

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百四十二期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First 的三篇论文和Current Issue的两篇论文。主题包括孟买建筑面积的金融化,美国大都市的人口外流,基础设施主导的发展和城郊问题,社会经济发展与城市区域规模,城市租金差距,欢迎阅读。


The financialisation of floor space, Mumbai 1880–2015                                           


Sukriti Issar(巴黎理工大学)首次出版时间:2022/2/25|研究论文

This paper traces the financialisation of policy instruments regulating floor space, namely, building height restrictions in Mumbai from 1880 to 2015. It describes and explains the shift from prescriptive regulation to hybrid market-based incentive. Drawing on original archival research and interviews with 80 policy experts, findings show that height restrictions shifted from ad hoc rules, to prescribed heights, to floor space index, and finally to market-based air rights. Paradoxically, the local state has used financialised floor space as an incentive to achieve social goals such as slum redevelopment, while the policy remains controversial and beset by conflict. The state has played a key role in financialising floor space, in the process creating a hybrid instrument with multiple constituencies. The conclusion explores how a history of building regulations can advance comparative urbanism.

摘要本文追溯了 1880 年至 2015 年期间孟买规管建筑面积的政策工具(即建筑高度限制)的金融化。我们描述并解释了从规定性监管到基于市场的混合激励的转变。基于原始档案研究和与 80 位政策专家的访谈,我们的调查结果表明,高度限制经历了从临时规则转变为规定高度,再到建筑面积指数,最后转向基于市场的上空权的演变。矛盾的是,当地政府使用建筑面积金融化作为实现贫民窟重建等社会目标的激励措施,而此等政策仍然存在争议并受到冲突的困扰。在创建具有多个组成部分的混合工具的过程中,国家在建筑面积金融化方面发挥了关键作用。在结论部分,我们探讨了建筑法规历史对比较城市化研究的推动作用。
Keywords building regulations, financialisation, Mumbai, policy change
关键词建筑法规, 金融化, 孟买, 政策变化


Exodus in the American metropolis: Predicting Black population decline in Chicago neighbourhoods                            


Michael Snidal(美国哥伦比亚大学)Magda Maaoui(美国哥伦比亚大学)Tyler Haupert(上海纽约大学)首次出版时间:2022/2/28|研究论文

Urban population decline in the largest metropolitan regions of the United States is now explained almost exclusively by a ‘Black exodus’. In Chicago, competing ‘push’ explanations have been put forth to explain Black population loss in urban neighbourhoods, including housing instability, cost of living, unemployment and crime. However, no study to date estimates the predictive power of each of these factors. This article seeks to answer the research question: which neighbourhood characteristics predict Black exodus in Chicago? We explore relationships between Black population loss in Chicago and a comprehensive range of metrics representing economic and social conditions. A fixed-effects multivariate panel regression is specified for the years 2010 to 2018 at the census tract level and cross-checked with bivariate Granger causality tests. We find that foreclosure filings predict Black population decline, and suggest that government prioritise foreclosure relief policies to stem Black exodus.


美国最大大都市地区的城市人口下降现在几乎完全可以用“黑人外流”来解释。在芝加哥,人们针对城市街区中黑人人口的流失提出了相互竞争的“推动”解释,包括住房不稳定性、生活成本、失业和犯罪。然而,迄今为止没有任何研究对每一个此等因素的预测能力进行过估计。本文试图回答这样一个研究问题:在芝加哥,哪些街区特征预示着黑人的外流?我们研究芝加哥黑人人口流失与代表经济和社会状况的、全面的各项指标之间的关系。我们在人口普查区一级确定了 2010 年至 2018 年期间的固定效应多元面板回归,并用双变量格兰杰因果检验进行了交叉校验。我们发现止赎申请预示着黑人人口的减少,并建议政府优先考虑止赎救济政策以阻止黑人外流。

Keywords Black exodus, demographics, ethnicity, housing, method, migration, neighbourhood change, race


黑人外流, 人口统计学, 民族, 住房, 方法, 移民, 街区变化, 种族

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211070405


Infrastructure-led development and the peri-urban question: Furthering crossover comparisons


J Miguel Kanai(英国谢菲尔德大学)Vittoria Totaro(英国曼彻斯特大学)首次出版时间:2022/3/2|研究论文

Contemporary development policy portrays enhanced connectivity as the key to fostering economic growth in lagging regions. This global policy consensus and consequent infrastructure scramble have resulted in a proliferation of new urban spaces. These are dispersed, fragmentary and often unrecognised as urban by projects and plans centred on large-scale connective infrastructures to integrate remote regions into circuits of capital. Whilst our understanding of infrastructure-led development is informed by critical engagements with planetary urbanisation, global infrastructure and logistics, this position paper seeks to reconcile political economy analyses with situated studies closer to lived forms of heterogeneous precariousness in emerging urban worlds. Addressing recent debates that frame these bodies of scholarship as antagonistic, we emphasise the supplementarity of perspectives from within and beyond urban studies. This pluralism can be practised through comparisons that will (i) trace the geo-economic relationality of mega-infrastructures, which conditions directly and indirectly their planning, financing, construction and management, and (simultaneously or independently) (ii) examine difference in the diverse experiences of and responses to emergent infrastructural urbanisms of precarity. The article shows that genetic and generative comparisons can inform a research agenda on (peri-)urban precariousness, engaging policies with unmistakable global moorings but complex multi-scalar politics, diverging outcomes and situated resistances and appropriations.

摘要 当代发展政策将加强连通性描述为促进落后地区经济增长的关键。这种全球政策共识和随之而来的基础设施争夺导致了新城市空间的激增。这些城市空间是分散的、支离破碎的,并且往往不被以大规模连通性基础设施为中心的项目和计划(旨在将偏远地区整合到资本回路中)认可为城市。虽然我们对以基础设施为主导的发展的理解是通过对行星城市化、全球基础设施和物流的批判性研究得出的,但本立场文件旨在将政治经济学分析与更接近新兴城市世界中异质不稳定性的生活形式的情境化研究相协调。针对最近将这些学术研究相互对立起来的观点,我们强调分别来自城市研究内部和外部的观点的互补性。这种多元化可以通过比较来实践,这些比较将 (i) 追踪大型基础设施的地缘经济关系性,这种关系性直接或间接地影响它们的规划、融资、建设和管理,以及(同时或独立地)(ii) 考察对新兴基础设施城市化所带来的不稳定性的体验和反应的差异性。本文表明,遗传和生成比较可以为(周边)城市不稳定性的研究议程提供启示,考虑具有明确的全球普遍性、复杂的多标量政治、不同的结果以及情境化阻力和应用的各种政策。
Keywords comparative urbanism, East Africa, geographies of precarity, Latin America, planetary urbanisation
比较城市化, 东非, 不稳定性地理, 拉丁美洲, 行星城市化



Anchoring the social economy at the metropolitan scale: Findings from the Liverpool City Region


Matthew Thompson(英国利物浦大学)Alan Southern(英国利物浦大学)Helen Heap(英国利物浦大学)首次出版时间:2020/12/8|研究论文


This article revisits debates on the contribution of the social economy to urban economic development, specifically focusing on the scale of the city region. It presents a novel tripartite definition – empirical, essentialist, holistic – as a useful frame for future research into urban social economies. Findings from an in-depth case study of the scale, scope and value of the Liverpool City Region’s social economy are presented through this framing. This research suggests that the social economy has the potential to build a workable alternative to neoliberal economic development if given sufficient tailored institutional support and if seen as a holistic integrated city-regional system, with anchor institutions and community anchor organisations playing key roles.

Keywordsanchor institutions, city-regionalism, local economic development, social economy, urban policy

锚定机构, 城市区域化, 地方经济发展, 社会经济, 城市政策



Mind the rent gap: Blackstone, housing investment and the reordering of urban rent surfaces            


Brett Christophers(瑞典乌普萨拉大学)首次出版时间:2021/8/11|研究论文

Recent years have seen a burst of new writing on the opening and closing of urban rent gaps. Such studies generally consider individual cases. Rarely does the opportunity arise to readily compare and contrast rent gaps across multiple cities and territories, least of all within the context of a single developer or investor portfolio. Such an opportunity has arisen in the past decade, however, as the US investment firm Blackstone has pursued a multi-territory housing-investment strategy specifically of identifying and closing rent gaps, which it styles ‘buy it, fix it, sell it’. This article examines that strategy and the varying nature of its implementation in Danish, German, Swedish and US cities. It argues that the rent gap is a paradoxical phenomenon: vast gaps, promising vast profits, frequently open up and frequently remain open for long periods before being closed – if they are closed at all. A primary reason is that successful and profitable closure requires not just favourable local political-economic conditions but a singularly well-funded, determined and aggressive investor – an investor, that is, such as Blackstone.


近年来,学界涌现出了关于城市租金差距的出现与消失方面的大量新文献。这类文献一般研究个案。学者们很少有机会对多个城市和地区之间的租金差距进行现成的比较和对比,而单个开发商的不同开发项目或同一投资组合内的比较则尤为罕见。然而,过去10年出现了这样一个机会,因为美国投资公司黑石 (Blackstone) 一直在推行一项跨区域的住房投资战略,专门识别和消除租金差距,黑石将其称之为“购买、修复、出售”。本文研究了这一策略及其在丹麦、德国、瑞典和美国城市实施的不同情况。我们认为,租金差距是一种吊诡的现象:巨大的差距,承诺巨大的利润,常常会出现,并且经常在消失之前(如果真的消失的话)长时间存在。一个主要原因是,成功和有利可图地消除差距不仅需要有利的当地政治经济条件,还需要资金充足、坚定和积极进取的投资者—像黑石这样的投资者。

Keywordsbuilt environment, development, economic processes, finance, financialisation, housing
关键词建筑环境, 发展, 经济进程, 金融, 金融化, 住房



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