

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百四十六期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的三篇论文和Current Issue的两篇论文。主题包括绅士化与驱逐,街区治理中的政府-社会关系,跨境教育中的家庭与学校衔接,住宅多样性与多元化社交,城市间交通基础设施和住房市场,欢迎阅读。


How tenants’ reactions to rent increases affect displacement: An interactionist approach to gentrification                               


Moritz Rinn(德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学)Jan Wehrheim(德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学)Lena Wiese(德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学)首次出版时间:2022/3/25|研究论文


Rising rents play an important role in the displacement of residents through gentrification processes in Germany. Applying an interactionist approach and conceptualising gentrification as an emergent phenomenon that results from an interaction process, we explore how residents of the gentrifying district Altona-Altstadt in Hamburg deal with situations of rent increases. Four strategies emerge: de-problematisation, unwilling consent, changing the field of action and confrontational rejection. Using an interpretive analysis and the concept of the ‘moral economies of housing’, we investigate the normative and strategic conditions of these strategies and how they contribute to or counteract housing-related displacement. This analysis contributes to qualitative research on how residents experience gentrification and negotiate situations relevant to displacement, and, thereby, to the exploration of power in the tenant–landlord relationship.

摘要在德国的绅士化进程中,租金上涨在居民驱逐方面发挥着重要作用。我们应用互动论方法并将绅士化概念化为产生于互动过程的一种新兴现象,探讨了正在经历绅士化的汉堡阿尔托纳-阿尔斯塔德区 (Altona-Altstadt) 的居民如何应对租金上涨。出现了四种策略:去问题化、不情愿的同意、改变行动领域和对抗性拒绝。我们使用解释性分析和“住房道德经济”概念,研究了这些策略的规范和策略条件,以及它们如何促进或对抗与住房相关的驱逐。我们的分析有助于定性研究居民如何经历绅士化并针对与驱逐相关的情形开展谈判,从而有助于研究租户-房东关系中的权力问题。
Keywords displacement, gentrification, Germany, housing, interpretive paradigm, moral economy, renting
关键词驱逐, 绅士化, 德国, 住房, 解释范式, 道德经济, 租房


Towards a constructed order of co-governance: Understanding the state–society dynamics of neighbourhood collaborative responses to COVID-19 in urban China


Zhilin Liu(清华大学)Sainan Lin (武汉大学)Tingting Lu(上海交通大学)首次出版时间:2022/3/25|研究论文

The state–society relationship in neighbourhood governance has been a focal topic in the urban governance literature, though the existing scholarship was primarily drawn from non-crisis situations. Adopting a mixed-methods approach, this study investigates the intricate state–society dynamics manifested at the neighbourhood scale as state and societal actors collaborated during China’s COVID-19 responses. Our study reveals a pattern of collaborative rather than confrontational dynamics between resident committees and other stakeholders during pandemic responses, which reflects the emergence of a constructed order of neighbourhood co-governance in urban China. Previous community-building reforms consolidated the political legitimacy, power and capacity of resident committees, which were empowered to play a critical coordinating role in bridging hierarchical state mobilisation and horizontal stakeholders in the collaborative pandemic responses. These findings contribute to a more nuanced understanding of neighbourhood co-governance in the international literature and provide lessons for resilience governance from a comparative lens.



Keywords COVID-19, neighbourhood governance, resident committees, state–society relationship, urban China


新冠肺炎, 街区治理, 居民委员会, 政府-社会关系, 中国城市

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221081314


Bridging home and school in cross-border education: The role of intermediary spaces in the in/exclusion of Mainland Chinese students and their families in Hong Kong


Maggi WH Leung(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)
Johanna L Waters(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2022/3/29|研究论文

Over the last two decades the Hong Kong government has made considerable investments to develop the city into a regional education hub, with ‘diversification’ as a key aim. The vision is, however, delinked from the tens of thousands of young children residing in Shenzhen who commute to Hong Kong for school daily. These children embody differences that are considered undesired and their social exclusion has been widely reported. Taking a spatial perspective, this paper deepens our understanding of the in/exclusion processes impacting these children. Drawing on our policy analysis, interviews, observations in physical spaces and digital media, this paper analyses the role that intermediary spaces play in (re)producing differences and social relationships. Specifically, we examine the power geometries of the children’s school journey and school-related digital space, which are arenas where social differences are played out and in/exclusion is practiced and negotiated. We analyse the network of state and non-state actors at work in these intermediary spaces, showing the complex ways in which separation and integration, exclusion and inclusion intersect and constitute each other mutually. Our paper also gives some first insights into the impact of COVID-19 on the school children within this education mobility field.

摘要 在过去的二十年里,香港政府投入大量资金将这座城市发展为区域教育中心,并将“多元化”作为主要目标。然而,这一愿景与居住在深圳、每天通勤到香港上学的数万名幼儿脱节。在这些孩子身上,我们看到了不愿意看到的差异,他们遭受的社会排斥已被广泛报道。本文从空间的角度加深了我们对影响这些儿童的包容/排斥过程的理解。本文利用我们的政策分析、采访、以及对物理空间和数字媒体的观察,分析了中介空间在差异和社会关系(再)生产中所起的作用。具体来说,我们研究了孩子们的学校旅程和与学校相关的数字空间的权力几何学,这些是社会差异发挥作用、以及包容/排斥被实行和协商的舞台。我们分析了在这些中介空间中运作的政府和非政府行为者网络,展示了隔离与融合、排斥与包容相交并相互构成的复杂方式。本文还初步探讨了新冠疫情对教育流动领域中的学童的影响。
Keywords China, cross-border education, Hong Kong, inclusion/exclusion, intermediary spaces
中国, 跨境教育, 香港, 包容/排斥, 中介空间



The contingency of neighbourhood diversity: Variation of social context using mobile phone application data


Wenfei Xu(美国芝加哥大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/24|研究论文


This research uses high-density anonymised mobile phone application (MPA) global-positioning system (GPS) data to describe exposure to racial diversity in different social contexts with an aim to clarify the mechanism linking residential diversity to opportunities for diverse social interactions. In particular, it explores the hypothesis that a diverse residential context does not lead to diverse social contact by comparing three exposure measures – residential, observed and interaction – on the census block group level in Chicago. In doing so, it also explores the contribution of activity spaces to opportunities for diverse social contact. The findings show that the exposure to opportunities for diverse social contact measured by MPA data is generally higher than what is implied by residential census data, especially in areas of high residential segregation in the city. Further, measures using MPA data reveal more spatiotemporal heterogeneity of exposure than that implied by the residential context.

摘要本研究使用高密度匿名手机应用 (MPA) 全球定位系统 (GPS) 数据来描述不同社会背景下的种族多元化,旨在阐明将住宅多样性与多元化社交互动机会联系起来的机制。具体而言,通过比较芝加哥人口普查区组层面的三个接触指标(居住、观察和互动),我们探讨多元化居住环境不会导致多元化社交接触的假设。在此过程中,我们还探讨了活动空间对多元化社交接触机会的贡献。调查结果显示,使用MPA数据测量的多元化社交机会水平通常高于住宅普查数据所暗示的水平,特别是在城市中存在高度住宅隔离的地区。此外,与居住环境所暗示的相比,MPA数据测量表明的多元化社交机会显示出更多的时空异质性。
Keywordsbig data, GPS data, neighbourhood diversity, racial segregation, social interaction

大数据, 全球定位系统数据, 邻里多元化, 种族隔离, 社交互动



Inter-city transport infrastructure and intra-city housing markets: Estimating the redistribution effect of high-speed rail in Shenzhen, China


Zheng Chang(美国哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院陶伯曼州和地方政府中心)Mi Diao(同济大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/12|研究论文

This study analyses the changes in intra-city housing values in response to improved inter-city connection brought by high-speed rail (HSR), using the opening of the Hangzhou–Fuzhou–Shenzhen Passenger Dedicated Line (HFSL) in Shenzhen, China, as an example. The opening of the HFSL and its integration into the local metro network at Shenzhen North Station provide exogenous intra-city variations in access to the surrounding economic mass. With a difference-in-differences approach, we find that the HFSL showed a negative local effect as housing values declined by 11.5%–13.3% in the proximity of Shenzhen North Station relative to areas further from the station after the opening, possibly due to the negative externalities of the HFSL. The HFSL effect can spread along the metro network and lead to, on average, a 7% appreciation of housing values around metro stations (network effect). The direction and strength of the network effect vary by metro travel time between Shenzhen North Station and metro stations. Housing values decreased by 7.7% around metro stations within 5–15 minutes of metro travel time but increased by 63.6%, 16.6% and 29.2% around metro stations within 15–25, 25–35 and 35–45 minutes of metro travel time to Shenzhen North Station, respectively. The HFSL effect on housing values diminishes when the rail travel time is above 45 minutes. We interpret these findings as evidence of the redistribution effect in the city related to HSR connection.



KeywordsChina, high-speed rail, intra-city housing values, network effect
关键词中国, 高铁, 城市房价, 网络效应



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