

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百五十五期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的三篇论文与Urban Studies Current Issue的两篇论文。主题包括城市水治理,私人非营利慈善机构与无家可归的移民,护理部门的全球移民,城市研究的后验比较,城市比较研究特刊简介,欢迎阅读。


Urban water governance as policy boosterism: Seoul’s legitimation at the local and global scale


Ricardo Martinez(新加坡国立大学)首次出版时间:2022/6/01|研究论文

While cities gain international momentum, they increasingly connect to innovate and learn from each other. The attraction of attention and resources lies beneath the economic reasons that drive most of the international entrepreneurship of city governments. In parallel to common market-based strategies, cities also harness their key internal policies as value-added elements to share among peers in order to enhance their transnational reputation. Contrary to business-friendly initiatives that are embedded in an economic rationality, this second type of transnational entrepreneurship revolves around the perceived reputation of local policy-making actors in their own right. By establishing an interdisciplinary dialogue between urban geography and international studies, this article proposes the international promotion of Seoul’s water management policy as an empirical case of policy boosterism, unearthing a social practice of legitimation enacted by the city government of Seoul that is simultaneously local and global.

Keywords legitimacy, policy boosterism, Seoul, urban water governance
关键词合法性, 政策推动主义, 首尔, 城市水治理


Welcoming the unwelcome: Migration industries and border control for homeless job-seeking migrants in central Copenhagen


Kristine Juul(丹麦罗斯基勒大学首次出版时间:2022/6/07|研究论文

As modes of border control increasingly shift to cities, private charities that engage in caring for non-national homeless migrants risk, unintentionally and unwillingly, serving the so-called ‘migration industries’ as front agencies for the European border regime. Since the 2008 financial crisis, which hit migrant populations in southern Europe particularly hard, the number of homeless migrants sleeping rough in northern European cities has increased. In Copenhagen, these new homeless include jobless West African men who reside in Spain or Italy but are transiently in the city to reboot their lives by collecting empty deposit-carrying bottles left on the streets. Political will to address this rising social problem at state and city levels has so far been limited, leaving the private non-profit charities of central Copenhagen as sole providers of care for homeless migrants. This article examines how these long-established institutions, which used to provide care primarily to locals with substance dependencies or mental health problems, have transformed into migrant industries shaped by the logic of the European border regime. For this purpose, prior research on urban borderlands and homeless migrants is reviewed, and documents issued by non-profit charities operating in the field of urban homelessness are analysed. The article focuses on the increasingly hostile elements of state and municipal policies on non-Western migrants, which work to divide ‘our’ homeless from the migrant ‘others’. It also considers the various ways in which charities work to enable different survival strategies to emerge and be maintained among migrants without access to the formal labour market, and finally how charities’ transformed role affects their relationships with local residents.


随着边境控制模式越来越多地向城市转移,从事照顾非本国无家可归移民的私人慈善机构可能会无意和不情愿地为所谓的“移民行业”提供服务,作为欧洲边境制度的前线机构。自 2008 年金融危机对南欧的移民人口造成特别严重的打击以来,在北欧城市露宿街头的无家可归移民人数有所增加。在哥本哈根,这些新的无家可归者包括居住在西班牙或意大利的失业西非男子,但他们暂时在该市通过收集留在街上的空存款瓶来重新开始他们的生活。迄今为止,在州和城市层面解决这一日益严重的社会问题的政治意愿有限,哥本哈根市中心的私人非营利慈善机构成为无家可归移民的唯一提供者。本文探讨了这些历史悠久的机构,这些机构过去主要为有物质依赖或精神健康问题的当地人提供护理,如何转变为受欧洲边境制度逻辑塑造的移民产业。为此,回顾了以往对城市边缘地区和无家可归者的研究,并分析了在城市无家可归者领域运作的非营利慈善机构发布的文件。这篇文章关注的是州和市政政策中对非西方移民日益敌对的因素,这些因素将“我们的”无家可归者与移民的“其他人”区分开来。它还考虑了慈善机构的各种工作方式,以使不同的生存策略在无法进入正规劳动力市场的移民中出现和维持,最后,慈善机构的角色转变如何影响他们与当地居民的关系。

Keywords bordering, gentrification, homeless migrants, migration industries, neighbourhood change



原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221094399


Moving nurses to cities: On how migration industries feed into glocal urban assemblages in the care sector


Felicitas Hillmann(德国柏林工业大学Margaret Walton-Roberts(加拿大劳雷尔大学Brenda S.A. Yeoh(新加坡国立大学首次出版时间:2022/6/07|研究论文

Migration industries include a diverse array of migration-related services provided by the state, commercial agents, humanitarian organisations and migrant social networks. The work performed by this array of providers, both non-state and state actors, includes facilitating, filtering/channelling and constraining migration. As a powerful example of how migration industries work in general, we examine their dynamics in the care sector as part of glocal (care) chains involved in the migration of nurses. The article provides a conceptualisation of the role of the ‘migration industry’ as part of a changing global business in the field of care work. We direct our attention to the drivers and institutions that facilitate and shape the arrangements of international care mobility and the constitution of glocal urban assemblages. Drawing on three models of nurse migration – bus stop (Philippines–Singapore), two-step (India–Canada) and triple-win (Vietnam–Germany) – we show how the socio-spatial configurations of glocal urban assemblages linked to the three models yield different social integration outcomes for migrant nurses.

摘要 移民行业包括由国家、商业机构、人道主义组织和移民社交网络提供的各种与移民相关的服务。这一系列提供者(包括非国家行为者和国家行为者)执行的工作包括促进、过滤/引导和限制迁移。作为移民行业总体运作方式的一个强有力的例子,我们研究了他们在护理部门的动态,作为参与护士迁移的全球(护理)链的一部分。本文提供了“移民行业”作为护理工作领域不断变化的全球业务的一部分的作用的概念化。我们将注意力集中在促进和塑造国际护理流动安排和全球本地城市组合构成的驱动因素和机构上。借鉴护士迁移的三种模式——公交车站(菲律宾-新加坡)、两步(印度-加拿大)和三赢(越南-德国)——我们展示了全球城市组合的社会空间配置如何与这三者相关联模型为流动护士产生了不同的社会融合结果。
Keywords care, gender, glocal urban assemblages, governance, infrastructure, migration, nurses



A posteriori comparisons, repeated instances and urban policy mobilities: What ‘best practices’ leave behind


Sergio Montero(美国洛斯安第斯哥伦比亚大学Gianpaolo Baiocchi(美国纽约大学首次出版时间:2021/9/06|研究论文

Urban studies scholars have engaged in a lively debate on how to reformat comparative methods in the face of critical scrutiny of the discipline’s purported universalism. We share the enthusiasm for a reformatted urban comparativism and, in this paper, we turn to the thorny and more pragmatic question of how to actually carry it out. While traditional comparisons in urban studies have sought to find variation among similar cases by selecting a priori, in this article we propose to compare the findings of different researchers through a posteriori, that is, after the research has been done. We also argue that urban researchers need to focus on urban processes rather than cities; on repeated instances rather than on controlling for difference; and on mid-level abstraction rather than on grand theory or descriptive empirical cases. We put this strategy to work by comparing empirical research previously carried out by the authors on how two Latin American cities became international urban ‘best practices’: Bogotá as a sustainable transport model and Porto Alegre as a model of local participatory budgeting. The comparison highlights the tension between the simplified policy narratives that were mobilised to circulate Bogotá and Porto Alegre as international ‘best practices’ and the broader multi-scalar institutional reforms that these ‘best practice’ narratives have left behind in their global circulations. In doing so, we show the potential of a posteriori comparisons to analyse contemporary global urban dynamics and provide some explicit methodological tactics on how to do comparisons in a more systematic way.

摘要面对针对其学科的所谓普遍主义的批判性审视,城市研究学者就如何将比较方法重新格式化展开了激烈的辩论。我们也对城市研究比较方法的重新格式化充满热情,在这篇论文中,我们转向如何实施这个棘手而更实际的问题。城市研究中的传统比较方法试图通过选择先验来发现相似案例之间的差异,而在本文中,我们建议通过后验(即在研究完成后 )来比较不同研究人员的发现。我们还认为,城市研究者需要关注各种城市过程,而不是不同的城市;需要关注重复的例子,而不是控制差异;需要关注中观抽象,而不是宏大的理论或描述性的经验案例。我们实施这一策略的方法是比较两位作者之前进行的、关于两个拉丁美洲城市如何成为国际城市“最佳实践”的实证研究:波哥大作为可持续交通模式,阿雷格里港作为地方参与式预算模式。这种比较凸显了简化的政策叙述和更广泛的多层次体制改革之间的紧张关系,前者被用于将波哥大和阿雷格里港作为国际“最佳实践”进行宣传,而后者则被排斥在这种宣传之外。藉此,我们展示了用后验比较来分析当代全球城市动态所具有的潜力,并就如何以更系统的方式进行比较提供了一些明确的方法策略。
Keywordsbest practices, comparative methods, Latin America, policy mobilities, urban policy

最佳做法, 比较方法, 拉丁美洲, 政策流动性, 城市政策



Introduction: Generating concepts of ‘the urban’ through comparative practice 


Jennifer Robinson(英国伦敦大学学院首次出版时间:2022/5/01|研究论文

This Introduction to the special issue, ‘Comparative Methods for Global Urban Studies’, outlines the basis for a reformatted comparative method inspired by the complex spatialities of the urban world. The articles in the volume each bring forward innovative approaches to comparative methods which support wider conceptualisations of urban processes and urban experiences. The articles in this volume consider a wide range of urban contexts and collectively move beyond geopolitically imprecise propositions of ‘southern’ urbanism to embrace the wider comparative agenda of thinking with both the diversity and the profound interconnectedness of the urban globally. The articles contribute to decentring urban studies, opening conceptualisation to a range of different contexts and differently positioned writers. They also speak to the analytical and methodological challenges posed by current trends in global urbanisation, as dispersed, fragmented and extending over vast territories. Thinking with the multiple elsewheres of any urban context invites a comparative imagination – this introduction draws together the creative ways in which authors in this volume have responded to this potential. Processes of conceptualisation both emerge from and more acutely reveal the spatiality and nature of the global urban: comparative method, then, also proposes a certain mode of theorisation of the urban.

Keywordscomparative method, comparative urbanism, conceptualisation, global urban studies, spatiality
关键词比较方法, 比较城市研究, 概念化, 全球城市研究, 空间性



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