
论文快递: 第一百八十四期

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The following article is from 城市研究速递 Author Urban Studies



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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百八十四期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的两篇和Current Issue的三篇论文。主题包括城市供水的正规和非正规性,城市热岛的政治生态,包容性的经济复原力,全球南方/北方城市的比较分析,城市边界与供水和污水处理,欢迎阅读。


Demystifying piped water supply: Formality and informality in (peri)urban water provisioning


Vishal Narain(印度古尔冈管理发展研究所Sumit Vij(荷兰哈根根大学研究所,瑞士日内瓦大学)Timothy Karpozouglou(瑞典皇家理工学院)首次出版时间:2023/1/5|研究论文
AbstractWater utilities have favoured the modern ideal of piped networks and infrastructure that is reproduced in policies and discourses about achieving ambitious water targets. In this article, using ethnographic insights from an urbanising village of New Delhi called Rawta, we build on work that challenges the myth of formal water as ‘piped’ water and informal water as ‘non-piped’ and explore both piped and non-piped water as dynamic and socially negotiated water regimes. We analyse how water regimes are shaped by complex constellations of formal and informal actors, institutions and technological practices. What constitutes piped water supply in Rawta is in fact largely constituted by an elaborate informal network of underground pipes and water pumps laid down to realise very specific local water needs. We explore what this kind of informality means for drinking water supply in rapidly urbanising peripheries.




Delhi, drinking water, informal and formal regimes, (peri)urban

关键词德里, 饮用水, 非正规和正规制度, 城市(周边)


Unequal and unjust: The political ecology of Bangkok’s increasing urban heat island


Danny Marks(爱尔兰都柏林城市大学John Connell(澳大利亚悉尼大学)首次出版时间:2023/1/6|研究论文

The intensity of Bangkok’s urban heat island during the dry season can be as high as 6–7° and in the densest areas the urban heat island’s intensity is approximately 4°C. The urban heat island thus is causing a city already oppressively hot to become even hotter. The urban heat island also contributes to health problems, such as heat stroke and fatigue, particularly to those with lower incomes. We historically examine the numerous causes of Bangkok’s urban heat island, such as the lack of green space, high levels of air conditioning, and high rates of vehicle exhaust fumes. For example, Bangkok has only three square metres of green space per person which is one of the lowest in all of Asia. Local governmental weaknesses, administrative fragmentation, prioritisation of economic growth and limited buy-in from the private sector have intensified Bangkok’s urban heat island, and imposed numerous barriers to actions that would reduce heat, such as establishing green space, restructuring urban transport or creating and following an effective urban plan. Ideas mooted to remedy these problems have yet to come to fruition, largely because of bureaucratic inertia, fragmentation and divisions within the relevant lead organisations. The political ecology lens also reveals how political–economic processes largely determine the vulnerability of urban inhabitants to heat, but also that thermal governance is highly unequal and unjust. Those who contribute to and profit the most from Bangkok’s urban heat island, such as real estate developers, shopping mall owners, and automobile corporations, suffer the least from its effects, whereas low-income communities hardly contribute to this problem, yet are the most vulnerable.

摘要 曼谷旱季城市热岛升温可高达6℃~7℃,在最密集的地区,城市热岛强度约为升温4℃。城市热岛效应使本已酷热难耐的城市变得更加炎热。城市热岛效应还会导致中暑和疲劳等健康问题,尤其是对低收入人群而言。我们从历史角度研究了曼谷城市热岛的众多原因,例如缺乏绿地、空调的大量使用和机动车尾气高排放率。例如,曼谷人均绿地面积只有 3 平方米,是亚洲最低的城市之一。地方政府诸多弊端、行政分散、经济发展优先、私营部门的有限参与,这些因素加剧了曼谷的城市热岛效应,也设置了许多障碍,导致没有办法通过建设绿地、重组城市交通或创建并遵循有效的城市规划来降低温度。旨在解决这些问题的想法尚未取得成果,这主要是由相关领导组织内部的官僚惰性、复杂性、分散性和组织分裂造成的。我们还从政治生态学视角揭示了政治经济进程如何在很大程度上决定了城市居民易受高温影响的特性,还揭示了热治理的高度不平等和不公正。那些加剧了曼谷城市热岛,并从中获益最多的人,如房地产开发商、购物中心所有者和汽车公司,受其影响最小,而低收入社区几乎没有加剧城市热岛的行为,但却是最易受到伤害的。


Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, environmental justice, political ecology, urban governance, urban greenspaces


曼谷都市管理局, 环境正义, 政治生态学, 城市治理, 城市绿地

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221140999


Impacts of political fragmentation on inclusive economic resilience: Examining American metropolitan areas after the Great Recession


Soomi Lee(美国拉弗纳大学)Shu Wang(美国东密歇根大学)首次出版时间:2022/2/1|研究论文
AbstractWe propose the concept of inclusive economic resilience to examine intra-regional economic recovery in American metropolitan areas after the Great Recession. Previous studies have treated regional and municipal economic resilience separately, with little attention to within-region variations in economic resilience. We contribute to the understanding of regional economic resilience by focusing on intra-regional economic recovery in cities. We also introduce an important yet overlooked regional factor in the context of American federalism – fragmentation of local governments. Examining US metropolitan areas from 2007 to 2017, we find that different dimensions of local fragmentation exert different impacts on intra-regional economic resilience. Our results indicate that a large number of municipal governments and greater service responsibilities borne by special and school districts lead to uneven economic recovery. In contrast, similar fiscal responsibilities taken by municipal governments promote inclusive income recovery.


我们提出了包容性经济复原力的概念,以研究大萧条后美国大都市地区的区域内经济复苏。以前的研究以区域和城市为单位来看待经济复原力,很少关注区域内经济复原力的差异。我们通过关注城市的区域内经济复苏,为理解区域经济复原力做出了贡献。我们还介绍了美国联邦制背景下一个重要但被忽视的地区因素 — 地方政府的碎片化。通过研究 2007 年至 2017 年间美国的各个大都市地区,我们发现地方碎片化的不同维度对区域内经济复原力产生了不同的影响。我们的研究结果表明,大量的市政政府以及特区和学区承担的更大的服务责任导致了经济复苏的不平衡。相比之下,市政政府承担的类似财政责任促进了包容性收入复苏。

Keywords fragmentation, Great Recession, inclusive economic resilience, metropolitan areas, resilience

碎片化, 大萧条, 包容性经济复原力, 大都市地区, 复原力



Is urbanisation in the Global South fundamentally different? Comparative global urban analysis for the 21st century


Gregory F Randolph(美国南加州大学

Michael Storper(英国伦敦经济学院,美国洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学)



A vigorous debate has emerged in recent years over how to understand cities of the Global South. A pivotal issue in this debate is whether urbanisation processes in the South are so fundamentally different from historical and current urbanisation in the Global North that many of the theories developed from studying the latter have limited utility in application to the former. In this article, we review evidence from a range of disciplines on recent and ongoing urban transitions and urbanisation dynamics in the Global South, attending to features that distinguish the urban South from the urban North. Our reading of the evidence indicates that parts of the Global South may be urbanising along historically and geographically specific trajectories; however, we argue that these differences are best understood through a unified set of global urban theories. Rather than flattening or silencing difference, theories that seek generalisation across time and space sharpen the identification and appreciation of key differences in urbanisation processes. Analysing how the fundamental dynamics of urbanisation recombine and interact with one another in different contexts offers insight into policy challenges that cut across cities, both within and between the Global South and North, as well as context-specific policy issues that arise through the interaction of global urbanisation forces and local specificities.



Keywordsagglomeration/urbanisation, demographics, development, Global South, migration, theory, urban land nexus

集聚/城市化, 人口统计学, 发展, 全球南方, 移民, 理论, 城市土地关系



Interlocal interactions, municipal boundaries and water and wastewater expenditure in city-regions


Agustin Leon-Moreta(美国新墨西哥大学Vittoria Totaro(美国新墨西哥大学)首次出版时间:2022/2/21|研究论文
AbstractUrban regions derive social and economic benefits as local governments supply water and wastewater services. We analyse differences in water and wastewater spending programmes in US city-regions. The municipal provision of water and wastewater services is situated in a regional context, examining how cities respond to different needs for services within regions. We use pooled data from 2002 to 2017 to examine changes in municipal water and wastewater expenditures. Our central finding is that water and wastewater programmes vary considerably across city-regions. Additional findings are that the municipal provision of these programmes appears to be correlated with the interaction between adjacent cities and changes to their jurisdictional boundaries. City governments may adapt their allocation of resources to water and wastewater functions according to the regional conditions surrounding city jurisdictions. This article connects theories of boundary change with systems of interlocal cooperation that support water and wastewater functions in urban regions.


城市地区从地方政府提供的供水和污水处理服务中获取社会和经济效益。我们分析了美国城市地区在供水和污水处理支出计划方面的差异。我们将市政供水和污水处理服务置于区域背景下,研究城市如何响应区域内对服务的不同需求。我们使用 2002 年至 2017 年期间的汇总数据来研究市政供水和污水处理支出的变化。我们的核心研究成果是,不同城市地区的供水和污水处理计划差异相当大。另外的研究成果是,这些市政供应计划似乎与相邻城市之间的互动及市政管辖范围的变化有关。市政府可能会根据城市管辖范围所处的区域条件调整其在供水和污水处理职能方面的资源配置。本文将边界变化理论与支持城市地区供水和污水处理职能的地方间合作系统联系起来。

Keywordscity-regions, developing cities, interlocal arrangements, water and wastewater functions

城市区域, 发展中城市, 地方间安排, 供水和污水处理职能




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