

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百六十二期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括城市区域建设中的土地制度标度重定,前喻合法性与地方自治,零售业变革与中国的新中产阶级,区域污名化,多元文化城市,欢迎阅读。


Rescaling of the land regime in the making of city-regions: A case study of China’s Pearl River Delta


Xianchun Zhang(浙江大学Yi Li(河海大学Changchang Zhou(南京师范大学)等五位作者首次出版时间:2022/7/19|研究论文

Ubiquitous in fast-urbanising China, land-driven urban growth is increasingly inter-urban in nature – a trend that is underexplored in the literature. Grounded in a conceptual framework concerning the rescaling of the land regime, this study probes the unfolding land development processes of city-regionalism. Key findings of an examination of the Shenzhen–Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone in the Pearl River Delta are as follows: land regime rescaling is an emergent driving force for city-region making in China; the rescaled land regime centres on uneven capacities among the states of cooperating cities and benefit sharing (immediate land-related profit and potential long-term profit); provincial government engagement is fundamental to legitimatising this contested process; the rescaled land regime has been orchestrated by state interests in land development, rather than business interests released by marketisation, spawning a ‘stretching’ state territoriality of the central city. This article furthers the field’s understanding of a ‘world of city-regionalisms’ through a situated account of emerging city-regionalism characterised by land development in the Chinese context.

Keywords city-regionalism, land regime, Pearl River Delta, provincial government, regional cooperation
关键词城市区域化, 土地体制, 珠三角, 省级政府, 区域合作


Prefigurative legality: Transforming municipal jurisdiction                                    


Amelia Thorpe(澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Bronwen Morgan(澳大利亚新南威尔士大学)首次出版时间:2022/7/22|研究论文

This paper argues that prefigurative legality plays an important role in crafting municipalist strategy. We explore the experience of the City of Sydney in relation to new municipalism, focusing on its trajectory as a ‘boundary case’ that generates incrementally accrued transformative potential under conditions of muted political partisanship. The paper argues that at least in a boundary case such as this, legality can be a key and underappreciated component of transformative strategy, particularly if its prefigurative potential is appreciated. Prefigurative legality as a component of strategy is less about reconfiguring forms of state practice and more a means of institutionalising substantive policies and state practices in ways that extend the connection between community and state. As such, prefigurative legality has a deeply ambivalent relationship with the state and is both more incremental and more inclined to be ‘merely progressive’ than the prefigurative politics of radical municipalism. Nonetheless, we argue that legality still acts as an important and underappreciated pivot between power and resistance, especially where legal pluralism and multi-scalar indeterminacy are salient. The paper makes this argument while tracking the City of Sydney’s engagement with three dimensions of legality – delegated jurisdiction, legal pluralism and multi-scalar indeterminacy – and the ways in which these trajectories intersect with state and national government responses. While the Sydney case may fall just outside the boundaries of ‘classic’ instances, the role of legality in this setting generates valuable insights for the longer-term trajectories of more radical versions of new municipalism.



Keywords jurisdiction, legality, municipalism, prefigurative practices


管辖权, 合法性, 地方自治主义, 前喻行为

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221107767


Consuming ‘authenticity’? Reinterpreting the ‘new middle class’ in China through the lens of retailing changes


Liu Cao(中山大学首次出版时间:2022/7/26|研究论文

If gentrification is occurring globally, we must understand the uneven intervention of globalisation in the production of a (global) gentrifier class. This paper adopts a comparative perspective to investigate the ‘new middle class’ within China’s urban context. Through the critical examination of subtle retailing changes, it discusses how recent place-making strategies have fabricated the aura of ‘authenticity’ built upon the history of traditional residential neighbourhoods, attracting gentrifiers, whose consumption practices have transformed the retail space of a gentrified historic neighbourhood. Using Nanjing as a case study by employing qualitative research methods, this study shows that the Chinese new middle classes have yearned for modern and elitist lifestyles, with a preference for consuming Western-style goods to manifest their distinctive tastes and social status. This paper’s research findings propose the concept of Xiaozi consumption, a specific term that challenges Western-developed concepts of ‘consuming authenticity’ by highlighting the planetary indigeneity of gentrification in the Global South.

摘要 如果说绅士化正在全球发生,我们必须了解全球化对(全球)绅士化阶层生产的不均衡影响。本文采用比较视角研究中国城市背景下的“新中产阶级”。通过对零售业细微变化的批判性考察,我们探讨最近的场所营造策略如何在传统住宅区的历史基础上营造出“真实性”的光环,从而吸引绅士化人士,他们的消费行为已经改变了绅士化历史街区的零售空间。本研究以南京为例,采用定性研究方法,表明中国新中产阶级向往现代和精英的生活方式,偏好消费西式商品,以彰显其独特的品味和社会地位。本文的研究结果提出了“小资”消费的概念,通过强调全球南方绅士化的行星本土性,该特别术语挑战了西方发展出来的“消费真实性”概念。
Keywords authenticity, gentrification, globalisation, retailing changes, Xiaozi consumption
真实性, 绅士化, 全球化, 零售变革, 小资消费



The long shadow of territorial stigma: Upward social mobility and the symbolic baggage of the old neighbourhood


Anthony Miro Born(英国伦敦政治经济学院首次出版时间:2022/7/28 |评论论文

In recent years, a burgeoning number of studies have shed light on the lived experience of territorial stigma. However, the vibrant academic discourse on the stigma of place focuses almost exclusively on residents living in marginalised neighbourhoods: it either overlooks or simplifies the lived experience of ‘moving out’ and ‘up’. Building upon 43 biographical interviews with individuals who experienced upward social mobility and were raised in stigmatised neighbourhoods in Germany, this article argues that the experience of exiting from the symbolic bottom of the urban structure is a more complex and conflictual one. In particular, this work sheds light on how former residents learn to relate to the symbolic baggage of having once lived in a notorious neighbourhood. By analysing the three prevailing coping strategies they engage in, the article shifts attention to the prolonged and lasting impact of territorial stigmatisation.


近年来,越来越多的研究揭示了区域污名化的生活体验。然而,关于地方污名的充满活力的学术讨论几乎完全集中于生活在边缘化街区的居民身上:它要么忽视要么简化了“迁出”和“向上迁移”的生活体验。基于对经历过向上社会流动且在被污名化的街区长大的德国个人进行的 43 次传记性采访,本文认为离开具有象征意义的城市底层是一种更为复杂和矛盾的经历。特别是,本文揭示了污名化街区的前居民学会了如何对待这种居住经历的象征性包袱。通过分析他们采取的三种主要的应对策略,本文将注意力转向区域污名化的长期和持久影响。

Keywordsclass, inequality, neighbourhood, social mobility, territorial stigmatisation

阶级, 不平等, 街区, 社会流动, 区域污名化



Creating hospitable urban spaces: A multicultural city for refugees and asylum seekers


Ravinder Sidhu(澳大利亚昆士兰大学Donata Rossi-Sackey(澳大利亚公司Mater Misericordiae)首次出版时间:2022/7/28|研究论文

Australia is one of a handful of countries offering permanent settlement to refugees. It also has some of the harshest border-controlling measures. Drawing on Derrida’s writing on hospitality, and related work on hospitality’s affective and spatial dimensions, we examine the micropolitics of hospitality towards forced migrants in an Australian city (Brisbane). Our interest is in the affordances of affective hospitality to interrupt practices of differential inclusion in the city. The first part of the paper examines practices of embedded activism in health and education encounters, while the second part explores affect’s influence on the protest sensibility in urban movements against mandatory detention. The paper furthers understandings of the embodied and affective dimensions of hospitality in social justice work performed in urban spaces.

澳大利亚是少数为难民提供永久定居点的国家之一。它还有一些最严厉的边境管制措施。借鉴德里达 (Derrida) 关于“接待”的著作,以及款待的情感和空间维度方面的相关研究,我们研究一个澳大利亚城市(布里斯班)对待被迫移民的接待微观政治。我们的兴趣在于友爱接待中断城市中差异包容做法方面的启示。本文的第一部分考察了在健康和教育体验中嵌入行动主义的实践,而第二部分则探讨了情感对反对强制拘留的城市运动中的抗议敏感性的影响。本文推进了对于作为城市空间中的社会正义工作中的接待的具体和情感维度。
Keywordsaffective solidarities, hospitality, multicultural city, protest, refugees and asylum seekers, urban citizenship
关键词情感团结, 热情好客, 多元文化城市, 抗议, 难民和寻求庇护者, 城市公民身份



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