

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百六十期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括地方自治主义与国家机器,新市政主义下的公众平民化,新冠大流行下的社会不公平,男性与城市关怀,中美洲的城市主义,欢迎阅读。


Interrupting the neoliberal masculine state machinery? Strategic selectivities and municipalist practice in Barcelona and Zagreb         


Martin Sarnow(德国基尔大学Norma Tiedemann(德国卡塞尔大学首次出版时间:2022/7/7|研究论文

All municipalist initiatives are confronted with what Marx called the ‘state machinery’: an ensemble of apparatuses protecting the status quo of capitalist accumulation. It is difficult for municipalist movements to sustain their momentum of storming the city halls in the face of this reality. Looking at Barcelona En Comú (Barcelona in Common) and Zagreb Je NAŠ! (Zagreb Is Ours!), the article discusses what experiences municipalist actors gain when inspecting the state machinery close up. We identify the traces they leave on the materiality of the (local) state: organising participation as conflict, scandalising the serving of particularistic interests, and confronting sexist behaviour within the masculine apparatuses. Nevertheless, the examples illustrate the systemic inertia of the hegemonically programmed state apparatuses and the difficulties of breaking with neoliberal and masculinist policies.

摘要所有地方自治倡议都必须面对马克思所说的“国家机器”:一组保护资本主义积累现状的机器。面对这样的现实,地方自治运动很难维持冲击市政厅的势头。通过研究 Barcelona En Comu’(我们共同的巴塞罗那)和 Zagreb Je NASˇ!(萨格勒布是我们的!)这两个运动,本文探讨地方自治行为者在近距离检视国家机器时获得的体验。我们识别了他们在(地方)政府的物质性上留下的痕迹:将参与组织为冲突,丑化为特定利益服务的做法,并在男性机器中直面性别歧视行为。然而,这些例子说明了霸权程序化的国家机器的系统惯性以及与新自由主义和大男子主义政策决裂的困难。
Keywords local government, municipalism, state theory, strategic selectivity, urban struggles
关键词地方政府, 地方自治主义, 政府理论, 策略选择性, 城市斗争


The commonification of the public under new municipalism: Commons–state institutions in Naples and Barcelona


Iolanda Bianchi(西班牙巴塞罗那汽车大学首次出版时间:2022/7/7|研究论文

The transformation of local state institutions by way of the paradigm of the common – the creation of commons–state institutions – has become one of the strategies of new municipalist practices. It is an attempt to overcome two crises: the crises of both the privatised and the bureaucratic state forms. It aims to take back the production and distribution of the ‘public’ by the state and to democratise this process. The article analyses the discursive use and material implementation of the paradigm of the common in the transformation of local state institutions, and how contested meanings attributed to it by different actors may influence the definition of commons–state institutions. It analyses two new municipalist contexts, Naples and Barcelona, and examines the common-inspired transformation of their local public services: water services and sociocultural facilities, respectively. It argues that commons–state institutions are negotiated institutional configurations that emerge from the synthesis of the situated and experimental interpretation of the paradigm of the common shared by (different segments of) state and civil society actors, and whose governance needs to be adequately and openly codified to make them robust and enduring.



Keywords Local state, public-common, public services, radical democracy, remunicipalisation, Patrimoni Ciutadá


地方政府, 当地政府, 公地, 公共服务, 激进民主, 重新地方自治化

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221101460


Vulnerability, neglect, and collectivity in Brazilian favelas: Surviving the threats of the COVID-19 pandemic and the state’s necropolitics


Patricia Basile(美国印第安纳大学首次出版时间:2022/7/12|研究论文

The COVID-19 pandemic has deepened existing inequities and injustices in Brazil, seen in the disproportionately detrimental impacts on favelas. State policy responses to the pandemic have disregarded favela residents’ experiences. Recommendations such as ‘shelter-in-place’ ignore the reality of over 11.4 million favela residents who cannot work from home or afford to stop working, nor practise physical distancing from others. This study investigates the discourse of community organisations in favelas as they respond to the threats of the COVID-19 pandemic and the state’s necropolitics. Community organisations in favelas have taken action to protect their residents from the virus, unemployment and hunger. I assess organisations’ (1) justification to act as a collective in their communities, and (2) stances about the government’s responses to the crisis. Through content analysis of social media, websites and media appearances of eight favela organisations and collectives in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, this study finds three main themes through which organisations justify their actions: vulnerability, neglect, and collectivity and care. More than survival strategies, the actions of favela organisations are counter-political acts as they oppose the decrepit necropolitics of the state by collectively enduring in the Brazilian context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding favela organisations’ actions in response to the pandemic is fundamental. It further illuminates the impact of public health emergencies in the lives of informal settlements’ residents and the governance of public health emergencies in these communities.

摘要 新冠大流行加深了巴西现有的不平等和不公正现象,这可以从贫民窟所遭受的、不成比例的不利影响中看出来。政府应对疫情的政策忽视了贫民窟居民的情况。诸如“待在家里”之类的建议忽略了超过 1,140 万贫民窟居民所面临的现实,他们无法在家工作,不工作就无法维持生活,也无法与他人保持社交距离。本研究调查了贫民窟社区组织在应对新冠大流行和政府死亡政治威胁方面的话语。贫民窟社区组织采取了行动保护居民免受病毒、失业和饥饿的侵害。我评估组织 (1) 在其社区中作为集体采取行动的理由和 (2) 关于政府危机应对的立场。通过对圣保罗和里约热内卢八个贫民窟组织和集体的社交媒体、网站和媒体表达的内容分析,本研究发现了组织证明其行动合理性的三个主要主题:脆弱性、忽视以及集体和关怀。贫民窟组织的行动不仅是生存策略,而且是反政治行为,因为它们通过在巴西新冠大流行背景下的集体忍受来反对政府陈旧的死亡政治。了解贫民窟组织应对大流行的行动至关重要。它进一步凸显了突发公共卫生事件对非正规住区居民生活的影响,以及这些社区的突发公共卫生事件治理。
Keywords community organising, COVID-19 pandemic, favelas, informal settlements, necropolitics
社区组织, 新冠大流行, 贫民窟, 非正式住区, 死亡政治



Do cities enable caring-with men? An ordinary politics of urban care                   


Nico Canoy(马尼拉雅典耀大学,菲律宾心理学系菲律宾大学,菲律宾地理系首次出版时间:2022/7/12 |评论论文

This critical commentary unpacks the promise of care-full and just cities, and how men are understood as subjects of urban care. Overall, my discussion offers a generative space that forwards the situated practices of caring-with men as ordinary politics in order to fully realise the promise of a city for everyone. The main body is divided into three sections. The first section revisits the concept of care-full cities as an alternative vision of the city grounded in feminist ethics of care and justice. Here I aim to expand the discussion on men as subjects of urban care to consider the diverse performances of masculinities in relation to economic conditions, social meanings, and cultural norms which structure spaces and subjectivities of care giving/-receiving. In the second section, I conceptualise caring-with men as ordinary politics shaping the contested relations and place-making practices in the city. Here I highlight that caring-with involves transversal logics and heterogenous politics that enrich how care as a cultural value and everyday practice can be embodied, reinforced, or even neglected among certain groups of men. The last section provides a synthesis and several key reflections on the (im)possibilities of caring-with men in culturally diverse cities. The situated understandings of care giving/-receiving amongst men in the city inspire crosscurrents and interdisciplinary synthesis across bodies of work in urban studies, feminist care geographies and gender/sexuality studies. In conclusion, caring-with men as ordinary politics is a step towards encouraging situated and comparative inquiries through consolidating a hybrid praxis of global urban masculinities.


这篇批判性评论揭示了关怀 (care-full) 和公正城市的前景,以及男性如何被理解为城市关怀的主体。总体而言,我的讨论提供了一个生成空间,可推进参与整体关怀 (caring-with) 的男性的情境化实践,以充分实现城市对每个人的承诺。正文分为三个部分。第一部分重新审视关怀 (care-full) 城市的概念,作为基于女性主义关怀和公正伦理的城市的替代性愿景。在这里,我致力于扩展关于男性作为城市关怀主体的讨论,以考虑男性气质在经济条件、社会意义和文化规范方面的不同表现,正是这些构成了给与/接受关怀的空间和主体性。在第二部分,我对整体关怀 (caring-with) 男性进行概念化,将其视为塑造城市中的争夺关系和场所营造实践的普通政治。在这里,我强调整体关怀 (caring-with) 涉及横向逻辑和异质政治,丰富了关怀作为一种文化价值和日常实践在某些男性群体中形成、加强甚至被忽视的方式。最后一部分提供了一个综合和几个关键的思考,涉及在多元文化城市中实现整体关怀 (caring-with) 男性的(不)可能性。此外,对城市中男性给与/接受关怀的情境化理解能激发城市研究、女权主义护理地理学和性别/性研究等不同领域研究工作之间的交叉和跨学科综合。我们的结论是,通过整合全球城市男子气概混合实践,作为普通政治的整体关怀 (caring-with) 男性朝着鼓励情境化比较研究的方向迈出了一步。

Keywordscaring-with, ethics of care, everyday masculinities, global urban, ordinary politics

整体关怀 (caring-with), 关怀伦理, 日常男子气概, 全球城市, 普通政治



Mesoamerican urbanism:Indigenous institutions, infrastructure, and resilience


David M Carballo(美国波士顿大学Gary M Feinman(美国菲尔德自然历史博物馆)Aurelio López Corral(墨西哥INAH 中心特拉斯卡拉)首次出版时间:2022/7/12|研究论文

Mesoamerica was the most urbanised landscape of the precolonial Western Hemisphere, and urban dwellers there shared many cultural commonalities. They also varied significantly regarding what social institutions they emphasised, what forms of urban infrastructure they created, their fiscal financing and systems of governance, as well as how they managed ecological resources and risk. In this paper, we provide a comparative analysis of Mesoamerican cities using a database of archaeological indices of Indigenous urban characteristics. We report positive correlations between the longevity of cities in our sample and more collective institutions of governance, higher population densities, and more shared and equitably distributed forms of urban infrastructure. The study draws on Indigenous knowledge and practices to assist the target-based approach of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and New Urban Agenda and provides insights into how certain urban institutions and infrastructure can foster greater resilience and equity in the face of ecological and cultural-historical perturbations.

KeywordsAztec, collective action, governance, Maya, neighbourhoods, social infrastructure, urbanism
关键词阿兹台克人 (Aztec), 集体行动, 治理, 玛雅人 (Maya), 社区, 社会基础设施, 城市化



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