

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百六十一期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括移民与城市化的时间性问题,全球南方城市的基础设施拼接,伯明翰的超越人类的城市主义,中国北京的住房拥挤与心理健康,规划者在城市金融化中的积极作用,欢迎阅读。


Excess aspirations: Migration and urban futures in post-earthquake Christchurch         


Francis L Collins(新西兰怀卡托大学Wardlow Friesen(新西兰奥克兰大学首次出版时间:2022/7/12|研究论文

Migration and urbanisation are characterised by multiple temporalities: arrival, durations of migration, daily rhythms, migration regulation, aspirations for urban futures and the impacts of changing social, economic or environmental fortunes. In this paper, we address the temporalities of migration and urbanisation by focusing on the post-disaster context of Christchurch, New Zealand, which suffered destructive earthquakes in 2011 and 2012. While the immediate post-quake context was characterised by outward migration, rebuilding has occurred through the migration of thousands of workers and their families, particularly from Asia, Europe and the Pacific. The presence of new migrants has led to unexpected migrant-driven diversification that has potential to reconfigure Christchurch’s image as a city that privileges whiteness over Indigenous and non-white settler identities. The migration of rebuild workers, however, also occurs in a national context of increasingly stratified migration management with few opportunities for migrants to settle long-term. Drawing on interviews with stakeholders in central government, local organisations and migrants themselves we examine countervailing aspirations and responses that emerged within the earthquake rebuild: attempts by local organisations to reconfigure Christchurch as a diverse future-oriented city, migrant aspirations and tactics for long-term settlement and family stability and national government efforts to contain aspirations for a diverse future-oriented city that exceed the intent of migration management. Through this analysis our paper examines the discrepant temporalities of migration and urban futures involved in the rebuilding of post-quake Christchurch, as well as the multiple forces that impinge on the very possibility of migrant-led diversification of cities.

摘要迁移和城市化具有多重时间性特征:到达、迁移持续时间、日常节奏、迁移监管、对城市未来的抱负以及不断变化的社会、经济或环境机遇的影响。在本文中,我们通过关注 2011 年和 2012 年遭受破坏性地震的新西兰基督城的灾后情境来探讨移民和城市化的时间性问题。虽然震后的直接情境是向外迁移,但重建已经通过成千上万的工人及其家庭的迁入而发生,特别是来自亚洲、欧洲和太平洋地区的移民。新移民的出现导致了意想不到的移民驱动的多元化,这有可能重新塑造基督城固有的形象—一个白人优先于原住民和非白人定居者的城市。然而,重建工人的迁入也发生在移民管理日益分层化的全国性背景下,移民长期定居的机会较少。通过对中央政府利益相关者、地方机构和移民本身的采访,我们研究在地震重建中出现的对抗性抱负和反应:地方机构将基督城重置为一个面向未来的多元化城市的努力、移民实现长期定居和家庭稳定的抱负和策略、以及新西兰政府超越移民管理意图之外的、遏制多元化、面向未来城市抱负的努力。通过这一分析,本文研究了基督城地震后重建所涉及的移民和城市未来的差异性时间性,以及影响移民主导的城市多元化可能性的多重力量。
Keywords aspirations, cities, disasters, migration, migration management
关键词抱负, 城市, 灾难, 移民, 移民管理


Infrastructure mosaics in urban India: Sewage beyond the networked city


Angela Oberg(美国罗格斯大学首次出版时间:2022/7/15|研究论文

In this paper, I illustrate how sewage is managed beyond the networked city to create infrastructure mosaics – patchworks of interconnected infrastructures across the city characterised by variegation, fluidity and non-linearity. The purpose of this work is to develop the concept of infrastructure mosaics as a way to understand urban sewage flows in Southern cities based on the lived experience of residents, rather than on concepts developed to describe Northern cities. I begin with a brief review of how the concept of networked cities has been applied to the Global South. I then explore how sewage operates within the networked city and beyond. I finish by contextualising these ideas through the case of sewage in Agra, India. The findings from this work can help planners and policy makers across the North/South divide better understand how urban sewage operates in reality, giving decision makers insights into opportunities for improvement outside the modern infrastructural ideal.


在本文中,我展示如何超越网络化城市管理污水以创建基础设施拼接—整个城市内相互连接的基础设施拼接,其特点是杂糅性、流动性和非线性。本文的目的是提出基础设施拼接的概念,作为一种基于居民生活经验(而不是为描述北方城市而开发的概念)来理解南方城市城市污水处理的方法。我首先简要回顾联网城市的概念是如何应用于全球南方的。然后,我探讨联网城市和非联网城市的污水处理运作方式。最后,我通过印度阿格拉 (Agra) 的污水处理案例对这些概念进行情境化。本项研究的结果可以帮助南方和北方的规划者和决策者更好地了解城市污水处理在现实中是如何运作的,让决策者超越现代基础设施理念深入了解改进机会。

Keywords everyday practices, infrastructure, materiality, sewage, urban political ecology


日常实践, 基础设施, 物质性, 污水处理, 城市政治生态

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221104965


Transforming paradise: Neoliberal regeneration and more-than-human urbanism in Birmingham


Catherine Oliver(英国剑桥大学首次出版时间:2022/7/15|研究论文

In Birmingham, a badger visits me each evening outside my front door. Five years later, a fox meets me on a city street at 5 am. Two years after that, walking along the city’s canals, my eyes lock with a heron’s. A year later, a eucalyptus tree becomes my shade and respite in a disturbed city. Months later, as I get ready to leave the city, I encounter a group of parakeets. In this paper, I ask how these seemingly disparate encounters and relationships are intimately connected as part of Birmingham’s urban ecologies and larger stories of urban regeneration – and its consequences for thriving and precarious life in the city. I argue that the tension between thriving and precarity in Birmingham (and cities like it) results from new exertions of control whilst urban dwellers establish new forms of more-than-human urban cohabitation. The stories in this paper, relating to different non-human lives caught up in Birmingham’s transformation into a neoliberal city, demonstrate that serious consideration of more-than-human theory and experience is essential to the future of urban studies scholarship.

摘要 在伯明翰,一只獾每天晚上都会在我的前门外拜访我。五年后,凌晨 5 点,一只狐狸在城市街道上遇见了我。两年后,当我沿着城市的运河漫步,我的目光锁定了一只苍鹭。一年后,一棵桉树为我遮阴,使我在一个不安的城市里得到了喘息。几个月后,当我准备离开这座城市时,我遇到了一群长尾小鹦鹉。在本文中,我探究这些看似完全不相干的遇见和关系如何作为伯明翰城市生态和更大的城市更新故事(以及它对欣欣向荣而又动荡不安的城市生活的影响)的一部分紧密相连。我认为,伯明翰(以及类似城市)的繁荣和动荡之间的张力是由于新的控制措施造成的,而城市居民则建立了超越人类的城市同居的新形式。本文中的故事涉及在伯明翰转变为新自由主义城市的过程中不同的非人类的生活,表明认真考虑超越人类的理论和经验对于城市研究的未来至关重要。
Keywords environment/sustainability, inequality, more-than-human urban theory, public space, redevelopment/regeneration, social justice, urban ecologies
环境/可持续性, 不平等, 超越人类的城市理论, 公共空间, 再开发/更新, 社会正义, 城市生态



Home-made blues: Residential crowding and mental health in Beijing, China


Xize Wang(新加坡国立大学Tao Liu(中国北京大学)首次出版时间:2022/7/15 |评论论文

Although residential crowding has many well-being implications, its connection to mental health is yet to be widely examined. Using survey data from 1613 residents in Beijing, China, we find that living in a crowded place – measured by both square metres per person and persons per bedroom – is significantly associated with a higher risk of depression. We test for the mechanisms of such associations and find that the residential crowding–depression link arises through increased living space-specific stress rather than increased life stress. We also identify the following subgroups that have relatively stronger residential crowding–depression associations: females, those living with children, those not living with parents, and those living in non-market housing units. Our findings show that inequality in living space among urban residents not only is an important social justice issue but also has health implications.


尽管住宅拥挤对福祉有许多影响,但它与心理健康的关系还有待广泛研究。我们使用来自中国北京的 1613 名居民的调查数据,发现居住在拥挤的地方—以人均居住面积和每间卧室人数衡量—与患抑郁症的风险显著相关。我们测试了这种关联的机制,发现居住拥挤-抑郁的联系是通过增加生活空间特定压力而不是增加生活压力而产生的。我们还确定了以下居住拥挤-抑郁关联相对较强的亚组:女性、与子女同住者、不与父母同住者、以及居住在非市场住房单元的人。我们的研究结果表明,城市居民生活空间的不平等不仅是一个重要的社会正义问题,而且对健康也有影响。

KeywordsChina, health, housing, overcrowding, urban planning, well-being

中国, 健康, 住房, 过度拥挤, 城市规划, 福祉



Do financial models reshape un-cooperative cities? On urban founder’s profit and collaborative-communicative planning in times of austerity


Jeroen Klink(巴西ABC联邦大学首次出版时间:2022/7/19|研究论文

This paper develops a conceptual approach to articulate the political-economy inspired literature on the financialisation of cities with a critical reading of collaborative-communicative planning theory to recognise the active role of planners in the multi-scalar, collective ‘making’ of financialisation by cities. More particularly, I stretch Hilferding’s original idea on founder’s profit, which was associated with the financial gains obtained from Initial Public Offerings and trading of company shares in open markets. In collaboration with private investors and producers of urban space, planners in cash strapped cities and states search for solutions to invest in better cities by anticipating their exclusive rights to various streams of income, while co-promoting and extracting part of urban founder’s profit in doing so. Nevertheless, a communication that is framed around the representational spaces and language of financial models triggers planners’ increasing entanglements with finance in the transformation of cities into abstract tradeable income yielding assets. A methodological-heuristic case study illustrates how tracing the models enables us to follow the money, exposing the contradictory role of collaborative-communicative planning and demand for a project with alternative time-space epistemologies.

本文提出了一种概念方法,通过批判性解读协作交流规划理论来阐明受政治经济学启发的城市金融化文献,以认识规划者在城市金融化的多标度集体打造中的积极作用。更具体地说,我延伸了希法亭 (Hilferding) 关于创始人利润的原初概念,这与从首次公开募股和在公开市场交易公司股票获得的财务收益有关。借助与私人投资者和城市空间生产者合作,资金紧张的城市和州的规划者通过预期他们对各种收入流的专有权利来寻找投资于更好城市的解决方案,同时借此共同促进和提取城市创始人的部分利润。然而,围绕金融模型的代表性空间和语言构建的交流引发了规划者在将城市转变为抽象的可交易收益资产的过程中与金融的日益纠缠。一个方法启发式案例研究说明了跟踪模型如何使我们得以跟踪资金,揭示协作沟通计划的矛盾作用以及对具有替代性时空认识论的项目的需求。
Keywordsbuilt environment, finance, financialisation, performativity, planning, theory, urban austerity
关键词建筑环境, 金融, 金融化, 展演性, 规划, 理论, 城市紧缩



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