

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百四十期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First 的5篇论文。主题包括中国武汉新冠爆发与控制,民族宗教社区基础设施与德国移民及其后代的生活满意度,超越新自由主义的城市治理,全球南方的城市化,跨国岛屿城市化,欢迎阅读。


Urban epidemic governance: An event system analysis of the outbreak and control of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China


Jinliao He(华东师范大学)Yuan Zhang(华东师范大学)首次出版时间:2022/2/8|研究论文

The outbreak of a virus such as COVID-19 is composed of a series of seemingly random incidents which are nevertheless interconnected. In a novel approach, this article adopts the event system theory (EST), established in organisational behaviour science, to investigate the mechanism of epidemic governance in Wuhan, the city which reported the first case of COVID-19 and thereafter successfully controlled the outbreak. The event system analysis divided Wuhan’s response mechanism to COVID-19 into four dimensions: the graded response systems, the interactive relationship between multilevel entities of epidemic governance, the quarantine regulations and the governance of public sentiment. There are numerous lessons learned and effective measures developed from the ‘Wuhan experience’. These lessons and measures can assist other cities around the world to cope with the current COVID-19 crisis and prepare their urban governance systems for similar infectious diseases in the future. We urgently advocate the addition of more scholarly discussion on urban epidemic governance by incorporating interdisciplinary approaches like EST in particular.

摘要像新冠肺炎这样的病毒的爆发由一系列看似随机的事件组成,但这些事件却相互关联。本文采用一种新颖的方法,利用组织行为科学中确立的事件系统理论(EST)来研究武汉市的流行病治理机制,该市报告了首例新冠肺炎病例并随后成功控制了疫情。事件系统分析将武汉市对新冠肺炎的应对机制划分为四个维度:分级应对体系、多级疫情治理主体之间的互动关系、隔离条例和舆情治理。“武汉经验”给了我们许多经验教训,也形成了许多有效措施。这些经验教训和措施可以帮助世界各地的其他城市应对当前的新冠肺炎危机,并使各城市的城市治理体系为应对未来类似的传染病做好准备。我们迫切主张通过纳入跨学科方法,特别是 EST,开展城市流行病治理方面的更多学术讨论。
Keywords COVID-19, event system theory, urban governance, Wuhan
关键词新冠肺炎, 事件系统理论, 城市治理, 武汉


Ethno-religious neighbourhood infrastructures and the life satisfaction of immigrants and their descendants in Germany                            


Jonas Wiedner(德国柏林社会科学中心)Merlin Schaeffer(丹麦哥本哈根大学)Sarah Carol(爱尔兰都柏林大学学院)首次出版时间:2022/2/8|研究论文

Urban research assigns immigrant enclaves an ambiguous role. While such areas are seen as rich in beneficial ethno-religious infrastructures and networks, they also tend to be located in deprived and stigmatised inner-city neighbourhoods. Research on neighbourhood attainment provides evidence for both, a desire to attain mainstream middle-class neighbourhoods, which grows the more immigrants and their descendants establish themselves in society, but also a continuing attraction of residing close to co-ethnics. To tease apart this ambiguity, we study how the life satisfaction of immigrants and their descendants depends on the characteristics of the neighbourhood they live in, and pay special attention to heterogeneity along generation, country of origin orientation and income. We use classic measures of neighbourhood quality vis-à-vis newly collected data on the spatial density of ethno-religious minority associations, places of worship and grocers. We link these data to the geocoded German Socio-Economic Panel to predict life satisfaction among immigrants and their descendants. To strengthen a causal interpretation of our results, we employ specifications that address self-selection into neighbourhoods and unobserved confounding. Contra the assumptions of standard assimilation models, we document that ethno-religious infrastructures contribute to increased life satisfaction primarily among the second generation, and there especially among sending-country oriented individuals. This suggests a continuing importance of origin-culture infrastructures for some groups. Furthermore, we find little evidence that overall neighbourhood quality, or the mere share of co-ethnics in a neighbourhood, increases life satisfaction either among immigrants or their descendants.


城市研究赋予了移民飞地一个模棱两可的角色。虽然这些地区被视为拥有丰富且有益的民族宗教基础设施和网络,但它们也往往位于贫困和污名化的市中心街区。对街区成就的研究同时证明了两点:一是成为主流中产阶级街区的渴望,这使得更多的移民及其后代在社会中立足,二是靠近同种族地方居住的持续吸引力。为了梳理这种模糊性,我们研究了移民及其后代的生活满意度如何取决于他们所居住街区的特征,并特别关注不同世代、原籍国取向人群和收入群体的异质性。我们使用经典的街区质量衡量标准与新收集的有关民族宗教少数群体协会、礼拜场所和杂货店的空间密度数据进行比较。我们将这些数据与地理编码的德国社会经济小组 (German Socio-Economic Panel) 联系起来,以预测移民及其后代的生活满意度。为了强化对我们结果的因果解释,我们采用了能解决“自我选择进入街区”问题和未观察到的混杂问题的规范。与标准同化模型的假设相反,我们的证据表明民族宗教基础设施主要有助于提高第二代移民的生活满意度,在倾向于输出国的个人中尤其如此。这表明原生文化基础设施对某些群体的持续重要性。此外,我们几乎没有发现任何证据表明,街区的整体质量,或仅仅是街区中同族的比例,可以提高移民或其后代的生活满意度。

Keywords community, life satisfaction, migration, neighbourhood, race/ethnicity


社区, 生活满意度, 移民, 街区, 种族/民族

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211066412


Deal-making, elite networks and public–private hybridisation: More-than-neoliberal urban governance


Chris Gibson(澳大利亚卧龙岗大学)Crystal Legacy(澳大利墨尔本大学)Dallas Rogers(澳大利亚悉尼大学)首次出版时间:2022/2/8|研究论文

In this commentary, we argue that augmented concepts and research methods are needed to comprehend hybrid urban governance reconfigurations that benefit market actors but eschew competition in favour of deal-making between elite state and private actors. Fuelled by financialisation and in response to planning conflict are regulatory reforms that legitimise opaque alliances in service of infrastructure and urban development projects. From a specific city (Sydney, Australia) we draw upon one such reform – Unsolicited Proposals – to point to a broader landscape of hybrid urban governance, its reconfigurations of power and potential effect on cities. Whereas neoliberal governance promotes competition and views the state and private sectors as distinct, hybrid urban governance leverages state monopoly power and abjures market competition, instead endorsing high-level public–private coordination, technical and financial expertise and confidential deal-making over major urban projects. We scrutinise how Unsolicited Proposals normalise this approach. Commercial-in-confidence protection and absent tender processes authorise a narrow constellation of influential private and public actors to preconfigure outcomes without oversight. Such reforms, we argue, consolidate elite socio-spatial power, jeopardise city function and amplify corruption vulnerabilities. To theorise hybrid urban governance at the intersection of neoliberalism and Asia-Pacific state-capitalism, we offer the concepts of coercive monopoly (where market entry is closed, without opportunity to compete) and de jure collusion (where regulation reforms codify informal alliances among elites connected across government and corporate and consultancy worlds). We call for urban scholarship to pay closer attention to public–private hybridisation in governance, scrutinising regulatory mechanisms that consecrate deal-making and undermine the public interest.

摘要 在这篇评论中,我们认为需要改进概念和研究方法来理解混合城市治理重构,这些重构有利于市场参与者,但以有利于精英政府和私人参与者之间开展交易的方式规避了竞争。金融化推动了监管改革(同时也是对规划冲突的应对措施),这些改革使为基础设施和城市发展项目提供服务的不透明联盟合法化。我们借鉴了一个城市(澳大利亚悉尼)的“主动提议 (Unsolicited Proposals)”改革,以指出更广泛的混合城市治理格局、其权力的重新配置和对城市的潜在影响。新自由主义治理促进竞争并将政府和私营部门视为不同的参与者,而混合城市治理则利用政府垄断权力并摒弃市场竞争,转而支持高水平的公私合作、技术和金融专业知识、以及对重大城市项目的保密交易。我们仔细研究了主动提议如何使得这种做法常态化。商业保密保护和缺少招标程序使得一小群有影响力的私人和公共行为者能在不受监督的情况下预先配置结果。我们认为,此类改革巩固了精英的社会空间权力,危及城市功能并放大了城市面对腐败时的脆弱性。为了在新自由主义和亚太国家资本主义的交叉点上将混合城市治理理论化,我们提出了强制性垄断(市场准入被封闭,缺乏竞争机会)和法律上的共谋(监管改革将政府、企业和咨询领域精英之间的非正式联盟合法化)的概念。我们呼吁城市学术界更紧密地关注治理中的公私混合,审视那些将交易神圣化并损害公共利益的监管机制。
Keywords deal-making, governance, infrastructure, neoliberalism, planning, policy, politics
交易, 治理, 基础设施, 新自由主义, 规划, 政策, 政治



Is urbanisation in the Global South fundamentally different? Comparative global urban analysis for the 21st century


Gregory F Randolph(美国南加州大学)Michael Storper(英国伦敦经济学院,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校)首次出版时间:2022/2/8|研究论文


A vigorous debate has emerged in recent years over how to understand cities of the Global South. A pivotal issue in this debate is whether urbanisation processes in the South are so fundamentally different from historical and current urbanisation in the Global North that many of the theories developed from studying the latter have limited utility in application to the former. In this article, we review evidence from a range of disciplines on recent and ongoing urban transitions and urbanisation dynamics in the Global South, attending to features that distinguish the urban South from the urban North. Our reading of the evidence indicates that parts of the Global South may be urbanising along historically and geographically specific trajectories; however, we argue that these differences are best understood through a unified set of global urban theories. Rather than flattening or silencing difference, theories that seek generalisation across time and space sharpen the identification and appreciation of key differences in urbanisation processes. Analysing how the fundamental dynamics of urbanisation recombine and interact with one another in different contexts offers insight into policy challenges that cut across cities, both within and between the Global South and North, as well as context-specific policy issues that arise through the interaction of global urbanisation forces and local specificities.

Keywordsagglomeration/urbanisation, demographics, development, Global South, migration, theory, urban land nexus

集聚/城市化, 人口统计学, 发展, 全球南方, 移民, 理论, 城市土地关系



Bodies of transnational island urbanism: Spatial narratives of inclusion/exclusion of Filipinas in Philippine islands                                      


Arnisson Andre C Ortega(美国雪城大学)首次出版时间:2022/2/8|研究论文

Tropical islands can become terrains of urbanisation worthy of examination. In the Philippines, several islands have experienced urban transformation (capital accumulation, immigration, diversification, land conversion) through tourism. At the forefront of these urban transformations are Filipinas, particularly those in interracial relationships with foreign men who invest in island properties and establish resorts. These resorts stimulate a transnationally-oriented mode of urban transformation reliant on the transnational mobilities of tourists, expats and capital. This paper examines this by foregrounding the experiences of Filipinas, concentrating on how they are differentially included and excluded throughout the multi-scalar process of island urban accumulation. I locate these differential experiences in various spaces (nation, community, resort, households), noting in particular the (1) national discourses underlying state tourism and foreign retirement programmes, (2) transactions enabling property purchases and resorts, and (3) translocal mobilities sustaining urban accumulation. What emerge from these accounts are the selective inclusions and exclusions of Filipinas in transnational urban accumulation in the islands. While their role in facilitating island urban accumulation may suggest a form of ‘empowered’ inclusivity, this can easily be undercut by sexist micropolitics of exclusion that tend to reduce them to ‘mere women’ and/or ‘prostitutes’. Such differential practices of inclusion/exclusion demonstrate the gendered dynamics that unequally put a double burden on Filipinas. Unravelling these accounts demonstrates how gendered relations and sexuality are important forces underpinning urban transformation and transnational mobilities that constitute diversification.



KeywordsFilipina, gender, islands, transnationalism, urbanisation
关键词菲律宾女人, 性别, 岛屿, 跨国主义, 城市化



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