Commune Market is coming to you at Yong Ping Lane on Mother's Day weekend, May 12th-13th, Saturday & Sunday from 11am til 6pm. Stroll through the charming lane streets from Hengshan Lu to Yongjia Lu, where you will find a mix of the city's best local designers, art, unique retail, international culture, popular local gourmands, craft beer and delicious cocktails! Some of Shanghai's rock star chefs will be cooking up delicious food for us all! Eduardo Vargas from COLCA, Arnaud from Au Beurre Salé, Pascal from Styx, the Moody Tongue boys, GARLIC with Turkish grilled meats and veggies, charming àCôté and their Belgium beer, organic veggies from Qimin's very own farm and so much more! While you shop and sample delicious food and drinks, gyspy jazz will be performed live by The Spring Trio and Barefoot Studio to take your photos! Last but not least, there will be surprise Mother's Day gifts for all the amazing Moms! Come on down with friends and family, Commune Market is free entry for all!
康民市集 将会在母亲节的周末在永平里与大家见面了~就在5月的12~13日,周六周日的早晨11点至下午6点。漫步在文艺的衡山路至永嘉路,你会邂逅这个城市最丰富多彩的市集。这里汇集了本土设计师、艺术家、独特的零售、国际文化、最受欢迎的美食、精酿啤酒和美味的鸡尾酒。
上海最当红的一些厨师将会为我们带来最棒的美食。包括来自COLCA餐厅的Eduardo Vargas, Au Beurre Salé的Arnaud, Styx的Pascal以及来自Moody Tongue的帅气男生们。Garlic餐厅将带来他们的土耳其烤肉及蔬菜, 来自àCôté的比利时啤酒, 来自Qimin's自由农场的有机蔬菜等等, 更多美食等你来发现。
当你在享用美食和饮品时,怎能少了音乐,现场将会有吉普赛爵士乐表演,还有Barefoot Studio帮大家照相。当然不能忘记的是我们伟大的妈妈们,我们为所有到访集市的母亲准备了惊喜礼品!
5/12 - 5/13
11am - 6pm
199 Hengshan Lu / near Wulumuqi Lu
Subway Line 1 Hengshan Lu stop exit 4
Designers, Art, Accessories, Crafts
Gourmet Food & Drinks
Eduardo Vargas is one of the most prolific restauranteurs in Shanghai. We are proud to present him as our culinery lead at Commune Market this May. With the pioneering Azul Tapas Lounge, numerous awards and now the popular COLCA serving family style Peruvian food and exotic PISCO cocktails. We can't wait to see what Eduardo will be cooking for us on Mother's Day weekend! Come hungry! // Eduardo Vargas是上海最炙手可热的星厨老板了。我们非常荣幸得邀请他作为5月康民市集的美食总厨。他首创Azul,15年间荣获无数美食大奖。最新的大作当属沪上最热的COLCA秘鲁西班牙餐厅,分享式的火爆全球的南美菜式,以及fPISCO风味鸡尾酒均出自于他手。我们非常开心得看到Eduardo将会在母亲节的周末给大家带来惊喜美食,是不是已经忍不住咽口水了呢?哈哈!
We are a big fan! Taste tested and enthusiastically approved! Au Beurre Salé is by far the best tasting waffle & crepe in Shanghai. Perfectly soft, tender on the inside and crispy on the outside, topped with delicious apple caramel that isn't overly sweet. Total foodie heaven! We are excited to see more of Arnaud the true Belgium and his delicious, authentic creations! // 集美味与可口碑认证的美食上线,吸引无数粉丝奥!配上美味的苹果酱,甜度恰到好处。简直是吃货们的天堂!期待比利时帅哥Arnaud给康民市集粉丝带来更多的创意美食。
Commune Market's favorite beer! Moody Tongue uses a chef's mindset to highlight flavors and aromatics in balanced beers. The beers are created in the same manner a chef would for a dish. // 康民市集最受欢迎的啤酒再次与大家见面!Moody Tongue秉承大厨精神和制作工艺,酿制啤酒的工序丝毫不亚于制作一道美食,因此他们的啤酒极具风味和醇香。
Pascal is the master of skewers, he will be grilling up his stunning "cuisine du Monde" at Commune Market on Mother's Day weekend! // Styx是一个美食传奇的概念体验,帕斯卡邀请大家一起,这个母亲节周末在康民市集品尝并分享无边界的世界美食。
One of the most popular cuisines in the world, simply using pure ingredients cooked to perfection. With great hospitality and service, Garlic is one of our favorite go to dining experiences in Shanghai. // 世界上最完美的佳肴之一就是土耳其美食,他们是以最新鲜,最原味食材烹饪而成。Garlic是在上海最受欢迎的异国餐厅之一噢!
Qimin uses ingredients from its own farm in Kunshan, which has organic certification from OFDC, JONA, OCIA and ECOCERT. All the seasonal vegetables are freshly delivered in the morning. // 齐民市集使用的蔬菜来自拥有OFDC、JONA、OCIA、ECOCERT等的有机认证的昆山自营农场,每日新鲜直送的当季有机蔬菜都是早晨由农场阿姨们亲自采收整理而成的。
The proud sister of the original àCôté in Ferguson Lane, this cozy European eatery will be serving up their best seller "Pizza de Marseilles", grilled meats cooked in a traditional wood fired oven and its home brewed microbrewery at Commune Market. // 同武康庭里的àCôté,这家十分暇意的小披萨店将在康民市集呈现他们的招牌:经典果木明火炉烤出来的“马赛披萨”,还有烤春鸡、烤牛肉、烤海鱼和现场自酿比利时手工啤酒噢!
From a French mother who loves to bake traditional French food for her children. Madeleine will be presenting us with their many delicious, exquisite treats: French breads, pastries and of course, madeleines. // 来自一位热爱为孩子烘培传统法国美食的法国母亲。Madeleine将带给我们纯正的法式面包、新鲜的烘培糕点、精致的玛德莲蛋糕等等。
Sōngmàoyáo ceramic art center is to combine its exquisite Jingdezhen porcelain craft technology with the designs from the internationally renowned design institutions and the world's top ceramic art designers, through the multi-element cross-border activities, domestic and foreign exhibitions and other patterns, based in Shanghai it is to look at the world, create a global ceramic art design and creation platform, shape the international status of Chinese royal art porcelain. // 松茂窑陶瓷艺术体验中心。将松茂窑精湛的景德镇瓷器工艺技术结合来自国际知名设计类院校及全球顶级陶瓷艺术设计师的设计,通过多元跨界活动、国内外展览等模式,立足上海放眼世界,打造全球化陶瓷艺术设计创作平台,塑造中国艺术瓷器的国际地位。