

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百五十九期,将介绍Urban Studies Current Issue的五篇论文。主题包括多元化论述中的商业绅士化,以色列城市中的阿拉伯群体的融合,德国的土地利用与环境正义,安特卫普的土地金融化,孟买的河流基础设施,欢迎阅读。


Not diverse enough? Displacement, diversity discourse, and commercial gentrification in Santa Ana, California, a majority-Mexican city           


Carolina Sarmiento(美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校首次出版时间:2021/7/7|研究论文

This research investigates how diversity discourse unfolds as part of commercial gentrification when public and private growth actors call for increased diversity in a city that is majority Latinx in the United States. My argument is twofold: first, commercial gentrification is itself a racialised project to manage diversity; second, the discourse around diversity foments spatial strategies used by both state and private actors that dislocate immigrant communities and economies. This in-depth case study using Santa Ana, California, provides a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between diversity and commercial gentrification in a majority Mexican immigrant city. The research finds that, as diversity discourse promotes liberal colourblind practices within a majority Latinx city, it also contributes to distributing resources along racial lines. Diversity discourse presented a liberal and inclusive form of gentrification while also providing a justification for the displacement of immigrant-serving businesses by positioning them as exclusionary or backward. The dislocation or erasure of immigrant-serving businesses occurred through spatial strategies backed by the state to make new property available in the downtown commercial area. Removal was not only physical but also occurred through assimilation, wherein businesses ‘adapted’ to survive. Planning and development actors in this case failed to recognise the value of cultural and economic community networks while also diverting attention and resources away from immigrant-serving businesses. The case provides unique insight into the multiplicity of economic and political interests in a Latinx-majority place.

Keywords cohesion, community, displacement, diversity, gentrification, migration, planning, segregation
关键词凝聚力, 社区, 驱逐, 多元化, 绅士化, 迁移, 规划, 隔离


Arab integration in new and established mixed cities in Israel


Ahmed Baker Diab(以色列特拉维夫大学Ilan Shdema(以色列本-古里安大学Izhak Schnell(以色列特拉维夫大学首次出版时间:2021/7/28|研究论文

The segregation or integration of minority groups is a core issue in contemporary urban fabrics. The literature tends to highlight the difference between ethnic groups while diversity within them receives less attention. This study addresses such differences by looking at Arab residents of ethnically mixed Israeli cities. Specifically, it highlights religious affiliation and community standing (in terms of being an old/new city) by comparing three Arab subgroups: Muslims and Christians from Haifa and Christians from Nof HaGalil. Uncovering these variations, we use Schnell’s multidimensional model of segregation/integration relating to 12 dimensions of economic, social, cultural and emotional capitals. The study employed 222 questionnaires and GPS loggers to track the respondents’ daily movements. The results reflected different patterns of integration/segregation between the three communities, with Haifa Christians exhibiting wider and deeper integration compared with Nof HaGalil’s Christian residents and Haifa Muslims. Additionally, the high diversity within each group demonstrates the complexities of integration/segregation processes combining structural issues and personal choices.



Keywords Arabs, Israel, Jews, mixed cities, segregation/integration


阿拉伯人, 以色列人, 犹太人, 混合城市, 隔离/融合

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211021346


Land use disadvantages in Germany: A matter of ethnic income inequalities?


Stefan Jünger(德国莱布尼茨社会科学研究所首次出版时间:2021/7/10|研究论文

Environmental hazards affect people from different income groups and migration backgrounds on different levels. The research on environmental inequalities and environmental justice has proposed several theories to explain such inequities; still, it remains unclear which of these theories applies to the German societal context. This research investigates whether individual-level income differences between Germans and migrants account for objectively measured exposure to the environmental goods and bads of land use, specifically soil sealing and green spaces. Marginal effects and predictions based on georeferenced survey data from the German General Social Survey reveal that Germans with higher incomes live in areas with better neighbourhood quality. Germans with lower incomes are exposed to fewer disadvantages stemming from land use, and there is no marginal difference between nonurban and urban municipalities. Spatial assimilation in high-income groups occurs; however, the difference in low-income groups can be explained by place stratification and discrimination in the housing market. While this study uses more indirect and non-hazardous measures of environmental quality – in contrast to air pollution or noise – it provides evidence that such indicators also create distributional injustices in Germany.

摘要 环境危害在不同程度上影响不同收入群体和移民背景的人。关于环境不平等和环境正义的研究提出了几种理论来解释这种不平等;然而,尚不清楚这些理论中的哪一个适用于德国的社会背景。本研究调查了德国人和移民之间的个人收入水平差异是否能解释通过客观测量标准得出的、个人所承受的土地利用(特别是土壤密封和城市绿地建设)所带来的好处与坏处的影响。基于德国社会普查地理参考调查数据的边际效应和预测显示,收入较高的德国人生活在街区质量较好的地区。收入较低的德国人所承受的、因土地利用而造成的坏处较少,非城市和城市之间没有边际差异。高收入群体出现了空间同化;然而,低收入群体的差异可以用住房市场中的地方分层和歧视来解释。虽然本研究使用了更多间接且无害的环境质量指标(而不是空气污染或噪音之类),但我们提供了证据,表明这些指标也造成了德国的分配不公。
Keywords environmental inequalities, georeferenced survey data, GIS, land use, urbanisation
环境不平等, 地理参考调查数据, 地理信息系统 (GIS), 土地利用, 城市化



Land financialisation, planning informalisation and gentrification as statecraft in Antwerp


Callum Ward(英国伦敦大学学院首次出版时间:2021/7/29 |研究论文

This article offers insight into the role of the state in land financialisation through a reading of urban hegemony. This offers the basis for a conjunctural analysis of the politics of planning within a context in which authoritarian neoliberalism is ascendant across Europe. I explore this through the case of Antwerp as it underwent a hegemonic shift in which the nationalist neoliberal party the New Flemish Alliance (Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie; N-VA) ended 70 years of Socialist Party rule and deregulated the city’s technocratic planning system. However, this unbridling of the free market has led to the creation of high-margin investment products rather than suitable housing for the middle classes, raising concerns about the city’s gentrification strategy. The consequent, politicisation of the city’s planning system led to controversy over clientelism which threatened to undermine the N-VA’s wider hegemonic project. In response, the city has sought to roll out a more formalised system of negotiated developer obligations, so embedding transactional, market-oriented informal governance networks at the centre of the planning system. This article highlights how the literature on land financialisation may incorporate conjunctural analysis, in the process situating recent trends towards the use of land value capture mechanisms within the contradictions and statecraft of contemporary neoliberal urbanism.

摘要通过对城市霸权的解读,本文深入探讨了政府在土地金融化过程中扮演的角色。在威权主义新自由主义正在欧洲盛行的背景下,这为对规划政治进行综合分析提供了基础。我通过安特卫普的例子来探讨这一点,因为它经历了霸权的转变,民族主义新自由主义政党新弗拉芒联盟 (Nieuw-Vlaamse alliantee; N-VA) 结束了社会党70年的统治,并对该市的技术官僚规划制度进行了放松管制的改革。然而,这种对自由市场的放任导致了高利润投资产品的产生,而不是为中产阶级提供合适的住房,这引发了人们对城市绅士化战略的担忧。随之而来的是,城市规划系统的政治化导致了对客户主义的争议,这可能会破坏N-VA更广泛的霸权议程。作为回应,该市寻求推出一个更正规的开发商义务协商制度,将交易型、面向市场的非正规治理网络嵌入规划体系的核心。本文强调土地金融化方面的文献可以纳入局势分析,在此过程中将土地价值获取机制的使用趋势置于当代新自由主义城市化的自相矛盾和治国之道这一大背景中。
Keywordsdisplacement/gentrification, finance/financialisation, hegemony, informality, local government, planning, redevelopment/regeneration

驱逐/绅士化, 金融/金融化, 霸权, 非正规性, 地方政府, 规划, 再开发/更新



Remembering the river: Flood, memory and infrastructural ecologies of stormwater drainage in Mumbai


V. Chitra(新加坡国立大学首次出版时间:2021/7/29|研究论文

Mumbai’s storm water drainage system is rapidly transforming as incidences of heavy rainfall rise. Its transformation is built on the idea of conserving the city’s ‘rivers’ that were lost to urban development. While this move to recuperate a heritage of rivers seems like a step in the right direction, Mumbai’s drainage system was largely cobbled together over time through piecemeal interventions in an estuarine landscape. This article shows how by engineering a history of rivers, the city’s planning authorities set in motion an agenda to train the expansive estuarine and improvisational systems into governable riverine channels contained within the state’s developmental visions. It focuses on one major channel, the Mithi, to show how the rationality of disaster preparedness, the emergent calculus of carrying capacities, as well as infrastructure are braided into constructed ecological histories to inscribe a new hydrological order on the city. For Mumbai’s engineers, these changes introduce new scalar logics and alter the nature of the drainage assemblage. Mithi’s transformation is emblematic of how articulations of nature, technology and urban development are emerging from the anxieties of climate change.

随着强降雨事件的增加,孟买的暴雨排水系统正在经历迅速的改造。它的改造建立在保护消失在城市发展中的城市“河流”这一理念之上。虽然这一河流遗产修复的举措似乎是朝着正确方向迈出的一步,但孟买的排水系统基本上是长期以来通过对河口景观的零敲碎打的干预逐渐拼凑起来的。本文展示了城市规划当局如何利用河流的历史启动一项议程,将广阔的河口和临时系统驯化成包含在国家发展愿景中的可治理的河道。我们聚焦于一条主要的河道,米提河 (Mithi),展示了备灾理念、承载能力的突现计算、以及基础设施如何被纳入构建生态历史中,为城市书写新的水文秩序。对于孟买的工程师们来说,这些变化引入了新的标量逻辑,并改变了排水组合的性质。米提河的转变是一个象征,表明关于气候变化的焦虑带来了自然、技术和城市发展的交汇。
Keywordsclimate change, disaster preparedness, floods, infrastructure, urban ecology
关键词气候变化, 备灾, 洪水, 基础设施, 城市生态



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