
WeChat ID Readinenglish Intro 英语原著阅读平台,主推英语学习资料,服务英语考试,推广英语阅读!阅读,与书同行;悦读,以书为友! 往期合集 VOA慢速一暑期电影或是奥斯卡有力竞争者 VOA慢速-What Effect Will Cuts to UN Peacekeeping Have? 慢速英语  | 大批委内瑞拉难民引巴西头大 慢速英语 | 青少年准备通过培训成为助理护士 VOA慢-特朗普威胁对反对耶路撒冷投票的联合国成员国取消援助 VOA慢速-Refugee Students Help Those in Need This Holiday Season 慢速英语 | 华盛顿州某列车脱轨致多人死亡 VOA慢速-New Indian Retirement Community in California VOA慢速-Civil War Leads South Sudan Closer to Starvation 慢速英语 | 加利福尼亚的新印度退休社区 慢速英语 | 美国批准一种罕见失明症的基因疗法 慢速英语 | 博茨瓦纳求助于训练有素的狗来保护野生动物 慢速英语 | 制裁副作用凸显:多名朝鲜人逃往韩国 慢速英语 | 联合国决议否决了美国关于耶路撒冷的决定 VOA慢速-Restaurants to Offer Free Food from Leftovers VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):3D技术进军餐饮行业 慢速英语 | 你会如何敲响新年的钟声? Gun violence is a reality of American life. Across the country, at least 12 people were shot to death on the first day of 2018. A shooting can happen anywhere: in homes, businesses, on the street, and in schools. There were nine school shootings in the United States in 2017. They left 15 people dead and 18 others wounded. Now, a new simulation 模拟 program is designed to help keep teachers and students safe from a shooter. The program is like a million other video games available. But this one is not really a game. It is meant to let the user experience what happens when a gunman enters a school. This simulation is difficult to watch, but the programmers say it can save lives. The simulator is a project of the United States Army and Department of Homeland Security. The program is available through an online training program called EDGE. That is short for the Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment. Bob Walker works as EDGE project manager. He says the simulation lets teachers choose and test several plans of action for dealing with a gunman. Walker provided an example: the mass shooting at the Virginia Polytechnic 理工学院 Institute and State University in 2007. Thirty-two students and teachers died in the attack. Some Virginia Tech teachers found setting up barriers behind doors worked very well. "So this gives school districts the ability to try out different things, see what works for their given environment." The goal is to give teachers, administrators, and even police a chance to virtually 实际上 walk through an active shooter event at a school. Tamara Griffith works at the Army Research Laboratory. "So, experience builds survivability. The more experience you have, the better your chances of survival are. Griffith adds that the simulation helps users prepare for an attack. She says they can have different experiences, and see what works and what doesn’t work.” Griffith helped to develop the simulator. She says creating the program was difficult for everyone involved. She says the group sat down and listened to police dispatch 派遣;发送;电讯;快速处理 tapes from earlier shootings. She says they were frightened when they thought about what was happening during those attacks. But their goal was to better prepare law enforcement officers and others who have to deal with shootings. The shooters, children and administrator in the game operate using artificial intelligence 人工智能. This enables the programmers to test different safety methods to see how they work. The simulation is shocking and unpleasant. But the programmers say they are doing their best to prepare teachers for the worst that might happen. Tamara Griffith agrees. "We can prevent a lot of these deaths. We can prepare people better. We can make this a safer environment if we can get this into the hands of the right people." The program is already being used to train some emergency crews in the United States. The Army Research Lab plans to make a school version available soon, without cost to users. I’m Jonathan Evans. simulation – n. something that is made to look or behave like something else virtually – adj. involving an experience provided by a computer program; a world of images and sounds made by a computer artificial intelligence – n. the ability of computers to copy human behavior, such as making decisions or offering suggestion 往期精选: 英文版《乡愁》:从此以后,我们在这头,你在那头 假期巨献:中英双语纪录片《鸟瞰中国》,超美! 英文版《出师表》,史诗感爆棚! 史上最全的英式、美式英语对比图 - 美国政府用20张漫画总结了英音美音的区别! 为什么你说的英语,让别人不喜欢你? 2分钟视频,看看比尔·盖茨是如何读书的! 如何用英语优雅地吐槽别人?李小龙英文面试视频曝光,满满的男神范,简直帅到爆! 衡水中学最牛班主任:我只教8个方法,一半学生考进清华北大 130道动词填空题,玩转2018中考英语90%语法!(含答案) 期中考后班主任提醒:孩子做错题,真正的原因不是粗心,而是这4点! 【英语方法】短文改错看不出错儿?万能公式和答题口诀来了! 9类过渡词、30组同义表达,玩转2018中考英语写作! 涨姿势:80句让你赞不绝口的双语谚语(收藏贴) 回复:绘本 免费领 | 100本最适合亲子阅读的经典绘本! 回复:老鼠 免费分享 | 86 Books 老鼠记者 电子书azw3+epub+PDF 回复:鹅妈妈 免费分享 | 最经典最全版鹅妈妈童谣合集(MP3+歌词) 回复:百科  免费资源领取 / 国家地理儿童百科 回复:安东尼 免费领/安东尼·布朗和他的绘本作品 回复: 迪士尼 免费领/迪士尼启蒙英语Disney Initiation  English共11碟(rmvb+双语字幕) 回复:卡由 免费领/【美音】英语启蒙动画片《卡由》(Caillou)共57大集(228小集) 回复:乔治与玛莎 免费领/George And Martha乔治与玛莎(PDF绘本+MP3音频) 回复:奥数 免费领 | 小学1-6年级《学而思》奥数完整教材,价值上万元的全套课程! 回复:贝贝熊 免费领/贝贝熊The Berenstain Bears(绘本+音频+动画) 回复:巴布 免费领/动画片《巴布工程师》Bob the builder共21集(中英双语可调+字幕) 回复:小猪小象 免费领丨小猪小象所有绘本+音频+视频集锦来了~下一套绝不吃亏! 回复:大象 免费领 | 花格子大象Elmer the Patchwork Elephant(英文版 共10本书) 回复:小考拉 免费领 | Penelope蓝色小考拉全网最全35集 (带srt英文字幕) 回复:人教版英语 免费领 |全套人教版英语(美籍教师教学片)(含小学一至六年级) 回复:领取英语资料  免费领| 从零基础到专业八级,500份英语资料免费送! 原著阅读群 Reward 长按二维码向我转账 受苹果公司新规定影响,微信 iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。 Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

