

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百三十六期,将介绍Urban Studies Special Issue的5篇论文。主题包括拉丁美洲的智慧城市,台北智慧都市主义的地方化,圣地亚哥的智慧城市叙事,加拿大乡村智慧城市的实施,旅游指南、城市空间想象与LGBTQ+行动主义,欢迎阅读。


Latin American smart cities: Between worlding infatuation and crawling provincialising   


Clara Irazábal(美国堪萨斯市密苏里堪萨斯大学)Paola Jirón(智利大学)首次出版时间:2020/10/19|研究论文

Smart city initiatives in Latin America aim to harness information and communication technologies to make urban service provision and management more efficient, transparent and user-friendly. Latin American cities have been relatively slow to adopt such initiatives, but there is inter- and intra-urban variety in the region. We offer illustrative vignettes of Rio de Janeiro, Santiago and Medellín, which have experimented with different formats for smart city programme design, implementation and management. While top-down and flashier smart city projects in these cities reflect worlding aspirations on the part of urban elites, mixed and bottom-up approaches serve to provincialise and often informalise the initiatives in manners that destabilise elitism and more equitably distribute costs and benefits. One of the biggest challenges these cities share in developing smarter initiatives is inequality, given that most interventions are located in or benefit higher-income areas and actors. As instruments to provincialise the discourses and practices of smart cityness in the region, we propose that cities adopt the ‘6-Es smart cities framework’ (efficiency, economy, ecology, equity, education and engagement) and mobilise public–private–people partnerships within city plans and implementation processes.

Keywords Latin American cities, Medellín, provincialising, public–private–people partnerships, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, smart cities, smart cities framework, worlding
关键词丁美洲城市, 麦德林, 本地化, 公私伙伴关系, 里约热内卢, 圣地亚哥, 智慧城市, 智慧城市框架, 世界化


Provincialising smart urbanism in Taipei: The smart city as a strategy for urban regime transition                 


I-Chun Catherine Chang(美国麦克莱斯特学院)Sue-Ching Jou(台湾大学)Ming-Kuang Chung(台湾大学)首次出版时间:2020/9/13|研究论文

The appeal of revolutionising urban governance through information technologies has prompted cities across the globe to pursue smart city initiatives. The mainstream scholarship on these initiatives has mostly focused on technology and corporate-led urban development, and it also often privileges the experience of cities in the global North. Nevertheless, this mainstream understanding of the smart city may obscure emerging new power dynamics and locally contextualised processes associated with smart urban development, especially in cities at the global periphery. Inspired by post-colonial theories, this article makes the case for ‘provincialising’ smart urbanism by dislodging technology from the centre of analysis, accentuating perspectives of cities outside the locations where the smart city knowledge is traditionally produced and attending to power relationships. In our case study of Taipei, this provincialising approach helps unveil various logics, intentionalities, assemblages and power dynamics through which the smart city is employed as a political strategy to facilitate urban regime transition. We argue that the current non-affiliated Ko administration exploits the veneer of technological superiority and political neutrality of its smart city agenda to set a new growth agenda, form new development coalitions, establish new institutions and incorporate rising populist momentum into policy-making. Focusing on the politics of being smart, our findings illustrate how smart city experiments reshape power dynamics and regime formation through reorganising actors and interest groups, reconfiguring government institutions, reallocating resource distribution and, in the end, bolstering governing legitimacy.



Keywords provincialising, smart city, Taipei, urban regime transition

关键词 地方化, 智慧城市, 台北, 城市体制转型
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020947908


Placebo urban interventions: Observing Smart City narratives in Santiago de Chile


Paola Jirón(智利大学)Walter A Imilán(智利中央大学)Carlos Lange(加拿大卡尔加里大学)Pablo Mansilla(智利瓦尔帕莱索宗座天主教大学)首次出版时间:2020/8/29|研究论文

The implementation of the Smart City (SC) model in Santiago, Chile has not heralded any significant interventions in terms of scale, urban impact, amount invested, technological innovation or architectural design. Instead, material interventions have been small and have had little more than a superficial impact upon the perceptions of citizens. The significance of observing ‘Smart’ interventions in Santiago involves analysing their implementation under a provincialising lens in order to observe the way local experience transforms monist ways of thinking about SCs. Based on ethnographic observation of an SC intervention (in Paseo Bandera, Santiago de Chile), four principles of intervention were identified: democratisation of the city, spatial appropriation by citizens, social and technological innovation and local and territorialised interventions. These principles help to identify the intervention as an urban placebo, which the article argues works through the fictions of effective interventions and urban image improvement that seek to participate in worlding practices whilst, in reality, very little is being improved or effectively addressed in the city. Paseo Bandera SC intervention presents a narrative of modern, sustainable and technologically advanced urban planning in the form of specific material interventions, when in fact it involves very little modernity, sustainability or technology, and is little more than a continuation and evolution of the neoliberal urban model that exists in Chile.

摘要 智慧城市模式在智利圣地亚哥的实施,在规模、城市影响、投资额、技术创新或建筑设计方面并未带来任何重大干预。相反,物质干预一直很小,对市民的感知只产生了表面的影响。在圣地亚哥观察“智慧”干预措施的意义在于,从一个地方性的视角分析它们的实施情况,以观察当地经验如何改变看待智慧城市的一元论思维方式。基于对智利圣地亚哥的帕索班德拉 (Paseo Bandera) 的一个智慧城市干预的人种学观察,我们确定了四项干预原则:城市民主化、市民对空间的占有、社会和技术创新以及当地和属地干预。这些原则有助于明确干预作为城市安慰剂的功能。本文认为,这种做法通过虚构有效干预和城市形象改善(从而寻求参与世界实践)发挥作用,但在现实中,改善乏善可陈、城市问题也没有得到有效解决。帕索班德拉的智慧城市干预呈现了一个现代、可持续和技术先进的城市规划的叙事,其以具体的物质干预为表现形式,但在事实上几乎不涉及现代性、可持续性或高科技,只不过是智利现有的新自由主义城市模式的延续和演变。
Keywords planning, public space, smart cities, social justice, technology, theory, urban knowledge
规划, 公共空间, 智慧城市, 社会正义, 高科技, 理论, 城市知识



The frontier of digital opportunity: Smart city implementation in small, rural and remote communities in Canada


Zachary Spicer(加拿大多伦多大学)Nicole Goodman(加拿大布罗克大学)Nathan Olmstead(加拿大多伦多大学)首次出版时间:2019/9/4|研究论文


Studies of ‘smart cities’ in Canada primarily focus on large cities but not small, rural and remote communities. As a result, we have a limited understanding of the incentive structures for smaller, remote and rural communities to pursue smart city development. This knowledge deficit is concerning, since the introduction of technology can hold a number of unique benefits for these communities, including easier connections to the rest of Canada and large urban centres, reputation building, improved service delivery and enhanced opportunities for residents. Drawing upon localised forms of knowledge creation, policy development theories, adoption and local competition literature and primary interviews with private and public officials, we examine the challenges and opportunities of ‘smart city’ implementation through case studies of small and rural municipalities in Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia and a remote community, Iqaluit, Nunavut. We find that collaboration is essential for rural and remote pursuit of smart city development and is necessary to counteract the limitations of capacity, scale and digital divides. Challenges aside, however, the primary rationale for adoption of smart city technology remains the same regardless of size: enhanced quality of life for residents and sustained community health.

KeywordsAnnapolis Valley, Canada, Iqaluit, rural, smart city

安纳波利斯谷, 加拿大, 伊卡利特, 乡村, 智慧城市



Travel guides, urban spatial imaginaries and LGBTQ+ activism: The case of Damron guides

旅游指南、城市空间想象与LGBTQ+行动主义:以Damron guides为例

Larry Knopp(美国塔科马华盛顿大学)Michael Brown(美国华盛顿大学)首次出版时间:2020/5/15|研究论文

In this paper we focus on LGBTQ+ travel guides and the creation of a North American LGBTQ+ urban imaginary as forms and facilitators of activism. Specifically, we consider one of the few continuously published sources detailing such an imaginary in the mid-20th century and its construction of an ‘epistemological grid’ onto which entries were placed. We briefly situate the guides in the context of an emerging (and frequently politicised) mid-20th-century LGBTQ+ media ecosystem, then proceed to a detailed analysis of the imaginary they evoke. Cities are the guides’ assumed building-blocks, along with certain other ontologies, most notably bars, sex establishments and other meeting places (though these change over time). As aggregators of information at a national scale, the guides standardised and communicated particular notions of what LGBTQ+ space was (and is). At the same time, as way-finding tools they helped readers navigate actual communities at the local scale. In so doing, we argue, Damron guides helped shape early forms of LGBTQ+ identity and community in North America – including the establishment of ‘gaybourhoods’. We therefore interpret the guides as both activist and facilitators of activism. They claimed space at an abstract level while simultaneously facilitating place-making, territorialisation and simple survival strategies by actual people on the ground. Our analysis contributes to understandings of the relationship, over time and at multiple scales, between travel guides, an urban-based North American spatial imaginary and LGBTQ+ activism. It also highlights Damron guides’ potential as a rich source of data.



Keywordscommunity, diversity/cohesion/segregation, gender, politics, queer, sexuality, social
关键词社区, 多样性/凝聚力/隔离, 性别, 政治, 同性恋, 性, 社会



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