

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百四十一期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First 的3篇论文和Current Issue的2篇论文。主题包括美国的移民拘留,印度的住宅隔离与公共服务,城市间的供水与污水处理支出,日常城市建设与污名化,墨西哥的殖民主义与边缘工作,欢迎阅读。


‘Unpleasant’ but ‘helpful’: Immigration detention and urban entanglements in New Jersey, USA


Deirdre Conlon(英国利兹大学)Nancy Hiemstra(美国纽约州立大学石溪分校)首次出版时间:2022/2/8|研究论文

As a reflection of changing geographies of US migration control, when Essex County, New Jersey’s local government adopted a new immigration detention contract with the federal government, an elected official noted: ‘This is a very unpleasant way of getting revenue…But it’s going to be helpful.’ Despite politically liberal leanings as well as active and expanding resistance to a persistently conservative immigration enforcement agenda from the national level, New Jersey has been a leading provider of detention in the United States, with numerous counties benefiting significantly from immigration crackdowns. This article examines local debates in three New Jersey municipalities alongside public records data that detail financial relationships central to immigration detention operations, to argue that the ensuing relationships intersect and intertwine in ways that make detention economies a critical facet of municipal development. Further, following a 2021 paper by Lauren Martin, we argue that attention to the array of entities that are linked through detention economies demonstrates the usefulness of understanding the migration ‘industry’ as an assemblage. Using a site-specific investigative focus we trace myriad entities’ involvement in immigration detention and reliance on income from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. We detail how these multifarious actors, sometimes with opposing views on detention and distinct rationalities, converge in ways that contribute to the further entrenchment of detention in municipal areas. Through this focused case study, our analysis advances a critical migration industries approach and details how detention economies are ‘assembled’ and entangled with urban areas.

摘要当新泽西州埃塞克斯县地方政府通过与联邦政府之间新的移民拘留合同时,作为对美国移民管理地理变化的思考,一位民选官员指出:“这种获得收入的方式非常令人不快。但这会有所帮助。”尽管其政治上的自由主义倾向以及国家层面对一贯保守的移民执法议程的积极主动且不断扩大的抵制,在美国,新泽西州一直是移民拘留的主要来源,许多县从打击移民中受益匪浅。本文研究新泽西州三个城市的地方辩论、以及能详细说明对移民拘留行动而言至关重要的财务关系的公共记录数据,以论证由此产生的关系相互交叉和交织,使得拘留经济成为城市发展的一个关键因素。此外,在劳伦·马丁 (Lauren Martin) 于 2021 年发表的一篇论文的基础上,我们主张,对通过拘留经济联系起来的一系列实体的关注表明了将移民“行业”理解为一个集合体的实用性。我们利用特定于相关地点的调查重点,追踪大量实体对移民拘留的参与以及对来自于移民和海关执法部门收入的依赖。我们详细介绍了这些五花八门的行为者(他们有时对拘留持有相反的观点和各自不同的逻辑)如何融合在一起,进一步固化了各个城市地区的拘留行动。通过这一焦点案例研究,我们的分析推进了一种批判性的移民行业研究,并详细说明了拘留经济是如何“组装”并与城市地区纠缠在一起的。
Keywords assemblages, detention, infrastructure, local government, migration, New Jersey, social justice
关键词集合体, 拘留, 基础设施, 地方政府, 移民, 新泽西州, 社会正义


Residential segregation and public services in urban India                            


Naveen Bharathi(美国宾夕法尼亚大学)Deepak Malghan(印度管理学院)Sumit Mishra(印度国立设计学院)Andaleeb Rahman(美国康奈尔大学)首次出版时间:2022/2/8|研究论文

Urban India is characterised by a high degree of intra-city spatial inequality in the availability of public services like piped water and sewerage. We unpack the political channels that link residential segregation with access to public services. ‘Micro-segregation’, or neighbourhood residential sorting within a ward (the elementary administrative and political unit in urban India), enables segregated neighbourhoods to better organise and petition public services. Political competition further amplifies these demands from segregated neighbourhoods. The state’s response to such demand is, however, modulated by both in-group favouritism and outgroup discrimination. States’ ability to indulge in such favouritism and discrimination is in turn contingent on how the caste composition of a ward is different from that of the city as a whole –‘macro-segregation’. We combine large-scale quantitative analysis using neighbourhood-level national census data for all towns in India with at least 0.3 million residents, and multi-year qualitative fieldwork in Bengaluru, a metropolis of over 10 million residents, to delineate the interactions between these demand-side and supply-side channels. While macro-segregation is negatively associated with piped water and sewerage, micro-segregation has a positive association.


印度城市的特点是在公共服务(如供水和污水处理)的可用性方面存在高度的城市内部空间不平等。我们分析了一些将居住隔离与公共服务获取联系起来的政治渠道。“微隔离” 或社区(Ward,即印度城市的基层行政和政治单位)内的街区居住分类使得隔离街区能够更好地组织起来并申请公共服务。政治竞争进一步放大了这些隔离街区的需求。然而,政府对这种需求的反应受到群体内偏袒和群体外歧视的影响。各州是否能恣意地实行这种偏袒和歧视又反过来取决于一个社区 (Ward) 的种姓构成在多大程度上不同于整个城市的种姓构成(“宏观隔离”)。我们结合使用印度所有拥有至少 30 万居民的城镇的街区级全国人口普查数据的大规模定量分析,以及在拥有超过 1,000 万居民的大都市班加罗尔的多年定性实地调查,来描绘这些需求侧渠道和供给侧渠道之间的相互作用。宏观隔离与供水和污水处理呈负相关,而微观隔离则与之呈正相关。

Keywords India, multi-scalar residential segregation, urban politics, water and sanitation


印度, 多标度居住隔离, 城市政治, 水与卫生

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211072855


Interlocal interactions, municipal boundaries and water and wastewater expenditure in city-regions


Agustin Leon-Moreta(美国新墨西哥大学)Vittoria Totaro(美国新墨西哥大学)首次出版时间:2022/2/21|研究论文

Urban regions derive social and economic benefits as local governments supply water and wastewater services. We analyse differences in water and wastewater spending programmes in US city-regions. The municipal provision of water and wastewater services is situated in a regional context, examining how cities respond to different needs for services within regions. We use pooled data from 2002 to 2017 to examine changes in municipal water and wastewater expenditures. Our central finding is that water and wastewater programmes vary considerably across city-regions. Additional findings are that the municipal provision of these programmes appears to be correlated with the interaction between adjacent cities and changes to their jurisdictional boundaries. City governments may adapt their allocation of resources to water and wastewater functions according to the regional conditions surrounding city jurisdictions. This article connects theories of boundary change with systems of interlocal cooperation that support water and wastewater functions in urban regions.

摘要 城市地区从地方政府提供的供水和污水处理服务中获取社会和经济效益。我们分析了美国城市地区在供水和污水处理支出计划方面的差异。我们将市政供水和污水处理服务置于区域背景下,研究城市如何响应区域内对服务的不同需求。我们使用 2002 年至 2017 年期间的汇总数据来研究市政供水和污水处理支出的变化。我们的核心研究成果是,不同城市地区的供水和污水处理计划差异相当大。另外的研究成果是,这些市政供应计划似乎与相邻城市之间的互动及市政管辖范围的变化有关。市政府可能会根据城市管辖范围所处的区域条件调整其在供水和污水处理职能方面的资源配置。本文将边界变化理论与支持城市地区供水和污水处理职能的地方间合作系统联系起来。
Keywords city-regions, developing cities, interlocal arrangements, water and wastewater functions
城市区域, 发展中城市, 地方间安排, 供水和污水处理职能



Navigating stigma through everyday city-making: Gendered trajectories, politics and outcomes in the periphery of Lima


Adriana Allen(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2022/10/8|研究论文


Over the last two decades, a growing body of scholars from the fields of psychology, sociology, law and public health have devoted their attention to examining how and why stigma operates as a form of discrimination, paying particular attention to ethno-racially stigmatised groups. However, less attention has focused on how ordinary women and men engaged in peripheral urbanisation processes are stigmatised through multiple material, social and political mechanisms and with a myriad of outcomes. Building on this literature, and drawing on the trajectories of a man and a woman living in the periphery of metropolitan Lima, I explore how stigmatisation shapes the daily lives of poor and impoverished citizens as they try to find a place in the city, and how and why their everyday practices contribute, or not, to the transformation of stigma traps. I argue that the everyday city-making practices of the ‘unsheltered’ are inextricably linked to the politics of bare citizenship. As those stigmatised become individualised, isolated and undermined, they also are deprived of being part of a collective experience, and are deeply challenged to reclaim their agency as entitled citizens. The wider the range of stigmatisation mechanisms at work, the more difficult it is for those subjected to stigma to counteract them, as they become disadvantaged in a broad range of domains: from social relations, to tenure security, access to services and infrastructure, livelihood opportunities, and psychological and physical wellbeing. I further contend that a deep examination of the material world – the dwelling, the neighbourhood and the city – and of the practices and imaginaries that produce this material world, opens a window into the micro-politics of how stigma is negotiated, apportioned and resisted in the everyday lives of those who are politically and materially unsheltered.

Keywordsautoconstruction, everyday urbanism, Lima, peripheral urbanisation, stigma-making, counter-making

自动建设, 城市日常, 利马, 外围城市化, 污名制造, 反制造



Coloniality and the political economy of gender: Edgework in Juárez City            


Jennie Gamlin(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2022/4/28|研究论文

The manner in which urban locations are drawn into the global economy defines their spatial organisation, distribution and utilisation. The relationships that are generated by this process include economic exchanges, racialised dynamics between workers and owners, gendered divisions of labour and the use and abuse of natural resources and infrastructure. These encounters of globalisation are often unequal or awkward and mediated by varying forms of violence, from structural to interpersonal, as these are used to rebalance the terms on which they meet. Using coloniality as an analytical tool, this article discusses the delicate balance of these Western-led encounters. Globalisation has become colonial by embedding hierarchical relationships in the foundations of the modern political economy. Gender identities, whiteness and non-whiteness, developed and underdeveloped are continually redefined, stigmatising certain groups and locations while elevating others on the basis of colonial power dynamics. Through a case study of the US–Mexico border city of Juárez, this article examines ethnographic work in its global context to explore how shame has become attached to male identities in locations of urban marginality. Theorising around the coloniality of urban space production, I discuss how Juárez’s border location has shaped its development though gendered and racialised frictions that are kept in check with violence. A coloniality perspective enables the unpicking of dominant conceptions of industrial cities in the Global South as metonyms for underdevelopment. Using the concept of edgework, I draw out how violence oils the wheels of globalisation to renegotiate damaged identities in contexts of territorial stigma.


城市地区融入全球经济的方式决定了它们的空间组织、分布和利用。这一过程产生的关系包括经济交流、工人和业主之间的种族主义动态、性别分工以及自然资源和基础设施的使用和滥用。这些全球化的遭遇往往是不平等或丑陋的,并以从结构性到人际性的各种形式的暴力为媒介,因为这些暴力被用来重新平衡全球化遭遇的条件。本文以殖民主义为分析工具,探讨了这些西方主导的遭遇的微妙平衡。通过将等级关系嵌入现代政治经济的基础,全球化已经变成了殖民主义。性别认同、白人和非白人、发达国家和不发达国家不断被重新定义,在殖民权力动态的基础上丑化某些群体和地方,同时抬高其他群体和地方。通过对美墨边境城市华雷斯城 (Juárez) 的个案研究,本文在全球背景下进行人类学研究,以探索在城市边缘地区男性身份是如何成为羞耻符号的。围绕城市空间生产的殖民化理论,我探讨了华雷斯城的边境位置是如何通过性别化和种族化的摩擦影响其发展的,而这些摩擦又通过暴力被约束。从殖民主义的角度来看,可以将全球南方工业城市的主导概念解析为欠发达的转喻。利用边缘工作的概念,我刻画了暴力如何润滑全球化的车轮,在领土污名的背景下重新谈判受损的身份。

Keywordscoloniality, masculinities, Mexico, territorial stigma, violence
关键词殖民主义, 男子气, 墨西哥, 领土污名, 暴力



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