

2017-12-17 从学英语 原著共读

BBC news with Jonathan Izard.

Jonathan Izard为您报道BBC新闻。

Egypt's armed forces said they had launched air strikes against the militants they believed carried out the Friday's attack on the Mosque in Sinai, which killed at least 235 worshipers. They say they hit the vehicles used by the gunmen.


The U.N say 4 peacekeepers have been killed in two separate assaults in Mali. It's unclear whether the attacks were coordinated. Several extremist groups operate in the country, all of them linked to Al-qaeda.


The Argentine president Mauricio Macri says he has ordered the thorough investigation into what happened to a navy submarine disappeared more than a week ago in the south Atlantic. The vessel apparently suffered an explosion.

阿根廷总统毛里西奥·马克里(Mauricio Macri)表示,他已下令彻底调查两周多以前一艘海军潜艇在大西洋南部失踪的事件。这艘潜艇很明显遭遇了爆炸。

Turkey says United States has agreed to stop supplying arms to the Kurdish militia group WPG, following a phone call between president Erdogan and Trump. The White House said it was adjusting military support to partners on the ground in Syria. The WPG has led the fight against Islamic militants. But Turkey see it as a terror group.


The U.N migration agency says since the year 2000, more than 33,000 people have drown in the mediterranean as they attempted to reach Europe. The international organization for migration says the death makes the European mediterranean border by far the world's deadliest frontier for migrants.


The Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for the deep harm suffered for decades by thousands indigenous children at state-run residential schools in Newfoundland and Labrador.They were forced to give up their families, language and culture. Many said they were abused.

加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)为纽芬兰与拉布拉多省国立居民学校数千名土著儿童数十年来遭受的深深伤害表示道歉。他们被迫放弃了自己的家人,语言和文化。许多人表示他们被虐待了。

And international study into suicide in prison says there is no clear link with overcrowding. It concluded the best way to reduce suicide will be to improve access to psychiatric care and social welfare.


The Mexican government has created a marine reserve around the chain of 4 volcanic islands off the country's Pacific coast. The U.N recognized the Archipelago as world's heritage site last year. It's home to hundreds of species, animals and plants.


BBC news.


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