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b.必需确认患者是原发性全身性淀粉样变性,而不是遗传性淀粉样变性、老年性淀粉样变性或继发性淀粉样变性。 应使用免疫组织化学或质谱法确认淀粉样沉积物由轻链组成。 如果κ和λ染色为阴性,应进行转甲状腺素蛋白或血清淀粉样蛋白A的免疫组化检查。
c.鉴定血清或尿液中的轻链而不确认组织中的淀粉样蛋白组成是不够的,因为具有其他形式的淀粉样变性的患者可能具有不相关的单克隆丙种球蛋白病(MGUS)。Lachmann HJ, Booth DR, Booth SE, et al. Misdiagnosis of hereditary amyloidosis as AL (primary) amyloidosis. N Engl J Med 2002;346:1786-1791.
d.刚果红对淀粉样变染色,但 刚果染色不区分淀粉样蛋白的类型。
临床结果和初始治疗 (AMYL-2)
e.参见基于淀粉样变性共识标准的器官受侵定义 (AMYL-B)和器官和血液学缓解和进展标准的定义(AMYL-C)。
Skinner M, Sanchorawala V, Seldin D, etal. High-dose melphalan and autologous stem-cell transplantation in patients with AL amyloidosis: an 8-year study. Ann Intern Med 2004;140:85-93.
Gertz MA, Lacy MQ, Dispenzieri A, etal. Risk-adjusted manipulation of melphalan dose before stem cell transplantation in patients with amyloidosis is associated with a lower response rate. Bone Marrow Transplant 2004;34:1025-1031.
Perfetti V, Siena S, Palladini G, etal. Long-term results of a risk-adapted approach to melphalan conditioning in autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for primary (AL) amyloidosis. Haematologica 2006;91:1635-1643.
►Venner CP, Lane T, Foard D, etal. Cyclophosphamide, bortezomib, and dexamethasone therapy in AL amyloidosis is associated with high clonal response rates and prolonged progression-free survival. Blood 2012;119:4387-4390.
►Mikhael JR, Schuster SR, Jimenez-Zepeda VH, etal. Cyclophosphamide-bortezomib-dexamethasone (CyBorD) produces rapid and complete hematologic response in patients with AL amyloidosis. Blood 2012;119:4391-4394.
►Reece DE, Hegenbart U, Sanchorawala V, etal. Efficacy and safety of once-weekly and twice-weekly bortezomib in patients with relapsed systemic AL amyloidosis: results of a phase ½ study. Blood 2011;118:865-873.
►Kastritis E, Wechalekar AD, Dimopoulos MA, etal. Bortezomib with or without dexamethasone in primary systemic (light chain) amyloidosis. J Clin Oncol 2010;28:1031-1037.
►Singh V, Saad A, Palmer J, etal. Response to bortezomib based induction therapy in newly diagnosed light chain (AL) amyloidosis [abstract]. Blood 2009;114: Abstract 1867.
►Lamm W, Willenbacher W, Lang A, etal. Efficacy of the combination of bortezomib and dexamethasone in systemic AL amyloidosis. Ann Hematol
►Reece DE, Sanchorawala V, Hegenbart U, etal. Weekly and twice-weekly bortezomib in patients with systemic AL amyloidosis: results of a phase 1 dose-escalation study. Blood 2009;114:1489-1497.
►Gasparetto C, Sanchorawala V, Snyder RM, etal. Use of melphalan (M)/dexamethasone (D)/bortezomib in AL amyloidosis [abstract]. J Clin Oncol 2010;28:Abstract 8024.
►Wechalekar AD, Goodman HJ, Lachmann HJ, etal. Safety and efficacy of risk-adapted cyclophosphamide, thalidomide, and dexamethasone in systemic AL amyloidosis. Blood 2007;109:457-464. Wechalekar AD, Goodman HJ, Lachmann HJ, etal. Safety and efficacy of risk-adapted cyclophosphamide, thalidomide, and dexamethasone in systemic AL amyloidosis. Blood 2007;109:457-464.
►Skinner M, Sanchorawala V, Seldin D, etal. High-dose melphalan and autologous stem-cell transplantation in patients with AL amyloidosis: an 8-year study. Ann Intern Med 2004;140:85-93.
►Gertz MA, Lacy MQ, Dispenzieri A, etal. Risk-adjusted manipulation of melphalan dose before stem cell transplantation in patients with amyloidosis is associated with a lower response rate. Bone Marrow Transplant 2004;34:1025-1031.
►Perfetti V, Siena S, Palladini G, etal. Long-term results of a risk-adapted approach to melphalan conditioning in autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for primary (AL) amyloidosis. Haematologica 2006;91:1635-1643.
►D'Souza A, Dispenzieri A, Wirk B, etal. Improved outcomes after autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation for light chain amyloidosis: A center for international blood and marrow transplant research study. J Clin Oncol 2015;33:3741-3749.
►Dispenzieri A, Seenithamby K, Lacy MQ, etal. Patients with immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation have superior outcomes compared with patients with multiple myeloma: a retrospective review from a tertiary referral center. Bone Marrow Transplant 2013;48:1302-1307.
►Kumar SK, Hayman SR, Buadi FK, etal. Lenalidomide, cyclophosphamide, and dexamethasone (CRd) for light-chain amyloidosis: long-term results from a phase 2 trial. Blood 2012;119:4860-4867.
►Palladini G, Russo P, Milani P, etal. A phase II trial of cyclophosphamide, lenalidomide and dexamethasone in previously treated patients with AL amyloidosis. Haematologica. 2013;98(3):433-436.
►Sanchorawala V, Wright D, Rosenzweig M, etal. Lenalidomide and dexamethasone in the treatment of AL amyloidosis: results of a phase 2 trial. Blood 2007;109:492-496.
►Dispenzieri A, Lacy M, Zeldenrust S, etal. The activity of lenalidomide with or without dexamethasone in patients with primary systemic amyloidosis. Blood 2007;109:465-470.
►Dispenzieri A, Lacy M, Zeldenrust S, etal. Long term follow-up of patients with immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis treated with lenalidomide and dexamethasone [abstract] Blood 2008;112: Abstract 1737.
►Palladini G, Russo P, Nuvolone M, etal. Treatment with oral melphalan plus dexamethasone produces long-term remissions in AL amyloidosis. Blood 2007;110:787-788.
►Jaccard A, Leblond V, Royer B, etal. Autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) versus oral melphalan and high-dose dexamethasone in patients with AL (primary) amyloidosis: long term follow-up of the French multicentric randomized trial [abstract]. Blood 2010;116: Abstract 1344.
►Dispenzieri A, Buadi F, Laumann K, etal. Activity of pomalidomide in patients with immunoglobulin light-chain amyloidosis. Blood 2012;119:5397-5404.
►Palladini G, Perfetti V, Perlini S, etal. The combination of thalidomide and intermediate-dose dexamethasone is an effective but toxic treatment for patients with primary amyloidosis (AL). Blood 2005;105:2949-2951.
基于淀粉样变性共识标准的器官受侵定义 *(AMYL-B)
受累器官 | 诊断标准 |
肾 | 24 h尿蛋白定量 > 0.5 g/d,以白蛋白为主 |
心脏 | 心脏超声平均心室壁厚度>12 mm,排除其他心脏疾病;或在没有肾功能不全及心房颤动时NT-proBNP>332 ng/L |
肝 | 无心衰时肝上下径(肝叩诊时锁骨中线上量得的肝上界到肝下界的距离)>15 cm,或碱性磷酸酶大于正常值上限的1.5倍 |
神经系统 | 外周神经:临床出现对称性的双下肢感觉运动神经病变 自主神经:胃排空障碍,假性梗阻,非器官浸润导致的排泄功能紊乱 |
胃肠道 | 直接活检证实并有相关症状 |
肺 | 直接活检证实并有相关症状;影像学提示肺间质病变 |
软组织 | 舌增大,关节病变、跛行、皮肤病变、肌病(活检或假性肥大)、淋巴结、腕管综合征 |
Gertz M and Merlini G. Definition of organ involvement and response to treatment in AL amyloidosis: an updated consensus opinion [abstract]. Amyloid 2010 17(Suppl 1):48-49. (Abstract CP-B).
*经许可改编自 John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Gertz M, Comenzo R, Fermand JP, etal. Definition of organ involvement and treatment response in immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis (AL): a consensus opinion from the 10th International Symposium on Amyloid and Amyloidosis, Tours, France,18-22 April 2004. Am J Hematol 2005 79:319-328. Copyright (2005).
表2: 器官缓解和进展标准
器官 | 缓解 | 进展 |
心脏 | NT-proBNP下降(对于基线 ≥ 650 ng/L的患者,下降>30%且>300 ng/L),或NYHA分级改善(基线NYHA分级为3级或4级的患者,分级下降≥2) | NT-proBNP升高(>30%且>300 ng/L)a或肌钙蛋白升高(≥33%)或射血分数下降(≥10%) |
肾 | 尿蛋白定量下降达50%(至少0.5 g/d)(治疗前尿蛋白定量需>0.5 g/d)。肌酐和肌酐清除率相较于基线恶化< 25% | 尿蛋白定量增加50%(至少1 g/d)或肌酐或肌酐清除率相较于基线恶化 > 25% |
肝 | 碱性磷酸酶下降50%以上。肝减小至少2cm | 碱性磷酸酶升高50%以上 |
外周神经 | 肌电图提示神经传导速率改善(罕见) | 肌电图或神经传导速率提示病变进 |
缩写:NT-proBNP,N端脑钠肽前体; cTn,心肌肌钙蛋白; NYHA,纽约心脏协会。 注:a.肾功能逐渐恶化的患者不能对NT-proBNP进展评分。 |
缓解程度 | 标准 |
CR | 轻链绝对值及比值正常,血/尿免疫固定电泳阴性 |
VGPR | dFLC下降至<40 mg/L |
PR | dFLC下降 > 50% |
无反应 | 未达到PR |
进展 | 若达到CR,可检测到M蛋白或轻链比值异常(轻链绝对值必须翻倍) 若达到PR,血M蛋白增加50%至>5g/L或尿M蛋白增加50%至>200mg/d(必须出现可见的峰) 轻链增加50%至>100mg/L |
注:CR:完全缓解;VGPR:理想的部分缓解;PR:部分缓解;dFLC:血清受累轻链和非受累轻链差值 |
*经Macmillan Publishers Ltd许可转载:Comenzo RL, Reece D, Palladini G, etal. Consensus guidelines for the conduct and reporting of clinical trials in systemic light-chain amyloidosis. Leukemia 2012;26:2317-2325. Copyright (2012).