

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百三十七期,将介绍Urban Studies Special Issue: Placing LGBTQ+ urban activisms 的5篇论文。主题包括多伦多同性恋村的黑人LGBTQ抵抗,悉尼的世界性LGBTQI+行动主义,体育赛事与城市行动主义,新加坡的边缘地带,酷儿城市创伤与空间政治,欢迎阅读。


Negotiating racialised (un)belonging: Black LGBTQ resistance in Toronto’s gay village   

对种族化的(非)归属进行协商:多伦多同性恋村的黑人 LGBTQ 抵抗

Rae Daniel Rosenberg(加拿大多伦多大学士嘉堡分校)首次出版时间:2020/6/10|研究论文

This article explores the ways in which homeless Black queer and trans youth embody and perform everyday acts of temporal and spatial resistance in Toronto’s gay village. By analysing interviews, mental maps and photographs from my research with homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and Two-Spirit (LGBTQ2) youth, I present how homeless Black queer and trans youth counter the whiteness and anti-Black racism they frequently experience in the village through acts of remembering and placemaking. Specifically, I argue that despite the small-scale reach of the everyday resistance that manifests in our interviews, temporal and spatial resistance challenge the whitewashing of Toronto’s gay village, which is particularly crucial in a moment when the village is centred in conversations of anti-Black racism in the city’s queer community. Engaging in these forms of everyday resistance illustrates the ways in which homeless Black LGBTQ youth instruct their own placemaking in an otherwise uninhabitably racialised neighbourhood, shift narratives of their experiences in processes of knowledge production and spark processes of their own politicisation and community building.

摘要本文探讨无家可归的黑人酷儿和跨性别青年在多伦多的同性恋村庄中体现和进行日常时空反抗行为的方式。通过分析我对无家可归的女同性恋者、男同性恋者、双性恋者、变性者、酷儿和双灵者 (LGBTQ2) 青年的研究中产生的访谈、心理地图和照片,我展示了无家可归的黑人酷儿和双灵者青年如何在同性恋村庄通过记念活动和地方营造来对抗他们经常经历的白人至上和反黑人种族主义。具体来说,我认为,尽管我们的采访所揭示的、日常的抵抗都是小规模的,但时间和空间上的抵抗挑战了对多伦多同性恋村庄的粉饰,这在这个村庄正处于城市同性恋社区反黑人种族主义对话的关键时刻尤为重要。参与这些形式的日常抵抗表明了无家可归的黑人男女同性恋、双性恋、变性者和跨性别青年如何在一个原本无法居住的种族主义社区指导他们自己的地方营造,改变对他们在知识生产过程中的经历的叙述,并激发他们自己的政治化和社区建设进程。
Keywords Black geographies, embodiment, everyday resistance, queer geographies, youth
关键词黑人地理, 体现, 日常抵抗, 酷儿地理, 青年


‘We’re in Asia’: Worlding LGBTQI+ activism otherwise in Sydney                 

“我们在亚洲”:悉尼的世界性 LGBTQI+ 行动主义

Derek Ruez(芬兰坦佩雷大学)首次出版时间:2020/11/20|研究论文

Building on recent work in postcolonial urban studies that has developed more genuinely plural approaches to urban theorising, this article poses the problem of ‘worlding’ in relation to urban LGBTQI+ activism in Sydney, Australia. Specifically, the article examines how Sydney is variously worlded as or against ‘Asia’ in public debate around LGBTQI+ politics and in the imaginaries of activists living in Sydney. These worldings are shown to be an important aspect of queer activisms and urbanisms in Sydney, and I argue that attention to this worlding can productively complement a renewed focus on place and specificity in queer urban literatures. While imagining Sydney or Australia as part of Asia is itself no guarantee of productive politics or of decentring epistemologies, the article argues that some of these worldings do provide an occasion and a provocation to think elsewhere and otherwise in ways that are responsive to the specific character of White Australia’s colonial pasts and presents, while also generatively (dis)locating Sydney beyond the ‘West’.


基于最近在后殖民城市研究中发展出的更为真正多元化的城市理论方法,本文提出了与澳大利亚悉尼的城市男女同性恋/双性恋/变性人/酷儿/中性人 (LGBTQI)+行动主义相关的“世界化”问题。具体来说,本文探讨了在围绕LGBTQI+政治的公开辩论中,以及在生活在悉尼的活动家的想象中,悉尼是如何作为亚洲的一部分、或者以一种“非亚洲”的方式、在各个方面世界化的。这些方面的世界化被证明是悉尼酷儿活动和城市化的一个重要方面,我认为对这种世界化的关注可以有效地补充酷儿城市文献中对地方和特异性的重新关注。尽管将悉尼或澳大利亚想象为亚洲的一部分本身并不能保证政治上的富有成效或认识论上的去中心化,但本文认为,其中一些世界化的方面确实提供了一个机会和一种启发,让人们以其他地方的、或不同的思维方式思考,从而回应澳大利亚白人殖民地过去和现在的特定特征,同时也从血缘上使悉尼从“西方”抽离出来。

Keywords LGBTQI+ activism, place specificity, queer politics, queer urban studies, spatial imaginaries, worlding

关键词 LGBTQI+行动主义, 地方特异性, 酷儿政治, 酷儿城市研究, 空间想象, 世界化
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020966448


Play, protest and pride: Un/happy queers of Proud to Play in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand


Lynda Johnston(新西兰怀卡多大学)Gordon Waitt(澳大利亚卧龙岗大学)首次出版时间:2020/3/3|研究论文

This article extends discussion of urban activism through paying attention to the emotional and embodied politics of a sports event. We draw on research of the ‘Proud to Play Games’, an inaugural regional multi-sports event held during the Auckland Pride Festival in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2016. Feminist and queer theories of emotion and affect – particularly the promise of happiness – produce nuanced understandings of urban gay pride events. We focus on the experiences of three Proud to Play participants as they illustrate the tensions of play/protest, happy/sad and pride/shame in Auckland. The portraits highlight: a homonormativity pursuit of happiness and youthful masculine athleticism; precarious happiness and oppositional lesbian desire; and, the pursuit of indigenous happiness. Through attention to affective and emotional politics, we demonstrate that Proud to Play can challenge heteronormative urban space by simultaneously fighting for a better future and making a claim for the right to be unhappy.

摘要 本文通过关注体育赛事的情感化和具象化政治来扩展对城市行动主义的讨论。我们借鉴了对“以玩耍为荣” (Proud to Play Games) 这一赛事的研究。这项地区性多项目体育赛事于2016年在新西兰奥特亚罗瓦 (Aotearoa) 举行的奥克兰骄傲节 (Auckland Pride Festival) 期间首次举办。情感和情爱的女权主义和酷儿 (queer) 理论(尤其是对幸福的承诺)产生了对城市同性恋骄傲活动的微妙理解。我们聚焦于三位“以玩耍为荣”参与者的经历,他们展示了在奥克兰玩耍/抗议、快乐/悲伤和骄傲/羞耻之间的张力。这些画像凸显了:对幸福的同性恋范式化 (homonormativity) 追求和年轻男性的运动精神;不稳定的幸福和对立的女同性恋欲望;对本土幸福的追求。通过对情爱和情感政治的关注,我们证明了“以玩耍为荣”可以通过同时为更美好的未来而奋斗和主张“不幸福的权利”来挑战“异性恋范式” (heteronormative) 的城市空间。
Keywords affect, cities, emotion, gender, sexualities, sport, unhappy queer activism
情爱, 城市, 情感, 性别, 性, 运动,不幸福酷儿行动主义



Negotiating LGBTQ rights in Singapore: The margin as a place of refusal

在新加坡就 LGBTQ 权利进行协商:边缘地带作为遭受拒绝的地方

Kamalini Ramdas(新加坡国立大学)首次出版时间:2020/11/19|研究论文


The complex diversity of urban life in cities is often the cause of social friction but it can also spark change. Densely populated cities are places where individuals find community but they are also places where some communities become marginalised and excluded. In the city-state of Singapore community-based activism is an important strategy for minority groups claiming a right to their place in the city. Conceptualising the margin as a place of refusal, the paper focuses on how Singapore’s LGBTQ communities have contested and negotiated from their place at the margins of the city-state, calling into question the Singapore State’s hegemonic narratives of family and community for heteronormative nation-building. These contestations have resulted in strategies that both adopt and elide individual rights-based narratives that have centred primarily on the repeal of Section 377A of Singapore’s penal code. While the repeal of 377A remains critical, the paper focuses on three examples of Sayoni’s community advocacy, Pink Dot and education, which extend the discourse beyond the issue of repeal, and the single identity category of sexuality. Even as the fight for repeal continues, LGBTQ subjects are resisting, negotiating and advocating against violence, discrimination and making space for love and community in ways that co-opt and destabilise social norms in Singapore, thus occupying the margin as a place of radical openness.

摘要城市生活的复杂多样性往往是引起社会摩擦的原因,但也可能引发变革。在人口稠密的城市中,个人能找到社群,但也正是在这样的城市中,一些社群遭到边缘化和排斥。在新加坡这个城市国家,以社群为基础的行动主义是少数群体要求在城市中拥有一席之地的重要策略。本文将边缘地带概念化为一个遭受拒绝的地方,重点关注新加坡的男女同性恋/双性恋/变性者和双性人群体 (LGBTQ) 如何从他们所处的城市国家边缘的位置进行竞争和谈判,并质疑新加坡政府基于父权的国家建设所决定的家庭和社区霸权叙事。这些争论导致采取和取消以个人权利为基础的叙述的策略,焦点在于废除新加坡《刑法》第377A条。虽然废除《刑法》第377A条仍然至关重要,但本文重点关注萨约尼 (Sayoni) 社群倡导、粉红点 (Pink Dot) 和教育这三个例子,这些例子将讨论扩展到废除问题、以及单一的性身份类别之外。尽管废除的斗争仍在继续,但LGBTQ群体仍在就反对暴力、歧视问题进行抵制、谈判和倡导,并为爱和社群创造空间(以一种指向并撼动新加坡社会规范的方式),从而占据了边缘地带并使之成为了一个开放的地带。
Keywordsclassroom, community, LGBTQ, margin, region, sexual citizenship

教室, 社群, 男女同性恋/双性恋/变性者/双性人 (LGBTQ), 边缘人, 地区, 性公民



Queer urban trauma and its spatial politics: A lesson from social movements in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem


Gilly Hartal(以色列巴伊兰大学)Chen Misgav(以色列开放大学)首次出版时间:2020/7/11|研究论文

Growing attention has been devoted to the political geography of urban social movements but trauma, its urban context and spatial politics, have been significantly neglected. This paper aims to develop the concept of ‘queer urban trauma’ and its aftermath in the sense of urban and spatial activism, through an analysis of two traumatic events for the LGBT community in Israel. It explains how traumatic events taking place within urban contexts affect the spatial politics of LGBT and queer urban activism. Based on geographies of sexualities and queer theory, this paper aims to fill this gap by analysing traumatic events in two Israeli cities: the 2009 shooting of two young queers in a youth club in Tel Aviv, and the 2015 stabbing of a young girl during the Jerusalem Pride Parade. Tel Aviv is considered the liberal centre of Israel and a local ‘gay heaven’, as well as a destination for global gay tourism. Jerusalem on the other hand is usually described with a sense of alienation among LGBT and queer individuals and movements, where every political, spatial, cultural and financial achievement is a struggle. We argue that the politics of trauma are constructed differently in these two urban settings, producing important nuances of urban activism and politics. Through this empirical discussion, we develop the concept of ‘queer urban trauma’, revealing divergent forms of spatial visibility, presence and activity of the queer movements within urban spaces.


人们越来越关注城市社会运动的政治地理,但创伤、其城市背景和空间政治却被严重忽视。本文旨在通过对以色列男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者 (LGBT) 群体的两起创伤事件的分析,在城市和空间行动主义的意义上发展“酷儿城市创伤”的概念并探究其后果。本文解释了发生在城市背景下的创伤性事件是如何影响LGBT群体的空间政治和酷儿城市行动主义的。基于性和酷儿理论的地理学,本文旨在通过分析两个以色列城市的创伤事件来填补这一空白。这两起事件分别是2009年特拉维夫一个青年俱乐部中两名年轻酷儿被枪杀,以及2015年耶路撒冷骄傲游行 (Jerusalem Pride Parade) 中一名年轻女孩被刺伤。特拉维夫被认为是以色列的自由中心和当地的“同性恋天堂”,也是全球同性恋旅游胜地。另一方面,LGBT以及酷儿个人和运动都描述了耶路撒冷的那种疏离感,在这些运动中,每一项政治、空间、文化和财政成就都是一场斗争。我们认为,创伤政治在这两个城市环境中是以不同的方式构建的,并产生了城市行动主义和政治方面的重要细微差别。通过这种实证性的讨论,我们发展了“酷儿城市创伤”的概念,揭示了城市空间中酷儿运动的空间可见性、存在和活动的不同形式。

KeywordsLGBT activism, memorialisation, queer urban trauma, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, urban social movements
关键词LGBT行动主义, 纪念, 酷儿城市创伤, 特拉维夫和耶路撒冷, 城市社会运动



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