
Fashion News of the Week


By David&Crystal


Weekly Look


Minidress season is officially here. Making the case for shorter hemlines is Karlie Kloss, who put a sporty touch on the flirty style staple. Stepping out for an appearance on The Today Show, Kloss threw on a slick bomber jacket over a color-blocked dress with a cool Pop Art motif.

迷你连衣裙季正式到了。像Karlie Kloss 一样用更短的裙摆迎接这个季节吧。Kloss以一件滑料飞行员夹克内搭一件色彩斑斓的时髦波普艺术裙出席今日秀,娴熟地将运动与性感结合在了一起。

The silk-satin coat wasn’t exactly the most practical choice of outerwear given the rain forecast, though it worked wonders for the knit dress she wore underneath. The kicky micro length highlighted the supermodel’s mile-long legs. She elevated the look with a pair of strappy stilettos in bright red, which popped against her black jacket and tied in nicely with the pattern up top.



Celebrity Style


Selena Gomez and The Weeknd are moving their whirlwind romance to South America. The Weeknd (né Abel Tesfaye) is on his Starboy world tour, and Gomez, ever the supportive girlfriend, joined him in São Paulo.

Selena Gomez和 The Weeknd 将他们的爱情旋风带到了南美洲。 The Weeknd (né Abel Tesfaye) 正在进行他的 Starboy 世界巡演,作为一个合格女友,Gomaz 陪着他到了圣保罗。


The next day, Gomez and Tesfaye stepped out on the streets of Buenos Aires. Gomez hit a fun and flirty note in an asymmetrical dress. Thanks to a handkerchief hem and spaghetti straps, the frock’s executive motif had an out-of-office slant. She kept her accessories just as casual: Converse Jack Purcell sneakers and her signature sunglasses.


Tesfaye wore a camouflage Valentino varsity jacket. With Gucci tennis shoes, Tesfaye and Gomez were perfectly in step. Here’s hoping they’ll continue to coordinate their style so well on the upcoming Chilean leg of the tour.

Tesfaye 穿着Valentino迷彩棒球夹克。一双Gucci小白鞋与Gomes的十分呼应。 希望他们在下一站智利之旅也能保持这样协调的情侣搭配。





Even for the greatest spring enthusiast, the prevalence of cherry blossom snaps on Instagram feeds, the plethora of rose-print dresses in window displays, and, of course, the ubiquity of floral crowns (especially evident now that festival season is in full bloom), could call to mind a certain iconic movie line—“Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking.” But in the case of Kailijumei’s new floral lipsticks, they just may be.

社交媒体上的樱花自拍的泛滥,街头橱窗里随处可见的玫瑰印花裙,到处都看得到的花冠头饰(特别是现在正值音乐节季),即使是最狂热的春天爱好者此时此刻也会想起那句经典的电影台词(穿Prada的女魔头) – “春天穿印花?还能再无趣点吗?” 但 Kailijumei 新出的花朵口红,还真的是意外地有趣又应季。

The small Chinese cosmetics company’s new jelly lipsticks contain real florets. These flowers, unlike the hydrangeas, and peonies filling our homes, will last long past spring.





Sometimes a place captures your imagination—whether you’ve actually visited or only heard tales of its charms. In the case of Positano on Italy’s “divine” Amalfi Coast, you need only to see one or two photos of the rocky coastline, hidden beaches and quaint village to know it must immediately be added to your travel list.


The same could be said of Villa San Giacomo, a massive 18th-century villa perched on Positano’s highest point. With its pink facade, intricately tiled floors, patterned furniture, frescoed walls, and sweeping terrace views, it looks like something out of a candy-colored vacation dream. And with summer on the horizon, it is time to start thinking about how to make those candy-tinted vacation dreams a reality. (Or at the very least, time to set some very important “some day” goals.)

圣贾科莫别墅酒店也是这样一个地方 – 波西塔诺最高点上恢弘的十八世纪别墅。粉色的外墙,繁复的瓷砖地板,印花的家具,画着壁画的墙面,开阔的阳台景观,它就像是从某个糖果色度假梦里走出来的东西一样。随着夏日降至,是时候想想怎么把这个梦幻糖果度假梦实现了,或者,最起码,设为“此生必去”目标。




Move over, Pepsi and United Airlines, there’s a new villain/meme generator in town. The new target of the Internet’s outrage? Starbucks’s Unicorn Frappuccino, a swirled neon concoction.




This dumbfounding drink was unleashed into the world on Wednesday and almost immediately produced equal amounts of confusion and scorn. According to Starbucks, the limited-edition Frappuccino is made out of “a sweet dusting of pink powder, blended into a crème Frappuccino with mango syrup and layered with a pleasantly sour blue drizzle.” No further description was given as to what those pink powders and blue drizzles might be made of (unicorn tears? elf sweat?). But you know what they say: Ignorance is bliss!


这款让人哭笑不得的饮品于周三进入世界市场,立即售卖了很大的数量,就想对它的不解和嘲笑一样多。星巴克相关人员说,这款限量的星冰乐是由芒果奶油星冰乐混合甜蜜的粉色食用粉末和酸酸的蓝色粉末而制成。没有任何进一步说明这些粉末是什么做的。(独角兽的眼泪?小精灵的汗滴?) 但你懂的,无知才是福。。


But what does this colorful drink with 59 grams of sugar (that’s more than twice your recommended daily intake) taste like? “Like Jolly Ranchers, and shame,” wrote one intrepid reporter. Another described it as “an Orange Julius or Creamsicle, with touches of a candy like Sour Patch Kids.”





The Unicorn Frappuccino will be fortunately banished from the Earth after Sunday, but its creation is only the latest example of a rising trend of hyper-infantilized food. One of the first places to explore rainbow-colored drinks was the End in Williamsburg, which offers up a Unicorn Latte made with adaptogens—namely the Blue Majik spirulina extract. Then came the Mermaid Toast, a combination of cream cheese, beet juice, chlorophyll, and spirulina. Care bear toasts, unicorn macarons, unicorn donuts! The trend has gotten so out of hand, even the Germans have brought their world-renowned chocolate in on the game.


这款独角兽星冰乐会不幸地于周日下架,但它不过是又一个当前对超级幼龄化食物迷恋趋势的例子。首先探索彩色饮品的一个地方是纽约威廉斯堡的the End,这家店售卖由调理素做成的独角兽拿铁,也就是螺旋藻汁。接着又出现了美人鱼吐司,一个由奶油芝士、甜菜汁、叶绿素和螺旋藻构成的莫名奇妙的东西。还有爱心熊吐司,独角兽马卡龙,独角兽甜甜圈。这个趋势太不可控了,连德国人把他们著名的巧克力带到了这个领域中。

How did we get here? Why are we voluntarily choosing to eat this way? Are millennials manifesting their delayed adulthood by regressing back to their childhoods in their food choices? Did we agree to sacrifice our taste buds all in the name of a colorful Instagram shoot? Or perhaps this is just a natural reaction to our grim state of affairs: Instead of worrying about North Korea’s nuclear weapons capacity, let’s drink sparkly coffee instead.
Below, a few of our favorite memes inspired by the Unicorn Frappuccino.


