
喜讯 | 环球经纬新址室内设计项目——“云端之城”荣获法国双面神“GPDP AWARD”国际设计大奖

环球经纬 2022-03-31

在2019年12月6日法国巴黎举行的法国双面神“GPDP AWARD”国际设计大奖颁奖盛典上,广东环球经纬律师事务所新址室内设计项目——“云端之城”(The City over Clouds)荣获年度国际创新设计奖,项目设计师李俊先生(Tacco Lee)凭借本项目获得年度TOP100最具国际影响力创新设计师大奖。

法国双面神“GPDP AWARD”国际设计大奖被誉为设计界的“奥斯卡”奖,是由法国设计学院授权、协办及提供学术支持,专门针对各行业优秀设计师设立的奖项,作为世界三大工业设计奖项之一,主要评选在建筑设计、室内设计、家居产品设计等领域的知名设计师及设计机构。

法国巴黎-第六届中法国际设计交流展暨法国双面神“GPDP AWARD”国际设计大奖颁奖盛典现场


-   云端之城  -

The City over Clouds



A tribute to Carlo Scarpa (the Italian architect)

He pays special attention to the form and ways of using materials, so as to better explore the nature of things on the world, something that is often hidden and obscured, and to express a power that gushes out from the inside. An artwork is supposed to be an integrated form of various elements that coexist harmoniously, elements that bring inspiration by parts of the decoration, and show the nature of things through the details.  



When the building that towers into the clouds meets the solemnity of law firm, something magical is expected to happen here.

The new office for GLOBAL KINGWAY LAW FIRM (广东环球经纬律师事务所) will be situated in the vicinity of Lie De Bridge(猎德桥), from which you can enjoy a bird's-eye view of the whole Pearl River New Town(珠江新城).



The designer has based this project on the key idea of GLOBAL KINGWAY LAW FIRM, which is “Global vision together with local wisdom”. This design makes full use of the height of the building towering into the sky, the breath-taking view over the bank of Pearl River, the culture and wisdom of the Pearl River region that lasts for over thousands of years, and presents the ethos of a law firm, expressing both elegance and wisdom. 

With such a global vision and a great location, the office, or the law firm, will be standing on the top of the world, as a “City over the Clouds” that conveys beauty and its unique philosophy, namely being calm and reliable, as well as kind and approachable.


In the lobby, the design for the reception takes inspiration from the form of a statute book which is the symbol of solemnity and wisdom, draws on the Scarpa’s Non-referential graphic technique, shows indicative details, makes fully use of the space, and clearly divides areas for different functions, such as reception area, resting space, and the entrance to the meeting room. The metal sculpture in the shape of water, symbolizing wisdom and dripping down from the metal ceiling, conveys the beauty of art.


The ground window made of glass reveals the gorgeous scenery outside both day and night with different views to enjoy. All those elements in the space integrate together, thus forming a special balance, and showing a rigorous and friendly atmosphere of the law firm. 


Walking down the corridor you will enter the meeting room, decorated by lines and stripes on the ceiling, which match well with the graphics on the carpet. On the wall is the specially selected jade sand glass in the color of blue, reflecting the light beaming down from the metal material on the ceiling, which creats an environment for the meeting to go on effectively and actively. The large meeting room can be divided into smaller ones in the medium or small sizes, according to different using purposes, while each of them can still provide enough room and functions for regular meetings and video ones, allowing more privacy and yet still integrating well with each other. Such a design combines both artistry and practicability.


As regards to smaller meeting room, working office for lawyers, and private office, the design is more based on the practical considerations, with the use of materials and colors that conveys the feeling of prudence and credibility, and of Bolivian blue colors dotting in the space as decoration. The facilities and furniture are simple but show fine taste and artistry, through the details, with blue color making everything go well together, and the grey color in large space to offset the messy feeling brought by the use of various shapes and lines. 


Entering the leisure space, which is featured by a spacious tea room and a reading area, facing to the balcony, you can have a great view of the Pearl River, with the scenery of Canton Tower and the whole Pearl River New Town right under your eyes. The design draws inspiration on the beauty of nature, takes into consideration the needs of users to have breaks, learns from the Modelling aesthetics of Scarpa to create the space, and uses carefully-arranged walls, lines and the material of marble in the color of Bolivian blue to create a both prudent and pleasant atmosphere, which shows simplicity and the changes. 


Modelling the commonly seen arches in Rome, the birth place of laws, the entrance into the working area is created using a similar concept, hence bringing a sense of holiness and solemnity. Behind this aisle lighted by the buried lamp, is the office, with the color of white widely used in this space, and with the blue carpet on which waves shapes are used, to symbolize the blue and white clouds in the sky. The well-designed use of curves and lines and surfaces creates a rich space that integrates together, and shows the vitality out of simplicity. The lines cut off by the walls and tread surface, which draws inspiration from Scarpa’s forms for artistic modeling, and symbolizes statute books and the intertwined lines of longitude and latitude, is expressing the key idea and vision of GLOBAL KINGWAY LAW FIRM. Standing in this room, when you look up for the lights that could change colors, you can feel the solemnity and the vitality of law. 



项目名称 │ 广东环球经纬律师事务所

项目地点 │ 广东省广州市海珠区阅江西路广报中心北塔23楼

项目面积 │ 约1800方

设计总监 │ TACCO LEE / 李   俊

设计主笔 │ TONY MOK / 莫家铭

设计跟进 │ APPLE PAN / 盘金萍

深化图纸 │ LIN / 林智磊

家具品牌 │ GEVANCO 冠臣

地毯品牌 │ MILLIKEN 美利肯

摄    影 │ ALIEN KWOK / 郭飞华



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