

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百六十四期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的三篇论文和Current Issue的两篇论文。主题包括地方自治主义,都市语言多任务处理和差异性包容,街区可步行性,移民产业与社会空间转型,移民基础设施实践,欢迎阅读。


Bridging bureaucracy and activism: Challenges of activist state-work in the 1980s Greater London Council


Tim Joubert(英国利兹大学首次出版时间:2022/7/29|研究论文

An emerging literature on ‘new municipalism’ has identified attempts not only to transform local state functions to respond to the urban crises of neoliberal austerity, but also to transform the structure and practices of the state itself, embedding democratic processes into local government. This article utilises the historical experience of the ‘new urban left’ within the Greater London Council (GLC) from 1981 to 1986 to explore the internal dynamics of state transformation in a context of municipal activism. It situates the GLC’s progressive policy responses to the urban crises of the early 1980s within a more quotidian project of state remaking, in which activists worked in-and-against the established political cultures and practices of the local state. The new urban left’s transformative, rather than simply instrumental, approach to the local state – rooted in the democratic politics of progressive social movements – challenges straightforward dichotomies between state and society. The article frames these nascent municipalist characteristics with a theoretical argument based on an autonomist-Marxist account of the state as a form of social relations, one that emphasises how capitalist crises pivot on the internal contradictions of labour. This reading directs theoretical attention to the ‘prosaic’ labour of state officials, and the article thus considers the quotidian experience of politicised officials in the GLC, whose activity blurred boundaries between political activism and professional labour. The practical contradictions involved in such forms of ‘activist state-work’– working within bureaucratic and legal limits, experimenting with new organisational forms, and negotiating contested workplace subjectivities – reveal forms of boundary-bridging between activism and statehood that highlight the potentially transformative dynamics within the labour of local governance. This unstable tightrope-walk between bureaucratic constraint and political agency at the nexus of state-work contributes to new municipalist thinking about reshaping the conduct of urban governance.

摘要一个关于“新地方自治主义”的新文献指出,人们不仅试图改变地方政府职能以应对新自由主义紧缩带来的城市危机,还试图改变政府本身的结构和实践,将民主进程嵌入地方政府。本文利用 1981 年至 1986 年大伦敦议会 (GLC) 内“新城市左派”的历史经验,探讨地方自治运动背景下政府转型的内部动力。它将 GLC 对 1980 年代初期城市危机的进步主义政策反应置于一个更为日常的政府重建项目中,在该项目中,活动家们在当地政府既定的政治文化和实践中开展工作。新城市左派对待地方政府的变革性(而不仅仅是工具性)进路(其植根于进步主义社会运动的民主政治中)挑战了政府与社会之间简单的二分法。本文用一种理论论证来构建这些新生的地方自治主义特征,该理论论证基于自治主义-马克思主义将政府视为一种社会关系形式的论述,其强调资本主义危机如何以劳动的内部矛盾为中心。这种理解将理论注意力引向国家官员的“平淡无奇”的劳动,因此本文考虑了 GLC 政治化官员的日常经验,他们的活动模糊了政治行动主义与专业劳动之间的界限。这种形式的“行动主义政府工作”所涉及的实际矛盾(在官僚体系和法律范围内工作,试验新的组织形式,以及协调相互争夺的职场主体性)揭示了行动主义和政府地位之间的边界桥接形式,突出了地方治理劳动范围内的潜在变革动力。这种不稳定的、走钢丝般的状态(在官僚约束和政府-工作关系中的政治代理之间)有助于产生新的、重塑城市治理行为方面的地方自治主义思考。
Keywords activism, bureaucracy, local state, municipalism, state work
关键词行动主义, 官僚主义, 地方政府, 地方自治主义, 政府工作


Metrolingual multitasking and differential inclusion: Singapore’s Chinese languages in shared spaces                                    


Junjia Ye(新加坡南洋理工大学Justin P. Kwan(加拿大亚太基金会Jean Michel Montsion(加拿大约克大学首次出版时间:2022/8/4|研究论文

Arrival cities are defined through migration-led diversification that structures integration, notably through everyday language practices. In Singapore’s multilingual landscape, we find hints of historical waves of migrants from Southern China speaking Cantonese, Hakka, Hokkien and Teochew and the recent contributions of new migrants from Mainland of China. In light of the work of Pennycook and Otsuji, this article explores how the norms of metrolingual multitasking – of adaptation through language – structure differential inclusion in Singapore through banal and commonplace interactions in shared spaces, such as markets. By focusing on historically situated linguistic scripts of inclusion and exclusion in the city-state, we contrast the linguistic adaptations of older and newer arrivals to show how integration is continuously constituted through the differential inclusion of new arrivals. Based on a series of interviews, we shed light on how metrolingual multitasking, as praxis of differential inclusion, sets up the normative framework for the coexistence of various linguistic forms and resources, whether recognised officially or not, and their use in creative ways for pragmatic communication in completing daily tasks. In this context, the norms of metrolingual multitasking reveal an overall sense of ordinary coexistence in living with such diversity as a requirement for successful integration, despite necessary instances of differential treatment and exclusionary practices, including a refusal to engage with difference.


目的地城市是通过移民主导的多样化来定义的,这种多样化构建了融合,特别是通过日常语言实践。在新加坡的多语言景观中,我们发现了华南地区说粤语、客家话、闽南语和潮州话的移民潮的历史线索,以及中国内地新移民的最新贡献。借鉴佩尼库克 (Pennycook) 和尾辻 (Otsuji) 的研究,本文探讨都市语言多任务处理的规范(通过语言进行适应)如何通过市场等共享空间中的平凡而司空见惯的互动来构建新加坡的差异性包容。通过关注该城市国家历史上包容和排斥的语言文字,我们对比了老移民和新移民的语言适应情况,以展示如何通过对新移民的差异性包容持续构建融合。基于一系列访谈,我们阐明了作为差异性包容实践的都市语言多任务处理如何为各种语言形式和资源的共存建立规范框架(无论官方是否认可),并被以创造性的方式用于语用沟通以完成日常任务。在这种背景下,都市语言多任务处理规范揭示了生活中总体的普通共存感,这种多样性是成功融合的必要条件,尽管也必然存在差别待遇和排斥性做法的例子,包括拒绝接受差异。

Keywords Chinese languages, differential inclusion, integration, metrolingual multitasking, migration, Singapore


汉语, 差异性包容, 融合, 都市语言多任务处理, 移民, 新加坡

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221101452


The changing ethno-racial profile of ‘very walkable’ urban neighbourhoods in the US (2010–2020): Are minorities under-represented?


 Bradley Bereitschaft(美国内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校首次出版时间:2022/8/10|研究论文

Neighbourhood walkability has increasingly been viewed as an amenity that may confer substantial health, social and economic benefits. As walkable neighbourhoods become increasingly desirable, there is concern that disadvantaged groups – particularly lower-income and minority households – may be displaced or excluded from these spaces. This investigation assesses whether minorities, and Black residents in particular, are increasingly under-represented in urban neighbourhoods with high walkability by examining demographic changes between 2010 and 2020 across approximately 43,000 urban census tracts. The results suggest a negative association between Black and ‘other’ non-White residents and neighbourhood walkability when controlling for confounding factors. Blacks were also the only major ethno-racial group to decline in absolute number within the nation’s most walkable (i.e. Walk Score®≥90) urban neighbourhoods between 2010 and 2020. Implications for social equity and justice are discussed.

摘要 街区可步行性越来越多地被视为一种可以带来可观的健康、社会和经济效益的便利设施。随着适宜步行的街区变得越来越受欢迎,人们担心弱势群体(尤其是低收入和少数族裔家庭)可能会被从这些空间驱逐或被排除在外。通过考察 2010 年至 2020 年间大约 43,000 个城市人口普查区的人口变化,本项调查评估少数族裔(尤其是黑人居民)在可步行性高的城市街区中是否越来越少。结果表明,在剔除混杂因素后,黑人和“其他”非白人居民的数量与街区可步行性之间存在负相关关系。黑人也是 2010 年至 2020 年间在全国最适合步行的(即可步行评分_ø90 )城市街区中绝对数量下降的唯一主要种族群体。我们还讨论了这一结果在社会公平和正义方面的意义。
Keywords ethno-racial, neighbourhood change, neighbourhood walkability, walkability, walk score
民族-种族, 街区变化, 街区可步行性, 可步行性, 可步行评分



An enclave entrepôt: The informal migration industry and Johannesburg’s socio-spatial transformation


Tanya Zack(南非金山大学Loren B Landau(英国牛津大学、南非金山大学首次出版时间:2021/5/21 |评论论文

The spatial concentration of production in cities attracts international and domestic labour in ways that change the character and scale of urban space. Drawing on two decades of research on migration and informal trading in Johannesburg, South Africa, this article argues that the global trade in Chinese ‘fast fashion’ interacts with South Africa’s immigration policy, transportation networks, informal trade and established migration infrastructures to transform the city’s Park Station neighbourhood into an enclave entrepôt. Operated and supported by a network of informal logistics services that keep the enclave within but apart from the city, it is exquisitely tailored to cross-border shoppers. At the social and legal margins but at the city’s geographic core, it enables fluidity in an otherwise hostile space; it is at once highly visible and invisibilising. Formed in the shadows of formal institutions and law enforcement, this entrepôt is migrant-driven and serves the needs of people often seeking to remain invisible from the South African state and citizenry. As such, its services are adapted from the infrastructures that service legal and irregular migration in the subcontinent. Unlike ethnic enclaves or neighbourhoods that work as arrival zones, it provides the means to move ‘through’ rather than ‘into’ the city. The entrepôt is a form of migrant space-claiming by vulnerable and mobile people wishing to be in but not of the city. It acts as portal into, through and beyond national territory.


城市生产的空间集中吸引了国际和国内劳动力,从而改变了城市空间的特征和规模。根据对南非约翰内斯堡20年来的移民和非正规贸易的研究,本文认为,中国“快速型”全球贸易与南非的移民政策、交通网络、非正规贸易和已建立的移民基础设施相互作用,将该市的公园站 (Park Station) 街区转变成了飞地转口港。该飞地转口港由一个非正规物流服务网络运营和支持(该网络将飞地保持在城市内部,但又与城市分开),专为跨境购物者精心定制。它处在社会和法律边缘,但位于城市的核心地带,它在空间中实现了流动性并避免了敌意;它既是高度可见的,又是隐身的。这个转口贸易港是在正规机构和执法机构的阴影下形成的,由移民驱动,满足那些寻求对南非国家和公民保持隐形的人们的需要。因此,其服务根据非洲次大陆合法和非法移民基础设施进行调整。不像少数民族飞地或街区,它提供了“穿过”而不是“进入”城市的手段。转口贸易港是一种提出移民空间主张的形式,这些主张是由那些希望进入城市、但又不归属城市的弱势和流动人群提出来的。它是进入、通过和超越国家领土的门户。

KeywordsAfrica, China in Africa, immigration, migration industry, spatial transformation, supply chains, urban mobility

非洲, 中国在非洲, 移民, 移民产业, 空间转型, 供应链, 城市流动性



Resonance beyond regimes: Migrant’s alternative infrastructuring practices in Athens


Mirjam Wajsberg(荷兰拉德布德大学Joris Schapendonk(荷兰拉德布德大学)首次出版时间:2021/9/21|研究论文

In migration studies, there is an increasing interest in understanding how migration processes are shaped by different forms of brokerage and mediation. We relate these debates to the everyday struggles of migrants in the city of Athens. In so doing, we propose a shift from the all-encompassing view on infrastructures, that is, as systematic entities of facilitation/control to the infrastructuring practices of migrants. This implies a focus on how migrants create dynamic social platforms, and how these platforms relate to formal infrastructures and industries. We analyse these infrastructuring practices through a conceptual lens of resonance that is sensitive to the constitutive (how things, people and processes are brought together) as well as travelling capacities of these practices (how the platforms shift to other places). With an ethnographic approach, we create in-depth insights into the ways in which migrants mediate im/mobility in the urban environment of Athens through infrastructuring practices. The paper concludes by reflecting on the promises and limitations of the infrastructuring practices as sites of solidarity. We thereby argue that there are many links to make within the mobile commons debate. At the same time, our findings highlight that the transformative potential of infrastructuring practices does not always go along with a clear claim on solidarity.

KeywordsEU migration regime, Greece, migration infrastructure, people as infrastructure, resonance
关键词欧盟移民制度, 希腊, 移民基础设施, 人作为基础设施, 共振



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