

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百四十三期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First 的一篇论文和Current Issue的四篇论文。主题包括中国石家庄的移民的居住隔离,海得拉巴的非政府组织,埃及的城市非正式性,洛杉矶黑帮街区的污名化,电影制片厂与住房市场,欢迎阅读。


Residential segregation of migrants: Disentangling the intersectional and multiscale segregation of migrants in Shijiazhuang, China                                           


Gwilym Owen(英国利物浦大学)Yu Chen(英国谢菲尔德大学)Timothy Birabi(英国谢菲尔德大学)Gwilym Pryce(英国谢菲尔德大学)等六位作者

Residential segregation, especially of rural migrants, is of growing concern in China. A key question is whether this spatial separation is entirely due to income – rural migrants priced out of affluent areas – or whether other factors, such as institutional discrimination or social prejudice or homophily, are also at work. We employ state-of-the-art methods to yield a more detailed and nuanced picture of segregation in Shijiazhuang, a second-tier Chinese city. We use a multilevel modeling approach that allows us not only to quantify the extent of segregation at different spatial scales, but also to disentangle the intersectional nature of segregation: the extent to which segregation is due to migrant status or low income alone. We find that migrant status is actually more important than occupation in determining segregation. These findings emphasise the imperative to decompose intersectional segregation into its constituent parts, a task recently made possible by developments in multilevel modeling.

Keywords China, intersectional, migration, multiscale, segregation
关键词中国, 交叉的, 迁移, 多标度, 隔离


Of political entrepreneurs: Assembling community and social capital in Hyderabad’s informal settlements                           


Indivar Jonnalagadda(美国宾夕法尼亚大学)首次出版时间:2021/3/25|研究论文

This paper theorises the political entrepreneurship of local political actors variously described as brokers, fixers or leaders, by examining their consistent and flexible labour towards gaining and maintaining political influence in informal settlements. Through close attention to how two exemplary individuals work and network with a combination of political parties, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and local associations, I reveal the crucial role of political entrepreneurs in organising or representing local populations as legible ‘communities’, and thus, in mediating relations between communities and external agencies such as the state, political parties, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and also academic researchers. Observing informal settlements in this relational framework sheds light on how political entrepreneurs compete to become obligatory intermediaries between various institutions. This approach destabilises conceptions about the social infrastructure and social capital of a locality which underlie many community development programmes. Further, I argue that in the long-term, the careers of political entrepreneurs are punctuated by structural constraints in the form of limits to political party patronage, volatile NGO funding and the transient presence of academic researchers. The work of reproducing the social capital of the neighbourhood becomes a persistent and anxious striving with few actual opportunities for mobility.



Keywords brokers, community, NGOs, political life, slums, social capital


经纪人, 社区, 非政府组织, 政治生活, 贫民窟, 社会资本

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211014120


Haphazard urbanisation: Urban informality, politics and power in Egypt


Deen Sharp(英国伦敦政治经济学院)首次出版时间:2021/8/31|研究论文

The Egyptian military regime of Abd al-Fattah el-Sisi has announced as part of its Vision 2030 its intention to eliminate informal urban areas. The regime has identified these areas – commonly known by the Arabic term ‘ashwa’iyyat (which means haphazard) – as a threat to the nation. The Egyptian state, however, has no clear conception of what urban informality constitutes or what exactly it is eradicating. To understand how and why the state has placed urban informality as central to its politics, I contend that we have to examine the political processes through which this uncertain yet powerful concept is produced. Urban informality, I argue, is a political intervention that is always fleeting and geographically specific in an otherwise haphazard context. Haphazard urbanisation points to the complex power struggles by a range of actors, both within and beyond the state, through which the formal and informal divide can mark urban life. In a critical reading of the first major study of informality in Egypt, I show how the urban was divided into the formal and informal through outdated laws. I detail, by engaging sources in English and Arabic, how the Egyptian state militarised urban informality from the 1990s onwards. I argue that it is through this historical framing that we must understand el-Sisi’s current war against urban informality. In turn, I argue that the regime’s attempt to eliminate informality has not resulted in greater control over what and how urban informality appears but has deepened the hazardisation of urban life.

摘要 阿卜杜拉·法塔赫·塞西 (Abd al-Fattah el-Sisi) 的埃及军事政权宣布,作为其《2030年愿景》的一部分,其计划消灭非正规城市地区。该政权将这些地区(阿拉伯语通常称其为“阿什瓦伊亚特 (ashwa’iyyat)”,意思是“杂乱”)视为对国家的威胁。然而,埃及政府对什么是城市非正规性以及它到底在消除什么没有明确的概念。为了理解国家如何、以及为什么将城市非正规性作为其政治议程的核心,我认为我们必须研究产生这一不确定但强大的概念的政治过程。我认为,在原本杂乱的背景下,城市非正规性作为一种政治干预目标总是具有暂时性、且与特定的地理位置相联系。杂乱无章的城市化来源于政府内外一系列行为者的复杂权力斗争,通过这种斗争,正规和非正规的鸿沟可能会成为城市生活的标志。我批判性地解读了对埃及非正规性的首次主要研究,展示了城市如何被过时的法律分为正规和非正规两个部分。我借鉴英语和阿拉伯语文献,详细介绍了埃及政府如何从20世纪90年代开始对城市非正规性展开军事行动。我认为,我们必须通过这一历史框架来理解赛西政权当前针对城市非正规性发动的这场战争。进而,我认为,政府消除非正规性的努力并没有使政府更好地控制城市非正规性的面貌,而是加深了城市生活的危险性。
Keywords development, Egypt, inequality, informality, social justice, theory, urban violence
发展, 埃及, 不平等, 非正规性, 社会正义, 理论, 城市暴力



Mapping and making gangland: A legacy of redlining and enjoining gang neighbourhoods in Los Angeles


Stefano Bloch(美国亚利桑那大学)Susan A. Phillips(美国匹泽学院)首次出版时间:2021/3/13|研究论文


We provide an example of how race- and place-based legacies of disinvestment initiated by New Deal Era redlining regimes under the auspices of the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC) were followed by decades of anti-gang over-policing tactics at the scale of the neighbourhood. We show how HOLC-mediated and mapped redlining has sustained community disinvestment and stigmatisation wrought by unjust and racist social policy seen to this day in contemporary geographies of gang abatement in the form of mapped gang injunction ‘safety zones’. As we illustrate with the use of two case studies from Los Angeles – in South-Central LA and LA’s San Fernando Valley – it is overwhelmingly redlined neighbourhoods that have remained marginalised, becoming civilly enjoined ‘gang’ neighbourhoods faced with oppressive anti-gang policing tactics over the past few decades.

摘要我们提供了一个例子,说明在新政时代由房主贷款公司 (HOLC) 执行的拒贷制度开始引起撤资、从而导的种族性和地方性遗留问题之后,随之而来的数十年的街区层面反帮派过度警务策略。我们展示了由HOLC主持和标定地域的拒贷是如何维持社区撤资和污名化的。而中间环节则是维持至今的不公正的、种族主义的社会政策,其在当今以消除帮派为名,按地域划定禁止帮派的“安全区”。我们用洛杉矶的两个案例研究(在洛杉矶中南部和洛杉矶的圣费尔南多山谷)来说明,绝大多数被拒贷的社区仍然被边缘化,在过去几十年里成为了面临压迫性反帮派警务策略的、被社会抛弃的“帮派”街区。
Keywordsgang injunctions, gangs, Los Angeles, mapping, policing, redlining

帮派禁令, 帮派, 洛杉矶, 地域标定, 警务, 拒贷



The effect of film production studios on housing prices in Atlanta, the Hollywood of the South            


Velma Zahirovic-Herbert(美国孟菲斯大学)Karen M Gibler(美国佐治亚州立大学)首次出版时间:2021/7/29|研究论文

Governments compete to attract film productions to their communities, expecting them to provide economic benefits directly through local purchases and employment and indirectly through publicity and image building. Atlanta, Georgia, has become a large film production hub, partially because of a state tax credit programme. As a result, permanent production facilities have been established that may influence surrounding real estate prices. Convenience and a desire to live among other creatives may encourage actors, technical workers and support staff to live nearby, and the film industry cachet may attract additional residents, increasing house prices. However, if the facilities are perceived to be similar to other industrial operations, they may negatively affect surrounding house prices. We investigate film production studios’ effect on residential property values using housing sales data and information on film production studios’ location, size and year established. To mitigate bias from the potential endogeneity of studios’ location choices, we augment the standard hedonic pricing framework to incorporate proximity to a film production studio and construct treatment and comparison groups. Using a spatial difference-in-difference framework, we find that while houses located closest to film production studios tend to sell for lower prices than houses further away, the discount is not attributable to the studios. Instead, the establishment of a new studio, especially a large one, is a positive event in the housing market. These findings have important policy implications for local governments in making decisions about film industry incentives and facilities’ site selection as possible drivers of redevelopment.



Keywordscultural industries, externality, film studios, hedonic model, house prices
关键词文化产业, 外部性, 电影制片厂, 享乐模型, 房价



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