

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百四十九期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的三篇论文和Urban Studies Current Issue的两篇论文。主题包括中国的户籍制度,社区驱动的城市倡议,东京的移民产业,税收激励政策与房地产开发,北京的教育可达性,欢迎阅读。


Hukou as benefits: Demand for hukou and wages in China             


Samantha A Vortherms(美国加利福尼亚大学欧文分校)Gordon G Liu(北京大学)首次出版时间:2022/4/8|研究论文

As China encourages urbanisation, a necessary process is the urbanisation of its people, granting local-urban hukou, or local citizenship, to migrant populations. But reforms encouraging urbanisation are dependent on migrant populations wanting to become formal, registered urban residents. What is the demand for hukou? Based on a unique probabilistically-sampled contingent valuation survey of over 900 migrants in Beijing and Changsha, we use migrants’ willingness-to-pay for hukou as a measure of demand for urbanisation. We find that migrants in Beijing are willing to give up between 9% and 14% of their income over five years to gain local-urban hukou. Migrants in Changsha are much less willing to pay for hukou with a willingness-to-pay indistinguishable from zero, and rural migrants have a negative willingness-to-pay. This study contributes to the broader literature on the impact of China’s hukou system by providing a unique test of migrant workers’ willingness-to-pay for local citizenship.

摘要随着中国鼓励城市化,一个必要的过程是其人口的城市化,即给予流动人口当地城市户口或当地市民身份。但鼓励城市化的改革有赖于流动人口渴望成为正式的、登记在册的城市居民。对户口的需求状况如何呢?基于对北京和长沙 900 多名农民工的独特概率抽样或有评估调查,我们使用农民工为户口付费的意愿作为城市化需求的衡量标准。我们发现,北京的农民工愿意花费其五年内 9% 到 14% 的收入来获得本地城市户口。在长沙,移民的付费意愿则要低得多,付费意愿几乎为零,而农民工的付费意愿则为负。通过对农民工为当地市民身份付费的意愿进行独特的测试,本研究为关于中国户口制度影响的更广泛的文献做出了贡献。
Keywords China, contingent valuation, household registration, hukuo, migration, urbanisation
关键词中国, 条件评估, 户籍登记, 迁移, 城市化


Order and openness in community-driven urban initiatives: Insights from a ‘spot-fix’


Jacob Vakkayil(法国IESEG管理学院)首次出版时间:2022/4/9|研究论文

This study examines how community-driven urban do-it-yourself initiatives maintain appropriate levels of openness while ensuring sufficient degrees of social order. For this, a specific event is analysed using an analytic framework that differentiates decided and emergent orders. The results indicate how various aspects of the event feature combinations of these orders that serve to sustain it and produce desired outcomes. These combinations indicate certain key factors that facilitate the balance of order and openness in community-driven initiatives. The paper concludes with reflections on the practical implications.



Keywords community-driven urban initiatives, DIY urbanism, informal urban events


社区驱动的城市倡议, 城市 DIY, 非正规城市活动

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221084246


From global city makers to global city-shapers: Migration industries in the global city networks


Sakura Yamamura(德国马普所与民族文化多样性研究中心)首次出版时间:2022/4/20|研究论文

Recently, increasing migrant-led diversity of urban spaces can be expected to be especially observed in global cities, where global flows of capital, goods and people are concentrated. Although this connection between the global phenomenon of transnational migration and the local socio-spatial impacts on the cities appears evident, empirical research on the ‘relationship of migrants and cities’ remains underexplored. Discussions on global city makers have focused primarily on global economic actors, and have paid little attention to actors involved in shaping these global cities locally. This paper sheds new light on the role of migration industries in shaping global cities on the local level, being based empirically on qualitative interviews with transnational migrants and service providers in Tokyo. It discusses how the novel constellation of service firms for the transnational migration from above and below, that is, corporate migration industry in contrast to the conventional migration industry of labour migration, not only contributes to the global flow of transnational migrations into specific cities, but also draws them into specific socio-spatial patterns within the local urban space. By bringing these different types of migration industries conceptually together, it illustrates how socio-spatial diversification processes within global cities are embedded in the global economy (global city makers) but also locally directed by intermediary actors of migration industries (global city shapers). Embedding migration industries into the global cities perspective, it bridges the gap on urban transformation from the global to the local.

摘要 最近,在全球资本、货物和人员流动集中的全球城市中,我们预计尤其会观察到以移民为主导的城市空间多样性日益增加。尽管跨国移民的全球现象与当地社会空间对城市的影响之间的联系似乎很明显,但关于“移民与城市的关系”的实证研究仍不充分。关于全球城市缔造者的讨论主要集中在全球经济参与者上面,很少关注在本地层面参与塑造这些全球城市的参与者。本文基于对东京跨国移民和服务提供者的定性访谈,对移民产业在地方层面塑造全球城市方面的作用提出了新的见解。它讨论了新型跨国迁移服务公司集群(从上到下和从下到上,即与传统的劳动力迁移行业形成对比的企业迁移行业)如何促进向特定城市的跨国迁移型全球流动,而且还将这种流动吸引到当地城市空间内的特定社会空间模式中。通过将这些不同类型的移民产业在概念上结合在一起,我们说明全球城市内的社会空间多样化过程如何嵌入全球经济(全球城市缔造者),同时也在本地层面受到移民产业中介行为者(全球城市塑造者)的本地影响。我们将移民产业融入全球城市视角,弥合了城市转型研究从全球到本地的鸿沟。
Keywords migration industry, global city, transnational migration, superdiversity, Tokyo
移民产业, 全球城市, 跨国移民, 超级多样性, 东京



How do tax-based revitalisation policies affect urban property development? Evidence from Bronzeville, Chicago


Minjee Kim(美国佛罗里达州立大学首次出版时间:2021/3/14|研究论文

Fiscal incentives are frequently used to stimulate property development in distressed communities but the efficacy and impacts of this approach have been contested. In this study, a theory of real estate production was utilised to evaluate the Opportunity Zones (OZ) policy in the USA. Qualitative data collected from interviews and fieldwork are analysed to understand how the property development scene of a predominantly African-American neighbourhood had been affected by the OZ designation. Interviewees, including black local developers, represented diverse types and scales of real estate production. It was found that new investment capital was flowing into Bronzeville but not into projects proposed by small, local developers and community organisations. This was largely for two reasons: first, the less experienced and resource-constrained players had insufficient resources and expertise to connect with the OZ-induced investors. Second, when they were connected, their projects were deemed highly risky and thus unattractive. The perception of risk was likely amplified in Bronzeville, a historically marginalised black neighbourhood. For tax-based urban revitalisation policies to increase marginalised communities’ access to capital, appropriate public interventions must be accompanied to level out the playing field for the under-resourced and historically marginalised players of real estate production. One such intervention might be to create and support a network of financial intermediaries that specialise in connecting capital to projects proposed by black developers, other non-profit developers and community organisations. Without such measures, policies such as OZ are likely to exacerbate existing inequalities rather than uplifting disadvantaged communities.

摘要财政激励经常被用来刺激贫困社区的房地产开发,但这种方法的有效性和影响一直存在争议。在本项研究中,房地产生产理论被用来评估美国的机会区 (OZ) 政策。我们分析通过访谈和实地调查收集的定性数据,以了解OZ指定对一个以非裔美国人为主的社区的房地产开发的影响。受访者,包括当地黑人开发商,代表了不同类型和规模的房地产生产者。我们发现,新的投资资本正在流入布朗斯维尔,但没有流入当地小型开发商和社区机构提议的项目。这主要是因为两个原因:第一,缺乏经验和资源有限的开发商没有足够的资源和专业知识与受OZ诱导的投资者联系。其次,即使联系了投资者,他们的项目也会被投资者认为是高风险、缺乏吸引力的项目。由于布朗斯维尔是一个历史上被边缘化的黑人社区,这种风险意识可能会被放大。针对以税收为基础的、旨在增加边缘化社区获得资本的机会的城市改造政策,必须有适当的配套公共干预,为资源不足和历史上被边缘化的房地产生产参与者创造公平的竞争环境。其中一种可能的干预是创建和支持一个金融中介网络,专门负责将资本与黑人开发商、其他非营利开发商和社区组织提议的项目联系起来。如果没有这些措施,OZ之类的政策可能会加剧现有的不平等,而不是提高弱势群体的地位。
Keywordsenterprise zones, place-based initiatives, real estate, tax incentives, urban revitalisation

企业园区, 基于地方的倡议, 房地产, 税收激励, 城市改造



What determines pupils’ travel distance to school in China? A multilevel analysis of educational access in Beijing


Lili Xiang(澳大利亚国立大学)Myles Gould(英国利兹大学)John Stillwell(英国利兹大学)首次出版时间:2021/3/26|研究论文

While access to school is one crucial aspect of education equality, there is a lack of research on factors that influence the distance that pupils travel to school. Previous studies have failed to reveal the relationship between pupils’ socio-spatial characteristics and travel distance. This paper uncovers the multilevel structure, ignored hitherto, that underpins the determinants of pupils’ travel distance. Using detailed travel survey data for Beijing and an appropriate multilevel modelling approach, this research reveals that contextual variation remains, having taken account of compositional (individual-level) variables; and that contextual factors, that is, school density and neighbourhood context, are more influential when compared with individual-level factors except for education stage and housing type. The policy implications include improved planning for schools in comparatively deprived areas, increased provision of affordable housing and enhanced education opportunities for migrant children.



Keywordsaccess, context effects, multilevel modelling, socio-spatial inequalities, travel distance
关键词机会, 环境效应, 多层次模型, 社会空间不平等, 出行距离



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