
论文快递: 第一百八十期

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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百八十期,将介绍Urban Studies Special issue: Migrant-led Diversification and Differential Inclusion in Arrival Cities across Asia-Pacific中的五篇论文。主题包括灾后的迁徙和城市化,跨境教育与中介空间,移民工人的非融合性,移民工人与娱乐空间,数字媒体和友谊与移民的包容和排斥,欢迎阅读。


Excess aspirations: Migration and urban futures in post-earthquake Christchurch


Francis L Collins(新西兰怀卡托大学Wardlow Friesen(新西兰奥克兰大学)首次出版时间:2022/7/12|研究论文

Migration and urbanisation are characterised by multiple temporalities: arrival, durations of migration, daily rhythms, migration regulation, aspirations for urban futures and the impacts of changing social, economic or environmental fortunes. In this paper, we address the temporalities of migration and urbanisation by focusing on the post-disaster context of Christchurch, New Zealand, which suffered destructive earthquakes in 2011 and 2012. While the immediate post-quake context was characterised by outward migration, rebuilding has occurred through the migration of thousands of workers and their families, particularly from Asia, Europe and the Pacific. The presence of new migrants has led to unexpected migrant-driven diversification that has potential to reconfigure Christchurch’s image as a city that privileges whiteness over Indigenous and non-white settler identities. The migration of rebuild workers, however, also occurs in a national context of increasingly stratified migration management with few opportunities for migrants to settle long-term. Drawing on interviews with stakeholders in central government, local organisations and migrants themselves we examine countervailing aspirations and responses that emerged within the earthquake rebuild: attempts by local organisations to reconfigure Christchurch as a diverse future-oriented city, migrant aspirations and tactics for long-term settlement and family stability and national government efforts to contain aspirations for a diverse future-oriented city that exceed the intent of migration management. Through this analysis our paper examines the discrepant temporalities of migration and urban futures involved in the rebuilding of post-quake Christchurch, as well as the multiple forces that impinge on the very possibility of migrant-led diversification of cities.

摘要迁移和城市化具有多重时间性特征:到达、迁移持续时间、日常节奏、迁移监管、对城市未来的抱负以及不断变化的社会、经济或环境机遇的影响。在本文中,我们通过关注 2011 年和 2012 年遭受破坏性地震的新西兰基督城的灾后情境来探讨移民和城市化的时间性问题。虽然震后的直接情境是向外迁移,但重建已经通过成千上万的工人及其家庭的迁入而发生,特别是来自亚洲、欧洲和太平洋地区的移民。新移民的出现导致了意想不到的移民驱动的多元化,这有可能重新塑造基督城固有的形象—一个白人优先于原住民和非白人定居者的城市。然而,重建工人的迁入也发生在移民管理日益分层化的全国性背景下,移民长期定居的机会较少。通过对中央政府利益相关者、地方机构和移民本身的采访,我们研究在地震重建中出现的对抗性抱负和反应:地方机构将基督城重置为一个面向未来的多元化城市的努力、移民实现长期定居和家庭稳定的抱负和策略、以及新西兰政府超越移民管理意图之外的、遏制多元化、面向未来城市抱负的努力。通过这一分析,本文研究了基督城地震后重建所涉及的移民和城市未来的差异性时间性,以及影响移民主导的城市多元化可能性的多重力量。

aspirations, cities, disasters, migration, migration management

关键词抱负, 城市, 灾难, 移民, 移民管理


Bridging home and school in cross-border education: The role of intermediary spaces in the in/exclusion of Mainland Chinese students and their families in Hong Kong


Maggi WH Leung荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)Johanna L Waters(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2022/3/29|研究论文

Over the last two decades the Hong Kong government has made considerable investments to develop the city into a regional education hub, with ‘diversification’ as a key aim. The vision is, however, delinked from the tens of thousands of young children residing in Shenzhen who commute to Hong Kong for school daily. These children embody differences that are considered undesired and their social exclusion has been widely reported. Taking a spatial perspective, this paper deepens our understanding of the in/exclusion processes impacting these children. Drawing on our policy analysis, interviews, observations in physical spaces and digital media, this paper analyses the role that intermediary spaces play in (re)producing differences and social relationships. Specifically, we examine the power geometries of the children’s school journey and school-related digital space, which are arenas where social differences are played out and in/exclusion is practiced and negotiated. We analyse the network of state and non-state actors at work in these intermediary spaces, showing the complex ways in which separation and integration, exclusion and inclusion intersect and constitute each other mutually. Our paper also gives some first insights into the impact of COVID-19 on the school children within this education mobility field.




China, cross-border education, Hong Kong, inclusion/exclusion, intermediary spaces


中国, 跨境教育, 香港, 包容/排斥, 中介空间

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221084894


Managing the non-integration of transient migrant workers: Urban strategies of enclavisation and enclosure in Singapore


Brenda SA Yeoh(新加坡国立大学)Theodora Lam(新加坡国立大学)首次出版时间:2022/9/1|研究论文

Research on migration in arrival cities, particularly in the west, has traditionally focused on spatial formations such as ‘ethnic enclaves’ or ‘immigrant neighbourhoods’ in order to investigate questions around assimilation, integration and settlement issues relating to more permanent forms of migration. By shifting attention to the cities of migration in Asia that operate largely under a regime of temporary migration, we foreground the twin concepts of enclavisation and enclosure not as fixed entities but as ongoing spatial-temporal strategies of disciplinary power with uneven consequences for migrant life and labour in the city. Set within the context of Singapore, we draw on qualitative interviews with two groups of transient migrant workers – male construction workers and female domestic workers – to examine two sets of conjoined processes underpinning their spatial containment in the city-state: ground-driven enclavisation or the formation of ‘weekend enclaves’ /gathering grounds as co-national social spaces of support and comfort zones of co-ethnic belonging; and state-driven enclosure in dormitories or home-workspaces as a set of containment measures in response to gender-differentiated concerns about enclavisation. As spatial–temporal processes that shape the migrant’s place in, and mobility through, the city in highly gendered and disciplined ways, enclavisation and enclosure work in tandem to reinforce the non-integration of low-waged transient migrants in the city.

摘要 对目的地城市(特别是西方)的移民的研究传统上集中在诸如“民族飞地”或“移民社区”之类的空间形态上,以探究与更永久的移民形式相关的同化、融合和定居问题。通过将注意力转移到主要采用临时移民体制的亚洲移民城市,我们强调,飞地和圈地这两个概念为不是固定的实体,而是惩戒权力的持续时空策略,对移民生活和城市劳动力产生了不均衡的影响。以新加坡为背景,我们对两组临时移民工人(男性建筑工人和女性家庭佣工)进行定性访谈,以研究支撑他们在该城市国家中的空间控制的两组联合过程:民间驱动的飞地化或“周末飞地”/聚集地的形式(作为共同的民族性社交支持空间和共同的民族归属感舒适区;以及政府驱动的宿舍或家庭工作空间中的圈地(作为一套控制措施,以应对对圈地的性别差异化担忧)。作为以高度性别化和管制化的方式塑造移民在城市中的位置和流动性的时空过程,飞地和圈地协同作用,强化了对城市中低工资临时移民的隔离。
Keywords domestic workers, enclavisation, enclosures, low-waged migrants, Singapore

家政工人, 飞地, 圈地, 低工资移民, 新加坡



Migrant worker recreational centres, accidental diversities and new relationalities in Singapore


Daniel PS Goh(新加坡国立大学Andrew Lee(新加坡国立大学)首次出版时间:2022/4/1|研究论文
AbstractHow best to integrate migrant workers in host societies has been a longstanding question in the study of migration and globalisation. Scholars have been conceptualising new modes of transnational mobilities that point to the politics of differential inclusion to address encounters between migrants and locals in Asian global cities. This article uses an instructive case study of temporary, low-wage male migrant workers in Singapore and the issue of their recreational spaces to show that the politics of inclusion/exclusion are layered onto the question of integration/segregation. We take integration to mean the incorporation of migrants into local society to give full access to social institutions of protection and care, and inclusion to refer to the acceptance of migrants into social relationships that define urban life. Segregation and exclusion are their respective corollaries. We focus on state-provisioned recreation centres sited near the dormitories, which were expanded to function as segregating spaces to keep migrant workers away from the city after the Little India riot in 2013. We show that they have instead become contact zones producing accidental diversities of urban encounters between migrants, locals and state-linked agents. We discuss how these contact zones have developed differently across the centres built before and after the riot, the transformation of the accidental diversities in the recreational centres by state-linked agents into a new migrant grassroots sector and the ongoing intensification of this during the COVID-19 pandemic. The new relationalities offer the promise of transcending the layered binaries of integration/segregation and inclusion/exclusion.

摘要如何使移民工人尽可能融入东道国社会一直是移民和全球化研究中的一个问题。学者们一直在将跨国流动的新模式概念化,这些模式指向差异包容的政治,其旨在解决亚洲全球城市中移民与当地人之间的冲突。本文通过对新加坡男性低工资临时移民工人及其娱乐空间问题的指导性案例研究,表明包容/排斥政治叠加在融合/隔离问题之上。我们认为融合是指将移民融入当地社会,使之能充分享受社会保护和关怀机制,包容是指接受移民进入定义城市生活的社会关系。隔离和排斥则是它们各自的反面。我们关注政府提供的位于宿舍附近的娱乐中心,在 2013 年小印度骚乱后,这些中心被扩展为隔离空间,以使移民工人远离城市。我们表明,它们反而变成了接触区,在移民、当地人和与政府有联系的主体之间产生了城市冲突的意外多样性。我们讨论了在骚乱前后建立的各个中心,这些接触区如何呈现出不同的发展,与政府有联系的主体如何将娱乐中心的意外多样性转变为新的移民基层小群体,及其在新冠疫情期间的持续强化。新的关系性提供了超越相互叠加的融合/隔离和包容/排除二元论的前景。

Keywordsglobal city, grassroots, migrant labour, recreation, segregation

全球城市, 基层, 移民工人, 娱乐, 隔离



Digital media, friendships and migrants’ entangled and non-linear inclusion and exclusion


Tabea Bork-Hüffer(奥地利因斯布鲁克大学首次出版时间:2022/9/2|研究论文

In this article, I shed light on the role of digital media and friendships in migrants’ inclusion and exclusion. Connecting the empirical findings of a qualitative, non-media centric, multi-method study to existing research in digital migration studies, digital media and friendship as well as the literature on inclusion and exclusion, I propose the concept of entangled inclusion and exclusion. This perspective underlines migrants’ continuous (re-) negotiations of their situatedness in the (trans-)local spaces of the places they come from, move to and through. While playing diverse roles in migrants’ development and maintenance of (trans-) local friendships, digital media contribute to non-linearities in migrants’ subjective feelings of being included or excluded, making the processes involved more complex while also serving as material and symbolic signifiers of entangled inclusion and exclusion.

Keywordsdifferential inclusion, digital geographies, digital media, digital migration studies, highly skilled migration, non-linear temporalities, Singapore

亚洲, 差异包容, 数字地理, 数字媒体, 数字移民研究, 高技能移民, 非线性时间性, 新加坡




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