
小猪佩奇04期:Peppa pig--The Library

2017-11-28 原著共读

为了让孩子有更多的途径接触原版英语视频材料,提高孩子的听力和语感,“原著共读”推出5分钟的英文睡前小故事--Peppa pig(小猪佩奇--风靡全球的粉红小猪妹,最受小朋友们喜欢的英文动画短片),睡前看一看,顺便学一两句英文,再美美的进入梦乡,What a wonderful day!

04期视频  (往下拉有英文旁白)

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1. I may have borrowed this book for a bit too long.


2. It cannot be that bad.


3. Daddy Pig you've had this book out for ten years!



1. have borrowed  “已经借” 现在完成时,表示已经发生过的事情。

2. cannot be  对事情的猜测,意为“不可能”。

3. for ten years   for后面加一段时间,指持续了多长时间。


Than man cannot be Jack, he has gone to London.

那个男人不可能是杰克, 他去了伦敦了。

Ms Liu has teached English for eight years.




The Library

It is bed time.

Good night Peppa, good night George.

Can I have a story, please?

Ok. I will read you the Red Monkey book.

But we always have that one,

the Red Monkey has a bath,

cleans his teeth and goes proceed.

Eh …yes,can we do another story.

the blue tiger, the green spider,

the orange penguin, oh what’s this one?

The wonderful world of concrete.

I’ve been looking for that!

Is it your book Daddy?

It’s a book I borrowed from the library

What’s the library

It’s a place you borrow books from

and when you finish

reading them, you take them back.

But daddy pig has

forgotten to take this book back.

I have had it for rather a long time.

Never mind,you can take it back

tomorrow, but now it’s bed time.

After Dad reads this story.

It’s not much of the story, Peppa

please read it, daddy.

Ok. The wonderful world of concrete.

Concrete is a construction

material composed of sand,

water and chemical

admixtures. Chapter one, sand.

Peppa, George and

Mommy Pig have fallen asleep.

It is the morning, Peppa and her

family have come to the library

Wow what’s a lot of books

Peppa you

must be quiet in the library.Why ?

Because people come

here to read and to be quiet.

Next please!

Miss rabbit is the librarian.

Hello Mommy Pig, are

you returning these books?

Yes, Miss Rabbit.

Right you are.

Why is the computer beeping?

It’s checking to see that you haven’t been

naughty in borrowing the book for too long.

I may have borrowed

this book for a bit too long.

Don’t worry, Daddy Pig,

it cannot be that bad.

Gosh, Daddy Pig you’ve had

this book out for ten years!

Naughty daddy!Sorry Miss rabbit.

That’s all right,now

you can borrow another book.

Miss rabbit, can George

and I borrow a book please?

Yes, the children section is over here.

Oh look, fairies, flowers, pretty dresses …

Hello Peppa,Hello, Danny.

I am borrowing book about football

Hello, Peppa!

Hello, Suzy!

I got a book about nursing.

George has chosen a book

about dinosaurs.Dinosaur, gee!

Look what I’ve found, Further

Adventures in the World of Concrete!

Here is a red monkey book.

Not the red monkey book. It’s boring!

But this is a different story.

It might be more fun.

I bet it’s not.

Once upon a time ,

there was a red monkey.

Oh. He had a bath,

 cleaned his teeth and went to bed.

No, he jumped into a

space rocket and went to the moon.

He had a picnic with the dinosaur,

swam under the sea

and climbed the highest mountain.

That was a busy day. The end.

Wow! Read it again.

We can borrow it

 andread it at home, Peppa.

But I was going to

choose this book or this one.

You can take three

books home if you want, Peppa.


But you must remember

to bring them back on time.

Yes, Miss Rabbit.

And you must remember

to bring your book back, too, Daddy pig.

I’ll make sure daddy remembers.

Yes Peppa .I’m sure you will. Ho ho.



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