

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百五十一期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括开普敦巴士上的公共空间,数字时代的公共空间与公共仪式,哥德堡底层规划的城市价值与品质,那不勒斯的“面对面民主”,比较城市研究,欢迎阅读。


Public space on the move: Mediating mobility, stillness and encounter on a Cape Town bus


Bradley Rink(南非西开普大学)首次出版时间:2022/5/1|研究论文

As a public space, the environment of public transportation services is maintained by an ordered set of rules and conditions. Such rules and conditions are prescribed by law as they are in generally-accepted norms of social behaviour within public space. Through the examination of the Conditions of Carriage that govern bus transportation in Cape Town, South Africa, using Golden Arrow Bus Services, this paper seeks to highlight the myriad ways that urban public space on the move is mediated, negotiated and controlled through rules of conduct that differentiate mobile public space from its counterpart in the environment outside the bus. Understood as a mundane part of the social life of the city and its inhabitants, mobility in the form of public transportation is constituted by micro-communities whose publics are in a constant state of flux and negotiation. Using analysis of the Conditions of Carriage and an ethnographic case study of bus passengering, this paper demonstrates how the Conditions mediate the situated and lived assemblage of actors in mobile public space that is a liminal zone between inclusion and exclusion.

摘要作为公共空间,公共交通服务的环境是由一套有序的规则和条件维护的。这些规则和条件由法律规定,因为它们是公共空间内普遍接受的社会行为规范。通过对适用于南非开普敦金箭巴士服务公司 (Golden Arrow Bus Services) 的运输条件的研究,本文旨在强调城市流动公共空间如何以多种方式、通过行为规则得到调整、协商和控制,这些行为规则将流动公共空间与公共汽车外部环境区分开来。作为城市及其居民社会生活的日常组成部分,公共交通形式的流动性构成微型社区,其公众处于不断变化和协商的状态。通过对运输条件的分析和公共汽车乘客的人类学案例研究,本文展示了这些运输条件如何调整移动公共空间中各行为者在这一特殊情境中的、生活化的组合,这种公共空间是包容和排斥之间的阈限区域。
Keywords mobility, public transport, public space, bus travel, South Africa
关键词流动性, 公共交通, 公共空间, 巴士旅行, 南非


Public space and public rituals: Engagement and protest in the digital age


Tali Hatuka(以色列特拉维夫大学首次出版时间:2022/5/1|研究论文

In our technology-based society, individuals have more tools that they can use to manage and ‘show’ themselves in public space. In public space, they are monitored by agencies using surveillance practices but they also share information through location-aware technologies. This profound condition alters social norms and, with that, not only change self-rituals practiced in public but also group gatherings in public spaces. With an emphasis on political protests, this commentary focuses on a set of related questions: what characterises contemporary self-rituals in public space? How are these rituals being altered by digitisation processes? How are these changes manifested in the performance of the self during protests? This commentary suggests that public protests in the digital age are ‘moments of togetherness’, accelerated by social media, which dramatically enhance personalisation processes in collective actions. Reflecting on the contemporary alteration of group rituals and protests as extensions of the self, the commentary ends with a discussion about the opportunities and challenges this might bring for future collective actions.



Keywords commentary, daily life, Activism, protest events, public space, Digitization, technology, theory


评论, 日常生活, 政治, 抗议活动, 公共空间, 智慧城市, 科技, 理论

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221089770


The framing of urban values and qualities in inter-organisational settings: The case of ground floor planning in Gothenburg, Sweden


Stefan Molnar(瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学&RISE研究中心首次出版时间:2022/5/1|研究论文

This article’s overall purpose is to contribute to the recent discussion between the literatures of valuation studies and urban studies. The paper aims to do this by generating knowledge on the framing of urban values and qualities in inter-organisational settings making up wider urban development projects. The paper makes use of a recent framework by Metzger and Wiberg published in 2017 in Urban Studies, although employing it in inter-organisational settings, rather than in the intra-organisational settings of those authors. It also adds a systematic focus on issues of value plurality. The paper pursues its aim by interrogating a recent case of inter-organisational ground floor planning in Gothenburg, Sweden. The article demonstrates how several organisational actors with different reasons for joining the scheme, repeatedly came to shift between different practices, scales, and devices of valuation. One implication of the paper is that the study of inter-organisational valuation allows the researcher to explore the plurality of ways in which actors with different goals evaluate development alternatives to keep the process going. Having said this, the paper also touches upon the fact that the value-agnostic sensibility of valuation studies risks making the researcher neglect power asymmetries.

摘要 本文的总体目的是为估值研究和城市研究文献之间的近期讨论做出贡献。为此,本文在组成更广泛的城市发展项目的跨组织环境中生成有关城市价值和品质框架的知识。本文利用了梅茨格 (Metzger) 和威伯格 (Wiberg) 于 2017 年在城市研究 (Urban Studies) 上发表的最新框架,不同的是将其应用于组织间环境,而不是这些作者所采用的组织内环境。我们还增加了对价值多元化问题的系统关注。本文通过研究瑞典哥德堡最近的一个组织间底层规划案例来实现研究目标。本文展示了几个因不同原因加入该计划的组织参与者如何反复在不同的做法、规模和估值方法之间转换。本文的一个推论是,跨组织估值的研究使研究人员能够探索具有不同目标的参与者评估发展替代方案以保持过程继续进行的多种方式。话虽如此,本文还是触及了这样一个事实:估值研究的价值不可知论情怀有可能使研究人员忽视权力不对称。
Keywords active frontages, inter-organisational, framing, qualification, valuation, valuation studies, value plurality
活跃正面, 组织间, 框架, 资格, 估值, 估值研究, 价值多元性



New institutions and the politics of the interstices. Experimenting with a face-to-face democracy in Naples


Mauro Pinto(意大利坎帕尼亚大学Luca Recano(意大利那不勒斯东方大学)Ugo Rossi(意大利格兰萨索科学研究所首次出版时间:2022/5/1|研究论文

This article analyses the politics of new municipalism in Naples in relation to the constellation of ‘new institutions’ that has arisen from this politics. These ‘new institutions’ are illustrative of a politics of the interstices as a distinctive trait of the convergence between city government and social movements in Naples, as the latter have opted for staying neither outside nor inside official institutions and the city government has adapted its conduct to this strategy. To illustrate this point, the article explores the emerging constellation of ‘new institutions’ in Naples, which is understood as an embryonic form of radical ‘face-to-face democracy’ (in Murray Bookchin’s terms) at the municipal level, that departs from mainstream conceptions of participatory democracy and commons-based democracy. Through this analysis, the article argues that the experience of new municipalism in Naples offers evidence of a kind of participatory urban democracy understood not in a procedural sense but in a genuinely political vein, where civic participation and political conflict productively coexist with institutional creativity.

摘要本文分析了那不勒斯新的地方自治主义政治与由此政治产生的“新机构”群体的关系。这些“新机构”说明了作为那不勒斯市政府和社会运动之间融合的一个显着特征的间隙政治,因为后者选择既不在官方机构之外,也不在官方机构内部,而市政府已调整了其行为以适应该策略。为了说明这一点,本文探讨了那不勒斯正在出现的“新机构”群体,这被理解为市政层面激进的“面对面民主”(默里·布克钦 (Murray Bookchin) 发明的术语)的雏形,这种民主背离了参与式民主和基于共享的民主的主流概念。通过这种分析,本文认为那不勒斯新地方自治主义的经验提供了一种参与式城市民主的证据,这种民主不是从程序意义上而是从真正的政治脉络中理解的,在这种民主中,公民参与和政治冲突与制度创造力有效地共存。
Keywordscommunity, governance, informality, local government, new municipalism, politics, urban democracy

社区、治理, 非正规性, 地方政府, 新地方自治主义, 政治, 城市民主



Introduction: Generating concepts of ‘the urban’ through comparative practice


Jennifer Robinson(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2022/5/1|研究论文

This Introduction to the special issue, ‘Comparative Methods for Global Urban Studies’, outlines the basis for a reformatted comparative method inspired by the complex spatialities of the urban world. The articles in the volume each bring forward innovative approaches to comparative methods which support wider conceptualisations of urban processes and urban experiences. The articles in this volume consider a wide range of urban contexts and collectively move beyond geopolitically imprecise propositions of ‘southern’ urbanism to embrace the wider comparative agenda of thinking with both the diversity and the profound interconnectedness of the urban globally. The articles contribute to decentring urban studies, opening conceptualisation to a range of different contexts and differently positioned writers. They also speak to the analytical and methodological challenges posed by current trends in global urbanisation, as dispersed, fragmented and extending over vast territories. Thinking with the multiple elsewheres of any urban context invites a comparative imagination – this introduction draws together the creative ways in which authors in this volume have responded to this potential. Processes of conceptualisation both emerge from and more acutely reveal the spatiality and nature of the global urban: comparative method, then, also proposes a certain mode of theorisation of the urban.

Keywordscomparative method, comparative urbanism, conceptualisation, global urban studies, spatiality
关键词比较方法, 比较城市研究, 概念化, 全球城市研究, 空间性



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