

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百五十期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括比较城市研究,流动性、美学与城市发展,城市历史遗产与街头贩卖,受灾社区的建成环境与心理健康,社会病理学和城市致病性,欢迎阅读。


Tracing as comparative method


Astrid Wood(英国纽卡斯尔大学)首次出版时间:2022/4/21|研究论文

Urban scholarship is bursting with comparison. We use comparison as an explicit and implicit tool to frame our urban analysis. But how do we actually do comparison? This commentary presents a fine-tuned analysis of ‘tracing’ as both a conceptual framework and a methodological process for doing comparative urbanism. It draws on the many excellent contributions in this special issue to argue for three methodological approaches to tracing – following the trace, the people doing the tracing and the pathways of tracing – adding reflections that are not only theoretically valuable but also practically useful. In concluding, I argue that this approach of tracing highlights the endless possibilities for thoughtful and productive comparison starting from everywhere and ending up anywhere.

Keywords comparative urbanism, tracing, urban studies
关键词比较城市研究, 追踪, 城市研究


Art in transit: Mobility, aesthetics and urban development                                    


Theresa Enright(加拿大多伦多大学首次出版时间:2022/4/29|研究论文

High-profile architecture and design, alongside integrated arts and cultural programming are now ubiquitous features of public transit networks. This article considers how and why transit-based arts and cultural programmes are proliferating globally as well as the impact of these programmes on transit and urban dynamics. Through critically analysing the discourses surrounding different transit art initiatives and the institutional structures which support them, this article shows how transit art is used today for varied – and often contradictory – ends. Based on this, it argues that we should not uncritically celebrate the rise of transit art as an unmitigated civic good. Rather, we must situate the rise of transit art within a political and aesthetic economy in which art has become ‘expedient’, and contend with the way transit art is implicated in elite, exclusionary and unsustainable processes of urbanisation.



Keywords aesthetics, infrastructure, mobility, public art, public transport, urban transit


美学, 基础设施, 流动性, 公共艺术, 公共交通, 城市交通

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221087035


In the name of history: (De)Legitimising street vendors in New York and Rome


Sakura Yamamura(加拿大多伦多大学首次出版时间:2022/4/29|研究论文

Policy makers across the Global North tend to remove poor and non-white vendors as inappropriate users of public space. Scholars have amply demonstrated that such removals reflect dominant aspirations of the present and future image of the city. But how do ideas about a city’s past help shape these aspirations? We compare how heritage, the socially constructed meanings through which people experience history, helps forge consensus over the legitimacy of vendors in Rome and New York. Vending has long allowed oppressed people to survive in both cities. These similar histories translate today into diverging attitudes. In Rome, a city branded as a site of (white) glory, authorities banish both long-standing Jewish vendors and newly arrived immigrants. In New York, mythicised as a place of success for immigrants, policy makers cannot always displace vendors who claim historical legitimacy. We explain these different conditions through a regimes of heritage framework. Using archival and ethnographic data, we examine whose voices count more in constructing each city’s past, what stories are told, and how these stories imbricate with existing political structures. Regimes of heritage, we find, help spatialise neoliberalism, differentiated citizenship, and authenticity. These dynamics highlight heritage as a critical, if underexplored agent of urban oppression and resistance.

摘要 全球北方的政策制定者倾向于驱逐贫穷的、非白人的商贩,将其视为公共空间的不当使用者。学者们已充分证明,这些关于街头贩卖的规定体现了关于城市当前和未来形象的、占主导地位的愿望。但是关于城市历史的观念如何塑造这些愿望呢?我们比较历史遗产(即一种社会建构意义,人们通过其体验历史)在罗马和纽约如何使人们就街头贩卖的合法性达成共识。长期以来,街头贩卖让受压迫的人们在这两个城市能生存下去。而这些相似的历史在今天转化为不同的态度。在罗马这个被称为(白人)荣耀之地的城市,当局驱逐了长期存在的犹太商贩和新来的移民商贩。而在被神话为移民成功之地的纽约,政策制定者不能总是驱逐声称具有历史合法性的商贩。我们通过一个历史遗产框架来解释这些不同的状况。我们使用档案和人类学数据,研究在讲述这两个城市的历史时谁的声音更为重要,哪些故事被讲述,以及这些故事与现有的政治结构之间的纠葛。我们发现,历史遗产框架有助于将新自由主义、差异化的公民身份和真实性空间化。这些发现凸显了历史遗产是关于城市压迫和抵抗的一个关键的、但未得到充分研究的因素。
Keywords heritage, street vending, New York, Rome, governing regimes
历史遗产, 街头贩卖, 纽约, 罗马, 统治制度



The relationships between neighbourhood vacancy, probable PTSD, and health-related quality of life in flood-disaster-impacted communities


Galen Newman(美国德克萨斯州A和M大学学院站Dongying Li(美国德克萨斯州A和M大学学院站)Yunmi Park(韩国梨花女子大学首次出版时间:2022/4/30|研究论文

Excessive amounts of neighbourhood vacant land and abandoned structures can significantly lower community and outsider perceptions, and ultimately impact the mental health conditions of inhabitants. While depopulation, economic conditions and land use dynamics can all play a role in the amount of neighbourhood-scaled vacancies and structural abandonment, natural disaster events such as flooding can also exacerbate the ratio of vacant to non-vacant properties in cities and neighbourhoods through resultant building damage and resident relocations. Examinations on post-disaster mental health are limited, and even less is known about the extent of vacant and abandoned properties on mental health, especially within the disaster recovery context. Using survey responses (n=257) from Houston, TX, USA, from Hurricane Harvey stricken neighbourhoods, this study quantitatively examines how vacancy and abandonment are associated with mental health in disaster-effected communities. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was measured using the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 and health-related quality of life was measured using the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) scale. Vacancy rates and perceived vacancy were used to predict PTSD and HRQOL in generalised mixed linear models while adjusting for covariates. Findings indicate significant relationships between higher neighbourhood vacancy and elevated risks of PTSD and impaired HRQOL. Further, while the average rate of abandonment in Houston stayed relatively flat, it increased considerably in hurricane impacted communities until two years after Harvey. The outcomes of this study suggest a link between hazard mitigation-recovery and urban regeneration planning to prevent neighbourhood deterioration and improve mental health outcomes after disaster events.

摘要过多的街区空地和废弃建筑会显著降低社区和外界对街区的评价,并最终影响居民的心理健康状况。虽然人口减少、经济状况和土地利用动态都可能对街区层面的空置和结构性废弃的数量产生影响,但洪水等自然灾害事件也可能(通过建筑物损坏和居民搬迁)提高城市和街区中空置与非空置物业的比例。针对灾后心理健康的研究不多,而我们对空置和废弃物业对心理健康的影响程度(尤其是在灾后恢复的背景下)则更是知之甚少。本研究使用来自美国德克萨斯州休斯顿飓风哈维受灾社区的调查回复 (n=257),定量研究了受灾社区的物业空置和废弃与心理健康之间的关系。我们使用《精神疾病诊断与统计手册第五版》(DSM-5) 中的创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD) 检查表测量 PTSD,使用健康相关生活质量 (HRQOL) 量表测量健康相关生活质量。我们在广义混合线性模型中使用空置率和感知空置率预测 PTSD 和 HRQOL,同时针对协变量进行调整。研究结果表明,较高的社区空置率与 PTSD 风险升高和 HRQOL 受损之间存在显著关系。此外,虽然休斯顿的平均废弃率保持相对平稳,但在受哈维影响的社区,哈维发生后的两年内废弃率显著上升。这项研究的结果表明,减灾恢复与城市更新规划之间存在关联,此等规划旨在防止街区衰落并改善人们在灾难事件后的心理健康。
Keywordsbuilt environment, health, mental health, redevelopment, regeneration, resilience

建筑环境, 健康, 心理健康, 重建, 更新, 复原力



Social pathologies and urban pathogenicity: Moving towards better pandemic futures


Tankut Atuk(美国明尼苏达大学)Susan L Craddock(美国明尼苏达大学)首次出版时间:2022/5/1|研究论文

While access to school is one crucial aspect of education equality, there is a lack of research on factors that influence the distance that pupils travel to school. Previous studies have failed to reveal the relationship between pupils’ socio-spatial characteristics and travel distance. This paper uncovers the multilevel structure, ignored hitherto, that underpins the determinants of pupils’ travel distance. Using detailed travel survey data for Beijing and an appropriate multilevel modelling approach, this research reveals that contextual variation remains, having taken account of compositional (individual-level) variables; and that contextual factors, that is, school density and neighbourhood context, are more influential when compared with individual-level factors except for education stage and housing type. The policy implications include improved planning for schools in comparatively deprived areas, increased provision of affordable housing and enhanced education opportunities for migrant children.

Keywordsgender, governance, health, inequality, pandemic, pathogenicity, race/ethnicity
关键词性别, 治理, 健康, 不平等, 流行病, 致病性理论, 种族/民族



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