
English songs『3』——Colorful

2017-09-25 Iris,Esther 英语专业泛读



Welcome to the RSLDing Music World!!小编内心有点小激动呀,因为我今天要告白!!话不多说请戳朋友圈~~~



one day ago 

包子、小花、 晗妹妹、 大大GO、 雅痞 、这里、小太阳 等222个人赞




three hours ago


super junior:借colourful 这歌给你表白!

 So smitten

one minute ago




In fact, today we are going to introduce a special song. Maybe when you want to show your love to someone, you can sing it! 告白歌曲哟~~~

The song ‘colourful’ is recorded by Virginia To Vegas, an American-born Canadian singer and songwriter. 

Colorful这首歌是加拿大歌手Virginia To Vegas唱的哦。


About Virginia To Vegas

Primitive name:Derik John Baker

Birthday:January, 31st, 1990(和贾老板一天哟)

Birthplace:Virginia, USA

他成长在加拿大安大略省的圭尔夫,做过调酒师,度假村经理,导游和厨师在youtube上发过一些视频,并用艺名Virginia To Vegas。被WAX公司发掘并签约成为旗下歌手。

Debut single:his platinum-certified debut single, "We Are Stars", released through Wax Records in January 2014 

Virginia To Vegas在单曲" We Are Stars "中与加拿大女歌手Alyssa Reid首次合作亮相。这首歌在加拿大音乐排行榜上最高达到14位,并获得白金销量认证。也因此他被中国歌迷亲切的称为星哥。

Debut studio album: Utopian, released in December 2016

Famous songs: “We Are Stars”, “Don’t Fight The Music”, “Our Story”

Colourful:in album Vol.1, released in 2014



Something new that you started inside of me

You light me up, 

I feel the fire burning

You take control,

you want to get away

Somewhere private just you and me

In my T-shirt

She’s a beauty queen

Don’t need no make up

She’s my everything,

Tonight she asks what you think of me

Lay back, honestly

Your blue eyes look at me

Your blond hair covers me

Your red lips make you alive

So colourful so beautiful

My whole world was black and white,

Your blue eyes look at me

Your blond hair covers me

Your red lips make you alive

So colourful so beautiful

My whole world was black and white,

I can’t wait to do it right

Your blue eyes making lives so colourful, so beautiful

Something real that I cant bare to lose

You’re my diamond I finally found you

I was searching all of my life

Then I stumbled in the rough and you were mine

Now making me feel like I’m in clouds

Never know love was this loud

Dancing all night to the bass drum

Singing at the top of my lungs

Your blue eyes look at me

Your blond hair covers me

Your red lips make you alive

So colourful so beautiful

My whole world was black and white,

I can’t wait to do it right

Your blue eyes making lives so colourful, so beautiful

(So colourful, so beautiful)

Your blue eyes look at me

Your blond hair covers me

Your red lips make you alive

So colourful so beautiful

My whole world was black and white,

I can’t wait to do it right

Your blue eyes making lives so colourful, so beautiful

So colourful, so beautiful

Your blue eyes making lives so colourful, so beautiful

Interesting thing:The word colourful 's lip-language is ‘I love you’ . There is no “I Love You” in this song, but you can feel that I really love you. 

colourful 一词的唇语是 I love you(我猜你现在肯定嘟嘴在读,是不是在对小编说colourful啊!).更值得说的是,整首歌没有一句我爱你,但依然非(nüè)常(dān)甜(shēn)蜜(gǒu)。可能这就是表达爱的最高级的境界了吧!真的是非常有趣的一首歌。


Your blue eyes look at me

Your blonde hair covers me

Your red lips are making life

So colourful, so beautiful

My whole world was black and white



debut /ˈdeɪbjuː/ 

Meaning: The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording 首次登台

e.g. She made her debut in a 1937 production of "Hamlet."


debut album首张专辑;处女专辑

platinum-certified 白金认证的

白金唱片是唱片销售量的一个指标。在美国唱片销售量超过1000万份即被称为钻石唱片,而认证钻石唱片则是需要一大笔钱的。同样白金唱片标准为100万/一白金;金唱片标准为50万/一金。发行量多少由官方公布,最终实际销售量则由RIAA(美国唱片协会网站)公布。 不过在台湾,由于地域与销售量的悬殊,对于金唱片与白金唱片的定义也有所不同,卖出5万张的专辑就可称为白金唱片。2016年4月鹿晗专辑《Reloaded(重启)获得白金唱片。




