

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百五十三期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括荷兰的人口密度与新冠疫情传播,商业改善区的租金战略,城市边界的日常生活,代际社区流动,居民的社区边界感知,欢迎阅读。


Population density and SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: Comparing the geography of different waves in the Netherlands


Willem Boterman(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)首次出版时间:2022/5/12|研究论文

The COVID-19 pandemic has boosted public and scholarly debate about the relationship between infectious disease and the urban. Cities are considered contagious because they are hubs in (inter)national networks and contain high densities of people. However, the role of the urban and population density in the spread of pathogens is complex and is mediated by the wider bio-social environment. This paper analyses the role of population density in the outbreak of COVID-19 in the densely and highly urbanised context of the Netherlands. It compares the geography of the different phases in the epidemic and assesses when and where density plays a role. Using municipal data on the rate of infections and hospitalisations, this paper reveals that spatial patterns differ substantially in time, which does not appear to be simple diffusion. Using panel regressions, it is demonstrated that population density plays a role in those stages in which containment and mitigation measures were least strict, while in periods of lockdown other factors such as household size are associated with higher infection rates. It concludes that lockdowns may have greater effect in urban areas as key urban elements are temporarily cancelled out.

Keywords health, demographics, agglomeration/urbanisation, COVID-19, population density
关键词健康, 人口统计, 集聚/城市化, 新冠肺炎, 人口密度


Business improvement districts, class turf war and the strategic weaponisation of class monopoly rent


Matthew Anderson(美国东华盛顿大学Zachary Arms(美国东华盛顿大学首次出版时间:2022/5/12|研究论文

Business improvement districts (BIDs) are understood as a proactive response by locally dependent property owners and businesses aimed at attracting capital investment and consumers back to the central city at a time of increasingly gutted public sector resources. BIDs have yet to be explicitly examined as a form of rent-seeking, even though the primary motivation for property owners to self-impose additional taxes for implementing ‘clean and safe’ programmes is rent. In this context, the self-imposed tax is treated as a speculative investment that will hopefully yield a return in the form of enhanced profit for businesses and rents for landowners. As such, we conceptualise BIDs as not only a form of rent-seeking, but an alliance of private-sector actors engaged in the collaborative and strategic mobilisation of class monopoly rent as a weapon against all perceived barriers to profitability. Based on evidence from Seattle, Washington, the paper deepens our understanding of BIDs by linking this phenomenon to the spatial dynamics of rent within the contemporary neoliberal city and concludes by discussing the implications for what BIDs reveal about class monopoly rent in particular, the kind of class conflict this form of rent configures and its role within wider processes of neoliberal urbanisation.


商业改善区 (BID) 被理解为依赖当地的业主和企业的积极响应措施,旨在在公共部门资源日益枯竭之际吸引资本投资和消费者回到市中心。尽管业主为实施“清洁和安全”计划而自愿被征收额外税收的主要动机是租金,但尚缺乏明确地将 BID 视为一种寻租形式的研究。在这种情况下,自愿被征收的税收被视为一种投机性投资,有望以增加企业利润和土地所有者租金的形式产生回报。因此,我们将 BID 概念化为不仅是一种寻租形式,而且是私营部门参与者的联盟,他们参与阶级垄断租金的协作性和策略性动员,作为对抗所有可感知的盈利障碍的武器。基于来自华盛顿州西雅图的证据,本文通过将这一现象与当代新自由主义城市内租金的空间动态相联系,加深了我们对 BID 的理解,在结尾部分,我们探讨 BID 在阶级垄断租金方面的特别启示的含义,这种租金形式造成的阶级冲突类型,及其在更广泛的新自由主义城市化进程中的作用。

Keywords capitalism, gentrification, governance, neoliberalism, redevelopment


资本主义, 绅士化, 治理, 新自由主义, 重建

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221092339


Surviving and dying through the urban frontier: Everyday life, social brokerage and living with militias in Rio de Janeiro’s West Zone


Nicholas Pope(英国伦敦大学亚非学院首次出版时间:2022/5/14|研究论文

Urban margins are typically depicted as residual, apolitical spaces, where delinquent activities take place. But these spaces, with their own social, economic and political goings-on, are capable of drawing established urban economic and political structures into question. This paper brings together urban frontiers, political settlements and brokerage literatures to analyse how residents muddle through the challenges of everyday life in the urban margins and interact with coercive systems of rule. Through ethnographic fieldwork, this paper focuses on two brokers from neighbouring communities in Rio de Janeiro’s West Zone; exploring how they mediate violent conditions, coercive militia rule and limited resources, and why and how they do so to different effects. By focusing on the spatial and historical dimensions of brokerage, this paper argues that power in Rio de Janeiro’s margins derives not only from coercive control and domination, but also from agency, legitimacy and social energy. By doing so, this paper unearths potential for more radical possibilities for urban development.

摘要 城市边缘通常被描述为残余的、非政治性的空间,同时也是违法活动猖獗之地。但是这些空间,连同它们自己的社会、经济和政治活动,却能够挑战既定的城市经济和政治结构。本文汇集了城市边缘、政治解决方案和经纪方面的文献,分析了居民如何应对城市边缘的日常生活挑战,并与强制性规则体系互动。通过人类学实地调查,本文重点关注来自里约热内卢西区邻近社区的两名经纪人;探索他们如何调解暴力情况、强制性民兵统治和有限的资源,以及他们为什么以及如何这样做以产生不同的效果。通过关注经纪业务的空间和历史维度,本文认为里约热内卢边缘的权力不仅来自强制控制和支配,还来自代理、合法性和社会能量。藉此,本文发掘了城市发展方面的、更激进的可能性。
Keywords brokerage, militia, urban frontiers, urban violence
经纪, 民兵, 城市边缘, 城市暴力



Racial disparities in the pattern of intergenerational neighbourhood mobility


Sage J Kim(美国伊利诺大学芝加哥分校Jaeyong Shin(美国伊利诺大学芝加哥分校Nebiyou Tilahun(美国伊利诺大学芝加哥分校首次出版时间:2022/5/19|研究论文

Neighbourhood context is known to shape one’s life chances, but much of neighbourhood disadvantage is passed down from parents to children. The gap in social and economic achievements between Black and White families in the United States may partially be explained by differences in the intergenerational transmission of neighbourhood context. Using census tract socio-economic data, we created a national ranking of US census tracts. We then examined intergenerational neighbourhood mobility using 2828 parent–child pairs from a longitudinal household survey. We found that White children, compared with Black children, were more likely to inherit higher neighbourhood ranks from their parents. Income and education had smaller negative effects on neighbourhood rank for White children than Black children, all other things equal. Black children whose parents were in the bottom 25th percentile neighbourhood rank tended to move up in neighbourhood rank. But by much smaller magnitudes than their White counterparts. Our findings indicate that different patterns of intergenerational neighbourhood mobility between White and Black families may be an important factor for persisting racial disparities in the neighbourhood context.

摘要众所周知,街区环境会影响一个人的生活机会,但大部分街区贫困都是由父母传给孩子的。美国黑人和白人家庭在社会和经济成就上的差距可部分通过街区环境代际传递中的种族差异来解释。我们利用人口普查区的社会经济数据,创建了美国人口普查区的全国排名。然后,我们使用来自纵向家庭调查的 2828 对父母-子女研究代际街区流动性。我们发现,与黑人儿童相比,白人儿童更有可能从父母那里继承更高的街区等级。与黑人儿童相比,较低的收入和教育对白人儿童的街区等级产生的负面影响较小。父母的街区排名处于最末四分之一的黑人儿童往往会上升,但上升幅度比白人儿童要小得多。我们的研究结果表明,白人和黑人家庭之间代际街区流动的不同规律可能是街区背景种族差异持续存在的一个重要因素。
Keywordsinequality, neighbourhood, race/ethnicity, intergenerational transmission

不平等, 街区, 种族/民族, 代际传递



‘My neighbourhood is fuzzy, not hard and fast’: Individual and contextual associations with perceived residential neighbourhood boundaries among ageing Americans


Jessica Finlay(美国密歇根大学Joy Jang(美国密歇根大学)Michael Esposito(美国圣路易华盛顿大学)等六位作者

Neighbourhoods are fluid social and spatial constructs that vary by person and place. How do residential neighbourhoods shift as people age? This mixed-methods study investigates how perceived neighbourhood boundaries and size vary by individual and contextual characteristics. Semi-structured interviews with 125 adults aged 55–92 years living in the Minneapolis (Minnesota) metropolitan area suggested that neighbourhood boundaries are ‘fuzzy’. Qualitative thematic analysis identified duration of residence and housing stability, race, life-space mobility, social capital, sense of safety, and the built and social environment as key neighbourhood determinants. This informed quantitative analyses among 7811 respondents (mean age 72) from the REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Study who self-reported how many blocks composed their neighbourhoods. We tested individual and contextual factors identified in the qualitative results as related to perceived neighbourhood size. Three-level gamma regression models showed that being older, white, less educated, lower income, less physically and cognitively healthy, less active, less socially supported, and feeling unsafe were significantly associated with smaller self-reported neighbourhood sizes. Further, living in less racially diverse, less dense, and less affluent areas were significantly associated with smaller neighbourhoods. The mixed-methods findings deepen understanding of scale in neighbourhood-based research, inform urban planning interventions, and help understand what ‘neighbourhood’ means among diverse ageing Americans.

街区是流动的社会和空间结构,因人和地点而异。随着人们年龄的增长,居住街区如何变化呢?这项混合方法研究调查了感知的街区边界和规模如何随个人和背景特征而变化。对居住在明尼阿波利斯(明尼苏达州)大都市区的 125 名 55-92 岁的成年人进行的半结构化访谈表明,街区边界是“模糊的”。定性主题分析将居住时间和住房稳定性、种族、生活空间流动性、社会资本、安全感和建筑与社会环境识别为关键的街区决定因素。这为针对来自中风地理和种族差异原因 (REGARDS) 研究的 7811 名受访者(平均年龄 72 岁)的定量分析提供了参考,这些受访者自我报告了他们所在街区的楼栋数量。我们测试了定性结果中确定的与感知街区规模相关的个人和背景因素。三级伽马回归模型表明,年龄较大、白人、受教育程度较低、收入较低、身体和认知健康状况较差、活动较少、社会支持较少以及不安全感与自我报告的较小社区规模显著相关。此外,生活在种族多样性较低、人口密度较低和富裕程度较低的地区与较小的街区规模显著相关。混合方法的研究结果加深了对街区研究中规模的理解,为城市规划干预提供了参考,并有助于理解“街区”在不同的美国老年人中意味着什么。
Keywordsageing in place, mixed-methods, neighbourhood, older adults, uncertain geographic context problem
关键词原居安老, 混合方法, 街区, 老年人, 不确定地理环境问题



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