

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百四十七期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的四篇论文和Current Issue的一篇论文。主题包括比较城市研究的方法论,新加坡移民工人的娱乐中心、移民融合与包容,全球南方大都市的城市土地转型过程,社交媒体与哥本哈根的移民融合,人类世的批判城市理论,欢迎阅读。


A more global urban studies, besides empirical variation                               


Julie Ren(瑞士苏黎世大学)首次出版时间:2022/4/1|研究论文

An expanded set of sites, a more differentiated set of references and linguistic diversification have been discussed as needed changes in urban studies. The critiques of the limitations of urban studies, in terms of both the scholarship and the scholars, offer important and concrete responses to expanding the scope of the field. Yet this tremendous special issue on ‘Comparative Methods for Global Urban Studies’ with 10 papers cutting across a range of sites and topics is decidedly not only about empirical variation; this is an important distinction worth drawing more attention to. The creativity expressed in these papers comes at an auspicious time in urban studies where new routes for doing urban theory are needed to move past debates about singular versus plural epistemologies of the urban. As a kind of research that demands more translation, exchange and collaboration, perhaps comparative urban research as a mode of theory-building can help to humble the chest-pounding, posturing, privilege of thinking and speaking the language of theory. The theoretical ambitions of these very different papers show how urban theory need not only be about better understanding urbanisation within the epistemological confines of late capitalism. Rather than reifying a shared grammar of urbanisation as a necessity to understand each other, they may entice scholars everywhere to develop a broader vocabulary and perhaps even learn another language.

摘要学者们已经探讨过一组扩展的地点、一组更加差异化的参考和多样化的语言,将其视为城市研究的必要变革。从学术和学者的角度对城市研究局限性的批判,是对扩大该领域范围的呼声的重要而具体的回应。然而,本期关于“全球城市研究的比较方法”的大型特刊(10 篇论文涉及一系列地点和主题)显然不仅仅强调实证方面的多样性;这是一个值得更多关注的重要区别。这些论文所体现的创造力出现在城市研究欣欣向荣之时,我们需要新的城市理论路线,以超越关于城市单一与多元认识论的辩论。作为一种需要更多翻译、交流和合作的研究,比较城市研究作为一种理论构建模式或许有助于消除那种能以某种思想语言思考和表达的自以为是、居高临下的特权意识。这些截然不同的论文的理论抱负表明,城市理论不需要仅仅局限于在晚期资本主义认识论范围内更好地理解城市化。这些文章没有将城市研究的共同语言奉为我们相互理解的必要条件,并且,它们可能会吸引各地的学者发展更广泛的研究词汇,甚至是学习另一种语言。
Keywords comparative method, comparative urbanism, language, urban theory
关键词比较方法, 比较城市研究, 语言, 城市理论


Migrant worker recreational centres, accidental diversities and new relationalities in Singapore


Daniel PS Goh(新加坡国立大学)Andrew Lee (新加坡国立大学)首次出版时间:2022/4/1|研究论文

How best to integrate migrant workers in host societies has been a longstanding question in the study of migration and globalisation. Scholars have been conceptualising new modes of transnational mobilities that point to the politics of differential inclusion to address encounters between migrants and locals in Asian global cities. This article uses an instructive case study of temporary, low-wage male migrant workers in Singapore and the issue of their recreational spaces to show that the politics of inclusion/exclusion are layered onto the question of integration/segregation. We take integration to mean the incorporation of migrants into local society to give full access to social institutions of protection and care, and inclusion to refer to the acceptance of migrants into social relationships that define urban life. Segregation and exclusion are their respective corollaries. We focus on state-provisioned recreation centres sited near the dormitories, which were expanded to function as segregating spaces to keep migrant workers away from the city after the Little India riot in 2013. We show that they have instead become contact zones producing accidental diversities of urban encounters between migrants, locals and state-linked agents. We discuss how these contact zones have developed differently across the centres built before and after the riot, the transformation of the accidental diversities in the recreational centres by state-linked agents into a new migrant grassroots sector and the ongoing intensification of this during the COVID-19 pandemic. The new relationalities offer the promise of transcending the layered binaries of integration/segregation and inclusion/exclusion.


如何使移民工人尽可能融入东道国社会一直是移民和全球化研究中的一个问题。学者们一直在将跨国流动的新模式概念化,这些模式指向差异包容的政治,其旨在解决亚洲全球城市中移民与当地人之间的冲突。本文通过对新加坡男性低工资临时移民工人及其娱乐空间问题的指导性案例研究,表明包容/排斥政治叠加在融合/隔离问题之上。我们认为融合是指将移民融入当地社会,使之能充分享受社会保护和关怀机制,包容是指接受移民进入定义城市生活的社会关系。隔离和排斥则是它们各自的反面。我们关注政府提供的位于宿舍附近的娱乐中心,在 2013 年小印度骚乱后,这些中心被扩展为隔离空间,以使移民工人远离城市。我们表明,它们反而变成了接触区,在移民、当地人和与政府有联系的主体之间产生了城市冲突的意外多样性。我们讨论了在骚乱前后建立的各个中心,这些接触区如何呈现出不同的发展,与政府有联系的主体如何将娱乐中心的意外多样性转变为新的移民基层小群体,及其在新冠疫情期间的持续强化。新的关系性提供了超越相互叠加的融合/隔离和包容/排除二元论的前景。

Keywords global city, grassroots, migrant labour, recreation, segregation


全球城市, 基层, 移民工人, 娱乐, 隔离

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221081336


Speculating on land, property and peri/urban futures: A conjunctural approach to intra-metropolitan comparison


Helga Leitner(美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校)
Eric Sheppard(美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校)首次出版时间:2022/4/1|研究论文

This article explores a conjunctural approach to comparison as a means to capture the complexity of the processes shaping metropolitan land transformations in a city of the global South, comparing the co-implicated actions of developers and local residents across central and peri-urban Jabodetabek. A conjunctural approach shares with some other forms of comparison the ambition to build new theories and challenge existing knowledge. Rather than controlling for the characteristics of units of analysis as in conventional comparison, a conjunctural approach attends to the broader spatio-temporal conjuncture. It involves highlighting unexpected or overlooked starting points for comparison, attending to inter-place, inter-scalar and inter-temporal relationalities in order to identify shared general tendencies as well as particularities and to chart their mutual constitution. Grounding this comparison iteratively puts local knowledge and observations in conversation with already existing theories. Deploying these principles in a socio-spatial intra-metropolitan comparison, we show that economic speculation on land and property is complexly entangled with actors’ socio-cultural speculations, as they seek also to realise aspirations for distinct peri/urban futures. Economic speculation deepens already existing inequalities in wealth and power differentials between and among developers and kampung residents. The erasure of informal settlements and displacement of their residents is supplemented by the ability of other kampungs and select residents to take advantage of spillover opportunities from the formal developments built on former kampung land. Distinct central city and peri-urban landscapes are emerging, shaped by differences in the social ecology of land and local governance and planning regimes.

摘要 本文探讨一种连接性比较方法,以此来理解塑造了一个全球南方城市的大都市土地转型过程的复杂性,我们比较了大雅加达地区 (Jabodetabek) 市中心和城市周边的开发商和当地居民的相互影响行为。与其他一些比较方法一样,连接性方法致力于建立新理论和挑战现有知识。与传统比较中的控制分析单元的特征不同,连接性方法关注更广泛的时空连接性。它强调意料之外或被忽视的比较起点,关注地点之间、标量之间和时期之间的关系性,以识别共同的普遍趋势和特殊性,并标定它们之间的相互构成关系。以这种比较为基础,我们可以迭代地实现本地知识和观察与现有理论之间的对话。通过在大都市内的社会空间比较中运用这些原则,我们表明,对土地和物业的经济投机与行为者的社会文化投机复杂地纠缠在一起,因为投机者也同时寻求实现与不同周边/城市未来相关的抱负。经济投机加深了开发商和村庄居民之间(以及群体内部)业已存在的财富不平等和权力差异。伴随着非正规住区的消除和对其居民的排斥,其他村庄和部分居民还能利用在以前村庄土地上建造的正式开发项目所带来的溢出机会。市中心和城郊出现了不同的景象,这是由土地的社会生态、地方治理和规划制度的差异所决定的。
Keywords comparative urbanism, economic and socio-cultural speculation, Jakarta, land transformations, socio-spatial comparison
比较城市研究, 经济和社会文化投机, 雅加达, 土地转型, 社会空间比较



Translating the nation through the sustainable, liveable city: The role of social media intermediaries in immigrant integration in Copenhagen


Tatiana Fogelman(丹麦罗斯基勒大学)Julia Christensen(加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学)首次出版时间:2022/4/1|研究论文


This article explores settled Western migrants whose digital content provides recent, mostly Western migrants in Copenhagen with local know-how and city-related information. This new type of informal integration intermediary functions as an emerging digital component of wider urban integration industries that assist migrants with settlement and social integration. We draw on the sociological theory of translation as a social, productive practice that constructs new meanings through selective interpretations and conceptualise the work of these bloggers as translation. Relying on the analysis of their blog and Instagram posts, and on interviews, this article shows how their translations of the city, and through it Danishness, play a critical role in mediating narratives of ‘becoming local’. Despite the differences between the bloggers’ respective translations (including those afforded through blogs vs Instagram) and despite criticism of a lack of inclusion of the socio-cultural differences in Denmark, these intermediaries ultimately reinforce for newcomers the expectations of the ‘green-city citizen’ and integration into Danish culture and lifestyle. We argue that what makes their translations resonate is not only that social media itself allows them to perform their having become (almost) local, but also that they carefully use their personal reflections as migrants. At the same time, the fact that their personal experiences of the city have been shaped by their positionality as white migrants feeling very welcomed, and even passing for locals, in the city curtails these bloggers’ wider potential as informal intermediaries filling a gap within Copenhagen’s urban integration industries.

摘要本文研究哥本哈根定居已久的西方移民,他们的数字内容为哥本哈根的新移民(主要是西方移民)提供了当地知识和与城市相关的信息。作为更广泛的城市融合产业的新兴数字组成部分,这种新型的非正式融合中介帮助移民定居和融入当地社会。我们借助翻译的社会学理论,将其作为一种通过选择性的解释来构建新的意义的社会性的、生产性的实践,并将这些博主的作品概念化为翻译。基于对他们的博客和 Instagram 帖子的分析以及采访,本文展示了他们对城市生活的翻译(及其丹麦化)在促成“成为本地人”的叙事中所发挥的关键作用。尽管博主各自的翻译(包括通过博客和 Instagram 提供的翻译)之间存在差异,尽管有人批评丹麦缺乏社会文化包容性,这些中介最终强化了新移民对“绿色城市公民”的期待,并推动了新移民融入丹麦文化和生活方式的过程。我们认为,使他们的翻译产生共鸣的原因不仅在于社交媒体本身允许他们表现出他们已经(几乎)成为本地人,还在于他们谨慎地使用了他们作为移民的个人思考。与此同时,他们对这座城市的个人体验受到他们作为白人移民的地位的影响(他们在城市中感到非常受欢迎,甚至超过当地人),这限制了这些博主作为非正式中介填补哥本哈根城市融合产业空白的更广泛的潜力。
KeywordsCopenhagen, integration industry, intermediary, liveability, migration industry, social media, sustainable urbanism

哥本哈根, 融合产业, 中介, 宜居性, 移民产业, 社交媒体, 可持续城市化



Critical urban theory in the Anthropocene


Stephanie Wakefield(美国生命大学)首次出版时间:2021/10/29|研究论文

Critical urban thinkers often imagine urbanisation and the Anthropocene as inevitably being companion processes. But is planetary urbanisation the necessary telos and spatial limit of life in the Anthropocene? Is urban resilience the final form of urban responses to climate change? Will (or should) the urban (as either spatial form or process) survive the upending impacts of climate change or adaptation? Or, if the Anthropocene is a time of deep environmental and epistemological upheaval without historical precedent, might even more recently created spatial concepts of the planetary urban condition themselves soon be out of date? This article raises these questions for urban scholars via critical engagement with a proposal to retire Miami – considered climate change ‘ground zero’ in the US and doomed by rising seas – and repurpose it as fill for ‘The Islands of South Florida’: a self-sufficient territory of artificial high-rises delinked from global infrastructural networks. This vision of an ‘urbicidal Anthropocene’, the article argues, suggests that the injunction subtending planetary urbanisation work – to relentlessly question inherited spatial frameworks – has not been taken far enough. Still needed is Anthropocene critical urban theory, to consider urban forms and processes emerging via climate change and adaptation, but also how such mutations may point beyond the theoretical and spatial bounds of the contemporary urban condition itself.



Keywordsagglomeration, Anthropocene, built environment, environment, infrastructure, resilience, sustainability, urbanisation
关键词集聚, 人类世, 建筑环境, 环境, 基础设施, 复原力, 可持续性, 城市化



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