
论文快递: 第一百八十一期

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The following article is from 城市研究速递 Author Urban Studies



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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百八十一期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的四篇和Current Issue的一篇论文。主题包括巴塞罗那的护理地方自治主义,城市密度、封锁政策与新冠风险,保障性住房政策与国家优先权,城市研究中郊区的中心性,到达城市与流动性,欢迎阅读。


The caring city? A critical reflection on Barcelona’s municipal experiments in care and the commons


Angelina Kussy(西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学David Palomera(西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学)Daniel Silver(英国曼彻斯特大学)首次出版时间:2022/12/8|研究论文

There is an urgent need to develop a coherent political strategy to address the current crisis of care. Allocation of care through the market or the state leads to a care and democratic deficit. Organising care on the logic of the commons provides an alternative paradigm rooted in democracy and solidarity. Municipalism aims to build institutions to enable the commons; it represents a political strategy for the crisis of care at scale. In this paper we explore Barcelona en Comu’s experiments in care to build upon what has been termed ‘care; municipalism’. Our case study focuses on domestic care work as a domain that reflects the core inequalities of the crisis. Through our analysis we have identified three key features of care municipalism: firstly, a feminist narrative of care; secondly, new forms of organising care and thirdly, building social infrastructures. The paper closes with a reflection on the limitations of Barcelona en Comu’s experiments in care from a perspective of the commons, before outlining a future research agenda to contribute towards more caring cities.

摘要迫切需要制定一套连贯一致的政治策略,以解决当前的护理危机。通过市场或国家分配护理资源导致护理和民主不足。根据共享资源(Commons)的逻辑来组织护理提供了一种植根于民主和团结的替代范式。地方自治主义的目标是建立能够实现共享资源的机构;它是一套应对大规模护理危机的政治策略。在本文中,我们探讨了共同巴塞罗那( Barcelona en Comu)组织实施的、基于所谓的“护理地方自治主义”的护理实验。我们的案例研究重点是家庭护理工作,将其作为反映护理危机核心不平等的一个方面。通过我们的分析,我们确定了护理地方自治主义的三个关键特征:第一,女性主义的护理叙事;第二,新型的护理组织;第三,建设社会基础设施。本文最后从共享资源的角度反思了共同巴塞罗那组织护理实验的局限性,然后概述了未来的研究议程,以促进关爱城市的发展。

care commons, care crisis, care democracy, care municipalism, domestic work,social care,social reproduction

关键词护理公共资源, 护理危机, 护理民主, 护理地方自治主义, 家庭工作,社会护理,社会再生产


Compact living or policy inaction? Effects of urban density and lockdown on the Covid-19 outbreak in the US

紧凑生活还是政策不作为?城市密度和封锁对美国 Covid-19 爆发的影响

Andy Hong(美国犹他大学Sandip Chakrabarti(印度管理学院艾哈迈德巴德分校)首次出版时间:2022/12/14|研究论文

The coronavirus pandemic has reignited the debate over urban density. Popular media has been quick to blame density as a key contributor to rapid disease transmission, questioning whether compact cities are still a desirable planning goal. Past research on the density–pandemic connection have produced mixed results. This article offers a critical perspective on this debate by unpacking the effects of alternative measures of urban density, and examining the impacts of mandatory lockdowns and the stringency of other government restrictions on cumulative Covid-19 infection and mortality rates during the early phase of the pandemic in the US. Our results show a consistent positive effect of density on Covid-19 outcomes across urban areas during the first six months of the outbreak. However, we find modest variations in the density–pandemic relationship depending on how densities are measured. We also find relatively longer duration mandatory lockdowns to be associated with lower infection and mortality rates, and lockdown duration’s effect to be relatively more pronounced in high-density urban areas. Moreover, we find that the timing of lockdown imposition and the stringency of the government’s response additionally influence Covid-19 outcomes, and that the effects vary by urban density. We argue that the adverse impact of density on pandemics could be mitigated by adopting strict lockdowns and other stringent human mobility and interaction restriction policies in a spatially targeted manner. Our study helps to inform current and future government policies to contain the virus, and to make our cities more resilient against future shocks and threats.




built environment, Covid-19, density, health, lockdown,planning,policy


建筑环境, 新冠肺炎, 密度, 健康, 封锁,规划,政策

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221127401


State preemption and affordable housing policy


Christopher B Goodman(美国北伊利诺伊大学)Megan E Hatch(美国克利夫兰州立大学)首次出版时间:2022/12/14|研究论文

Many affordable housing policies are the domain of local governments. While subnational housing policies can be used to increase racial and economic segregation, they can also protect renters, and thus are not without controversy. Local affordable housing policies include inclusionary zoning, rent control, short-term rental regulation and source of income discrimination. Starting in the 1980s, states began to preempt these local laws, preventing their cities from adopting affordable housing policies. We ask why states choose to preempt one or more of these four affordable housing policies. Using a cross-sectional, time-series dataset of preemptions, we find evidence that more conservative legislatures are more likely to adopt preemptions, while more professional legislatures and states with higher rental rates and previous preemptions are less likely to preempt. Contrary to expectations, interest group density, electoral competition and policy diffusion are not significant predictors of preemption. For advocates and policymakers concerned with increasing affordable housing in their jurisdictions, these results raise unease about the ability to further an affordable housing agenda at the local level, particularly in more conservative political environments, suggesting instead that affordable housing may need to return to the purview of the federal government.

摘要 许多保障性住房政策的制定和实施是地方政府的管辖范围。虽然地方住房政策可能会增加种族和经济隔离,但它们也可以保护租房者,因此并非没有争议。地方保障性住房政策包括包容性分区、租金控制、短期租金监管和收入来源区分。从 1980 年代开始,各州开始出台凌驾于这些地方法律之上的法律,阻止其城市采用保障性住房政策。为什么各州会选择出台法律,凌驾于这四项保障性住房政策中的一项或多项之上呢?我们对此提出了疑问。利用优先权的横截面时间序列数据集,我们发现更保守的立法机构更有可能采用优先权,而更专业的立法机构以及租金较高和先前采用过优先权的州可能较少采用优先权。与人们的预期相反,利益集团密度、选举竞争和政策扩散并不是优先权的重要预测因素。对于关心在其所在辖区内增加保障性住房的倡导者和政策制定者来说,这些结果会让他们不安,让他们对地方一级推进保障性住房议程的能力产生怀疑,特别是在更保守的政治环境中,这表明保障性住房可能需要回到联邦政府的管辖范围内。
Keywords affordable housing, ideology, preemption, rent control, source of income discrimination

保障性住房, 思想, 优先权, 租金控制, 收入来源区分



Centring the periphery in urban studies: Notes towards a research agenda on peripheral centralities


Nicholas A Phelps(澳大利亚墨尔本大学Paul J Maginn(澳大利亚西澳大学)Roger Keil(加拿大约克大学)首次出版时间:2022/12/14|研究论文
AbstractBased on presentations across two days as part of an Urban Studies Foundation-funded seminar series, we elaborate a thematic agenda for considering the centrality of urban peripheries. We move beyond a typology of suburban centres to depict senses of peripheral centrality in terms of: their pervasiveness; their visibility across multiple scales; their underlying social relations; the agency exerted in their imagining and production, and the associated policy mobility.

摘要作为城市研究基金会 (Urban Studies Foundation) 资助的系列研讨会的一部分,我们以两天的讲座为基础,详细阐述了一个研究城市周边的中心性的主题议程。我们超越了郊区中心的类型学,从以下方面来描述外围中心性的意义:它们的普遍性;它们不同程度的可见性;它们潜在的社会关系;在它们的设想和生产中起作用的机构,以及相关的政策流动性。

Keywordsbuilt environment, extended urbanisation, planning, suburbanisation, theory

建筑环境, 扩展城市化, 规划, 郊区化, 理论



Arrival cities and the mobility of concepts


Helen F Wilson(英国杜伦大学首次出版时间:2022/11/29|研究论文

The status of any arrival city is far from stable, being continuously reworked by state policy, geopolitics, economic fluctuations or localised events that rupture or destabilise what came before. The diversifications and differential inclusions that are examined in this special issue attest to the complexities of arrival cities, where the very nature of ‘arrival’ is open to interpretation and subject to diverse temporal experiences and migration regimes. By approaching the concept of ‘arrival city’ as a heuristic and moving between the literal and figurative realms of mobility, I draw out some of the core contributions of Migrant-led Diversification and Differential Inclusion in Arrival Cities Across Asia-Pacific. This includes: the notion of arrival; temporal geographies and the experience of transience and non-linearity; and the geographies of intimacy and encounter.

Keywordsdifferential inclusion, encounter, intimacy, migration, temporality

差异包容, 冲突, 亲密, 迁移, 暂时性




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