
论文快递: 第一百八十五期

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The following article is from 城市研究速递 Author Urban Studies



Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百八十五期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的五篇论文。主题包括新冠后的欧洲智慧城市研究,绅士化与社会心理健康,美国大都市区贫困的隔离梯度,城市外交的经济地理视角,非正规部门的工作,欢迎阅读。


The effect of the pandemic on European narratives on smart cities and surveillance


Mikołaj Biesaga(波兰华沙大学Anna Domaradzka(波兰华沙大学)Andrzej Nowak(波兰华沙大学)等五位作者首次出版时间:2023/1/9|研究论文
AbstractThis article presents an analysis of European smart city narratives and how they evolved under the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic. We start with Joss et al.’s observation that the smart-city discourse is presently in flux, engaged in intensive boundary-work and struggling to gain wider support. We approach this process from the critical perspective of surveillance capitalism, as proposed by Zuboff, to highlight the growing privacy concerns related to technological development. Our results are based on analysing 184 articles regarding smart-city solutions, published on social media by five European journals between 2017 and 2021. We adopted both human and machine coding processes for qualitative and quantitative analysis of our data. As a result, we identified the main actors and four dominant narratives: regulation of artificial intelligence and facial recognition, technological fight with the climate emergency, contact tracing apps and the potential of 5G technology to boost the digitalisation processes. Our analysis shows the growing number of positive narratives underlining the importance of technology in fighting the pandemic and mitigating the climate emergency, but the latter is often mentioned in a tokenistic fashion. Right to privacy considerations are central for two out of four discovered topics. We found that the main rationale for the development of surveillance technologies relates to the competitiveness of the EU in the global technological rivalry, while ambitions like increasing societal well-being or safeguarding the transparency of new policies are nearly non-existent.


本文分析了关于欧洲智慧城市的叙述,以及在新冠疫情的压力下,相关研究是如何演变的。我们从分析乔斯 (Joss) 等人的评述开始,他们认为智慧城市话语目前处于不断变化之中,涉及细致的边界工作,且正在努力寻求更广泛的支持。正如祖博夫 (Zuboff) 所提出的,我们从监视资本主义的批判性视角来着手分析这个过程,以强调技术发展所带来的日益加剧的隐私问题。我们收集了由五家欧洲期刊于2017 年至 2021 年间在社交媒体上发表的关于智慧城市解决方案的184 篇文章。我们的研究结果基于对这些文章进行的分析。我们采用人工和机器编码流程对数据进行了定性和定量分析。然后,我们确定了主要行为者和四个主流研究方向:人工智能和面部识别的监管、为应对气候紧急情况在技术方面所做的努力、接触者追踪应用程序以及 5G 技术促进数字化进程的潜力。我们的分析表明,越来越多的正面叙述强调了技术在抗击大流行病和缓解气候紧急情况方面的重要性,但后者经常只是象征性地被提及。隐私权考虑是上述四个主题中两个主题的核心。我们发现,发展监控技术主要与提高欧盟在全球技术竞争中的竞争力有关,而与增加社会福祉或保障新政策透明度等目标几乎没有关系。


narratives, privacy, smart city, surveillance

关键词叙述, 隐私, 智慧城市, 监视


Changes in psychosocial wellbeing over a five-year period in two predominantly Black Pittsburgh neighbourhoods: A comparison between gentrifying and non-gentrifying census tracts


Alexandra Mendoza-Graf(美国兰德公司Rebecca L Collins(美国兰德公司)等七位作者首次出版时间:2023/1/11|研究论文

Gentrification often leads to changes within urban neighbourhoods. While redevelopment and investment may improve the built environment in gentrifying neighbourhoods, there may be disruptive impacts that affect health and wellbeing for existing residents. A growing body of literature explores the impact of gentrification on the psychosocial wellbeing of residents. This study sought to understand gentrification’s effects on three aspects of psychosocial wellbeing in a random sample of predominantly Black residents in two neighbourhoods in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (n = 662). Residents were enrolled in 2011 and surveyed multiple times through 2018. We used American Community Survey data to create a tract-level measure of gentrification to categorise the 13 census tracts in the two neighbourhoods as gentrified or not gentrified between 2011 and 2018 and assessed whether gentrified tracts experienced predominantly White or Black gentrification. We then estimated multivariate regression models to test associations between gentrification status and participant-level changes in perceived neighbourhood social cohesion, neighbourhood satisfaction and psychological distress, between 2013 and 2018. Relative to participants living in non-gentrified tracts, we found those living in gentrified tracts (all of which were Black gentrified) experienced smaller improvements in perceived neighbourhood social cohesion (coef.  =−0.21, p = 0.005) and neighbourhood satisfaction (dy/dx = 0.12, p = 0.003). We found no statistically significant association between gentrification and changes in psychological distress. These results suggest that although gentrification may bring about needed resources in the community, further consideration should be given to help ensure any detrimental effects on social cohesion and neighbourhood satisfaction are mitigated.

摘要 绅士化通常会导致城市街区内部发生变化。虽然再开发和投资可能会改善绅士化街区的建筑环境,但可能会对现有居民的健康和幸福造成极大破坏。越来越多的文献探讨绅士化对居民社会心理健康的影响。本研究旨在通过对宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的两个街区中的居民,主要是黑人居民,进行随机采样(样本量n = 662),了解绅士化对社会心理健康三个方面造成的影响。居民于 2011 年入组,从 2011年到2018 年,我们进行了多次调查。我们根据“美国社区问卷调查”数据创建了一个普查区级别的绅士化衡量标准,在2011 年至 2018 年期间,将两个街区的 13 个人口普查区归类,分为已绅士化或未绅士化,并评估绅士化普查区是否主要为白人的绅士化或主要为黑人的绅士化。然后,我们估计了多元回归模型,以测试 2013 年至 2018 年间,绅士化状态与参与者在下述几个方面的变化之间的关联:所感知的邻里社会凝聚力、邻里满意度、心理困扰。相比于生活在未绅士化普查区的参与者,我们发现那些生活在绅士化普查区内的居民(所有的都是黑人绅士化)在所感知的邻里社会凝聚力(系数 = - 0.21,p = 0.005)和邻里满意度(dy / dx = 0.12,p = 0.003)方面改善的程度较小。我们发现绅士化与心理困扰的变化之间没有统计学上的显著关联。这些结果表明,尽管绅士化可能会为社区带来所需的资源,但人们应进一步考虑,如何才能减轻绅士化对社会凝聚力和邻里满意度所造成的不利影响。


gentrification, health, neighbourhood satisfaction, psychological distress, social cohesion


绅士化, 健康, 邻里满意度, 心理困扰, 社会凝聚力

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221135385


Defining ‘metropolitan’ poverty: Isolation gradients in major US urban areas


Scott William Hegerty(美国东北伊利诺伊大学)首次出版时间:2023/1/11|研究论文
AbstractAs suburban poverty has become more prevalent in recent years, low-income neighbourhoods have emerged outside of many central cities. In many regions, however, there remains a stark divide between the core city and outlying areas. Measuring poverty concentrations, therefore, depends on the choice of geographic scale. Widespread urban poverty results in low measures of poverty concentration inside core cities, and whether this increases or decreases once suburbs are considered depends on specific regional characteristics. This study calculates ‘isolation gradients’ for the population in poverty in the 50 largest US Metropolitan areas (MSAs), extending from the core city to beyond the MSA level. A variety of patterns emerge, including sharp increases in isolation scores outside the city (as in Detroit) as well as decreases (for Atlanta). An econometric analysis of the ratio of MSA-level to core-city isolation scores finds that, controlling for land area and core-city poverty rates, much of the variance is explained by per-capita income and differences in racial segregation. A comparison of gradients in 2000 and 2015–2019 for a subset of cities shows additional patterns of suburban and urban convergence and divergence.



Keywords poverty, quantitative methods, spatial concentration, United States, urban areas

贫困, 定量方法, 空间集聚, 美国, 城市区域



An economic geography perspective on city diplomacy


Jorn Koelemaij(比利时鲁汶大学

Sam Taveirne(比利时鲁汶大学)

Ben Derudder(比利时鲁汶大学)



City officials increasingly maintain relations with foreign stakeholders, both public and private, a practice that is generally referred to as city diplomacy. In the past, city diplomacy activities focused on bilateral cultural and knowledge exchanges. Although this type of collaboration still exists, contemporary city diplomacy has become more dynamic and diverse, and increasingly includes an economic dimension. In addition, many cities currently prioritise becoming involved in a variety of multilateral inter-urban networks. Despite wide-ranging conversations on the challenges and opportunities of these new types of city diplomacy, theoretical reflections regarding the underlying processes and the potential consequences remain largely absent from the literature. In this article, we argue that the city diplomacy literature can therefore be enriched by engaging with concepts and debates developed in economic geography in two main ways. We first elaborate on contemporary varieties of urban entrepreneurialism and the extent to which these correspond with city diplomacy practices. We argue that city diplomacy contains elements of both traditional entrepreneurialism and managerialism. Second, we look at city diplomacy through the lens of uneven development, hypothesising that city diplomacy may entail a self-reinforcing effect in terms of enhancing socio-spatial differences between ‘superstar cities’ and ‘places that do not matter’ respectively.


城市官员越来越多地与公共和私营部门的外国利益相关者保持联系,这种做法通常被称为城市外交。过去,城市外交活动的重点是双边文化和知识交流。尽管这种类型的合作仍然存在,但当代城市外交更加活跃和多样化,并且越来越多地涉及经济维度。此外,许多城市目前会优先考虑参与各种城市多边交往合作网络。尽管人们对这些新型城市外交所面临的挑战和机遇进行了广泛的讨论,但基本没有关于基本过程和潜在后果的理论思考。在本文中,我们认为,通过以两种主要方式对经济地理学中发展起来的概念加以研究,并参与相关讨论,可以丰富城市外交相关的研究。我们首先详细阐述了当代城市创业主义的变体,以及它们与城市外交实践的对应程度。我们认为城市外交既包含传统创业主义的要素, 也包含管理主义的要素。其次,我们通过发展不平衡的视角来看城市外交,假设城市外交可能在加强“超级明星城市”和“无关紧要的地方”之间的社会空间差异方面产生自我强化效应。

Keywordscity diplomacy, economic geography, uneven development, urban entrepreneurialism, urban managerialism

城市外交, 经济地理学, 不平衡发展, 城市创业主义, 城市管理主义



Precarious and non-precarious work in the informal sector: Evidence from South Africa


Hermanus Stephanus Geyer, Jr(南非斯泰伦博斯大学首次出版时间:2023/1/11|研究论文
AbstractThe research analyses the precarious and non-precarious work practices within the informal sector. Labour in the informal sector and in regions without strong labour relations is not uniformly precarious but is categorised by a bimodality of incomes, citizenships and conducts. This creates opportunities for insurgent modes of counter-conduct in the interstices of regulations and social conventions, but has also resulted in exclusive local citizenships and revanchist strategies. From numerous in-depth interviews, the study found that the Covid-19 lockdown and economic recession led to a new dialectical relationship between long-term residents and a precariat in-group of non-propertied actors, recent migrants and immigrants in the informal sector. Long-term residents with local citizenship aggregated formal and informal incomes and secondary incomes within the household, elevating them out of precariousness, although primarily active in the informal sector. These included strategies of adverse incorporation and revanchist conducts to maintain incomes for non-precarious workers. Marginalised precarious workers shifted to modes of counter-conduct, hiding the true nature of the business, evading strict social conventions on local trade and pursuing new inter-ethnic citizenships based on strategic partnerships.



Keywordscitizenship, counter-conduct, informality, precarious work,precarity

公民身份, 反行为, 非正规性, 不稳定的工作,不稳定




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