

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百五十四期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括垂直空间的建构,东道主国语言与移民,新市政主义与城市景观的封闭性,新冠下重建的私人/公共场所关系,移民产业与城市发展,欢迎阅读。


Towards weird verticality: The spectacle of vertical spaces in Chongqing            


Asa Roast(英国利兹大学首次出版时间:2022/5/25|研究论文

Critical scholarly attention to vertical urbanism has expanded greatly in recent years but has seldom engaged with the variety of high-rise urban forms developed in mainland Chinese cities following the demise of socialist urban political economy. This paper introduces the case study of Chongqing as a critical example of the cultural significance of vertical urbanism in the post-socialist Chinese city, examining how supposedly ‘weird’ spaces of vertical density are materially and discursively constructed. Chongqing has undergone rapid urban expansion since the 1990s within a narrow and mountainous terrain, resulting in a number of extraordinary instances of extreme vertical density in the city. These sites have subsequently become ‘spectacles’ in themselves, widely photographed and discussed on social media. This paper surveys online discourse and imaging of these sites to categorise them as examples of connection, compression and luxification. Verticality is used to construct imaginaries of urban futures, and designations of ‘weird’ verticality differ between outsiders and locals. Such imaginaries may also obscure the history of urban restructuring which gave rise to these spaces in the first instance, and the conflicts between public and private space which emerge from this restructuring. The example of Chongqing provides an important demonstration of verticality as an everyday, historically grounded and contested environment within the city, rather than a recent imposition on a residual horizontal way of life. This paper concludes with a call for greater ethnographic attention to the weird qualities of such vertical spaces in the production of new urban theory.

摘要近年来,对垂直城市化的批判性学术关注大大扩展,但很少涉及随着社会主义城市政治经济的消亡而在中国大陆城市发展起来的各种高层城市形式。本文介绍了对重庆的案例研究,将其作为后社会主义中国城市中垂直城市化文化意义的一个重要例子,并考察了所谓“奇特”的垂直密度空间是如何在物质和话语上构建的。自 1990 年代以来,重庆在狭窄多山的地形中经历了快速的城市扩张,导致该市出现了许多极端垂直密度的非凡实例。这些地点本身随后成为了“奇观”,在社交媒体上被广泛拍摄和讨论。本文研究了网上关于这些地点的话语和图像,将它们归类为连接、压缩和奢侈化的例子。垂直性被用来构建城市未来的想象,何谓“奇特”垂直性在外人和当地人看来有所不同。这种想象也可能掩盖了最初产生这些空间的城市重组的历史,以及这种重组所产生的公共和私人空间之间的冲突。重庆的例子提供了一个重要的证明,表明垂直性是城市内日常的、有历史根据的和有争议的环境,而不是最近强加于残余的水平生活方式之上的。本文最后呼吁在新的城市理论中对这种垂直空间的奇特品质给予更多的人类学关注。
Keywords architecture, China, infrastructure, redevelopment/regeneration, spectacle, verticality
关键词建筑, 中国, 基础设施, 再开发/再生, 景观, 垂直性


Pursuing dreams in an Asian global city: Does host language proficiency matter for Asian minorities?


Jin Jiang(香港浸会大学Hon-Kwong Lui(香港岭南大学首次出版时间:2022/5/27|研究论文

Asians who are not attracted by western culture may pursue their dreams in an Asian global city. While most people in Asia do not use English to communicate in their daily life, past literature on international migration focuses on English-speaking countries. This study uses Hong Kong (branded an Asian global city) as a case study to examine whether mastery of a native language (Cantonese) and/or English, a dominant non-native language in the commercial sector, determines the economic success of Asian migrants. Contrary to the general expectation of the importance of the native language, this study finds that a mastery of English and the official language of China (Putonghua) instead of Cantonese generates higher earnings for Asian minorities. The language advantages for earnings are mediated by the attainment of high-paid occupations. This study suggests that immigrants’ assimilation in a host society is not just a local problem but relates to the global and regional contextual factors of the city.



Keywords colonial history, demographics, employment/labour, global power structure, globalisation, migration, race/ethnicity


殖民历史, 人口特征, 就业/劳动力, 全球权力结构, 全球化, 移民, 种族/民族

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221092873


Strategies for a new municipalism: Public–common partnerships against the new enclosures


Bertie Russell(西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学Keir Milburn(英国罗莎卢森堡基金会Kai Heron(英国伦敦伯贝克大学首次出版时间:2022/5/27|研究论文

This article considers the potential of public–common partnerships (PCPs) to act as a new municipalist intervention against the privatisation and financialisation of land in the UK. In previous publications, we have presented PCPs in abstract terms as a municipalist organisational form that could help communities eschew the disciplinary effects of finance capital to pursue alternative democratic forms of urban development. Here, we start to examine what this process looks like in practice. The article draws from ongoing participatory action research in two contrasting case studies, Wards Corner in Haringey and Union Street in Plymouth. We find that by establishing enduring organisational structures where collective decisions can be made about who owns and manages land and assets, PCPs could bolster already existing efforts to democratise urban development in both cities. As an organisational form, PCPs reframe the ‘local’ as a politics of proximity, decentre and reimagine the role of municipal institutions and foreground a politics of the common. This makes them an archetypal new municipalist strategy, well-suited to contesting the enclosure of urban landscapes. The article concludes by considering the development of PCPs within the broader new municipalist tendency.

摘要 本文研究公共-公地伙伴关系 (PCP) 作为反对英国土地私有化和金融化的新市政干预措施的潜力。在以前的出版物中,我们将 PCP 抽象地描述为一种市政组织形式,可以帮助社区避开金融资本的自律效应,以寻求替代性的民主城市发展形式。在本文中,我们开始研究这一过程在实践中是怎样的。本文借鉴了两个正在进行中的、参与式行动对比案例研究,即哈林盖区的 Wards Corner 和普利茅斯的 Union Street。我们发现,通过建立持久的组织结构(藉此可以集体决定谁拥有和管理土地和资产),PCP 可以加强两个城市现有的城市发展民主化努力。作为一种组织形式,PCP 将“地方”重新定义为接近政治、去中心化和重新构想市政机构的角色,并突出公共政治。这使它们成为典型的新市政策略,非常适合对城市景观的封闭性提出异议。本文最后思考了 PCP 在更广泛的新市政主义趋势中的发展。
Keywords commons, governance, land, new municipalism, public–common partnerships
治理, 土地, 新市政主义, 公地伙伴关系



Fickle spheres: The constant re/construction of the private and other new habits


Miko Hucko(德国汉堡HAW首次出版时间:2022/5/27|研究论文

The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed mechanisms of power and authority to enter new urban realms – especially the very relationships lived between friends and lovers in bedrooms and parks. All of a sudden, everyone has a right to know who we are close to, when and how, all for the sake of public health and safety, to ensure the further functioning of our established public health system. The new policies transform Western ideas of public and private spheres: our bedrooms have turned into the space of self-representation and workplaces at the same time. On the other hand, what had been known as public space before has turned into the space to be private in: a walk through the city alone or with an intimate person. Yet all of these tendencies come with increased surveillance, not only by our peers, but also through technologies such as tracing apps. The very possibility of privacy and ‘active’ publicity is being questioned, and, through this, the realm of the political. This paper traces the observed shifts in the nature of the private and public spheres through examples in German cities, tracing power via embodied experiences. Those traces are reorganised into three argumentative strands: re/constructing privacies, public space as non-place and the proliferation of the data body. Based on these observations the paper searches for emancipatory perspectives within the shifted spheres of urban social life.

Keywordscommunication, COVID-19, health, policies, political, privacy, public space, tracking

沟通, 新冠肺炎, 健康, 政策, 政治, 隐私, 公共空间, 追踪



Making cities through migration industries: Introduction to the special issue  


Nir Cohen(以色列巴伊兰大学Tatiana Fogelman(丹麦罗斯基勒大学)Henrik Lebuhn(德国柏林洪堡大学)首次出版时间:2022/5/27|研究论文

Migration industry has recently emerged as a lens through which to theorise the intertwinement of non-state actors who aim to provide diverse migration-pertaining services. However, while much of their work is done in and through cities, consequently (re)forming variegated urban landscapes, scholarly literature has thus far neglected the nexus between cities and the migration industry. In this special issue, we begin filling this gap by exploring the significance of migration industries – as a resurgent concept and an area of research from migration studies – for understanding the urban. We start by reviewing the urbanisation of migration studies, highlighting its key limits. We then move on to introduce the migration industries debate, pointing out its existing implicit urban dimensions. We proceed by elaborating our main argument about why and how migration industries provide an especially productive lens for urbanists to consider. Specifically, we stress the three key analytical vantage points that the attention to migration industries enables us to see as central to contemporary city-making. These are its political-economic embeddedness, the urban-constitutive nature of trans-local connectivities, and how business-driven city-making dovetails with more serendipitous, bottom-up shaping of the arrival city. Each of these points also describes how individual papers speak to them. We conclude by briefly outlining a research agenda for migration industries that is thoughtfully embroiled in the (post-)pandemic urban.

Keywordseditorial, migration industry, transnationalism, theory, urban
关键词编者按, 移民产业, 跨国主义, 理论, 城市



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