with livelihoods in their particular spatial contexts, this paper consciously decentres the dominant smart city discourse by arguing for the foregrounding of local dynamics. This paper rejects the universalisms embedded in smart city promises and argues that by provincialising the idea of smart urbanism, opportunities are presented for understanding the true markers of contemporary urbanism. Critical debates on the smart city, and by extension the need to consider smart urbanism contextually and as an infrastructure, relationally, together with the conceptual insights provided by postcolonial science and technology studies, contribute to a proposed frame for researching the ongoing dynamic between contemporary urban life and technological innovation. Empirical vignettes from urban Africa are used to illustrate the multiple dimensions of the interface between livelihoods and technology appropriation.

Keywordsscience and technology studies, smart cities, smart urbanism

科技研究, 智慧城市, 智慧城市化



Worlding infrastructure in the global South: Philippine experiments and the art of being ‘smart’


Morgan Mouton(加拿大卡尔加里大学)首次出版时间:2020/1/13|研究论文

This article explores the material dimensions of ‘smart city’ initiatives in the context of postcolonial cities where urban utilities are qualified as deficient. It argues that while such projects may very well be another manifestation of urban entrepreneurialism, they should not be dismissed as an already-outdated research object. Rather, they can be analysed in light of postcolonial cities’ development agenda. Here, I document and analyse the ongoing construction of New Clark City, a smart city project that is envisioned by the current Philippine state administration as a solution to the crisis that Metro Manila’s urban infrastructure is going through. In doing so, I seek to integrate Science and Technology Studies’ insights on infrastructure provision with the literature on worlding efforts in cities of the global South.

本文探讨后殖民城市背景下“智慧城市”倡议的物质层面,在后殖民城市中,城市公用事业被定性为不足。本文认为,尽管这些项目很可能是城市创业精神的另一种表现形式,但它们不应被视为已经过时的研究对象。相反,我们可以根据后殖民城市的发展议程来分析它们。在本文中,我描述并分析了正在进行中的新克拉克市 (New Clark City) 的建设。这是一个智慧城市项目,被现任菲律宾政府设想为解决大马尼拉城市基础设施正在经历的危机的方案。藉此,我寻求将科学技术研究对基础设施建设的见解与全球南方城市的世界化 (worlding) 努力方面的文献进行整合。
Keywordsinfrastructure provision, Mega-Manila, provincialising, smart city, splintering urbanism, worlding
关键词基础设施供应, 大马尼拉, 行省化, 智慧城市, 分裂的城市化, 世界化



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