

北仑教育 2021-09-30



访谈嘉宾:Dan Waterman,宁波爱学国际学校校长


腾讯国际学校主持人:September is the opening of a new semester, so what kinds of activities have you organized?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:Every year in our school we begin the year with a “open house”where parents can come and see students, their work on display, the students explain to them in the presentation. And then when we finished we have a big barbecue and I actually cook at the barbecue and I think getting around food makes us feel more like a family.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:我们学校每年都以“开放日”开始,家长可以来看望学生,看看学生展示的作品,学生向他们演示自己的成果。之后我们一起吃烧烤,实际上我会亲自做烧烤,大家一起享用食物我们感觉更像一个家庭。

腾讯国际学校主持人:In the new semester, what do you want to say to the teachers and students?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:I would have same advice for teachers and for students. Teachers get to know your students, students get to know your teachers. Sometimes as a teacher it’s easy to teach just everyone of the students, one student, and each student has their own needs, their own weaknesses and strengths, and the teachers should get to know students. Students sometimes you come into a classroom and teachers seem they are very scary and different, you should get to know them, spend some time asking them questions after class, that’s one you really see education happen like it should.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:我会对老师和学生提出同样的建议。老师要了解你的学生,学生要了解你的老师。有时,作为一名教师,很容易教一个学生,但每个学生都有自己的需要,自己的缺点和优点,老师应该了解所有的学生。对于学生,有时候你走进教室,感觉老师看起来很可怕,很不一样,这时你应该了解他们,课后花些时间向老师提问,教育就应该是这样子的。

腾讯国际学校主持人:We know that your school has established about 13 years. How about the student enrollment ratio of your school?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:What we’ve known is that in the demographic serve of our school, we have 20 different nationalities in our school. Over time, I think that the shift has gone more western students to more Asian students, international students from different Asian countries.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:我们所知道的是,在我们学校的人口来源中,我们有20个不同的国家。随着时间的推移,我们从西方学生多转向了亚洲学生更多,更多国际学生来自于不同的亚洲国家。

腾讯国际学校主持人:Considering the different culture, could you please share something about the difference between Chinese and western students and teachers?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:There’s difference between every culture, even cultures look like. So we try to do in the school with both teachers and students. I tell two things, first of all is respect. We should have respect for all cultures in our school. And if we begin with the attitude of respect, that goes a long way, having good relations in the school. The second thing is participation. I tell my western staff when they come to work here, go out, eat Chinese food, meet Chinese people, go to a Chinese wedding. You know participate in the culture then it doesn’t seem so different. And I tell my Chinese staff get to know these people from all of the world. It’s such a great opportunity for both of us. And if you participate and get to know the other culture and interact with it, then there’s a lot more harmony on the staff.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:每一种文化都有差异,即使是看起来很相似的文化。所以我会告诉老师和学生们两件事,首先是尊重。我们应该尊重我们学校的各种文化。如果我们以尊重的态度开始,那将有很长的路要走,在学校会建立良好的关系。第二件事是参与。我告诉我的西方老师,走出去,吃中国菜,遇见中国人,去参加中国婚礼。你就会知道文化其实没有太大的不同。我告诉我的中国老师,认识这些来自世界各地的人们。这对我们双方都是一个很好的机会。如果你参与并了解其它文化并与之互动,那么工作就会更加和谐融洽。

腾讯国际学校主持人:What kind of student can be called as an international student?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:I think the key to be an international student has to do with culture. It doesn’t matter what culture you are from, you can be an international student. I say three things about culture. One is we celebrate the culture you are from. We have 20 cultures in the school, more than that really. And we celebrate the fact that your culture is important to you and special, so each student studies their culture every year, but the next step is to know the culture you are in. So every student in our school studies Chinese culture, Chinese language, we get them out in the community, learn it, it’s such a great opportunity to be in China at this point of time to get them involved in the culture they are in. And the third culture is probably most important, that’s the future culture. The culture we want to be in the future and have them think “how could culture be different when I grow up to be a leader”.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:我认为成为国际学生的关键是文化。不管你来自哪个文化,你都可以成为一名国际学生。我说三件关于文化的事情。一是我们庆祝你的文化。我们学校有20种文化,其实更多。我们庆祝对你来说很重要很特别的文化。每个学生每年都学习自己的文化,但是下一步应该了解你所处于的文化。所以,我们学校的每个学生都学习中国文化,汉语,我们让学生参加社团,学习不同文化,在中国参与到不同的文化中,这是一个很好的机会。第三种文化可能是最重要的,那就是未来的文化。我们在未来文化中想要成为什么样的人,让他们思考“当我长大成为领导时,文化是如何不同的”。

腾讯国际学校主持人:Do you like Hangzhou?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:I love Hangzhou, actually living in Ningbo, our school is there, in a little bedroom community called “Beilun”. But I’ve come to Hangzhou several times, I love the lake, I lived in Suzhou for a while too. They are kinds of cities I love.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:我喜欢杭州。实际上我住在宁波。我们学校在宁波北仑区。不过我之前来过杭州几次,我喜欢西湖,我也在苏州住过一段时间,这些都是我喜欢的城市。

腾讯国际学校主持人:Has the environment and culture of Ningbo or Hangzhou contributed to your school?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:Definitely. You know we first established the school, it was like many international schools, it was kind of like a “bubble” that existed in itself. You know one of our goals with our recent prediction renew was to engage more in the culture around us. So now we have a community volunteer group in our neighborhood, we interact with them and go out projects with them, we recycling projects, beautiful cation projects, we interact with a home for disabled students. The more we engaged in the culture, I think the more valuable experience the students have. So they are affecting us, we are affecting them, and it’s much better than being a “bubble”.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:当然。学校最初建立的时候就跟其它国际学校一样,像泡沫般独立存在。我们最近的目标之一就是更多地参与到我们周围的文化中去。因此,现在我们有一个社区志愿者小组,我们与周围的人们互动,并与他们计划了一些项目,例如回收废物,回收电池项目,我们还与残疾学生的家庭互动。我认为,我们从事的文化活动越多,学生的经历就越有价值。所以当地的文化在影响我们,我们也在影响当地文化,这远比做一个“泡沫”要好得多。

腾讯国际学校主持人:As a head, what’s your school management strategy, about the teacher team, about the curriculum or others?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:Well, as a head, I think I have two responsibilities personally. One is to provide vision, you know if I have a vision of where we are going as a school, then I can bring people alongside me and we can go there together. So vision is very important. The other one is a little bit strange for someone in this position but that is I believe every leader is really a “servant”. I’m there to serve the needs of the students, the teachers and the parents, and I lead by serving.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:作为校长,我想我有两大责任。一是要有远见。如果我知道将学校带向何方,我就能将大家聚集起来,我们一起走向那里。因此远见非常重要。第二点也许有些校长会觉得奇怪,那就是“服务”。我们需要服务于学生、老师和家长的需求,需要基于服务意识而作出领导。

腾讯国际学校主持人:What do you think is the mission of an educator?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:Mission of an educator I believe is to “have your students be able to learn more than you know”. Unfortunately, a lot of teachers think their job is to teach a child everything they know, that isn’t very much really compared with what they have on their phone, so teach a child be able to learn more than you know is a great mission, I think, a great goal to have.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:教育家的使命是“让孩子比你知道得更多”。如今很多老师觉得他们的工作就是教会孩子他们所知道的,这是不对的。这些知识孩子们完全可以在手机上搜到。教给孩子比你自身了解更多的知识是一个伟大的使命,伟大的目标。

腾讯国际学校主持人:We want to learn more about yourself. Could you please describe yourself with a plant or animal?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:I usually use an animal. But because I’m a Canadian, I think I’ll use the “tree”. we have a lot of trees in Canada, and I will describe myself having good roots, straight and strong, and tall.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:我第一反应是动物,但因为我是加拿大人,我想用“树”来描述自己。首先加拿大有许多树,其次树木往往扎根土壤,直立强壮,而且高大。

腾讯国际学校主持人:What kinds of qualities do you most appreciate in others?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:I think one of the qualities I most appreciate in others, especially when I look at my staff, is people who can creatively solve the problem. I always amazed when someone of them comes up with an idea that I hadn’t thought of, and it solves the problem in a unique way.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:我最欣赏的品格,也是我同事们所具备的,就是可以创造性地解决问题。如果有人想到了我没想到的方法,并且以一种独特的方式解决了问题,我会非常惊喜。

腾讯国际学校主持人:What’s your most treasured property?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:My most treasured property is probably my photographs. I do a lot of hiking in the mountains, I do a lot of photography. I used to work as a photographer long long times ago, so I really enjoy the art form of photography.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:我最珍惜的是我的相片。我爬了很多山,拍摄了很多照片。之前很长一段时间我的职业是摄影师。我真的很喜欢摄影这种艺术形式。

腾讯国际学校主持人:What’s your personal motto?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:My personal motto I think can be two words really, “Be Better”. I mean two things, first of all, to be better than just everyone around, like to do things just because everyone is doing them? It’s not a good reason for me. I want them to do something better. But also be better than the person I was yesterday. Each day I want to try to do things better, maybe in a new way, be better.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:我的座右铭是两个字“更好”。首先,比周围的人更好。做某些事情仅仅是因为别人在做,这是不行的。我希望大家可以做得更好。其次,要比过去的自己更好。每天都要尝试着更好,或者尝试新的方式,做得更好。

腾讯国际学校主持人:Have you heard about Tencent?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:Yes, I have.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:听说过。

腾讯国际学校主持人:Is it convenient?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:Yes, I guess I love to be online, I love to see the different technological opportunities out there. And we encourage our students as well to be good net citizens.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:当然。我喜欢在线聊天,喜欢了解不同的科学机遇。我们鼓励孩子们做负责任的网民。

腾讯国际学校主持人:In fact besides social communication apps, Tencent also pays more attention to education. We will celebrate a ceremony on the topic of international schools. What’s your requirements and suggestions about the ceremony?


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:I guess somebody is looking towards international school, what to look for in an international school, I would say first of all look at the credentials. Credentials are important have the proper credation, do they have connections with other outside bodies who evaluated them and said this meet the certain standard. That’s an important thing to look for. But it isn’t all about branding OK? Don’t just go to school because it has a certain brand. Go and talk to the people there, and see if this is a good match for your students. You might find that the smaller school will provide more of what your child needs, or maybe it’s a bigger school for your child. It’s different for different students, ask them to tell their story, not just give you statistics. If they just give you statistics you child might be treated like a statistics.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:我想谈谈选国际学校看些什么,在一所国际学校里要看什么,我想首先要看资质。资质很重要,要有适当的资质,他要符合评估要求达到一定的标准,这是很重要的一点,但这不等于看品牌,不要只是因为某所学校名气大就去上学,亲自和那里的人谈谈,看看这对你的学生来说是不是很好的选择,你可能会发现,规模较小的学校会提供更多孩子需要的东西,当然也可能是一所规模较大的学校。对于不同的学生来说,这是不同的。让学校讲述下他们的背景,而不仅仅是数据。如果他们只给你数据,你的孩子可能也会被当作一个数据来对待。

腾讯国际学校主持人:At last, please send your wish to our ceremony.


Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:I would like to wish you all the best in the ceremony celebrating international schools in China. There’s a great future for international schools in China and I’m glad that Tencent is recognizing this, and we hope you have a wonderful wonderful conference and celebration at the time in November.

Dan Waterman宁波爱学国际学校校长】:祝贺一切顺利,中国的国际学校未来可观。祝愿11月的盛典圆满成功。





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