
论文快递: 第一百七十九期

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The following article is from 城市研究速递 Author Urban Studies



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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百七十九期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的四篇和Current Issue的一篇论文。主题包括中国农民工家庭定居中的家庭观念,驱逐框架,英国停滞的城市更新与政府补贴依赖,医疗城的空间生产,亚太地区城市移民的多样性,欢迎阅读。


Settlement in Nanjing among Chinese rural migrant families: The role of changing and persistent family norms


Shuangshuang Tang(南京师范大学Jing Zhou(北京理工大学)Oana Druna荷兰埃因霍温理工大学Xin Li(南京农业大学首次出版时间:2022/11/28|研究论文

After nearly four decades of rural–urban mobility in China, most rural-to-urban migrants are still in a disadvantaged position. Nevertheless, an increasing number of them have started to pursue permanent settlements in urban destinations. Despite many quantitative studies concerning their settlement outcomes, little is known about the strategies employed and processes undergone by families in realising their settlement plans. The permanent settlement of migrants usually requires the commitment of their extended intergenerational families. We investigate how changing and persistent family norms feature in decisions over settlement plans made by nuclear families of the younger generation of rural-to-urban migrant workers in a Chinese megacity. Building on face-to-face interviews in Nanjing, we found reflections of individualism among the younger generation, such as a greater desire for personal fulfilment, stronger voices of wives in couples and the decline in filial obligation. The older generation also revealed certain aspects of individualism. They expressed rising concerns for their well-being and chose to accept the loss of authority in the plans to support adult children to settle down. Under a child-centred logic, parental sacrifice has been persistent among younger and older generations. Thus, difficulties encountered during urban settlement have transferred from the younger generation to their parents through parental sacrifice embedded in Chinese Confucian ideology. The exclusive urban housing and education systems, combined with the lack of care systems for children and the elderly, mediate these family norms.


China, family norms, inter-generational relation, migrant, settlement, younger people

关键词中国, 家庭观念, 代际关系, 移民, 定居, 年轻人


Displacement frames: How residents perceive, explain and respond to un-homing in Black San Francisco


Kimya Loder美国斯坦福大学)Forrest Stuar(美国斯坦佛大学)首次出版时间:2022/11/28|研究论文

Few urban phenomena command as much attention as displacement. Scholars continue to refine conceptualisations of displacement to more effectively capture its diversity in forms, scales and temporalities. Recent research advocates a more inclusive conceptualisation, attuned to the processes of ‘un-homing’ – that is, the more subtle, ‘non-catastrophic’ forms of ‘slow violence’ that rupture residents’ phenomenological attachments to place and home. Advocates of the un-homing approach call on researchers to develop the data and analytical frameworks necessary for capturing the perceptions and lived experiences of displacement from the perspective of longtime residents. This article develops one such analytical framework, which we refer to as displacement frames. Building on the conceptual tools of cultural sociology, displacement frames are the evaluative schema through which residents make sense of, and act towards, the slow violence and micro-events of un-homing. Drawing on 32 interviews with long-time Black residents in San Francisco’s rapidly gentrifying Bayview Hunters Point neighbourhood, we identify three primary displacement frames: (1) displacement-by-design, (2) displacement-as-predation and (3) displacing-the-problem. As a product of residents’ historical experiences, networks and housing tenure, these frames simplify complex (and often ambiguous) experiences into a coherent narrative about the primary causes, conditions and consequences of displacement. In turn, displacement frames influence how and to what extent residents attempt to resist, prevent or perhaps even accept and support local displacement.


很少有城市现象能像驱逐(Displacement)那样引起人们的关注。学者们还在不断完善驱逐的概念化,以便更有效地捕捉其形式、规模和时间的多样性。最近的研究提倡一种更具包容性的概念化,与“失家(un-homing)”的过程相适应—也就是说,以一种更微妙的、“非灾难性”的“慢暴力”形式,割裂居民对地方和家的现象学依恋。失家理论的倡导者呼吁研究人员开发必要的数据和分析框架,从长期居民的角度捕捉他们对驱逐的感知和生活体验。本文开发了一个这样的分析框架,我们称之为驱逐框架。基于文化社会学的概念工具,驱逐框架是一种评估模式,居民可以通过它们来理解慢暴力和失家的微观事件,并采取行动。Bayview Hunters Point街区是位于旧金山的一个迅速绅士化的街区,根据对在此街区长期居住的黑人居民进行的32次采访,我们确定了三个主要的驱逐框架:(1) 按设计被驱逐, (2) 因掠夺而被驱逐,以及 (3) 置换问题 (displacing-the-problem)。作为居民历史经验、网络和住房保有权的产物,这些框架将复杂(且往往模棱两可)的经历简化为关于驱逐的主要原因、条件和后果的连贯叙述。反过来,驱逐框架会影响居民如何以及在多大程度上试图抵抗、阻止或者接受和支持当地的驱逐。


class, cultural frames, displacement/gentrification, poverty/exclusion, race/ethnicity,redevelopment/regeneration,San Francisco


阶级, 文化框架, 驱逐/绅士化, 贫穷/排斥, 种族/民族,再开发/更新,旧金山

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221131231


Capital’s welfare dependency: Market failure, stalled regeneration and state subsidy in Glasgow and Edinburgh


Neil Gray(英国格拉斯哥大学)Hamish Kallin(英国爱丁堡大学)首次出版时间:2022/11/28|研究论文

Comparing case studies of long-term, large-scale urban regeneration projects in Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland, this paper brings together two addendums to the rent gap model in the shape of the ‘reputational gap’ and the ‘state subsidy gap’. These neologisms are mobilised to clarify the risk-laden centrality of the state’s role in both the formation and potential closure of rent gaps in large-scale areas of disinvestment and devalorisation. Whilst such projects often appear as expressions of capital’s state-mediated extractive power over the built environment, we consider them as examples of capitalist failure or fragility – for even with striking levels of public subsidy to address ‘market failure’ the land and property market has not been reinvigorated according to plan. This highlights the need, we argue, for further critical scrutiny of failed or stalled urban regeneration projects as a means of foregrounding the instability, rather than the omnipotence, of contemporary urban capitalism.

摘要 我们以苏格兰格拉斯哥和爱丁堡的长期、大规模城市更新项目为案例进行了研究,通过比较相关的案例研究,本文将租金差距模型的两个补遗以“声誉差距”和“国家补贴差距”的形式整合进来。这些新词被用来阐明在发生撤资和贬值大范围区域内,在租金差距的形成和可能的终结的过程中,国家所承担的大量风险,以及起到的最为重要的作用。虽然这些项目通常是在建筑环境方面资本经由国家干预而享有的榨取权的表现,但我们认为它们是资本主义失败或脆弱的例子。因为即使用来解决“市场失灵”的公共补贴高得惊人,土地和房地产市场也仍然没有按照计划重振。我们认为,这突显了对失败或停滞的城市更新项目进行进一步严格审查的必要性,这将凸显当代城市资本主义是不稳定的,而不是万能的。
Keywords market failure, rent gap, reputational gap, stalled regeneration, state subsidy gap

市场失灵, 租金差距, 声誉差距, 更新停滞, 国家补贴差距



The ‘medical city’ and China’s entrepreneurial state: Spatial production under rising consumerism in healthcare


Xuanyi Nie(美国哈佛大学首次出版时间:2022/11/29|研究论文
AbstractThis study explores the socio-political shaping of Chinese smart urbanism by examining the power relations between the government (national and municipal), private firms and citizens embedded in smartmentality. Our exploration begins with teasing out key analytical standpoints of Alberto Vanolo’s concept of smartmentality applied in neoliberal practices of smart urbanism. Through this analytical framework, we conceptualise Chinafied smartmentality and illustrate how it is actually playing out in China by undertaking documentary research and in-depth interviews from an inductive case study of the Smart Transportation System (STS) in the city of Shijiazhuang. We observe that the idea of Chinafication extends smartmentality with a focus on the power dynamic. We further argue that this Chinafied smartmentality implies uncritical technological solutionism that is state-steered in nature, and citizen participation in digital platforms that is performed with limited roles and power for inclusion. The article concludes by calling for future research on the critical examination of value co-creation for shaping a truly citizen-centric mode of governance in Chinese smart urbanism.


KeywordsChin, consumerism, healthcare, hospitals, medical city, state entrepreneurialism

中国, 消费主义, 医疗保健, 医院, 医疗城市, 国家创业主义



Migrant-led diversification and differential inclusion in arrival cities across Asia and the Pacific                                 


Junjia Ye(新加坡南洋理工大学Brenda SA Yeoh(新加坡国立大学)首次出版时间:2022/10/27|研究论文

The closely related processes of migration and diversification call for greater scrutiny of how contemporary arrival cities incorporate increasingly diverse groups of newcomers through practices and processes of differential inclusion. This special issue highlights arrival cities in the Asia-Pacific region, attending to how they are being transformed by the wide-ranging temporal and spatial dimensions of migrant-driven diversification. Rather than begin with how coexistence in the context of diversification ought to be, the collection of papers included here builds inter-references through contexts that are, ultimately, non-universal. In so doing, this special issue responds to recent calls by social scientists to extend our frames of reference beyond the dominant centres of knowledge production in Europe and North America in understanding the links between migration and urban diversity. The papers included here focus on arrival cities and urban places in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Australia and New Zealand as an exercise in open-ended imagination, advancing the conversation on urban diversification in the age of global migration. We organise these forms of urban change and migration-driven differentiation along four key themes of temporalities, spatialities, intermediaries and norms that emerged from the collection of papers. Using these four conceptual themes, modes of differential inclusion function as tools of discipline and governance at one level, and are mobilised to subvert and negotiate power relations at another. As refracted through these four axes of analysis, differential inclusion draws our attention to the multiscalar and multi-actor politics of diversification.

KeywordsAsia Pacific, city, differential inclusion, migration, urban diversity

亚太地区, 城市, 差异包容, 移民,城市多元化




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