

时间:2019年6月29日 21:30 -2:30

地点:重庆坚果LIVE HOUSE 


One of the mysterious characters behind the label, less exposed, he often appeared in the works of other members as Feat. OG is the hip-hop uncanny talent who is closest to African-American in attitude and manner of life. His works have the carefree characteristics. At the same time, his live performance has a strong appeal, can guide the audience into a dreamlike atmosphere. The personal style is distinctive and has always been loved by the majority of hip-hop fans.

代表作品:《勒个》 《正二八百》 《Water》等


身兼说唱歌手与制作人两重身份,重庆滑板界翘楚。高大帅气的阳光形象更使其各方面条件显得得天独厚。自小酷爱并师承美国东海岸风格,练就独特的swag flow唱腔,嗓音具有极高辨识度。不仅发布过大量热门单曲,实力强劲的CJ还发布过一张个人纯伴奏专辑。未来前途不可限量。

Double identity as a rapper and producer, and the first-rate in the Chongqing skateboarding world. Tall and handsome impression makes him more special. Learning from the style of East Coast of the United States, which makes him own the unique、swag flow and aria. And his voice has recognizability too. Not only has he released a large number of singles, but CJ has also released an album with pure instrumental. There is no limit of his future.

代表作品:《不要碰老子的VANS》 《不得了》 《你们我们他们》 《iphone》 《怪学生》 《T恤》等




One of the core members of the GO$H brand and one of the founding members of the team. Sponsor and organizer of the "Dry" Freestyle Rap Contest. He was the person who develop hip-hop culture by forming a hip-hop team with GAI in the early days in Chongqing. Not often active in the mainstream public platform, but in the industry has a significant position.



极具品质感的中产阶级说唱歌手。GOSH厂牌早期活跃份子,后求学加拿大,毕业于Vancouver Film School。曾经IronMic长沙站四强,兼备Battle和Studiowork能力的综合Rapper。嗓音极具辨识度。擅长多种风格说唱,无论是旋律还是TRAP,都能快速的抓住听众。

High-quality, middle-class rapper. GOSH Label campaigner, and study aboard in Canada. Top 4 in the IronMic Changsha. A talent rapper have both ability of battle and studiowork. Voice with recognizability. And he is good at many styles of rap music, just like melody and trap.

代表作品:《头文字L》 《喜剧人生》(Feat.王齐铭) 


YETI OUT 从东伦敦启程,一直致力于承办叫座派对,并通过将 House、Jersey Club、Garage、Rap 音乐融合,缔造能量爆棚的音乐现场。此外,我们亦不断挖掘来自欧洲与亚洲的未来之声,探索地下音乐之未来愿景。目前坐标上海、香港与伦敦的 Yeti 团队无不扮演着连接东西方文化的「大使」角色,发展成为亚洲创意阶层的重要力量。从香港 Community 电台、伦敦 Radar Radio,到每月在曼谷 BEAM、上海 Le Baron 的固定演出,Yeti Soundsystem 的名字在地下独立音乐圈已经耳熟能详。

Having honed their craft throwing parties and DJing in East London, YETI OUT continues to deliver energetic parties that aptly blur the line between house, Jersey club, garage and rap along with new found sounds of Europe and Asia. Now headquartered in Shanghai via Hong Kong & London, they focus on pushing the envelope in Asia’s creative circles while bridging artistry from East & West. Performing under Yeti Soundsystem, the crew hold online residencies on Hong Kong Community to London's Radar Radio & monthly showcases at BEAM Bangkok, Cakeshop Seoul to Le Baron Shanghai.


The kid from Taipei, from East 106, is a dope rapper in the Hip-Hop world. He's more of a Hustler than a rapper, making money, raping, and raping to make money, In Taiwan rap world, his every release of singles and music videos has caused a wide range of echoes, if you don't know him, it doesn't matter, because sooner or later you will know who he is through his work.

不管是当下国外一线 Hiphop 艺人,还是 underground 新秀,在 Cash Lee 的 set里你总能听到令人期待又惊喜的声音。作为 theBoringRoom 无聊屋的大将之一, Cash Lee 的从没有停止过diggin的步伐,风格从 HipHop 到现在的Trap,Future Beats 等等越来越多变。光芒渐长的他曾受邀参与了西安本土 HipHop 厂牌 NOUS 大量现场演出,并且现在正在为当今亚洲嘻哈力量Higher Brothers海尔兄弟担任巡演 DJ。

Whether it's a Hiphop artist or a rookie underground, you can always hear an expectant and surprising sound in Cash Lee's set. Cash Lee, one of the doppest players in theBoringRoom's, has never stopped the pace of diggin, from HipHop to Trap, Future Beats, and more and more volatile. Brilliantly, he was invited by NOUS to perform on a large number of live at Xi'an, and is currently working as a DJ and a kind of hip-hop force for High Brothers in Asia today.

AMOEBA MOVEMENT独立音乐活动的发起者,同时也是街头品牌WHOOSIS的创始人,他的音乐徘徊在对互联网文化的审美疲劳和对未来科技的好奇中.通过对自我与网络世界的各层关系的思考一直在不断吞噬着现代俱乐部音乐场景中各种新的声音. 他的混音将破碎的军鼓,WAVE的情感,Grime的律动, 嘻哈的人声,工业环境的噪音拼贴结合逐渐形成自己的风格。 他的set也得到了Airmax97,Murlo,Nkc,Skyshakerlife等国际先锋制作人的肯定,随后开始以一个全新的视角开始观察未来跳舞音乐和现代俱乐部的的景观结构.借此重新思考当中的自我身份,在2018年,ce\\被邀请成为街头品牌Places+faces S.E ASIA TOUR Chengdu After party的DJ,和P+F的Ciesay同台演出。现代俱乐部音乐里重要的不仅仅只是节奏和旋律,还有声音本身,场地本身环境和音响系统,跳不跳舞已经不是检测当代俱乐部音乐的唯一答案了” “无论你是在做街头艺术还是其他形式的东西,你都需要一个平台或者机会去展现自己。”这也是创立WHOOSIS RAODIO的初衷,2017年在自己的品牌WHOOSIS旗下创办了WHOOSIS RADIO,选择了以声音作为主要的社交形式来传播. 通过WHOOSIS RADIO,我们分享各个文化方面的人的想法和经历,无论是视觉,绘画,摄影还是音乐,拥有新鲜的意识是最为重要的,我希望借助这个开放式的平台连接更多新鲜的个体,交互想法,从而创造更多的可能性。

This is also the original intention of establishing WHOOSIS RADIO. In 2017, WHOOSIS RADIO was founded under its brand WHOOSIS and chose to use sound as the main social form to spread. Through WHOOSIS RADIO, we share the ideas and experiences of people in all cultures. Whether it is vision, painting, photography or music, having fresh consciousness is the most important. I hope to use this open platform to connect more fresh individulas ideals and creating more possiblities.


Rapper extraordinaire YoungQueenz is the founder, creative director, and overall mastermind behind WILD$TYLE. Inspired by the lyricism and energy of local rap legend LMF, he started to pen his own lyrics as a teenager. He admits that ever since he started rapping, he felt that this was going to be his life’s destined path. YoungQueenz is able to find artistic inspiration in many things, like the city vibes of Hong Kong, the violence of Takeshi Kitano’s films, and his mentality of having a “huge ego but with super low self-esteem”. Bringing together all of his influences and inspirations.

代表作品:《狮子麒麟凤》 《水原希子 KIKO MIZUHARA 》 《记忆》 《一生悬命》 《人间失格》


WILDSTYLE RECORDS 和 HGLF的一员。NOLY是目前在香港依靠粤语说唱人气上升最快的RAPPER之一。在发布完《GUNGCHI》这张专辑后,NOLY迅速赢得认可并频繁出演于香港各个地下派对。

WILDSTYLE RECORDS and HGLF members. NOLY is currently one of the fastest-growing RAPPER in Hong Kong relying on Cantonese RAPPER. After the release of GUNGCHI, NOLY quickly gained recognition and frequently appeared in underground parties in Hong Kong.

代表作品:《狮子麒麟凤》 《公廁 Gungchi》 《一丿Yat Pit》


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