

t 影像学园 2020-02-03


主持者:Soso 【刘元早 铜仁市人民医院放射科】

病例来源于  ACR 网站

Soso 19:58

 Good evening,everyone.I'm very honored to be the host for today's case discussion.

If we are all here, let’s get started.

History :A 38-year-old woman presents with shoulder pain 


Soso 20:02
      1.1Which of the following muscles demonstrate an abnormality in this STIR image obtained at a level inferior to the spine of the scapula? 
      A Subscapularis

      B Infraspinatus

      C Supraspinatus

      D Deltoid
      E Teres minor

杨涛 20:04  b

Soso 20:04  great!  Has who a different answer?

刘飞 20:05  b

雨涟 20:06  B

Soso 20:06  show true key?

雨涟 20:07 up to you


Soso 20:09

n       Question2.1
n       What abnormality is demonstrated by the images shown?
n       A Reverse Hill-Sachs deformity of the humeral head
n       B Biceps tendon peritendinitis
n       C Hemarthrosis
n       D Fibrous tumor
n       E Cystic lesion

彭俊萍 20:10  be

Soso 20:11  single

刘飞 20:11  b?

杨涛 20:11  ce  See the blood signal, but not in joint capsule[抓狂]  c?

Soso 20:14    Has who a different answer?

张恒 20:14   C

刘飞 20:17  answer?

Soso 20:17    Bold


Soso 20:21
n       3.1What is the most common etiology of the abnormality seen on the prior images? 
n       A Fracture
n       B Cervical radiculopathy
n       C Labral tear
n       D Prior infection
n       E Idiopathic


Soso 20:36
n       4.1Which nerve is likely affected in this patient? 
n       A Suprascapular nerve
n       B Axillary nerve
n       C Dorsal scapular nerve
n       D Long thoracic nerve
n       E Infrascapular nerve 

刘飞 20:37  [撇嘴]difficult i guess e

杨涛 20:37    b

Soso 20:39   continue..

雨涟 20:39   e

Soso 20:40    very good;   maybe, U RT


Soso 20:45

Axial T1 fat-suppressed MR arthrogram through the right shoulder demonstrates increased signal in the infraspinatus muscle (red arrow).

Soso 20:46
Axial T1 fat-suppressed MR arthrogram through the right shoulder demonstrates a T1 hypointense lesion (yellow arrow).

Soso 20:48
Axial T2-weighted MR arthrogram through the right shoulder demonstrates that the T1 hypointense lesion is T2 hyperintense, consistent with a cystic lesion (yellow arrow).

Soso 20:50
Coronal T1 fat-suppressed MR arthrogram through the right shoulder demonstrates a tear of the superior labrum (yellow arrow) and the T1 hypointense paralabral cyst (red arrow).

Soso 20:50
Coronal T1-weighted MR arthrogram through the right shoulder demonstrates a tear of the superior labrum (yellow arrow) and the T1 hypointense paralabral cyst (red arrow).

Soso 20:52
Coronal T2-weighted MR arthrogram through the right shoulder demonstrates the T2 hyperintense paralabral cyst (red arrow).


Soso 20:52

Spinoglenoid notch suprascapular nerve entrapment 


Soso 20:53
Case Points

Soso 20:53
Findings of suprascapular nerve entrapment on MR arthrography include edema that may involve the infraspinatous muscle alone or the infraspinatous and the supraspinatus muscles, depending on the location of entrapment. 

Soso 20:53
Different causes for suprascapular nerve entrapment include tumors, paralabral cysts due to labral tears, veins/varicosities, posttraumatic scarring/fractures, or heterotopic calcifications. However, a paralabral cyst is the most common cause. 

Soso 20:53
Treatment of suprascapular nerve entrapment may include percutaneous drainage and steroid injections for symptomatic relief. However, surgical treatment of the cause is required eventually for definitive treatment. 


Soso 20:54

Soso 20:54
The suprascapular nerve provides motor innervation to the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. It also provides sensory innervation to the acromioclavicular and glenohumeral joints. The nerve courses in an anterior-posterior direction above the scapula in the suprascapular notch, where it provides motor innervation to both the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. Distally it then courses through the spinoglenoid notch, where it provides motor innervation to the infraspinatus muscle only. 

Soso 20:55
Suprascapular nerve entrapment syndrome is an uncommon disorder affecting primarily young athletes (mean age 20-40 years old), males more commonly than females, and especially  overhead athletes such as in baseball, tennis, and volleyball players. It was originally described in weightlifters who had shoulder pain and eventually developed weakness and muscle atrophy. A variety of causes may lead to entrapment of the suprascapular nerve along its course. These include tumors, paralabral cysts due to a labral tear, veins/varicosities, posttraumatic scarring/fractures, or even heterotopic calcifications. A paralabral cyst secondary to an anterior-posterior tear of the superior labrum, such as the one presented in this case, is the most common cause of suprascapular nerve entrapment. Depending on where the entrapment occurs, it may affect both the supraspinatus muscle and the infraspinatus muscle, if more proximal in the suprascapular notch. It may affect the infraspinatus muscle only, if entrapment occurs more distally in the spinoglenoid notch. Early findings may be subtle edema in the muscle(s) affected, which is best seen as subtle hyperintense signal within the muscle on MRI fluid-sensitive sequences, such as T2 and STIR sequences. If left untreated, this eventually leads to muscle atrophy and fatty replacement of the muscle(s), best seen as high signal on T1 MR imaging. 

Soso 20:55
Percutaneous drainage and steroid injections may help with the symptoms initially; however, surgical treatment of the cause, which is most commonly a labral tear, is eventually needed for definitive treatment. The differential diagnosis may include brachial neuritis (Parsonage-Turner syndrome) where muscles of the rotator cuff are affected variably, a rotator cuff tear (that would be visualized on MRI), cervical radiculopathy, or a neural tumor. 

Soso 20:56
If there are no other comments, I’d like to wrap this discussion up.



 1909年Ewald描述了一种创伤后肩胛上“神经炎”。1926年,Foster报道了16例有肩胛上神经病变的病例1948年,Parsonage和Turner报道的136例肩痛病例中有4例患肩胛上神经炎。这些就是最早的有关肩胛上神经卡压症的报道1959年,Kopell和Thompson对肩胛上神经在肩胛上切迹部的卡压作了详尽的描述,并称之为肩胛上神经卡压综合征(suprascapular nerve entrapmentSNE)。以后有关肩胛上神经卡压的病例报道逐渐增多。1982年Aiello等报道了SNE在肩胛冈上关节盂切迹处卡压的病例。1987年,Ferretti等报道了排球运动员出现SNE的病例近年来还有有关肩胛下肌萎缩及一些特殊卡压病例的报道。












 1.肩胛骨牵拉试验 令患者将患侧手放置于对侧肩部并使肘部处于水平位使患侧肘部向健侧牵拉可刺激卡压的肩胛上神经诱发肩部疼痛

 2.利多卡因注射局部封闭 于肩胛上切迹压痛点注射1%的利多卡因如果症状迅速缓解有助于肩胛上神经卡压综合征的诊断

 3.肌电检查 肌电检查和神经传导速度检查有助于肩胛上神经卡压综合征的诊断Khaliki发现肩胛上神经卡压综合征患者诱发电位潜伏期延长冈上肌肌电可出现正向波纤颤波以及运动电位减少或消失

 4.X线检查 使肩胛骨在后前位X线片上向尾部倾斜15°~30°以检查肩胛上切迹的形态有助于诊断



 1.基本要求 肩胛上神经卡压的治疗仍以手术松解为主保守治疗如休息理疗止痛药物的应用以及局部封闭治疗也可选用对以创伤或牵拉引起的肩胛上神经损伤早期可保守治疗如为明确的慢性卡压应早期手术治疗进行神经松解及肩胛上切迹扩大术

 2.手术疗法 肩胛上神经卡压松解术常采用三种入路:后入路前入路和颈部入路后入路是最常用的手术入路手术步骤如下:

 (1)麻醉与切口: ①麻醉:全身麻醉取侧卧位 ②切口:从肩峰开始沿肩胛冈向内侧延长至肩胛骨的脊柱缘长约250px(图1)




