

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百四十五期,将介绍Urban Studies Special issue: Infrastructural Stigma and Urban Vulnerability的五篇论文。主题包括基础设施排斥与城市污名,利马周边的日常城市建设与消除污名,华雷斯市的边缘工作,华雷斯边境地区的边境设施与污名化,耶路撒冷间隙区域的垃圾与城市排斥,欢迎阅读。


Introduction: Infrastructural stigma and urban vulnerability                               


Hanna Baumann(英国伦敦大学学院)Haim Yacobi(英国利物浦大学)首次出版时间:2022/1/6|研究论文


In this introduction to the Special Issue ‘Infrastructural Stigma and Urban Vulnerability’, we outline the need to join up debates on infrastructural exclusion on the one hand and urban stigma on the other. We argue that doing so will allow us to develop a better understanding of the co-constitutive relationship between the material and the symbolic structures of the city shaping urban exclusion and vulnerability. Positing that stigma is not merely a symbolic force but has significant material effects, we show how urban dwellers often experience it in deeply embodied ways, including through impacts on their physical health. Furthermore, stigma is not only imposed on the built environment through discourse, it also emanates from the materiality of the city; this agentic role of the city is often disregarded in sociologically-informed approaches to urban stigma. When infrastructures become sites of contestation about urban inclusion, stigma can be utilised by stigmatised residents to demand connection to public networks, and the wider symbolic inclusion this entails. Through examining the issue of infrastructural stigma in cities and urban territories across the Global North and Global South, as well as the places in between, the nine articles in this Special Issue pay attention to the global relationalities of infrastructural stigma. Ultimately, our focus on the infrastructural origins of stigma draws attention to the structural causes of urban inequality – a reality which is often occluded by both stigma itself and by prevalent academic approaches to understanding it.

Keywords infrastructure, stigma, urban exclusion, urban health, vulnerability
关键词基础设施, 污名, 城市排斥, 城市健康, 脆弱性


Navigating stigma through everyday city-making: Gendered trajectories, politics and outcomes in the periphery of Lima


Adriana Allen(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2021/10/8|研究论文

Over the last two decades, a growing body of scholars from the fields of psychology, sociology, law and public health have devoted their attention to examining how and why stigma operates as a form of discrimination, paying particular attention to ethno-racially stigmatised groups. However, less attention has focused on how ordinary women and men engaged in peripheral urbanisation processes are stigmatised through multiple material, social and political mechanisms and with a myriad of outcomes. Building on this literature, and drawing on the trajectories of a man and a woman living in the periphery of metropolitan Lima, I explore how stigmatisation shapes the daily lives of poor and impoverished citizens as they try to find a place in the city, and how and why their everyday practices contribute, or not, to the transformation of stigma traps. I argue that the everyday city-making practices of the ‘unsheltered’ are inextricably linked to the politics of bare citizenship. As those stigmatised become individualised, isolated and undermined, they also are deprived of being part of a collective experience, and are deeply challenged to reclaim their agency as entitled citizens. The wider the range of stigmatisation mechanisms at work, the more difficult it is for those subjected to stigma to counteract them, as they become disadvantaged in a broad range of domains: from social relations, to tenure security, access to services and infrastructure, livelihood opportunities, and psychological and physical wellbeing. I further contend that a deep examination of the material world – the dwelling, the neighbourhood and the city – and of the practices and imaginaries that produce this material world, opens a window into the micro-politics of how stigma is negotiated, apportioned and resisted in the everyday lives of those who are politically and materially unsheltered.



Keywords autoconstruction, everyday urbanism, Lima, peripheral urbanisation, stigma-making, counter-making


自动建设, 城市日常, 利马, 外围城市化, 污名制造, 反制造

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211044409


Coloniality and the political economy of gender: Edgework in Juárez City   


Jennie Gamlin(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2021/4/28|研究论文

The manner in which urban locations are drawn into the global economy defines their spatial organisation, distribution and utilisation. The relationships that are generated by this process include economic exchanges, racialised dynamics between workers and owners, gendered divisions of labour and the use and abuse of natural resources and infrastructure. These encounters of globalisation are often unequal or awkward and mediated by varying forms of violence, from structural to interpersonal, as these are used to rebalance the terms on which they meet. Using coloniality as an analytical tool, this article discusses the delicate balance of these Western-led encounters. Globalisation has become colonial by embedding hierarchical relationships in the foundations of the modern political economy. Gender identities, whiteness and non-whiteness, developed and underdeveloped are continually redefined, stigmatising certain groups and locations while elevating others on the basis of colonial power dynamics. Through a case study of the US–Mexico border city of Juárez, this article examines ethnographic work in its global context to explore how shame has become attached to male identities in locations of urban marginality. Theorising around the coloniality of urban space production, I discuss how Juárez’s border location has shaped its development though gendered and racialised frictions that are kept in check with violence. A coloniality perspective enables the unpicking of dominant conceptions of industrial cities in the Global South as metonyms for underdevelopment. Using the concept of edgework, I draw out how violence oils the wheels of globalisation to renegotiate damaged identities in contexts of territorial stigma.

摘要 城市地区融入全球经济的方式决定了它们的空间组织、分布和利用。这一过程产生的关系包括经济交流、工人和业主之间的种族主义动态、性别分工以及自然资源和基础设施的使用和滥用。这些全球化的遭遇往往是不平等或丑陋的,并以从结构性到人际性的各种形式的暴力为媒介,因为这些暴力被用来重新平衡全球化遭遇的条件。本文以殖民主义为分析工具,探讨了这些西方主导的遭遇的微妙平衡。通过将等级关系嵌入现代政治经济的基础,全球化已经变成了殖民主义。性别认同、白人和非白人、发达国家和不发达国家不断被重新定义,在殖民权力动态的基础上丑化某些群体和地方,同时抬高其他群体和地方。通过对美墨边境城市华雷斯城 (Juárez) 的个案研究,本文在全球背景下进行人类学研究,以探索在城市边缘地区男性身份是如何成为羞耻符号的。围绕城市空间生产的殖民化理论,我探讨了华雷斯城的边境位置是如何通过性别化和种族化的摩擦影响其发展的,而这些摩擦又通过暴力被约束。从殖民主义的角度来看,可以将全球南方工业城市的主导概念解析为欠发达的转喻。利用边缘工作的概念,我刻画了暴力如何润滑全球化的车轮,在领土污名的背景下重新谈判受损的身份。
Keywords coloniality, masculinities, Mexico, territorial stigma, violence
殖民主义, 男子气, 墨西哥, 领土污名, 暴力



Checkpoint urbanism: Violent infrastructures and border stigmas in the Juárez border region


Ricardo Martén(英国伦敦大学学院)Camillo Boano(都灵理工大学)首次出版时间:2021/10/7|研究论文


As Popitz (2017) argues, violence is one component of the great economy of world history, an option permanently open to human activity. In Ciudad Juárez, right at the border between the United States and Mexico, this notion explains the fundamental incongruity that characterises the region: a booming industrial productive model operating in parallel with an international crime and violence hotspot that is also a coveted criminal passageway. This paper will argue that official and criminal checkpoints designed for border-crossing, have had a transformative spatial role when considered across the dimensions of infrastructure and stigma, triggering a material/symbolic tension. We argue that their location and accessibility determine the exposure of nearby communities to economic growth but also violent entrepreneurship – the illegal crossing of goods and people still remains a constant characteristic of the region, not only as part of a criminal enterprise but as a viable livelihood. The ways in which the region of Juárez develops and grows also determines how trafficking and illegal practices are established; rules and regulations that provide territorial parameters for what is open and transparent are equally referential to what is clandestine and devious. The tensions brought by the border’s geopolitical value have amplified the value of infrastructure and its practical ownership. The international border operates as a line that is barrier, social divider, landmark, policy-bridge, filtering mechanism and trafficking obstacle. Under this permanent state of tension, the checkpoints provide a physical structure to the transit flows and a sovereign interruption. Across this urbanism, the checkpoint surroundings acquire a magnetic significance, due to the resulting transit dynamics and the surveillance deterrents at the core of their function. Furthermore, their dual nature – official and criminal – has branded the region as a criminal outpost, stigmatising the people inhabiting it, and perpetuating the idea that Juárez is defined by its violent infrastructures.

摘要波皮茨 (Popitz, 2017) 认为,暴力是世界历史上伟大经济的一个组成部分,是向人类活动永久开放的选择。在位于美墨边境的华雷斯城 (Ciudad Juárez),这个概念可以解释作为该区域典型特征的根本不协调性:这里既有欣欣向荣的工业生产模式,又是国际犯罪与暴力的热点地区,还是令人垂涎的犯罪通道。本文认为,如果从跨基础设施和污名的维度考量,为过境而设计的官方和刑事检查站具有变革性的空间作用,引发了物质/象征张力。我们认为,临近社区的位置和可达性决定了其受益于经济增长,同时也遭受了暴力冒险的影响—货物和人员的非法过境仍然是该地区的一个持续特征,不仅是犯罪团伙的活动,还是普通人的一种生计。华雷斯城的区域发展和成长方式也决定了非法贩运和非法行为的泛滥;为公开透明提供区域参数的规则和条例,同样为秘密的勾当提供了参考。边界地缘政治价值带来的紧张局势放大了基础设施及其实际所有权的价值。国际边境线是屏障、社会分隔线、地标、政策桥梁、过滤机制和非法贩运的障碍。在这种永久的紧张状态下,检查站为过境流提供了物理结构和主权中断。在这种城市背景下,检查站周围环境具有磁性意义,而这又是因为由此产生的交通动态和作为其功能核心的监视威慑力。此外,该地区的双重性质(官方的和犯罪的)使其成为了犯罪前哨,使当地居民承受了污名,并使华雷斯城被其暴力基础设施所定义的观念永久化。
Keywordsborder wall, Ciudad Juárez, infrastructures, urban stigma, urban violence

边境墙, 华雷斯城 (Ciudad Juárez), 基础设施, 城市污名, 城市暴力



‘Your daily reality is rubbish’: Waste as a means of urban exclusion in the suspended spaces of East Jerusalem           


Hanna Baumann(英国伦敦大学学院)Manal Massalha(独立研究者)首次出版时间:2021/7/16|研究论文

Drawing on ethnographic and visual research, this article examines the role of waste in two areas of occupied East Jerusalem cut off from the city by the Separation Wall and military checkpoints, Kufr Aqab and Shuafat Refugee Camp as well as their immediate surroundings. In asking how urban exclusion operates on the margins of the city, we argue that rubbish can disclose broader socio-spatial relations at work in Jerusalem from the ground up. We find that waste serves to reduce the ambiguity at work in these interstitial zones by furthering exclusion – it operates through the urban everyday where the legal and political situations are in suspension. Conceptually, we contribute to the discussion on spatial stigma associated with infrastructural violence by arguing for a multi-layered understanding of the way waste ‘works’ in urban exclusion. Three registers mutually constitute each other in this process: the materiality of waste with its embodied and affective interactions, the symbolic and discursive violence associated with waste, as well as spatialised stigma and bordering processes.


本文基于人类学和视觉研究,探讨被占领的东耶路撒冷的两个地区的垃圾所发挥的作用。这两个地区即卡夫阿卡卜 (Kafr Aqab) 和苏阿费特 (Shuafat) 难民营及其周边地区,由于隔离墙和军事检查站,它们被从城市的其他部分隔离开来。我们探究城市排斥在城市边缘是如何运作的,并认为垃圾可以从根本上揭示耶路撒冷更广泛的社会空间关系。我们发现,垃圾加剧了排斥,从而减少了这些间隙区域的模糊性,它在这些法制和政治不稳定的地区的日常生活中发挥着作用。从概念上来说,我们主张从多层面理解城市排斥中垃圾发生的“作用”,从而为与基础设施暴力相关的空间污名讨论做出贡献。在这个过程中,三个语域相互构成:垃圾的物质性及其具体化的、情感的相互作用,与垃圾相关的象征性话语暴力,以及空间化的污名和边缘过程。

Keywordsexclusion, infrastructure, Jerusalem, stigma, waste
关键词排斥, 基础设施, 耶路撒冷, 污名, 垃圾



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