
论文快递: 第一百八十二期

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The following article is from 城市研究速递 Author Urban Studies



Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百八十二期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的两篇和Current Issue的三篇论文。主题包括临时人口与社会空间两极分化,贫困的空间化,去/再领土化的城市高等教育飞地,性别关系与跨国流动,跨国移民与社会空间超级多元化,欢迎阅读。


Temporary populations and sociospatial polarisation in the short-term city         


Barbara Brollo(意大利罗马萨皮恩扎大学Filippo Celata(意大利罗马萨皮恩扎大学)首次出版时间:2022/12/20|研究论文
AbstractTemporary populations – tourists, temporary stayers, non-resident students – constitute a substantial share of many cities’ inhabitants. Their implications are normally the object of separate research, about over tourism, studentification, transnational gentrification. When viewed from the perspective of the sociospatial relations those populations have in and with the city, many similarities emerge in their urban practices, socio economic characteristics, locational and housing preferences. The paper aims to contribute to recent attempts to avoid traditional categorisations and investigate jointly how the inflow of temporary inhabitants produces effects at the urban and sub-urban scales. The COVID-19 pandemic will then be used as a natural experiment to estimate how they distribute in the city of Rome, Italy, which is crucial to a better understanding of their impact. Temporary populations, we argue, are a very visible source of both hard and soft urban changes, and a major driver of not only neighbourhood change but sociospatial polarisation at the whole city scale. The pandemic also offers an occasion to see how dependent cities are on temporary inhabitants and to reflect upon the ambivalence in how they see those populations as either a gain or a burden, something they struggle to attract or as a source of tensions and opposition.


在许多城市,临时人口,包括游客、临时逗留者、非居民学生等,在居民中占很大比例。关于过度旅游化、学生化、跨国绅士化的独立研究通常都会以它们所带来的影响为研究对象。从这些人口在城市中和与城市的社会空间关系的角度来看,他们在城市实践、社会经济特征、区位和住房偏好方面存在许多相似之处。近期有人尝试避免传统分类,并且共同调查临时居民的流入如何在城市和郊区范围内产生影响, 本文旨在促进上述相关研究。我们将新冠疫情用作自然实验,以估计临时人口在意大利罗马市的分布情况,这对于更好地了解他们的影响至关重要。我们认为,临时人口是城市硬变化和软变化的一个非常明显的来源,不仅是邻里变化的主要驱动力,也是整个城市范围内社会空间两极分化的主要驱动力。新冠疫情还提供了一个机会,让我们得以了解城市是如何依赖临时居民的,并反思城市对待这些流动人口时的矛盾心理,即,要么将这些人口视为财富,要么视为负担,要么是努力吸引临时人口,要么对临时人口的到来感到很有压力,反对他们的到来。


Rome (Italy), sociospatial polarisation, studentification, touristification, transnational gentrification

关键词罗马(意大利), 社会空间两极分化, 学生化, 旅游化, 跨国绅士化


‘We lurk in the hidden places’: The (un)stable spatialisation of Roma poverty in Romania


Ionuţ-Marian Anghel(罗马尼亚生活质量研究所Filip Mihai Alexandrescu(罗马尼亚生活质量研究所)首次出版时间:2022/12/14|研究论文

This article studies the urban geographies of Roma poverty by exploring variations in spatialisation. We draw on Sassen’s work on expulsions to argue that the spatialisation of poverty does not always result in a ‘ghetto’. We show instead that the ‘savage sorting’ of winners and losers and the resulting expulsions separate Roma into different levels of (housing) market worthiness. However, this sorting is also shaped by a ‘governance of Gypsy urban areas’ that enables a partial stabilisation of expulsion outcomes. We flesh out these arguments using interviews and observations collected in several Roma ghettos and slum areas from two Transylvanian mid-sized cities in Romania. Our research indicates that the spatialisation of (Roma) poverty is the result of disordering and re-ordering processes, that make it more ruthless, but at the same time politically containable.

摘要 本文通过探索空间化的各种变化形式,来研究造成罗姆人的贫困的城市地理因素。我们利用撒森 (Sassen) 关于驱逐的著作,论证了贫困的空间化并不总是会导致“贫民窟”的出现。相反,我们表明,赢家和输家的“野蛮分类”以及由此产生的驱逐将罗姆人按不同的(住房)市场价值分为不同等级。然而,这种分类也受到“吉普赛城市地区治理”的影响,这种治理能够使部分驱逐结果稳定下来。我们在罗马尼亚的特兰西瓦尼亚 (Transylvanian) 地区的两个中型城市,选择了几个罗姆人聚居区和贫民区,对居民进行了采访,并进行了观察,我们用收集到的材料来证实这些论点。我们的研究表明,(罗姆人)贫困的空间化是经过失序和重新排序后的结果,这使得它更加无情,在政治上却是可控的。


expulsion, Gypsy urban areas, Romania, spatialisation of poverty, urban citizenship


驱逐, 吉普赛城市地区, 罗马尼亚, 贫困空间化, 城市公民身份

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221136984


The inversion of majority/minority at the de/reterritorialised urban higher education enclave: Xiamen University Malaysia


Sin Yee Koh(马来西亚莫纳什大学)首次出版时间:2022/8/24|研究论文
AbstractThis article examines the inversion of majority/minority at Xiamen University Malaysia (XMUM), the offshore campus of a mainland Chinese public university and the catalyst development of a satellite township in Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia. Using the framing of the de/reterritorialised urban higher education enclave, it examines how, within the campus gates, the interests, needs and priorities of the ‘migrant majority’ (mainland Chinese users) take precedence over other user groups that have, in turn, become the ‘minorities’. Given the Malaysian state’s longstanding defensive stance towards ‘Chinese’ education, the existence of XMUM is unprecedented. This article shows how this de/reterritorialised international branch campus has been made possible by the broader Sino-Malaysian geopolitical and urban capitalist relations. The inversion of majority/minority on campus challenges and complicates Malaysia’s state-sanctioned multi-ethnic co-existence, which prioritises the Muslim Malay majority over other groups. Nevertheless, students’ views complicate the neat categorisations of majority/minority and inclusion/exclusion. Such perspectives highlight the need to examine the de/reterritorialised branch campus as a space in-the-making.


本文探讨了在厦门大学马来西亚分校 (XMUM) 中发生的多数/少数的反转,该校是中国大陆公立大学的国际校区,也是马来西亚雪兰莪州雪邦卫星城 (Sepang, Selangor) 的催化剂开发项目。我们使用去/再领土化城市高等教育飞地的框架,研究了在校园内,“移民多数”(中国大陆用户)的利益、需求和关注事项如何优先于其他用户群体,从而使其他用户群体反过来成为了“少数”。鉴于马来西亚国家政府以来对“华语”教育的戒备立场,厦门大学马来西亚分校的存在是前所未有的。本文展示了更广泛的中马地缘政治和城市资本主义关系如何使这个去/再领土化的国际分校成为可能。校园中多数/少数的颠倒挑战了马来西亚政府的多种族共存政策(赋予穆斯林马来人相对于其他群体的优先地位)并使其变得复杂。然而,学生的观点使多数/少数和包容/排斥的简洁分类变得复杂起来。这些观点强调有必要将该去/重新领土化的分校视为一个正在形成的空间。

Keywords deterritorialisation, inclusion/exclusion, international branch campus, reterritorialisation, urban enclave

去领土化, 包容/排斥, 国际分校, 再领土化, 城市飞地



Bodies of transnational island urbanism: Spatial narratives of inclusion/exclusion of Filipinas in Philippine islands


Arnisson Andre C Ortega(美国雪城大学



Tropical islands can become terrains of urbanisation worthy of examination. In the Philippines, several islands have experienced urban transformation (capital accumulation, immigration, diversification, land conversion) through tourism. At the forefront of these urban transformations are Filipinas, particularly those in interracial relationships with foreign men who invest in island properties and establish resorts. These resorts stimulate a transnationally-oriented mode of urban transformation reliant on the transnational mobilities of tourists, expats and capital. This paper examines this by foregrounding the experiences of Filipinas, concentrating on how they are differentially included and excluded throughout the multi-scalar process of island urban accumulation. I locate these differential experiences in various spaces (nation, community, resort, households), noting in particular the (1) national discourses underlying state tourism and foreign retirement programmes, (2) transactions enabling property purchases and resorts, and (3) translocal mobilities sustaining urban accumulation. What emerge from these accounts are the selective inclusions and exclusions of Filipinas in transnational urban accumulation in the islands. While their role in facilitating island urban accumulation may suggest a form of ‘empowered’ inclusivity, this can easily be undercut by sexist micropolitics of exclusion that tend to reduce them to ‘mere women’ and/or ‘prostitutes’. Such differential practices of inclusion/exclusion demonstrate the gendered dynamics that unequally put a double burden on Filipinas. Unravelling these accounts demonstrates how gendered relations and sexuality are important forces underpinning urban transformation and transnational mobilities that constitute diversification.



KeywordsFilipina, gender, islands, transnationalism, urbanisation

菲律宾女人, 性别, 岛屿, 跨国主义, 城市化



Transnational migrants and the socio-spatial superdiversification of the global city Tokyo


Sakura Yamamura(德国亚琛大学;德国马克斯·普朗克宗教和民族多样性研究所首次出版时间:2022/9/23|研究论文
AbstractTokyo illustrates a particularly interesting case of differential inclusions of transnational migrants in urban spaces, as the novel turn in migration policy in coordination with urban economic development has induced the arrival and diversification of migrant populations into the city. With the recent historic opening of the country to lower-skilled labour migration as well as measures to (re-) attract the global economy, thus incentivising transnational corporate professionals to relocate to specific national economic zones within the city, Tokyo is in a new socio-spatial diversification process. With a non-ethno-focal lens on transnational migration and focusing on upper-class transnational corporate migrants, this article discusses diversification regarding the newer arrivals of migrants who are differently included in the urban spaces as compared to older generations of migrants. It delivers novel accounts of a diversifying transnational migrant groups’ socio-spatial patterns within Tokyo, which illustrate the dynamics of differential inclusions resulting from the superdiversification of urban societies. The article gives new insights into the socio-spatial diversification dynamics of transnational urban spaces in a long-neglected but highly topical Asian arrival city, and conceptually reflects such localised superdiversification of urban spaces on a global scale.



Keywordsglobal city, socio-spatial diversification, superdiversity, transnational migration, transnational space

全球城市, 社会空间多元化, 超级多元化, 跨国移民, 跨国空间




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