

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百六十六期,将介绍Urban Studies Current Issue的五篇论文。主题包括后社会主义城市研究理论,非洲城市交通基础设施的治理,以交通为导向开发概念的问题化,基础设施的日常轮廓和政治,城郊地区的过度监管,欢迎阅读。


Transcending path dependencies: Why the study of post-socialist cities needs to capitalise on the discussion on urbanisation in the South (and vice versa) 


Jakub Galuszka(德国柏林工业大学首次出版时间:2021/10/7|研究论文

Recently, the theoretical relevance and utility of the regionalised notion of post-socialist cities have been questioned. The ensuing debate has resulted in several positions, including suggestions to drop the term entirely or to create a distinctive narrative based on the concept of a Global East, in order to position the knowledge as equal vis-a-vis discourses originating from Western power centres. This article responds to this call through efforts to transcend the dominant frames of research on post-socialist cities. However, I argue that the first step in overcoming the subaltern positioning of local knowledge is to refocus attention on previously marginalised urban phenomena, and to link the post-socialist research agenda to existing empowering discourses. The importance of creating linkages with the research originating from the South, and the potential for such joint engagements to contribute to global theory-making are discussed in the context of the study of urban informality.

Keywords Central and Eastern Europe, development, education, informality, planning, policy, post-socialist cities
关键词中欧和东欧, 发展, 教育, 非正规性, 规划, 政策, 后社会主义城市


Urban statecraft: The governance of transport infrastructures in African cities 


Liza Rose Cirolia(开普敦大学非洲城市中心Jesse Harber(英国伦敦大学、南非豪登市区域观测站首次出版时间:2021/8/21|研究论文

Through the lens of infrastructure governance, this article explores the configurations and operations of the urban state in sub-Saharan Africa. We deploy and extend the concept of ‘statecraft’, drawing on the recent scholarship within urban studies which explores city and municipal statecraft. Consolidating insights across several studies on transport governance in African cities, we identify three ‘sites’ of urban statecraft evident in urban Africa. First, we look at sectoral authorities, which we analyse through the common experience of ringfenced national road agencies. Carving off urban functions can fragment power over urban infrastructure. Second, we look at metropolitan authorities, which we analyse through bus rapid transit (BRT) agencies. Metropolitanisation crafts new scales of governance in Africa’s larger cities. Finally, we turn to the regulation of informal service delivery systems, which we analyse through popular transport regulation. The regulation of minibus and motorcycle taxis shows the central importance of everyday practice in urban statecraft in Africa. The case of transport governance provides a particularly vivid display of the institutional fragmentation that exists between state agencies and institutions in African cities. In this context, the urban state is not a static municipal entity, but is enacted through complex and multi-scalar relationships. These relationships relate not only to the assignment of functions or territorial design, but also to the practices which animate infrastructural systems. More generally, we argue that there is ample scope within the African urban governance debates for deeper interrogation of statecraft.


本文从基础设施治理的角度探讨撒哈拉以南非洲城市政府的配置和运作。我们运用并扩展了“治国之道 (statecraft)”的概念,借鉴了城市研究领域中探索城市和市政治国之道的最新学术成果。分割城市功能会分散城市基础设施的管理权力。其次,我们研究大都市当局,我们通过快速公交 (BRT) 管理机构对其进行分析。大都市主义在非洲大城市创造了新的治理标量。最后,我们转向对非正规服务提供系统的监管,我们通过流行的运输监管对其进行分析。对小型公共汽车和摩的的监管显示了非洲城市治国之道中日常实践的核心重要性。运输治理的案例特别生动地展示了非洲城市国家机构和机关之间存在的体制性分裂。在这种背景下,城市政府不是一个静态的市政实体,而是通过复杂的多标量关系运作。这些关系不仅与功能分配或地域设计有关,还与基础设施系统运作方面的实际做法有关。更一般地说,我们认为,在非洲城市治理辩论中,有足够的空间对治国之道进行更深入的探究。

Keywords Africa, cities, infrastructure, scalecraft, statecraft, transport, urban


非洲, 城市, 基础设施, 规模之道 (scalecraft), 治国之道 (statecraft), 交通, 城市的

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211028106


Problematising concepts of transit-oriented development in South African cities


Astrid Wood(英国纽卡斯尔大学首次出版时间:2021/8/31|研究论文

Transit-oriented development (TOD) is generally defined as planned high-density development containing a mixture of residential, retail, commercial and community uses around a transit hub and surrounded by a high-quality urban realm that prioritises the pedestrian (and more recently the cyclist) over the automobile. This article analyses the steps taken in Cape Town and Johannesburg to develop TOD schemes. In so doing, it problematises both the concept of TOD as a universal mechanism in which all cities apply a similar set of guidelines as well as the specific planning practices in South African cities. Drawing on the policy mobilities literature and specifically the emerging discussions of policy mobilities failure, I note the challenges and delays in implementing TOD in South Africa. It is not so much that TOD has been applied incorrectly as that it has been unable to stick in the local context. Rather than furthering the debate on whether a city should or should not promote TOD, viewing their planning through a policy mobilities lens highlights the urban politics of policymaking. Accordingly, the article presents a fine-tuned analysis of TOD as both a conceptual framework as well as a process for actually doing transport planning. Such a critical reading of the intertwined and overlapping practices of policymaking provides insights into the process of urban development and spatial transformation in (South/ern) Africa as well as across cities of the global south.

摘要 以交通为导向的开发 (TOD) 通常被定义为规划的高密度开发项目,包括围绕交通枢纽的住宅、零售、商业和社区用途物业,其被高质量的城市区域包围,优先考虑行人(最近还将自行车骑行者纳入了进来)而不是汽车。本文分析了开普敦和约翰内斯堡所采取的开发TOD项目的步骤。在此过程中,我们同时将TOD作为一种普遍机制的概念(即所有城市都适用一套类似的指南)、以及南非城市的具体规划做法问题化。借鉴政策流动性方面的文献,特别是新出现的关于政策流动性失败的讨论,我注意到南非在实施TOD方面的挑战和延迟。与其说TOD应用不正确,不如说没有从当地情况出发。我们并没有加入关于一个城市是否应该推广TOD的讨论,而是通过政策流动性的视角来看待它们的规划,从而凸显了城市决策的政治性。因此,本文提出了一个精细化的TOD分析,将它既作为一个概念框架,也作为一个实际进行交通规划的过程。这种对相互交织和重叠的决策实践的批判性解读,为南非(南部非洲)以及全球南方各城市的城市发展和空间转型进程提供了深刻见解。
Keywords Corridors of Freedom, Klipfontein Corridor, policy mobilities, South African cities, transit-oriented development
自由走廊 (Corridors of Freedom), 克利丰廷走廊 (Klipfontein Corridor), 政策流动性, 南非城市, 以交通为导向的开发



Everyday contours and politics of infrastructure: Informal governance of electricity access in urban Ghana


Ebenezer F Amankwaa(加纳大学Katherine V Gough(英国拉夫堡大学首次出版时间:2021/7/29 |评论论文

This article contributes to shaping the discourse on unequal geographies of infrastructure and governance in the global South, opening up new ways of thinking through politics, practices and modalities of power. Conceptually, informality, governance and everyday urbanism are drawn on to unpack how the formal encounters the informal in ways that (re)configure infrastructure geographies and governance practices. This conceptual framing is empirically employed through an analysis of electricity access in Accra, Ghana, highlighting how residents navigate unequal electricity topographies, engage in self-help initiatives, and negotiate informal networks and formal governance practices. The spatiality of the electricity infrastructure has created inequity and opportunities for exploitation by ‘power-owners’ and ‘power-agents’ who control and manage the electricity distribution network and, in turn, privately supply power. Electricity connections are negotiated, access is monetised and illegality excused on grounds of good-neighbourliness, thereby producing and perpetuating everyday politics of ‘making do’. Community movements, everyday acts of improvisation, and incremental modifications are shown to influence the workings of formal institutions of government and shape uneven power relations and experiences of inequality. Such an understanding of how marginalised residents navigate the electricity topographies of Accra reveals a more nuanced politics of infrastructure access, which reflects the complex realities of hybridised modalities of governance and the multiple everyday dimensions of power that shape urban space. The article concludes that informality should not be recognised as failure but as a sphere of opportunity, innovation and transition.


本文为塑造全球南方基础设施和治理不平等地理的论述做出贡献,并通过政治、实践和权力模式开辟新的思维方式。在概念层面,非正规性、治理和城市日常常规被用来解释正规与非正规的碰撞如何(重新)配置基础设施地理和治理实践。这一概念框架通过对加纳阿克拉 (Accra) 电力供应的分析得到了实证应用,我们凸显了居民如何应对不平等的电力供应现状,如何参与自助倡议,以及如何就非正规网络和正规治理做法进行谈判。电力基础设施的空间性制造了不平等,也为控制和管理配电网(进而私下供应电力)的“电力所有者”和“电力代理人”创造了盘剥他人的机会。电力连接是通过谈判达成的,接入是货币化的,而非法行为则以睦邻友好为由得到原谅,从而产生并延续了“凑合”的日常政治。社区运动、日常的即兴行为和渐进的修改被证明会影响正规政府机构的运作,并形成不均衡的权力关系和不平等的经历。对边缘化居民如何应对阿克拉电力现状的这种理解揭示了一种更微妙的基础设施接入政治,这反映了混合治理模式的复杂现实以及塑造城市空间的权力的众多日常层面。本文的结论是,非正规性不应被视为一种失败,而应被视为一个充满机会、创新和转型的天地。

KeywordsAbuja, Accra, electricity, everyday urbanism, governance, informal settlement, informality

阿布贾 (Abuja), 阿克拉 (Accra), 电力, 城市日常常规, 治理, 非正规住区, 非正规性



The politics of hyperregulation in La Paz, Bolivia: Speculative peri-urban development in a context of unresolved municipal boundary conflicts


Philipp Horn(英国谢菲尔德大学首次出版时间:2021/8/7|研究论文

In Bolivia, urbanisation increasingly takes place in peri-urban settings situated outside the boundaries of cities. Unlike previous research that considers peri-urban developments such as rural-to-urban land use transitions to be characterised by state absence and little regulation and planning, this article demonstrates that such developments occur precisely because of the presence of particular multi-scalar governance configurations. Drawing on case study material from peri-urban La Paz, the article demonstrates how legislative reforms by Bolivia’s national government on decentralisation and municipal delineation, which failed to establish clear jurisdictional boundaries, create a situation of hyperregulation whereby multiple local authorities claim political control over the same territory by deploying distinct and at times conflicting, legal and planning frameworks. While hyperregulation enables a loose coalition of elite actors, including government authorities, resident leaders of peri-urban settlements and private sector representatives, to advance specific political and socio-economic interests, it puts ordinary residents in a situation of permanent uncertainty. The article contributes to and further nuances conceptual debates on calculated informality which uncover how states deliberately create legally ambiguous systems to facilitate speculative urban developments. Unlike previous studies which highlight that this is mainly achieved through state engineering, and particularly by suspending or violating the law, this article demonstrates that legal ambiguity and irregularity can also be generated through multi-scalar governance configurations that (1) involve a number of elite actors, including state authorities but also private sector and civil society representatives and (2) create a situation in which different regulatory systems co-exist without coordination.

在玻利维亚,城市化越来越多地发生在城市边界之外的城郊地区。此前的研究认为城郊开发(如由乡村到城市用地的过渡)的特点是缺乏政府监管和规划,而本文则不同,我们证明,这种开发正是因为存在特定的多标量治理配置而发生的。本文借鉴拉巴斯 (La Paz) 郊区的案例研究材料,展示了玻利维亚政府权力下放和市政划界的立法改革(未能建立清晰的管辖权边界)如何造成了一种过度监管的局面,即多个地方当局通过部署不同的、有时相互冲突的法律和规划框架,声称对同一区域拥有政治控制权。尽管过度监管使精英行为者(包括政府当局、城郊住区居民领袖和私营部门代表)的松散联盟能够实现具体的政治和社会经济利益,但它使普通居民处于长期不确定的境地。本文推进关于“经过算计的非正规性”的讨论并使之精细化,揭示了国家如何故意创造法律上模糊的系统,以促进投机性的城市发展。以前的研究强调这主要是通过政府策划实现的,特别是通过暂停或违反法律实现的,与此不同的是,本文证明法律的模糊性和不规范性也可以通过多标量的治理配置产生,这些治理配置 (1) 涉及许多精英行为者,包括国家当局,但也包括私营部门和民间社会的代表,以及 (2) 创造了一种不同监管体系共存却不相互协调的局面。
KeywordsBolivia, hyperregulation, La Paz, legal ambiguity, peri-urban spacestics
关键词玻利维亚, 过度监管, 拉巴斯 (La Paz), 法律模糊, 城郊空间



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