

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百五十二期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括基础设施碎片化,比较策略的实验性,可任一次性基础设施,地方自治主义,租赁住房市场的种族歧视,欢迎阅读。


An experiment with the minor geographies of major cities: Infrastructural relations among the fragments


Niranjana R(英国伦敦政治经济学院)首次出版时间:2022/5/4|研究论文

As a public space, the environment of public transportation services is maintained by an ordered set of rules and conditions. Such rules and conditions are prescribed by law as they are in generally-accepted norms of social behaviour within public space. Through the examination of the Conditions of Carriage that govern bus transportation in Cape Town, South Africa, using Golden Arrow Bus Services, this paper seeks to highlight the myriad ways that urban public space on the move is mediated, negotiated and controlled through rules of conduct that differentiate mobile public space from its counterpart in the environment outside the bus. Understood as a mundane part of the social life of the city and its inhabitants, mobility in the form of public transportation is constituted by micro-communities whose publics are in a constant state of flux and negotiation. Using analysis of the Conditions of Carriage and an ethnographic case study of bus passengering, this paper demonstrates how the Conditions mediate the situated and lived assemblage of actors in mobile public space that is a liminal zone between inclusion and exclusion.

Keywords fragmentation, infrastructure, minor theory, technical expertise, water
关键词碎片化, 基础设施, 次要理论, 技术专长, 水


Constructing comparisons: Reflecting on the experimental nature of new comparative tactics


Frances Brill(英国剑桥大学首次出版时间:2022/5/5|研究论文Abstract

In this commentary I reflect on experimental approaches to comparative urbanism emerging in recent papers. Drawing on the methodological approaches employed in the special issue on Comparative Methods for Global Urban Studies, I highlight the way in which a more reactive and responsive approach – to both pre-existing conditions and understandings of urban development, as well as realities faced during fieldwork and analysis – have elucidated new ways of thinking with and through different cities to productively push forward the comparative urbanism agenda. In doing so I build on the long history of comparative approaches in urban studies to argue that experimenting with how we put new places into existing conversations, within a particular project or beyond, can be hugely powerful in transforming the way in which comparison is conducted in urban studies and geography.



Keywords comparative urbanism, experiment, global urbanism


比较城市研究, 实验, 全球城市化

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221089590


Disposable infrastructures: ‘Micromobility’ platforms and the political economy of transport disruption in Austin, Texas


John Stehlin(美国北卡罗来纳大学Will Payne(美国罗格斯大学首次出版时间:2022/5/6|研究论文

The rapid rise of digital platform-based transportation services over the past decade has begun to transform urban mobility. Fleets of dockless bicycles and scooters – or ‘micromobility’– represent the newest horizon of investment, particularly in the United States. Micromobility platforms launch rapidly, with minimal public planning or funding and no fixed infrastructure, using inexpensive, GPS-connected vehicles stored in public space. These platforms represent a deepening of the neoliberalisation of transport, in which infrastructural properties emerge biopolitically from the dynamics of private platforms. This article examines public debates over the regulation of micromobility platforms in Austin, Texas, in early 2018. Drawing on interviews with city officials and bikesharing professionals, observation of public meetings and GIS analysis of usage data, we argue that conflicts we observed over new micromobility platforms – specifically ‘clutter’, equity in geographic coverage and data privacy – obscured the deeper political economy of platformisation and the austerity that limited the effectiveness of the existing public station-based bikeshare system. In Austin, the search for ‘innovative’ micromobility transportation at no public cost resulted in the further erosion of the underfunded public system. We argue that despite their flexible, low-carbon image, existing micromobility platforms in the United States largely exploit rather than address inadequacies of urban transport.

摘要 过去十年,基于数字平台的交通服务迅速兴起,开始改变城市交通。无桩自行车和踏板车—或“微出行”—代表了最新的投资视野,尤其是在美国。微出行平台启动迅速,无需公共规划或资金,也没有固定的基础设施,使用存放在公共空间的连接 GPS 的廉价车辆。这些平台代表了交通新自由主义化的深化,其中私有平台的蓬勃发展催生了基础设施的生命政治学属性。本文探讨了 2018 年初德克萨斯州奥斯汀市关于微出行平台监管的公开辩论。基于对城市官员和共享单车专业人士的访谈、对公开会议的观察和对使用数据的 GIS 分析,我们认为,我们观察到的与新的微出行平台相关的冲突(特别是“混乱”、地理覆盖范围的公平性和数据隐私)掩盖了与平台化和紧缩(限制了现有的基于公共车站的共享单车系统的有效性)相关的、更深层次的政治经济问题。在奥斯汀,寻求无需公共支出的“创新”微型交通运输的努力使本已不足的公交系统资金进一步受到侵蚀。我们认为,尽管美国现有的微出行平台看起来灵活、低碳,但它们在很大程度上利用而不是解决了城市公共交通供应的不足。
Keywords displacement, gentrification, inequality, infrastructure, neoliberalism, sharing economy, smart cities, transport, technology
驱逐, 绅士化, 不平等, 基础设施, 新自由主义, 共享经济, 智慧城市, 交通运输, 科技



From the streets to the town halls: Municipalist platforms in the post-Yugoslav space


Chiara Milan(意大利比萨高等师范学校首次出版时间:2022/5/8|研究论文

In the last decade, urban social movements that emerged in the Yugoslav successor states decided to form political platforms to enter the institutional arena, often after years of mobilisation for the right to the city. Their aim was to seize power at the local level, trying to provide an answer to the crisis of representative democracy and to oppose the process of centralisation of power. These platforms ran for elections in Zagreb (Croatia) and Belgrade (Serbia), to reclaim local autonomy on societal, environmental, economic and political matters. Based on ethnographic work, document analysis and a series of in-depth interviews with activists, this article explores the trajectories of two platforms, ‘Zagreb Is Ours’ (Zagreb je naš) in Zagreb, Croatia, and ‘We Won’t Let Belgrade D(r)own’ (Ne davimo Beograd) in Belgrade, Serbia. It analyses the factors accounting for the choice of urban activists to embrace new municipalist ideas as strategic ideological and political positioning of their electoral platforms, arguing that the reasons are twofold: the embeddedness into regional and transnational activist networks, which facilitated the process of diffusion of new municipalist ideas across Europe and locally, and the resonance of new municipalism with socialist Yugoslavia’s decentralised system of self-management and direct democracy, an historical experience that the platforms’ initiators partially reappraised.

摘要在过去的十年里,各南斯拉夫继承国出现的城市社会运动决定形成政治平台,进入制度领域,这通常发生在为争取城市权利进行多年的动员之后。他们的目的是在地方层面夺取权力,试图为代议制民主危机提供答案,并反对权力集中的进程。这些平台在克罗地亚萨格勒布和塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德竞选,以恢复地方在社会、环境、经济和政治事务上的自主权。本文基于人类学研究、文件分析和对活动人士的一系列深入访谈,探讨了克罗地亚萨格勒布的“萨格勒布是我们的 (Zagreb je naš) “和塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的“我们不会让贝尔格莱德失望 (Ne davimo Beograd)”这两个平台的发展轨迹。我们分析了哪些因素促使城市活动家选择接受新的地方自治主义思想作为其选举平台的战略意识形态和政治定位,我们认为有两个因素:一是融入区域和跨国活动家网络,这促进了新地方自治主义思想在欧洲和当地的传播过程;二是新地方自治主义与社会主义南斯拉夫的分散的自我管理和直接民主制度的共鸣(这些平台的发起者部分重新评估了这一历史经验)。
Keywordslocal governance, municipalism, post-Yugoslav space, right to the city, urban activism

地方治理, 地方自治主义, 后南斯拉夫空间, 城市权, 城市行动主义



Does the neighbourhood of the dwelling and the real estate agency matter? Geographical differences in ethnic discrimination on the rental housing market


Billie Martiniello(比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe(比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学)首次出版时间:2022/5/11|研究论文

This study aims to investigate to which extent the ethnic and socio-economic composition of the neighbourhood is related to levels of discrimination in the rental housing market and how this is linked to theories of ethnic discrimination. Hereby, we divide the context into the neighbourhood of the dwelling and the real estate agency, using data from 2385 correspondence tests conducted among realtors in the city of Antwerp in Belgium. Regarding the neighbourhood of the dwelling, we find a tipping point at one third ethnic minorities whereafter ethnic discrimination decreases, which is in line with the perceived preference hypothesis and customer-based prejudice. A lower socio-economic composition relates to lower general invitation rates, which we describe as an elaboration of Putnam’s hunkering down hypothesis. Regarding the neighbourhood of the real estate agency, a higher percentage of ethnic minorities leads to lower general invitation rates, also referring to the hunkering down hypothesis. The socio-economic neighbourhood composition of the agency, however, has no impact.

本研究旨在探究街区的种族和社会经济构成在多大程度上与租房市场的歧视程度相关,以及这与种族歧视理论有何联系。为此,我们使用在比利时安特卫普市房地产经纪人中间进行的 2,385 次对应测性试的数据,将环境划分为居住街区和房地产中介街区。关于居住街区,我们发现三分之一的少数民族有一个临界点,在此临界点后种族歧视减少,这与感知偏好假设和基于客户的偏见理论一致。较低的社会经济构成与较低的一般邀请率相关,我们将其描述为对普特南 (Putnam) 的“留守假设”的阐述。关于房地产中介街区,少数民族比例越高,总体邀请率越低,这也指向“留守假设”。然而,中介的社会经济街区构成没有影响。
Keywordsinequality, neighbourhood, race, ethnicity, real estate, discrimination, correspondence tests
关键词不平等, 街区, 种族, 民族, 房地产, 歧视, 对应性测试



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