

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百四十四期,将介绍Urban Studies Special issue: Infrastructural Stigma and Urban Vulnerability的五篇论文。主题包括批判性空间实践,医疗保健基础设施的“跨边界集合”,供暖、空气污染与环境污名化,声音基础设施与空间权力,定居者殖民主义,欢迎阅读。


‘Fountain’, from Victorian necessity to modern inconvenience: Contesting the death of public toilets                                           


Catalina Pollak Williamson(英国利物浦大学)首次出版时间:2021/4/6|研究论文


Drawing on the politicised history of Public Conveniences in England since the 19th century, this paper traces the socio-political motives for their provision and for their gradual withdrawal in recent decades. It discusses the effects these developments have had on public mobility, and the socio-political complexity these infrastructures pose to city-making agendas. In particular, the essay highlights the notions of stigma associated with these spaces in relation to gender, body-politics and control, which led to a lack of political interest in their provision and a pattern of closures that began in the Thatcher era and has continued through later times of economic austerity. To unfold these arguments, the essay examines a series of initiatives put forward to reclaim for public use a derelict toilet in the centre of London: from the concept of an interactive site-specific intervention to raise awareness of its closure, to a campaign for its listing as an Asset of Community Value, to contest its privatisation. This case study is used to address the spatial stigma that public toilets carry as a contested locus of public sanitation and, furthermore, to highlight important questions surrounding their provision in the context of contemporary citizen-driven urban agendas. To articulate this argument, the case study exemplifies how critical spatial practices can operate as a form of pedagogical urban praxis for awareness-raising and citizen engagement, advancing a Lefebvrian ‘right to the city’ against hegemonic neoliberal agendas.

摘要以19世纪以来英国公共厕所的政治化历史为鉴,本文追溯了近几十年来公共厕所提供及其逐渐退出的社会政治动机。本文探讨了这些发展对公众出行的影响,以及这些基础设施给城市建设议程造成的社会政治复杂性。特别是,本文凸显了与这些空间相关的,性别、身体政治和控制方面的污名概念,这导致了对这些空间的提供缺乏政治兴趣,以及始于撒切尔时代并持续到后来经济紧缩时期的关闭。为了展开这些论点,本文研究了一系列倡议,这些倡议提出改造伦敦市中心一个废弃的厕所以供公众使用,其中包括针对特定地点的互动干预、以引起对其关闭的关注的概念,以及一场主张将其列为有社区价值的资产、以质疑其私有化的运动。这一案例研究旨在解决公共厕所作为争议性公共卫生场所承受的空间污名,并进一步突出在当代公民驱动的城市议程背景下、其提供所产生的重要问题。为了阐明这一论点,本案例研究举例说明了批判性空间实践如何作为一种提高认识和公民参与的教学城市实践形式,推进列斐伏尔 (Lefebvrian) 所提出的“城市权”,从而反对新自由主义的霸权主义议程。
Keywords critical play, critical spatial practice, public toilets, right to the city, spatial stigma
关键词批判性游戏, 批判性空间实践, 公共厕所, 城市权, 空间污名


Transbordering assemblages: Power, agency and autonomy (re)producing health infrastructures in the South East of England                          


Carlos Moreno-Leguizamon(英国格林威治大学)Marcela Tovar-Restrepo(美国哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院)首次出版时间:2021/2/18|研究论文

This paper discusses how intersecting identities, stigma and health-based infrastructures are spatially affiliated and territorialised in the South East of England through the findings of three research projects aimed at understanding health inequalities among urban Black, Asian and Ethnic Minorities including Gypsies and Travellers (BAME and GT) groups. It problematises Wacquant’s approach to territorial stigma by explaining how Butler’s notion of vulnerability and Castoriadis’ notion of autonomous agency help to expand our understanding of the interplay between stigma and health infrastructures. Moreover, it suggests that such interplay requires an intersectional approach to identity as performative and embodied practice using illustrative examples. We propose that these health settings and infrastructures can be characterised as ‘transbordering assemblages’, following Irazábal who describes its embedded notions of pluri-locality (here and there: ‘[T]Here’), pluri-identity and practices of bordering (being in or out/in and out/in between) when experiencing health needs.


基于三个旨在了解城市黑人、亚裔和包括吉普赛人和游民在内的少数族裔(BAME与GT)之间医疗保健不平等的研究项目的成果,本文探讨英格兰东南部相互交叉的身份、污名和医疗保健基础设施的地域附属性和地方性。通过解释巴特勒 (Butler) 的脆弱性概念和卡斯特里亚迪斯 (Castoriadis) 的自治机构概念如何有助于我们扩大对污名与医疗保健基础设施之间相互作用的理解,本文将华康德 (Wacquant) 的区域污名方法问题化。此外,本文使用说明性的例子表明,这种相互作用需要以一种交叉方法看待身份,将其作为一种表述性的、具体表达性的做法。我们提出,这些医疗保健环境和基础设施可以被描述为“跨边界集合”。我们遵循的是伊拉察巴 (Iraza’bal) 的观点,其描述了在经历医疗保健需求时的多位置(这里和那里)、多身份和跨边界实践(在内或在外/在内且在外/在中间)的嵌入性概念。

Keywords agency, autonomy, Covid-19, health infrastructures, learning alliance, NHS, ‘transbordering assemblages’


机构, 自治, 新冠肺炎, 医疗保健基础设施, 学习联盟, 国民医疗服务体系 (NHS), “跨边界集合”

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020984919


Accessing heat: Environmental stigma and ‘porous’ infrastructural configurations in Ulaanbaatar   


Rebekah Plueckhahn(澳大利亚墨尔本大学)首次出版时间:2021/4/28|研究论文

This article explores the experience of living among diverse infrastructural configurations in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and forms of stigmatisation that arise as a result. In this capital city that experiences extremely cold winters, the provision of heat is a seasonal necessity. Following a history of socialist-era, centrally provided heating, Ulaanbaatar is now made up of a core area of apartments and other buildings undergoing increased expansion, surrounded by vast areas of fenced land plots (ger districts) not connected to centrally provided heating. In these areas, residents have historically heated their homes through burning coal, a technique that has resulted in seasonal air pollution. Expanding out from Wacquant’s definition of territorial stigmatisation, this article discusses the links between heat generation, air pollution and environmental stigmatisation arising from residents’ association with or proximity to the effects of heat generation and/or infrastructural lack. This type of stigma complexifies the normative divide between the city’s two main built areas. Residents’ attempts to mitigate forms of building and infrastructural ‘quality’ or chanar (in Mongolian) form ways of negotiating their position as they seek different kinds of property. Here, not only are bodies vulnerable to forms of pollution (both air and otherwise), but also buildings and infrastructure are vulnerable to disrepair. Residents’ assessments of infrastructural and building quality move beyond any categorisation of them being a clear ‘resistance’ to deteriorating infrastructural conditions. Instead, an ethnographic lens that positions the viewpoint of the city through these residential experiences reveals a reconceptualisation of the city that challenges infrastructurally determined normative assumptions.

摘要 本文探讨了生活在蒙古乌兰巴托不同基础设施配置中的体验,以及由此产生的污名化形式。在这个冬天极其寒冷的首都城市,供暖是季节性的必需品。在经历了社会主义时代集中供热的历史之后,乌兰巴托现在有一个由公寓和其他建筑组成的、且正在不断扩展的核心区,而周围是大片大片与集中供暖无缘的围栏区块(蒙古包区)。在这些地区,居民历来通过烧煤来取暖,这种技术导致了季节性空气污染。本文对华康德 (Wacquant) 的领土污名化定义进行扩展,讨论了供暖、空气污染和环境污名化之间的联系,这些联系的产生是因为居民生活在受供暖和/或基础设施缺乏影响的地区或附近地区。这种污名使该城市两个主要建筑区之间的规范界限变得复杂。当居民寻求不同类型的物业时,他们试图消除建筑形式和基础设施质量方面的差别,这构成了争取自身地位的方法。在这里,不仅人体容易遭受各种形式的污染(包括空气污染和其他污染),建筑物和基础设施也容易年久失修。居民对基础设施和建筑质量的评估超出了对基础设施状况恶化的明显“抵制”的范畴。相反,如果我们从人类学的视野出发,从这些居民的体验看待城市,我们就能揭示对城市的重新概念化,这种重新概念化挑战基础设施决定的规范性假设。
Keywords air pollution, construction, energy, heating, infrastructure, stigma, Ulaanbaatar
空气污染, 建筑, 能源, 供暖, 基础设施, 污名, 乌兰巴托



Making and unmaking masculinities in Cairo through sonic infrastructural violence


Maria Frederika Malmström(瑞典隆德大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/28|研究论文


This article explores the Egyptian state’s production of desired manhood and destruction of unwanted masculinities in relation to home and displacement through audio-focused analysis and a focus on sonic infrastructures. While sonic infrastructures can be used as a form of political control and violence, my work in Egypt also shows how people, through sound and sonic resistance, navigate and shape sonic landscapes of insecurity, violence and liminality, as well as resisting displacement and claiming space. In Cairo, where political unrest over the past decade has produced new imaginaries and maps of belonging, men opposing the politics of the current regime have been expelled by the state from their own city; deprived of rights, safety, status and dignity. The institutions of state power employ sound as a political representation, and control, monitor, limit as well as threaten the population through the sonic. All of these sound systems operate at auditory, corporeal and sociocultural frequencies. There are countless examples of how materialised sonic experiences are consciously constructed and used by the autocratic military regime in Egypt to discipline and ‘produce’ its subjects, through for example forbidding particular music; monitoring its residents and thereby employing control by listening; using unbearable loud sounds during torture; or closing downtown bars, cafes and bookshops and thereby sonically controlling and limiting parts of the cityscape of Cairo. These sonic materialised experiences are connected to how gendered bodies are excluded, un/remade, produced, expressed and negotiated.

Keywordsdisplacement, gender, infrastructure, politics, sound, violence

驱逐, 性别, 基础设施, 政治, 声音, 暴力



Beyond ‘causes of causes’: Health, stigma and the settler colonial urban territory in the Negev/Naqab            


Haim Yacobi(美国孟菲斯大学)Elya Lucy Milner(美国佐治亚州立大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/3|研究论文

This article critically analyses and theoretically conceptualises the links between settler colonialism, planning and health. Based on the case of the Bedouin community in the Negev/Naqab, we argue that the production of settler colonial space has a profound impact on health, and should therefore be referred to as a specific category for analysing health disparities, simultaneously entangling territorial control and biopolitics towards indigenous communities. Furthermore, we suggest that this relationship between space and health constructs stigma that justifies and facilitates – in turn – the ongoing territorial control over the indigenous Bedouin population in Israel. By reviewing existing data on health and planning, especially in relation to infrastructure and access to services, we contribute to the growing literature on the nexus of settler-colonialism/health with urban and regional planning. Importantly, throughout this paper we refer to the Bedouin localities as part of the production of urban territory, illuminating the urban as a multidimensional process of political struggle, including the metropolin informal fringes.


本文批判性地分析定居者殖民主义、规划和健康之间的关系并在理论上将其概念化。基于内盖夫/纳卡卜 (Negev/Naqab) 贝都因社区的案例,我们认为,定居者殖民空间的产生对健康有着深远的影响,因此我们在分析健康不平等时应将其视为一个特殊类别,同时将对待原住民社区的领土控制和生物政治联系在一起。此外,我们认为,空间和健康之间的这种关系产生了污名,而这又反过来为对以色列境内贝都因人口的持续领土控制提供了辩护和便利。通过考察健康和规划方面的现有数据,特别是与基础设施和服务可得性有关的数据,我们丰富了关于定居者殖民主义/健康与城市和区域规划之间关系的、日益繁多的文献。重要的是,在文中我们自始至终将各个贝都因地点作为城市领土生产的一部分,说明城市是一个多层面的政治斗争过程,包括大都市的非正规边缘。

Keywordshealth, informality, infrastructure, Israel/Palestine politics, settler colonialism
关键词健康, 非正规性, 基础设施, 以色列/巴勒斯坦政治, 定居者殖民主义



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