
论文快递: 第一百七十八期

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The following article is from 城市研究速递 Author Urban Studies



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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百七十八期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的三篇和Current Issue的两篇论文。主题包括专设学生住宿,社区主导的住房,南美的新市政主义,智慧城市化,居住隔离与公共服务,欢迎阅读。


Re-contextualising purpose-built student accommodation in secondary cities: The role of planning policy, consultation and economic need during austerity


Julia Heslop(英国纽卡斯尔大学Josh Chambers(英国独立研究员)James Maloney(伦敦伊灵区规划官员)等六位作者首次出版时间:2022/11/21|研究论文

The rise of purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) has become a dominant feature of many secondary cities over the last decade. These cities often have weaker property markets than ‘primary’ or capital cities and often rely on the ‘knowledge economy’ to drive economic and urban development. A growing body of work has explored the effects of ‘new-build studentification’ and its relationship to economic crisis and the financialisation of housing. Less attention has been paid to how the localised political and economic impacts of austerity led to the creation of particular planning policies and actions to facilitate PBSA. Through a case study of a housing estate in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, whose ward has seen a 467% increase in student housing numbers, this article highlights that student housing is shaped not merely by issues of supply and demand but also often by planning practice and local economic demands. Whilst we recognise that PBSA development is also reliant on particular global economic conditions and investment strategies, this article calls for a more relational, contextual approach to examining PBSA. We pay specific attention to local political and institutional actors and their policies, working practices and social constructs amidst austerity.

摘要在过去十年中,专设学生住宿(PBSA)的兴起已成为许多二线城市的主要特征。这些城市的房地产市场往往比“一线”城市或首都城市弱,并且往往依赖“知识经济”来推动经济和城市发展。越来越多的研究探索了“新建学生化”的影响及其与经济危机和住房金融化的关系。人们较少关注紧缩的地方政治和经济影响如何导致制定特定的规划政策和行动来促进PBSA。通过对英国泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔(Newcastle on Tyne)的一个住宅小区的案例研究(该小区的学生住房数量增加了467%),本文强调学生住房不仅受到供需问题的影响,而且往往受到规划实践和当地经济需求的影响。虽然我们认识到,PBSA的发展也依赖于特定的全球经济条件和投资战略,但本文呼吁采用一种更为关联、更处境化的方法来研究PBSA。我们特别关注地方政治和机构行为者及其在紧缩中的政策、工作做法和社会结构。

austerity, community consultation, planning policy, purpose-built student accommodation, studentification

关键词紧缩, 社区咨询, 规划政策, 专设学生住宿, 学生化


Community-led housing: Between ‘right to the city’, ‘actually existing neoliberalism’ and post-pandemic cities


María Carla Rodríguez阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯大学)María Cecilia Zapata(阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯大学)首次出版时间:2022/11/23|研究论文

This paper examines the Self-Managed Housing Program (Law 341), in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This programme created 45 cooperative housing units between 2001 and 2020 in consolidated urban areas currently undergoing renewal processes. It investigates the conditions that the programme has generated for the realisation of the ‘right to the city’ in the context of ‘actually existing neoliberalism’ and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper analyses the origins of the process and mode of cooperative housing production, including tangible and intangible aspects and capacities acquired by the inhabitants. This study used a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology. The analytical strategy focused on defining a set of dimensions that characterised the self-managed mode of production, conditions of social and urban insertion in the case studied and participants’ perceptions of the influence of material characteristics and organisational arrangements during the pandemic. This paper contributes to our understanding of the socio-economic dynamics in the production of urban space by elucidating the role of the state and specific tensions arising due to bottom-up policies, specific forms adopted by urban experiences of resistance and their contribution in the promotion of concrete conditions of urban life. Finally, this paper characterises an emergent self-managed urbanism and reflects on its possibilities of dialogue with the construction of alternative local policies that challenge growing territorial inequality caused by the subordination of policies to real estate financialisation and its deepening tendencies in the pandemic context.




cooperativism, self-management, neoliberalism, right to the city, COVID-19 pandemic


合作主义, 自我管理, 新自由主义, 城市权利, 新冠疫情

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221129527


New municipalism in South America? Developing theory from experiences in Argentina and Chile


Emilia Arpini(英国格拉斯哥大学)Alexander Panez(智利比奥生物大学)Andrew Cumbers(英国格拉斯哥大学)Bethia Pearson(英国格拉斯哥大学)

Working towards social transformation through forms of participatory and economic democracy is a core element of the new municipalist agenda. While utilising a ‘politics of proximity’ to develop citizen-led collectives in various forms and at various scales, these projects reimagine and reclaim the local state for social and ecological justice. However, much of the empirical literature that has fed into the development of this conceptualisation of new municipalism, while having a global ambition, has been based on European experiences. Thus, there are key questions around its applicability to other places, particularly in the Global South. South America has generated some of the emblematic cases of struggles against neoliberalism through reclaiming public services, from important interventions in reversing privatisations in the region to influential municipalist innovations, including participatory public policies such as participatory budgeting. This article seeks to critically interrogate new municipalism through an engagement with key social and political changes, state–civil society dynamics and political concepts in South America, illustrated with examples from municipal grassroots initiatives in Argentina and Chile. It argues that municipalism can be more extensively theorised by, first, engaging with a broader temporality than just moments of crisis; second, being attentive to the longer history of diverse participatory municipal initiatives in the region; and finally, incorporating the concept of territory (territorio in Spanish), which has emerged as a key dimension for understanding social transformations in the region.

摘要 通过参与式民主和经济民主的形式努力实现社会转型是新地方自治主义议程的核心内容。在利用“邻近政治”发展各种形式和规模的公民主导集体的同时,这些项目重新构想并收回地方政权,以期望实现社会正义和生态正义。然而,尽管有将新地方自治主义推向全球的雄心壮志,促成新地方自治主义概念化发展的许多实证文献都是以欧洲经验为基础的。因此,关于新地方自治主义在其它地方,特别是在南半球的适用性,存在着一些关键问题。南美洲通过恢复公共服务,产生了一些对抗新自由主义的典型案例,包括为扭转地区私有化而采取的重要干预措施,以及有影响力的地方自治创新,其中包括参与式预算等参与式公共政策。本文试图通过对南美洲关键的社会和政治变革、国家-公民社会动态和政治理念的分析,以阿根廷和智利的地方自治基层倡议为例,批判性地对新地方自治主义提出质疑。本文认为,地方自治主义可以通过以下方式实现更广泛的理论化:首先,与更广泛的时间性相结合,而不仅仅是危机时刻;第二,关注该地区各种参与式地方自治倡议的更长的历史渊源;最后,将领土(西班牙语为territorio)概念加入进来,该概念已成为理解地区社会转型的重要视角。
Keywords new municipalism, post-neoliberalism, social movements, South America, territory

新地方自治主义, 后新自由主义, 社会运动, 南美洲, 领土



State-steered smartmentality in Chinese smart urbanism                                     


Jun Zhang(英国爱丁堡龙比亚大学Jo Bates(英国谢菲尔德大学)Pamela Abbott(英国谢菲尔德大学)首次出版时间:2022/2/8 |研究论文
AbstractThis study explores the socio-political shaping of Chinese smart urbanism by examining the power relations between the government (national and municipal), private firms and citizens embedded in smartmentality. Our exploration begins with teasing out key analytical standpoints of Alberto Vanolo’s concept of smartmentality applied in neoliberal practices of smart urbanism. Through this analytical framework, we conceptualise Chinafied smartmentality and illustrate how it is actually playing out in China by undertaking documentary research and in-depth interviews from an inductive case study of the Smart Transportation System (STS) in the city of Shijiazhuang. We observe that the idea of Chinafication extends smartmentality with a focus on the power dynamic. We further argue that this Chinafied smartmentality implies uncritical technological solutionism that is state-steered in nature, and citizen participation in digital platforms that is performed with limited roles and power for inclusion. The article concludes by calling for future research on the critical examination of value co-creation for shaping a truly citizen-centric mode of governance in Chinese smart urbanism.

摘要本项研究通过考察智慧思维 (smartmentality) 中所嵌入的政府(国家政府和市政府)、私营企业和公民之间的权力关系,探讨了中国智慧城市化的社会政治塑造。我们探索的出发点是对阿尔贝托·瓦诺洛 (Alberto Vanolo) 的智慧思维概念在智慧城市化的新自由主义实践中应用的关键分析观点进行梳理。凭借这一分析框架,我们通过对石家庄市智慧交通系统 (STS) 进行归纳案例研究(包括文献研究和深入访谈),将中国化智慧思维概念化并说明它是如何在中国实际发挥作用的。我们观察到,中国化的想法扩展了智慧思维,重点关注权力动态。我们进一步认为,这种中国化的智慧思维本质上是一种国家主导的、不加批判的技术解决方案主义,以及公民在参与数字平台方面的作用与包容性权力的有限性。本文最后呼吁未来的研究对价值共创进行批判性检验,以在中国智慧城市化过程中塑造真正以公民为中心的治理模式。

KeywordsChinese cities, citizenship, governmentality, smart city, smartmentality, smart urbanism

中国城市, 公民, 政府, 智慧城市, 智慧思维, 智慧城市化



Residential segregation and public services in urban India                                 


Naveen Bharathi(美国宾夕法尼亚大学Deepak Malghan(南非自由州大学)Sumit Mishra(印度班加罗尔管理学院)Andaleeb Rahman(美国康奈尔大学)首次出版时间:2022/2/8|研究论文

Urban India is characterised by a high degree of intra-city spatial inequality in the availability of public services like piped water and sewerage. We unpack the political channels that link residential segregation with access to public services. ‘Micro-segregation’, or neighbourhood residential sorting within a ward (the elementary administrative and political unit in urban India), enables segregated neighbourhoods to better organise and petition public services. Political competition further amplifies these demands from segregated neighbourhoods. The state’s response to such demand is, however, modulated by both in-group favouritism and outgroup discrimination. States’ ability to indulge in such favouritism and discrimination is in turn contingent on how the caste composition of a ward is different from that of the city as a whole –‘macro-segregation’. We combine large-scale quantitative analysis using neighbourhood-level national census data for all towns in India with at least 0.3 million residents, and multi-year qualitative fieldwork in Bengaluru, a metropolis of over 10 million residents, to delineate the interactions between these demand-side and supply-side channels. While macro-segregation is negatively associated with piped water and sewerage, micro-segregation has a positive association.

印度城市的特点是在公共服务(如供水和污水处理)的可用性方面存在高度的城市内部空间不平等。我们分析了一些将居住隔离与公共服务获取联系起来的政治渠道。“微隔离” 或社区(Ward,即印度城市的基层行政和政治单位)内的街区居住分类使得隔离街区能够更好地组织起来并申请公共服务。政治竞争进一步放大了这些隔离街区的需求。然而,政府对这种需求的反应受到群体内偏袒和群体外歧视的影响。各州是否能恣意地实行这种偏袒和歧视又反过来取决于一个社区 (Ward) 的种姓构成在多大程度上不同于整个城市的种姓构成(“宏观隔离”)。我们结合使用印度所有拥有至少 30 万居民的城镇的街区级全国人口普查数据的大规模定量分析,以及在拥有超过 1,000 万居民的大都市班加罗尔的多年定性实地调查,来描绘这些需求侧渠道和供给侧渠道之间的相互作用。宏观隔离与供水和污水处理呈负相关,而微观隔离则与之呈正相关。
KeywordsIndia, multi-scalar residential segregation, urban politics, water and sanitation

印度, 多标度居住隔离, 城市政治, 水与卫生




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