
论文快递: 第一百八十三期

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The following article is from 城市研究速递 Author Urban Studies



Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百八十三期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的三篇和Current Issue的两篇论文。主题包括街区归属感,交通改革与公众参与,加拿大的城市设计与青少年心理健康,亚太地区的移民与城市化,德国绅士化进程中的互动性,欢迎阅读。


Roots and routes in neighbourhoods. Length of residence, belonging and public familiarity in Berlin, Germany         


Talja Blokland(德国柏林洪堡大学Robert Vief(德国柏林洪堡大学)Daniela Krüger(德国柏林洪堡大学)Henrik Schultze(德国柏林洪堡大学)首次出版时间:2022/12/26|研究论文
AbstractUrban scholars commonly expect that residents show more neighbourhood belonging, the longer they live in an area. An imagery of fixed settlements thus remains dominant in a rapidly changing world. Recent research challenged classic assumptions but the alternative of elective belonging hardly differentiated between symbolic and practical neighbourhood use. As belonging is performatively maintained, this differentiation may be needed. What defines residents’ belonging in a neighbourhood in digital mobile times? Does length of residence alone result in place-based practices, familiarity with other people and ultimately in more belonging? Our analyses of survey-data from four Berlin neighbourhoods show that length of residence correlates with belonging, but not in a simple linear way. The use of infrastructure and especially public familiarity, which depends on the settlement as specific historical configuration, affect this relationship.




belonging, neighbourhood, public familiarity,

关键词归属感, 邻里, 公众熟悉度


Transport reforms and its missing publics: Insights from marshrutka abolishment and transport ‘modernisation’ policies prior to FIFA World Cup 2018 in Volgograd, Russian Federation

交通改革及其忽视的公众:对俄罗斯联邦伏尔加格勒 2018 年 FIFA 世界杯之前废除苏式小巴和交通“现代化”政策的见解

Tonio Weicker(德国莱布尼茨区域地理研究所首次出版时间:2022/12/27|研究论文

Public transport modernisation policies in relation to mega events are increasingly prone to ready-made planning solutions and the application of globally recognised best practices. Locally, the implementation of global transport solutions is usually promoted as a unique window of opportunity, which should finally contribute to the greater good of city societies through smooth traffic flows and better service quality. In contrast to this frictionless narrative, the article refers to the empirical case of transport reforms in Volgograd, Russia, prior to the FIFA World Soccer Championship in 2018 and shows how poorly conceived transport modernisation policies can have a detrimental impact on local citizens. Concretely, it builds on the local attempt to replace a commercial minibus system with an insufficient public–private partnership-based bus network and develops an argument that the public transport reform was doomed to fail as local stakeholders remained excluded from decision making. Deriving from the empirical case, a pragmatist perspective on transport modernisation policies as urban issues of concern is introduced to examine how hegemonic governance tactics are effectively silencing crucial publics at stake, rendering voices of contestation marginalised. Lastly, it will be argued that public transport reforms in Volgograd, although contested and subversively undermined, challenge idealistic notions of public space, while they provide scope for experimental practice based on implicit local knowledge and cooperation in mobile space.

摘要 与大型活动相关的公共交通现代化政策越来越倾向于采用现成的规划解决方案以及应用全球公认的最佳实践。在举行大型活动的地区,全球交通解决方案的实施通常被作为一个独特的稍纵即逝的机会来推广,其最终应该通过顺畅的交通和更好的服务质量为城市带来更大的利益。与这种无冲突的叙述相反,本文提到了 2018 年国际足联世界杯之前,俄罗斯伏尔加格勒交通改革的实证案例,并说明了考虑不周的交通现代化政策可能会对当地公民产生哪些不利的影响。具体而言,本文的分析基于当地用不完善的公私合营的公交网络取代商业小巴系统的尝试,我们提出,由于当地利益相关者仍被排除在决策之外,公共交通改革注定要失败。从该实证案例出发,本文引入实用主义视角,将交通现代化政策作为令人关切的城市问题加以研究,以探讨霸权治理策略如何有效地压制利益受到威胁的关键公众,使争论的声音被边缘化。最后,本文认为伏尔加格勒的公共交通改革虽然受到争议和颠覆性破坏,但其挑战了公共空间的理想主义观念,同时为基于隐性本地知识和移动空间合作的实验实践提供了可能。


marginalised publics, marshrutka, mega events, policy transfer, public transport reforms,Russian Federation


被边缘化的公众, 苏式小巴, 大型活动, 政策转移, 公共交通改革,俄罗斯联邦

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221135405


Associations between adolescent mental health and pedestrian- and transit-oriented urban design qualities: Evidence from a national-level online Canadian survey


Adrian Buttazzoni(加拿大滑铁卢大学)Leia Minaker(加拿大滑铁卢大学)首次出版时间:2022/12/27|研究论文
AbstractDifferent types of environment stimuli (e.g. noise, aesthetics) in urban environments are becoming better understood as determinants of the mental health of urban dwellers. Research on the impacts of urban exposures, especially those related to urban designs, and their potential impacts on the mental health of adolescents specifically, however, is currently lacking. In this study, we examine the relationships between five pedestrian- and transit-oriented design (PTOD) concepts – imageability, enclosure, human scale, transparency and complexity – and adolescent emotional responses to six settings of varied PTOD quality, and discuss potential design-related emotional affordances within Gibson’s Theory of Affordances (ToA). Using an online survey method with videos of each setting, a nationally representative sample of Canadian adolescents viewed the videos and indicated responses to six mental health indicators (positive affect, negative affect, calmness, anxiousness, perceived restorativeness and mental demand). Adjusted linear mixed models (LMMs) were constructed to examine the association between different urban settings and each outcome. Results indicated that, generally, as the quality of five PTOD concepts increased, as reflected in the scores of the different settings, positive emotional responses tended to increase while negative responses decreased (excluding mental demand). Within the frame of the ToA, multiple emotional response outcomes were significantly associated with settings high in aggregate PTOD quality (e.g. Plaza-Positive Affect: β = 0.116, 95% CI: 0.010–0.222, p = 0.033; Bluespace-Mental Demand: β = −1.634, 95% CI: −1.770 to −1.498, p = <0.000), suggesting such spaces may be perceived by adolescents as possessing greater emotional richness with respect to affordances. Future studies should further explore these relationships with other means (e.g. objective methods).


人们对城市环境中不同类型的环境刺激(如噪音、美学刺激等)对城市居民心理健康的影响日益了解。然而,目前缺乏关于城市暴露影响的研究,尤其是与城市设计相关的城市暴露,以及它们对青少年心理健康的潜在影响。在这项研究中,我们考察了五个以行人和公共交通为导向的设计 (PTOD) 概念(形象性、封闭性、人文尺度、透明度和复杂性)与青少年在六种不同 PTOD 质量的环境下所产生的情绪反应之间的关系,并讨论了吉布森 (Gibson) 的可供性理论 (ToA) 中潜在的与设计相关的情感可供性。我们采用了在线调查法,每个环境都有相关的视频,我们在加拿大全国范围内挑选了一些青少年的代表作为样本观看了视频,并根据六项心理健康指标(积极影响、消极影响、冷静、焦虑、感知恢复和心理需求)获得其反馈。我们构建了调整后的线性混合模型 (LMM) 来考察不同城市环境与每个结果之间的关联。结果表明,一般来说,随着五个 PTOD 概念质量的提高(通过不同环境的分数反映),积极的情绪反应往往会增加,而消极的反应会减少(不包括心理需求)。在 ToA 的框架内,多种情绪反应结果与总体 PTOD 质量高的环境显著相关(例如:广场-积极影响:b = 0.116,95% CI:0.010–0.222,p = 0.033;蓝色空间-心理需求: b = - 1.634, 95% CI: - 1.770 to - 1.498, p = \0.000),表明对于青少年的感知来说,此类空间在可供性方面具有更大的情感丰富性。未来的研究应该用其他方式(如客观方法)进一步探索这些关系。

Keywords built environment, mental health, planning, theory of affordances, urban design

建筑环境, 心理健康, 规划, 可供性理论, 城市设计



Migrant-led diversification and differential inclusion in arrival cities across Asia and the Pacific


Junjia Ye(新加坡南洋理工大学

Brenda SA Yeoh(新加坡国立大学)



The closely related processes of migration and diversification call for greater scrutiny of how contemporary arrival cities incorporate increasingly diverse groups of newcomers through practices and processes of differential inclusion. This special issue highlights arrival cities in the Asia-Pacific region, attending to how they are being transformed by the wide-ranging temporal and spatial dimensions of migrant-driven diversification. Rather than begin with how coexistence in the context of diversification ought to be, the collection of papers included here builds inter-references through contexts that are, ultimately, non-universal. In so doing, this special issue responds to recent calls by social scientists to extend our frames of reference beyond the dominant centres of knowledge production in Europe and North America in understanding the links between migration and urban diversity. The papers included here focus on arrival cities and urban places in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Australia and New Zealand as an exercise in open-ended imagination, advancing the conversation on urban diversification in the age of global migration. We organise these forms of urban change and migration-driven differentiation along four key themes of temporalities, spatialities, intermediaries and norms that emerged from the collection of papers. Using these four conceptual themes, modes of differential inclusion function as tools of discipline and governance at one level, and are mobilised to subvert and negotiate power relations at another. As refracted through these four axes of analysis, differential inclusion draws our attention to the multiscalar and multi-actor politics of diversification.



KeywordsAsia Pacific, city, differential inclusion, migration, urban diversity

亚太地区, 城市, 差异包容, 移民, 城市多元化



How tenants’ reactions to rent increases affect displacement: An interactionist approach to gentrification


Moritz Rinn(德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学Jan Wehrheim(德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学)Lena Wiese(德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学)首次出版时间:2022/3/25|研究论文
AbstractRising rents play an important role in the displacement of residents through gentrification processes in Germany. Applying an interactionist approach and conceptualising gentrification as an emergent phenomenon that results from an interaction process, we explore how residents of the gentrifying district Altona-Altstadt in Hamburg deal with situations of rent increases. Four strategies emerge: de-problematisation, unwilling consent, changing the field of action and confrontational rejection. Using an interpretive analysis and the concept of the ‘moral economies of housing’, we investigate the normative and strategic conditions of these strategies and how they contribute to or counteract housing-related displacement. This analysis contributes to qualitative research on how residents experience gentrification and negotiate situations relevant to displacement, and, thereby, to the exploration of power in the tenant–landlord relationship.


在德国的绅士化进程中,租金上涨在居民驱逐方面发挥着重要作用。我们应用互动论方法并将绅士化概念化为产生于互动过程的一种新兴现象,探讨了正在经历绅士化的汉堡阿尔托纳-阿尔斯塔德区 (Altona-Altstadt) 的居民如何应对租金上涨。出现了四种策略:去问题化、不情愿的同意、改变行动领域和对抗性拒绝。我们使用解释性分析和“住房道德经济”概念,研究了这些策略的规范和策略条件,以及它们如何促进或对抗与住房相关的驱逐。我们的分析有助于定性研究居民如何经历绅士化并针对与驱逐相关的情形开展谈判,从而有助于研究租户-房东关系中的权力问题。

Keywordsdisplacement, gentrification, Germany, housing, interpretive paradigm,moral economy,renting

驱逐,绅士化, 德国, 住房, 解释范式,道德经济,租房




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