

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百六十七期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括高层建筑疏散的历史,城市高等教育飞地,私有化城市发展的空间理性,新加坡管理临时移民工人的飞地与圈地策略,公交巴士作为日常多元文化空间,欢迎阅读。


‘Fall girl’: Vertical evacuation and the aesthetics of emergency


Peter Adey(英国伦敦大学学院首次出版时间:2022/8/12|研究论文

When the Conservative Member of Parliament and Leader of the House of Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg complained on London’s LBC radio that the 72 victims of the 2017 Grenfell fire did not use common sense and simply leave the building, and that he could not understand how it had ‘anything to do with race or class’, he fell into a trap which is now at least 150 years old. This has seen the art and act of evacuating – especially tall buildings – blamed on the evacuees themselves. It is also revealing of an aesthetics of erasure which silences a classed, raced and gendered politics which has served to render certain subjects and bodies as not only victims, but culpable. The vertical evacuee has been considered too slow, too big, too indecisive, too passionate, too weak, too much, too many – too inadequate. In this paper, and in building on a wider politics of verticality and mobility, I pull on several threads of the gendered and raced geographies of high-rise vertical evacuation focusing particularly on the solidaristic movements and expressions of the workers. The paper explores the history of tall building evacuations, focusing on early high-rise factory fires, their investigation, and subsequent changes to fire regulation, building technologies and working practices in North America which affected predominantly young, female and migrant working labour.

摘要保守党议员和下议院领袖雅各布·里斯-莫格 (Jacob Rees- Mogg) 在伦敦 LBC 电台抱怨 2017 年格伦费尔 (Grenfell) 火灾的 72 名受害者没有使用常识逃离大厦离开了大楼,他无法理解这“与阶级种族有任何关系”,他掉进了一个至少已存在了 150 年的陷阱。这使得撤离的方法和行为(尤其是高层建筑)的责任落到了撤离者自己身上。它还揭示了一种擦除美学,它使阶级化、种族化和性别化的政治消声,这使得某些主体和群体不仅成为受害者,而且成为罪魁祸首。垂直撤离者被认为太慢、个子太大、太优柔寡断、太激动、太软弱、太多、太多—太不自信。在本文中,在更广泛的垂直性和流动性政治的基础上,我提出了高层垂直疏散的性别和种族地理的几个线索,特别关注工人的团结运动和表达。本文探讨高层建筑疏散的历史,重点关注早期高层工厂火灾、火灾调查以及随后北美火灾法规、建筑技术和工作实践的变化,这些变化主要影响了年轻、女性和移民劳工。
Keywords evacuation, gender, mobility, race, solidarity, verticality
关键词疏散, 性别, 流动性, 种族, 团结, 垂直


The inversion of majority/minority at the de/reterritorialised urban higher education enclave: Xiamen University Malaysia 


Sin Yee Koh(马来西亚莫纳什大学首次出版时间:2022/8/24|研究论文

This article examines the inversion of majority/minority at Xiamen University Malaysia (XMUM), the offshore campus of a mainland Chinese public university and the catalyst development of a satellite township in Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia. Using the framing of the de/reterritorialised urban higher education enclave, it examines how, within the campus gates, the interests, needs and priorities of the ‘migrant majority’ (mainland Chinese users) take precedence over other user groups that have, in turn, become the ‘minorities’. Given the Malaysian state’s longstanding defensive stance towards ‘Chinese’ education, the existence of XMUM is unprecedented. This article shows how this de/reterritorialised international branch campus has been made possible by the broader Sino-Malaysian geopolitical and urban capitalist relations. The inversion of majority/minority on campus challenges and complicates Malaysia’s state-sanctioned multi-ethnic co-existence, which prioritises the Muslim Malay majority over other groups. Nevertheless, students’ views complicate the neat categorisations of majority/minority and inclusion/exclusion. Such perspectives highlight the need to examine the de/reterritorialised branch campus as a space in-the-making.


本文探讨了在厦门大学马来西亚分校 (XMUM) 中发生的多数/少数的反转,该校是中国大陆公立大学的国际校区,也是马来西亚雪兰莪州雪邦卫星城 (Sepang, Selangor) 的催化剂开发项目。我们使用去/再领土化城市高等教育飞地的框架,研究了在校园内,“移民多数”(中国大陆用户)的利益、需求和关注事项如何优先于其他用户群体,从而使其他用户群体反过来成为了“少数”。鉴于马来西亚国家政府以来对“华语”教育的戒备立场,厦门大学马来西亚分校的存在是前所未有的。本文展示了更广泛的中马地缘政治和城市资本主义关系如何使这个去/再领土化的国际分校成为可能。校园中多数/少数的颠倒挑战了马来西亚政府的多种族共存政策(赋予穆斯林马来人相对于其他群体的优先地位)并使其变得复杂。然而,学生的观点使多数/少数和包容/排斥的简洁分类变得复杂起来。这些观点强调有必要将该去/重新领土化的分校视为一个正在形成的空间。更一般地说,我们认为,在非洲城市治理辩论中,有足够的空间对治国之道进行更深入的探究。

Keywords deterritorialisation, inclusion/exclusion, international branch campus, reterritorialisation, urban enclave


去领土化, 包容/排斥, 国际分校, 再领土化, 城市飞地

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221109135


Private urbanism and the spatial rationalities of urban governance


Austin Dziwornu Ablo(加纳大学首次出版时间:2022/8/28|研究论文

Many cities across Africa are characterised by poor planning, housing deficit, waste management challenges and land-use conflicts. Government efforts to address these challenges remain inadequate, with increased private sector participation in urban governance which in recent times has taken the form of privatised cities. Deploying governmentality – the distributed and subjectified statehood – as an analytical frame, and with data produced through interviews, observation and review of various documents, this article analyses spatial rationalities of private city development in Ghana. Rationalities are viewed as drawing boundaries and producing order to foster correct comportments in analysing the logic underlying actors’ approach to private city development. For the state, private city projects provide a quick fix to the urban planning and governance challenges by providing critical infrastructure and development control. Investors view private city developments as profitable ventures that offer the so-called ‘ideal cities’ that can respond to urban governance challenges. The discourses regarding privatised cities are focused on technocratic notions such as tenure security, development control and service delivery. It is, however, argued that the focus, target and strategies of privatised cities are piecemeal and limited in scope and cannot address the urban governance challenges confronting African cities.

摘要 许多非洲城市的特点是规划不善、住房短缺、废物管理举步维艰和土地使用冲突。政府应对这些挑战的努力仍然不足,私营部门越来越多地参与城市治理,近来,这种治理采取了私有化城市的形式。本文将治理术(分布式和主体化的政府)作为一个分析框架,并通过采访、观察和查阅各种文件产生的数据,分析了加纳私有化城市发展的空间理性。在分析行为者在私有化城市发展进路方面的逻辑基础时,理性被视为划定界限并产生秩序以培养正确的行为举止。对于政府而言,私有化城市项目通过提供关键的基础设施和发展控制,为城市规划和治理挑战提供了快速的解决方案。投资者将私有化城市发展视为有利可图的事业,实现了能够应对城市治理挑战的所谓“理想城市”。关于私有化城市的讨论主要集中于使用权保障、发展控制和服务交付等“技术统治论”概念。然而,我们认为私有化城市的重点、目标和战略是碎片化的且范围受限,无法解决非洲城市面临的城市治理挑战。
Keywords Accra, Ghana, governmentality, private cities, spatial rationality, urban governance
阿克拉, 加纳, 治理, 私有化城市, 空间理性, 城市治理



Managing the non-integration of transient migrant workers: Urban strategies of enclavisation and enclosure in Singapore


Brenda SA Yeoh(新加坡国立大学Theodora Lam(新加坡国立大学首次出版时间:2022/9/1 |研究论文

Research on migration in arrival cities, particularly in the west, has traditionally focused on spatial formations such as ‘ethnic enclaves’ or ‘immigrant neighbourhoods’ in order to investigate questions around assimilation, integration and settlement issues relating to more permanent forms of migration. By shifting attention to the cities of migration in Asia that operate largely under a regime of temporary migration, we foreground the twin concepts of enclavisation and enclosure not as fixed entities but as ongoing spatial-temporal strategies of disciplinary power with uneven consequences for migrant life and labour in the city. Set within the context of Singapore, we draw on qualitative interviews with two groups of transient migrant workers – male construction workers and female domestic workers – to examine two sets of conjoined processes underpinning their spatial containment in the city-state: ground-driven enclavisation or the formation of ‘weekend enclaves’ /gathering grounds as co-national social spaces of support and comfort zones of co-ethnic belonging; and state-driven enclosure in dormitories or home-workspaces as a set of containment measures in response to gender-differentiated concerns about enclavisation. As spatial–temporal processes that shape the migrant’s place in, and mobility through, the city in highly gendered and disciplined ways, enclavisation and enclosure work in tandem to reinforce the non-integration of low-waged transient migrants in the city.



Keywordsdomestic workers, enclavisation, enclosures, low-waged migrants, Singapore

家政工人, 飞地, 圈地, 低工资移民, 新加坡



A bus as a compressed public space: Everyday multiculturalism in Milan


Martina Bovo(意大利米兰理工大学Paola Briata(意大利米兰理工大学)Massimo Bricocoli(意大利米兰理工大学)首次出版时间:2022/9/2|研究论文

The article contributes to understanding public transport as a public space by exploring diversity and the city through mobility. It investigates the compressed and mobile space of the 90/91 trolleybus in Milan. Due to its itinerary and extended schedule, this bus is intensively used by citizens with different ethnic, economic, social and cultural backgrounds. Literature on planning and transport has recently started exploring qualitative issues through individual ethnographic research on transport means. Research on everyday multiculturalism, despite recognising the role of public transport as a promising space to study the negotiation of difference, rarely adopts this specific focus and does it mainly from a socio-anthropological point of view. Against this background, the work investigates the compressed space of a bus through an ethnographic exploration of people, spaces and practices onboard. Notably, the article is is grounded on direct observation carried out by three classes of students in the Urban Ethnography course offered in the MSc in Urban Planning and Architecture at Politecnico di Milano, and presents a post-hoc reflection on the outcomes of the teaching project. Grounding on this experience, the article argues that the compressed and mobile space of public transport is an excellent observation point to investigate everyday negotiation of difference and a privileged observatory of broader city dynamics. Additionally, the multiplication of points of view embedded in the observations and experiences of students has proved how, in the face of increasingly diverse cities, pluralisation may be a key methodological approach.

本文通过出行探索多样性与城市,从而为理解作为公共空间的公共交通做出贡献。我们研究了米兰 90/91 无轨电车的被压缩的流动空间。由于其行程和时间长,这辆巴士被不同种族、经济、社会和文化背景的公民密集使用。通过对交通方式的个人人类学研究,规划和交通方面的文献最近开始探索定性问题。尽管认识到公共交通在研究差异性调和方面的潜力,但对日常多元文化主义的研究很少采用这一特定的研究焦点,而是主要从社会人类学的角度入手。在此背景下,本项研究通过对车上人员、空间和行为的人类学探索来研究一辆公共汽车内被压缩的空间。值得注意的是,本文基于米兰理工大学城市规划与建筑专业三个硕士班级学生的直接观察,是对该教学项目成果的事后反思。基于这一经验,本文认为公共交通的被压缩和的流动空间是研究日常差异调和的绝佳观察点,也是更广泛的城市动态的绝佳观察站。此外,学生们的观察和经验所带来的观点的倍增已经证明,面对日益多样化的城市,多元化可能是一种关键的方法论进路。
Keywordsethnographical approach, everyday multiculturalism, Milan, mobility studies, public space
关键词人类学方法, 日常多元文化, 米兰, 流动性研究, 公共空间



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